213 lines
8.5 KiB
213 lines
8.5 KiB
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { Link, useLocation, useParams, navigate } from 'svelte-navigator';
import { Alert, Col, Container, Row, Card, CardBody, CardHeader, CardTitle, Input, Label, Button, Accordion, AccordionHeader, AccordionItem } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaRandom from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaRandom.svelte'
import CardsList from '../lib/list/ListView.svelte';
import api from '../api';
import { Group, Member } from '../api/types';
export let isPublic: boolean = false;
export let type: string = "member";
export let pickFromGroup: boolean = false;
let list: Member[]|Group[] = [];
let randomList: Member[]|Group[] = [];
let loading = true;
let err: string;
let params = useParams();
$: id = $params.id;
$: groupId = $params.groupId;
let location = useLocation();
let searchParams = $location.search && new URLSearchParams($location.search);
let path = $location.pathname;
let amount: number = 1;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("amount")) {
amount = parseInt(searchParams.get("amount"));
if (amount === NaN) amount = 1;
else if (amount > 5) amount = 5;
let usePrivateItems = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("all") === "true") usePrivateItems = true;
let allowDoubles = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("doubles") === "true") allowDoubles = true;
// just a hidden option to expand the cards by default regardless of your global settings
let openByDefault = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("open") === "true") openByDefault = true;
let rollCounter = 1;
onMount(async () => {
await fetchList(amount, usePrivateItems);
async function fetchList(amount: number, usePrivateMembers?: boolean|string) {
err = "";
loading = true;
try {
if (type === "member") {
if (pickFromGroup) {
const res: Member[] = await api().groups(groupId).members.get({auth: !isPublic});
list = res;
} else {
const res: Member[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").members.get({ auth: !isPublic });
list = res;
else if (type === "group") {
const res: Group[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").groups.get({ auth: !isPublic });
list = res;
else throw new Error(`Unknown list type ${type}`);
randomList = randomizeList(amount, usePrivateMembers, allowDoubles);
} catch (error) {
err = error.message;
loading = false;
function randomizeList(amount: number, usePrivateMembers?: boolean|string, allowDoubles?: boolean|string) {
err = "";
let filteredList = [...list];
if (!isPublic && (!usePrivateMembers || usePrivateMembers === "false")) filteredList = (list as Member[]).filter(item => item.privacy && item.privacy.visibility === "public" ? true : false);
let cappedAmount = amount;
if (amount > filteredList.length) cappedAmount = filteredList.length;
if (cappedAmount === 0) err = `No valid ${type}s could be randomized. ${!isPublic ? `If every ${type} is privated, roll again with private ${type}s included.` : ""}`;
let tempList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cappedAmount; i++) {
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredList.length);
if (!allowDoubles || allowDoubles === "false") {
filteredList.splice(index, 1);
return tempList;
function rerollList() {
let amount = parseInt(optionAmount);
let paramArray = [];
if (amount > 1) paramArray.push(`amount=${amount}`);
if (optionAllowDoubles === "true") paramArray.push("doubles=true");
if (optionUsePrivateItems === "true") paramArray.push("all=true");
if (openByDefault === true) paramArray.push("open=true");
randomList = randomizeList(parseInt(optionAmount), optionUsePrivateItems, optionAllowDoubles);
navigate(`${path}${paramArray.length > 0 ? `?${paramArray.join('&')}` : ""}`);
rollCounter ++;
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
let optionAmount = amount.toString();
let optionUsePrivateItems = "false";
if (usePrivateItems === true) optionUsePrivateItems = "true";
let optionAllowDoubles = "false";
if (allowDoubles === true) optionAllowDoubles = "true";
function getItemLink(item: Member | Group): string {
let url: string;
if (isPublic) url = "/dash/";
else url = "/profile/";
if (type === "member") url += "m/";
else if (type === "group") url += "g/";
url += item.id;
return url;
function getBackUrl() {
let str: string;
if (isPublic) {
str = "/profile";
if (!pickFromGroup) str += `/s/${id}`;
} else str = "/dash"
if (pickFromGroup) str += `/g/${groupId}`;
return str;
<Col class="mx-auto" xs={12} lg={11} xl={10}>
<Card class="mb-4">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaRandom />
</div>Randomize {capitalizeFirstLetter(type)}s {isPublic && id ? `(${id})` : pickFromGroup ? `(${groupId})` : ""}</CardTitle>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={optionAmount} type="select" aria-label="amount">
<option default={amount === 1}>1</option>
<option default={amount === 2}>2</option>
<option default={amount === 3}>3</option>
<option default={amount === 4}>4</option>
<option default={amount === 5}>5</option>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Allow duplicates:</Label>
<Input bind:value={optionAllowDoubles} type="select" aria-label="allow duplicates">
<option value="false" default={allowDoubles === false}>no</option>
<option value="true" default={allowDoubles === true}>yes</option>
{#if !isPublic}
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Use all {type}s:</Label>
<Input bind:value={optionUsePrivateItems} type="select" aria-label="include private members">
<option value="false" default={usePrivateItems === false}>no (only public {type}s)</option>
<option value="true" default={usePrivateItems === true}>yes (include private {type}s)</option>
<Button color="primary" on:click={() => {rerollList()}}>
Reroll list
<Link to={getBackUrl()}>
<Button color="secondary" tabindex={-1} aria-label={`back to ${pickFromGroup ? "group" : "system"}`}>
Back to {pickFromGroup ? "group" : "system"}
{#if loading}
{:else if err}
<Alert color="danger">{err}</Alert>
<CardsList openByDefault={openByDefault} bind:list={randomList} isPublic={true} itemType={type} itemsPerPage={5} currentPage={rollCounter} fullLength={5 * rollCounter - (5 - randomList.length)} />
</Container> |