A given system can now have up to 1000 members. Within 50 members of that limit, a warning will display whenever a new member is created via the bot. Once the limit is reached, a final warning will appear indicating that no additional members can be created unless members are first deleted. Attempting to create a new member at that point by any method will result in an error message indicating that the limit has been reached. Respecting this in pk;import required some restructuring to tease apart which members already exist and which ones need to be created prior to creating any members as it seems preferable to fail early and give the user the ability to intervene rather than pushing the system to the member cap and requiring manual deletion of "lower priority" members before others can be created. One consequence of the restructure is that existing members are being read in bulk which is a performance improvement of 25-70% depending on how many switches need to be imported (the more members you have, the more noticeable this is).
84 lines
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84 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using Humanizer;
using NodaTime;
using PluralKit.Core;
namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public static class Errors {
// TODO: is returning constructed errors and throwing them at call site a good idea, or should these be methods that insta-throw instead?
// or should we just like... go back to inlining them? at least for the one-time-use commands
public static PKError NotOwnSystemError => new PKError($"You can only run this command on your own system.");
public static PKError NotOwnMemberError => new PKError($"You can only run this command on your own member.");
public static PKError NoSystemError => new PKError("You do not have a system registered with PluralKit. To create one, type `pk;system new`.");
public static PKError ExistingSystemError => new PKError("You already have a system registered with PluralKit. To view it, type `pk;system`. If you'd like to delete your system and start anew, type `pk;system delete`, or if you'd like to unlink this account from it, type `pk;unlink`.");
public static PKError MissingMemberError => new PKSyntaxError("You need to specify a member to run this command on.");
public static PKError SystemNameTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"System name too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxSystemNameLength} characters).");
public static PKError SystemTagTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"System tag too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxSystemTagLength} characters).");
public static PKError DescriptionTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Description too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxDescriptionLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberNameTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Member name too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberPronounsTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Member pronouns too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberLimitReachedError => new PKError($"System has reached the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}). Please delete unused members first in order to create new ones.");
public static PKError InvalidColorError(string color) => new PKError($"\"{color.SanitizeMentions()}\" is not a valid color. Color must be in 6-digit RGB hex format (eg. #ff0000).");
public static PKError BirthdayParseError(string birthday) => new PKError($"\"{birthday.SanitizeMentions()}\" could not be parsed as a valid date. Try a format like \"2016-12-24\" or \"May 3 1996\".");
public static PKError ProxyMustHaveText => new PKSyntaxError("Example proxy message must contain the string 'text'.");
public static PKError ProxyMultipleText => new PKSyntaxError("Example proxy message must contain the string 'text' exactly once.");
public static PKError MemberDeleteCancelled => new PKError($"Member deletion cancelled. Stay safe! {Emojis.ThumbsUp}");
public static PKError AvatarServerError(HttpStatusCode statusCode) => new PKError($"Server responded with status code {(int) statusCode}, are you sure your link is working?");
public static PKError AvatarFileSizeLimit(long size) => new PKError($"File size too large ({size.Bytes().ToString("#.#")} > {Limits.AvatarFileSizeLimit.Bytes().ToString("#.#")}), try shrinking or compressing the image.");
public static PKError AvatarNotAnImage(string mimeType) => new PKError($"The given link does not point to an image{(mimeType != null ? $" ({mimeType.SanitizeMentions()})" : "")}. Make sure you're using a direct link (ending in .jpg, .png, .gif).");
public static PKError AvatarDimensionsTooLarge(int width, int height) => new PKError($"Image too large ({width}x{height} > {Limits.AvatarDimensionLimit}x{Limits.AvatarDimensionLimit}), try resizing the image.");
public static PKError UserHasNoAvatar => new PKError("The given user has no avatar set.");
public static PKError InvalidUrl(string url) => new PKError($"The given URL is invalid.");
public static PKError AccountAlreadyLinked => new PKError("That account is already linked to your system.");
public static PKError AccountNotLinked => new PKError("That account isn't linked to your system.");
public static PKError AccountInOtherSystem(PKSystem system) => new PKError($"The mentioned account is already linked to another system (see `pk;system {system.Hid}`).");
public static PKError UnlinkingLastAccount => new PKError("Since this is the only account linked to this system, you cannot unlink it (as that would leave your system account-less). If you would like to delete your system, use `pk;system delete`.");
public static PKError MemberLinkCancelled => new PKError("Member link cancelled.");
public static PKError MemberUnlinkCancelled => new PKError("Member unlink cancelled.");
public static PKError SameSwitch(ICollection<PKMember> members)
if (members.Count == 0) return new PKError("There's already no one in front.");
if (members.Count == 1) return new PKError($"Member {members.First().Name.SanitizeMentions()} is already fronting.");
return new PKError($"Members {string.Join(", ", members.Select(m => m.Name.SanitizeMentions()))} are already fronting.");
public static PKError DuplicateSwitchMembers => new PKError("Duplicate members in member list.");
public static PKError SwitchMemberNotInSystem => new PKError("One or more switch members aren't in your own system.");
public static PKError InvalidDateTime(string str) => new PKError($"Could not parse '{str.SanitizeMentions()}' as a valid date/time. Try using a syntax such as \"May 21, 12:30 PM\" or \"3d12h\" (ie. 3 days, 12 hours ago).");
public static PKError SwitchTimeInFuture => new PKError("Can't move switch to a time in the future.");
public static PKError NoRegisteredSwitches => new PKError("There are no registered switches for this system.");
public static PKError SwitchMoveBeforeSecondLast(ZonedDateTime time) => new PKError($"Can't move switch to before last switch time ({Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(time)}), as it would cause conflicts.");
public static PKError SwitchMoveCancelled => new PKError("Switch move cancelled.");
public static PKError SwitchDeleteCancelled => new PKError("Switch deletion cancelled.");
public static PKError TimezoneParseError(string timezone) => new PKError($"Could not parse timezone offset {timezone.SanitizeMentions()}. Offset must be a value like 'UTC+5' or 'GMT-4:30'.");
public static PKError InvalidTimeZone(string zoneStr) => new PKError($"Invalid time zone ID '{zoneStr.SanitizeMentions()}'. To find your time zone ID, use the following website: <https://xske.github.io/tz>");
public static PKError TimezoneChangeCancelled => new PKError("Time zone change cancelled.");
public static PKError AmbiguousTimeZone(string zoneStr, int count) => new PKError($"The time zone query '{zoneStr.SanitizeMentions()}' resulted in **{count}** different time zone regions. Try being more specific - e.g. pass an exact time zone specifier from the following website: <https://xske.github.io/tz>");
public static PKError NoImportFilePassed => new PKError("You must either pass an URL to a file as a command parameter, or as an attachment to the message containing the command.");
public static PKError InvalidImportFile => new PKError("Imported data file invalid. Make sure this is a .json file directly exported from PluralKit or Tupperbox.");
public static PKError ImportCancelled => new PKError("Import cancelled.");
public static PKError MessageNotFound(ulong id) => new PKError($"Message with ID '{id}' not found. Are you sure it's a message proxied by PluralKit?");
public static PKError DurationParseError(string durationStr) => new PKError($"Could not parse '{durationStr.SanitizeMentions()}' as a valid duration. Try a format such as `30d`, `1d3h` or `20m30s`.");
public static PKError FrontPercentTimeInFuture => new PKError("Cannot get the front percent between now and a time in the future.");
public static PKError GuildNotFound(ulong guildId) => new PKError($"Guild with ID {guildId} not found.");
public static PKError DisplayNameTooLong(string displayName, int maxLength) => new PKError(
$"Display name too long ({displayName.Length} > {maxLength} characters). Use a shorter display name, or shorten your system tag.");
public static PKError ProxyNameTooShort(string name) => new PKError($"The webhook's name, `{name.SanitizeMentions()}`, is shorter than two characters, and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name or use a longer system tag.");
public static PKError ProxyNameTooLong(string name) => new PKError($"The webhook's name, {name.SanitizeMentions()}, is too long ({name.Length} > {Limits.MaxProxyNameLength} characters), and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name or use a shorter system tag.");
} |