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324 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using Myriad.Cache;
using Myriad.Extensions;
using Myriad.Gateway;
using Myriad.Rest;
using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions;
using Myriad.Rest.Types.Requests;
using Myriad.Types;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class ProxyService
private static readonly TimeSpan MessageDeletionDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
private readonly LogChannelService _logChannel;
private readonly IDatabase _db;
private readonly ModelRepository _repo;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly WebhookExecutorService _webhookExecutor;
private readonly ProxyMatcher _matcher;
private readonly IMetrics _metrics;
private readonly IDiscordCache _cache;
private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest;
public ProxyService(LogChannelService logChannel, ILogger logger,
WebhookExecutorService webhookExecutor, IDatabase db, ProxyMatcher matcher, IMetrics metrics, ModelRepository repo, IDiscordCache cache, DiscordApiClient rest)
_logChannel = logChannel;
_webhookExecutor = webhookExecutor;
_db = db;
_matcher = matcher;
_metrics = metrics;
_repo = repo;
_cache = cache;
_rest = rest;
_logger = logger.ForContext<ProxyService>();
public async Task<bool> HandleIncomingMessage(Shard shard, MessageCreateEvent message, MessageContext ctx, Guild guild, Channel channel, bool allowAutoproxy, PermissionSet botPermissions)
if (!ShouldProxy(channel, message, ctx))
return false;
// Fetch members and try to match to a specific member
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var rootChannel = _cache.GetRootChannel(message.ChannelId);
List<ProxyMember> members;
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.ProxyMembersQueryTime))
members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(conn, message.Author.Id, message.GuildId!.Value)).ToList();
if (!_matcher.TryMatch(ctx, members, out var match, message.Content, message.Attachments.Length > 0,
allowAutoproxy)) return false;
// this is hopefully temporary, so not putting it into a separate method
if (message.Content != null && message.Content.Length > 2000) throw new PKError("PluralKit cannot proxy messages over 2000 characters in length.");
// Permission check after proxy match so we don't get spammed when not actually proxying
if (!await CheckBotPermissionsOrError(botPermissions, rootChannel.Id))
return false;
// this method throws, so no need to wrap it in an if statement
// Check if the sender account can mention everyone/here + embed links
// we need to "mirror" these permissions when proxying to prevent exploits
var senderPermissions = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, rootChannel, message);
var allowEveryone = senderPermissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.MentionEveryone);
var allowEmbeds = senderPermissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.EmbedLinks);
// Everything's in order, we can execute the proxy!
await ExecuteProxy(shard, conn, message, ctx, match, allowEveryone, allowEmbeds);
return true;
private bool ShouldProxy(Channel channel, Message msg, MessageContext ctx)
// Make sure author has a system
if (ctx.SystemId == null) return false;
// Make sure channel is a guild text channel and this is a normal message
if (!DiscordUtils.IsValidGuildChannel(channel)) return false;
if (msg.Type != Message.MessageType.Default && msg.Type != Message.MessageType.Reply) return false;
// Make sure author is a normal user
if (msg.Author.System == true || msg.Author.Bot || msg.WebhookId != null) return false;
// Make sure proxying is enabled here
if (!ctx.ProxyEnabled || ctx.InBlacklist) return false;
// Make sure we have either an attachment or message content
var isMessageBlank = msg.Content == null || msg.Content.Trim().Length == 0;
if (isMessageBlank && msg.Attachments.Length == 0) return false;
// All good!
return true;
private async Task ExecuteProxy(Shard shard, IPKConnection conn, Message trigger, MessageContext ctx,
ProxyMatch match, bool allowEveryone, bool allowEmbeds)
// Create reply embed
var embeds = new List<Embed>();
if (trigger.Type == Message.MessageType.Reply && trigger.MessageReference?.ChannelId == trigger.ChannelId)
var repliedTo = trigger.ReferencedMessage.Value;
if (repliedTo != null)
var nickname = await FetchReferencedMessageAuthorNickname(trigger, repliedTo);
var embed = CreateReplyEmbed(match, trigger, repliedTo, nickname);
if (embed != null)
// TODO: have a clean error for when message can't be fetched instead of just being silent
// Send the webhook
var content = match.ProxyContent;
if (!allowEmbeds) content = content.BreakLinkEmbeds();
var messageChannel = _cache.GetChannel(trigger.ChannelId);
var rootChannel = _cache.GetRootChannel(trigger.ChannelId);
var threadId = messageChannel.IsThread() ? messageChannel.Id : (ulong?)null;
var proxyMessage = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook(new ProxyRequest
GuildId = trigger.GuildId!.Value,
ChannelId = rootChannel.Id,
ThreadId = threadId,
Name = match.Member.ProxyName(ctx),
AvatarUrl = match.Member.ProxyAvatar(ctx),
Content = content,
Attachments = trigger.Attachments,
Embeds = embeds.ToArray(),
AllowEveryone = allowEveryone,
await HandleProxyExecutedActions(shard, conn, ctx, trigger, proxyMessage, match);
private async Task<string?> FetchReferencedMessageAuthorNickname(Message trigger, Message referenced)
if (referenced.WebhookId != null)
return null;
var member = await _rest.GetGuildMember(trigger.GuildId!.Value, referenced.Author.Id);
return member?.Nick;
catch (ForbiddenException)
_logger.Warning("Failed to fetch member {UserId} in guild {GuildId} when getting reply nickname, falling back to username",
referenced.Author.Id, trigger.GuildId!.Value);
return null;
private Embed CreateReplyEmbed(ProxyMatch match, Message trigger, Message repliedTo, string? nickname)
// repliedTo doesn't have a GuildId field :/
var jumpLink = $"https://discord.com/channels/{trigger.GuildId}/{repliedTo.ChannelId}/{repliedTo.Id}";
var content = new StringBuilder();
var hasContent = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repliedTo.Content);
if (hasContent)
var msg = repliedTo.Content;
if (msg.Length > 100)
msg = repliedTo.Content.Substring(0, 100);
var endsWithOpenMention = Regex.IsMatch(msg, @"<[at]?[@#:][!&]?(\w+:)?(\d+)?(:[tTdDfFR])?$");
if (endsWithOpenMention)
var mentionTail = repliedTo.Content.Substring(100).Split(">")[0];
if (repliedTo.Content.Contains(msg + mentionTail + ">"))
msg += mentionTail + ">";
var endsWithUrl = Regex.IsMatch(msg,
if (endsWithUrl)
var urlTail = repliedTo.Content.Substring(100).Split(" ")[0];
msg += urlTail + " ";
var spoilersInOriginalString = Regex.Matches(repliedTo.Content, @"\|\|").Count;
var spoilersInTruncatedString = Regex.Matches(msg, @"\|\|").Count;
if (spoilersInTruncatedString % 2 == 1 && spoilersInOriginalString % 2 == 0)
msg += "||";
if (msg != repliedTo.Content)
msg += "…";
content.Append($"**[Reply to:]({jumpLink})** ");
if (repliedTo.Attachments.Length > 0)
content.Append($" {Emojis.Paperclip}");
content.Append($"*[(click to see attachment)]({jumpLink})*");
var username = nickname ?? repliedTo.Author.Username;
var avatarUrl = $"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{repliedTo.Author.Id}/{repliedTo.Author.Avatar}.png";
return new Embed
// unicodes: [three-per-em space] [left arrow emoji] [force emoji presentation]
Author = new($"{username}\u2004\u21a9\ufe0f", IconUrl: avatarUrl),
Description = content.ToString(),
Color = match.Member.Color?.ToDiscordColor(),
private async Task HandleProxyExecutedActions(Shard shard, IPKConnection conn, MessageContext ctx,
Message triggerMessage, Message proxyMessage,
ProxyMatch match)
Task SaveMessageInDatabase() => _repo.AddMessage(conn, new PKMessage
Channel = triggerMessage.ChannelId,
Guild = triggerMessage.GuildId,
Member = match.Member.Id,
Mid = proxyMessage.Id,
OriginalMid = triggerMessage.Id,
Sender = triggerMessage.Author.Id
Task LogMessageToChannel() => _logChannel.LogMessage(ctx, match, triggerMessage, proxyMessage.Id).AsTask();
async Task DeleteProxyTriggerMessage()
// Wait a second or so before deleting the original message
await Task.Delay(MessageDeletionDelay);
await _rest.DeleteMessage(triggerMessage.ChannelId, triggerMessage.Id);
catch (NotFoundException)
_logger.Debug("Trigger message {TriggerMessageId} was already deleted when we attempted to; deleting proxy message {ProxyMessageId} also",
triggerMessage.Id, proxyMessage.Id);
await HandleTriggerAlreadyDeleted(proxyMessage);
// Swallow the exception, we don't need it
// Run post-proxy actions (simultaneously; order doesn't matter)
// Note that only AddMessage is using our passed-in connection, careful not to pass it elsewhere and run into conflicts
await Task.WhenAll(
private async Task HandleTriggerAlreadyDeleted(Message proxyMessage)
// If a trigger message is deleted before we get to delete it, we can assume a mod bot or similar got to it
// In this case we should also delete the now-proxied message.
// This is going to hit the message delete event handler also, so that'll do the cleanup for us
await _rest.DeleteMessage(proxyMessage.ChannelId, proxyMessage.Id);
catch (NotFoundException) { }
catch (UnauthorizedException) { }
private async Task<bool> CheckBotPermissionsOrError(PermissionSet permissions, ulong responseChannel)
// If we can't send messages at all, just bail immediately.
// 2020-04-22: Manage Messages does *not* override a lack of Send Messages.
if (!permissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.SendMessages))
return false;
if (!permissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageWebhooks))
// todo: PKError-ify these
await _rest.CreateMessage(responseChannel, new MessageRequest
Content = $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Webhooks* permission in this channel, and thus cannot proxy messages. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."
return false;
if (!permissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages))
await _rest.CreateMessage(responseChannel, new MessageRequest
Content = $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Messages* permission in this channel, and thus cannot delete the original trigger message. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."
return false;
return true;
private void CheckProxyNameBoundsOrError(string proxyName)
if (proxyName.Length > Limits.MaxProxyNameLength) throw Errors.ProxyNameTooLong(proxyName);