198 lines
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using Dapper;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NodaTime;
using PluralKit.Core;
namespace PluralKit.API;
public struct SwitchesReturn
[JsonProperty("timestamp")] public Instant Timestamp { get; set; }
[JsonProperty("members")] public IEnumerable<string> Members { get; set; }
public struct FrontersReturn
[JsonProperty("timestamp")] public Instant Timestamp { get; set; }
[JsonProperty("members")] public IEnumerable<JObject> Members { get; set; }
public struct PostSwitchParams
public Instant? Timestamp { get; set; }
public ICollection<string> Members { get; set; }
public class SystemController: ControllerBase
private readonly IDatabase _db;
private readonly ModelRepository _repo;
private readonly IAuthorizationService _auth;
public SystemController(IDatabase db, IAuthorizationService auth, ModelRepository repo)
_db = db;
_auth = auth;
_repo = repo;
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetOwnSystem()
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(User.CurrentSystem());
return system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system));
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetSystem(string hid)
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
return Ok(system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system)));
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<JObject>>> GetMembers(string hid)
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null)
return NotFound("System not found.");
if (!system.MemberListPrivacy.CanAccess(User.ContextFor(system)))
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view member list.");
var members = _repo.GetSystemMembers(system.Id);
return Ok(await members
.Where(m => m.MemberVisibility.CanAccess(User.ContextFor(system)))
.Select(m => m.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system), needsLegacyProxyTags: true))
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<SwitchesReturn>>> GetSwitches(
string hid, [FromQuery(Name = "before")] Instant? before)
if (before == null) before = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
var auth = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, system, "ViewFrontHistory");
if (!auth.Succeeded)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view front history.");
var res = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QueryAsync<SwitchesReturn>(
@"select *, array(
select members.hid from switch_members, members
where switch_members.switch = switches.id and members.id = switch_members.member
) as members from switches
where switches.system = @System and switches.timestamp < @Before
order by switches.timestamp desc
limit 100;",
new { System = system.Id, Before = before }
return Ok(res);
public async Task<ActionResult<FrontersReturn>> GetFronters(string hid)
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
var auth = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, system, "ViewFront");
if (!auth.Succeeded) return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view fronter.");
var sw = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(system.Id);
if (sw == null) return NotFound("System has no registered switches.");
var members = _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, sw.Id));
return Ok(new FrontersReturn
Timestamp = sw.Timestamp,
Members = await members.Select(m => m.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system), true)).ToListAsync()
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> EditSystem([FromBody] JObject changes)
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(User.CurrentSystem());
var patch = SystemPatch.FromJSON(changes);
if (patch.Errors.Count > 0)
var err = patch.Errors[0];
if (err is FieldTooLongError)
return BadRequest($"Field {err.Key} is too long "
+ $"({(err as FieldTooLongError).ActualLength} > {(err as FieldTooLongError).MaxLength}).");
return BadRequest($"Field {err.Key} is invalid.");
system = await _repo.UpdateSystem(system!.Id, patch);
return Ok(system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system)));
public async Task<IActionResult> PostSwitch([FromBody] PostSwitchParams param)
if (param.Members.Distinct().Count() != param.Members.Count)
return BadRequest("Duplicate members in member list.");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// We get the current switch, if it exists
var latestSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(User.CurrentSystem());
if (latestSwitch != null)
var latestSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, latestSwitch.Id);
// Bail if this switch is identical to the latest one
if (await latestSwitchMembers.Select(m => m.Hid).SequenceEqualAsync(param.Members.ToAsyncEnumerable()))
return BadRequest("New members identical to existing fronters.");
// Resolve member objects for all given IDs
var membersList =
(await conn.QueryAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where hid = any(@Hids)",
new { Hids = param.Members })).ToList();
foreach (var member in membersList)
if (member.System != User.CurrentSystem())
return BadRequest($"Cannot switch to member '{member.Hid}' not in system.");
// membersList is in DB order, and we want it in actual input order
// so we go through a dict and map the original input appropriately
var membersDict = membersList.ToDictionary(m => m.Hid);
var membersInOrder = new List<PKMember>();
// We do this without .Select() since we want to have the early return bail if it doesn't find the member
foreach (var givenMemberId in param.Members)
if (!membersDict.TryGetValue(givenMemberId, out var member))
return BadRequest($"Member '{givenMemberId}' not found.");
// Finally, log the switch (yay!)
await _repo.AddSwitch(conn, User.CurrentSystem(), membersInOrder.Select(m => m.Id).ToList());
return NoContent();