
168 lines
7.1 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import type { Writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { Row, Col, Input, Button, Label, Alert, Spinner, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody } from 'sveltestrap';
import { getContext, tick } from 'svelte';
import type { Group } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
import { autoresize } from 'svelte-textarea-autoresize';
const descriptions: string[] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-config"))?.description_templates;
let loading: boolean = false;
let success = false;
export let group: Group;
export let editMode: boolean;
$: groups = getContext<Writable<Group[]>>("groups")
let err: string[] = [];
let input: Group = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(group));
async function submit() {
let data = input;
err = [];
success = false;
if (data.color && !/^#?[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/.test(input.color)) {
err.push(`"${data.color}" is not a valid color, the color must be a 6-digit hex code. (example: #ff0000)`);
} else if (data.color) {
if (data.color.startsWith("#")) {
data.color = input.color.slice(1, input.color.length);
// trim all string fields
Object.keys(data).forEach(k => data[k] = typeof data[k] == "string" ? data[k].trim() : data[k]);
err = err;
if (err.length > 0) return;
loading = true;
try {
let res = await api().groups({data});
const newgroup = {, ...res};
const newList = $ Group) => {
if (group.uuid === g.uuid) {
g = newgroup
return g
err = [];
editMode = false;
} catch (error) {
err = err;
loading = false;
let deleteOpen: boolean = false;
const toggleDeleteModal = () => deleteOpen = !deleteOpen;
let deleteInput: string;
let deleteErr: string;
async function submitDelete() {
deleteErr = null;
if (!deleteInput) {
deleteErr = "Please type out the group ID.";
if (deleteInput.trim().toLowerCase() !== {
deleteErr = "This group's ID does not match the provided ID.";
loading = true;
try {
await api().groups(;
deleteErr = null;
loading = false;
const newList = $groups.filter((g: Group) => group.uuid !== g.uuid)
} catch (error) {
loading = false;
async function focus(el) {
await tick();
{#each err as error}
<Alert fade={false} color="danger">{@html error}</Alert>
{#if success}
<Alert fade={false} color="success">Group information updated!</Alert>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={} maxlength={100} type="text" placeholder={} aria-label="group name" />
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Display name:</Label>
<textarea class="form-control" style="resize: none; height: 1em" bind:value={input.display_name} maxlength={100} placeholder={group.display_name} aria-label="group display name"/>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Col xs={9}>
<Input type="text" bind:value={input.color} aria-label="group color value"/>
<Input class="p-0 w-100" on:change={(e) => input.color =, 7)} type="color" aria-label="color picker" />
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Icon url:</Label>
<Input bind:value={input.icon} maxlength={256} type="url" placeholder={group.icon} aria-label="group icon url"/>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Banner url:</Label>
<Input bind:value={input.banner} maxlength={256} type="url" placeholder={group.banner} aria-label="group banner url"/>
<div class="my-2">
<b>Description:</b><br />
{#if descriptions.length > 0 && descriptions[0].trim() != ""}
<Button size="sm" class="my-2" color="primary" on:click={() => input.description = descriptions[0]} aria-label="use template 1">Template 1</Button>
{#if descriptions.length > 1 && descriptions[1].trim() != ""}
<Button size="sm" class="my-2" color="primary" on:click={() => input.description = descriptions[1]} aria-label="use template 2">Template 2</Button>
{#if descriptions.length > 2 && descriptions[2].trim() != ""}
<Button size="sm" class="my-2" color="primary" on:click={() => input.description = descriptions[2]} aria-label="use template 3">Template 3</Button>
<textarea class="form-control" bind:value={input.description} maxlength={1000} use:autoresize placeholder={group.description} aria-label="group description"/>
<span class="text-center d-block mb-2 mb-lg-1" >({input.description ? input.description.length : 0} / 1000 characters)</span>
{#if !loading}<Button style="flex: 0" color="primary" on:click={submit} aria-label="submit edits">Submit</Button> <Button style="flex: 0" color="secondary" on:click={() => editMode = false} aria-label="cancel edits">Back</Button><Button style="flex: 0; float: right;" color="danger" on:click={toggleDeleteModal} aria-label="delete group">Delete</Button>
{:else}<Button style="flex: 0" color="primary" disabled aria-label="submit edits"><Spinner size="sm"/></Button> <Button style="flex: 0" color="secondary" disabled aria-label="cancel edits">Back</Button><Button style="flex: 0; float: right;" color="danger" disabled aria-label="delete group">Delete</Button>{/if}
<Modal size="lg" isOpen={deleteOpen} toggle={toggleDeleteModal}>
<ModalHeader toggle={toggleDeleteModal}>
Delete group
{#if deleteErr}<Alert color="danger">{deleteErr}</Alert>{/if}
<Label>If you're sure you want to delete this group, type out the group ID (<code>{}</code>) below.</Label>
<input class="mb-3 form-control" bind:value={deleteInput} maxlength={7} placeholder={} aria-label={`type out the group id ${} to confirm deletion`} use:focus>
{#if !loading}<Button style="flex 0" color="danger" on:click={submitDelete} aria-label="confirm delete">Delete</Button> <Button style="flex: 0" color="secondary" on:click={toggleDeleteModal} aria-label="cancel delete">Back</Button>
{:else}<Button style="flex 0" color="danger" disabled aria-label="confirm delete"><Spinner size="sm"/></Button> <Button style="flex: 0" color="secondary" disabled aria-label="cancel delete">Back</Button>