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128 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public static class ModelPatchExt
public static Task<PKSystem> UpdateSystem(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, SystemPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated {SystemId}: {@SystemPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("systems", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKSystem>(query, pms);
public static Task DeleteSystem(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId id)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Deleted {SystemId}", id);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from systems where id = @Id", new {Id = id});
public static async Task<PKMember> CreateMember(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string memberName)
var member = await conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(
"insert into members (hid, system, name) values (find_free_member_hid(), @SystemId, @Name) returning *",
new {SystemId = system, Name = memberName});
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Created {MemberId} in {SystemId}: {MemberName}",
member.Id, system, memberName);
return member;
public static Task<PKMember> UpdateMember(this IPKConnection conn, MemberId id, MemberPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated {MemberId}: {@MemberPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("members", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(query, pms);
public static Task DeleteMember(this IPKConnection conn, MemberId id)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Deleted {MemberId}", id);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from members where id = @Id", new {Id = id});
public static Task UpsertSystemGuild(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong guild,
SystemGuildPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated {SystemId} in guild {GuildId}: {@SystemGuildPatch}", system, guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("system_guild", "system, guild"))
.WithConstant("system", system)
.WithConstant("guild", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
public static Task UpsertMemberGuild(this IPKConnection conn, MemberId member, ulong guild,
MemberGuildPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated {MemberId} in guild {GuildId}: {@MemberGuildPatch}", member, guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("member_guild", "member, guild"))
.WithConstant("member", member)
.WithConstant("guild", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
public static Task UpsertGuild(this IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, GuildPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated guild {GuildId}: {@GuildPatch}", guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("servers", "id"))
.WithConstant("id", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
public static async Task<PKGroup> CreateGroup(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name)
var group = await conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKGroup>(
"insert into groups (hid, system, name) values (find_free_group_hid(), @System, @Name) returning *",
new {System = system, Name = name});
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Created group {GroupId} in system {SystemId}: {GroupName}", group.Id, system, name);
return group;
public static Task<PKGroup> UpdateGroup(this IPKConnection conn, GroupId id, GroupPatch patch)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Updated {GroupId}: {@GroupPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("groups", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKGroup>(query, pms);
public static Task DeleteGroup(this IPKConnection conn, GroupId group)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Deleted {GroupId}", group);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from groups where id = @Id", new {Id = @group});
public static async Task AddMembersToGroup(this IPKConnection conn, GroupId group, IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
await using var w = conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
foreach (var member in members)
await w.StartRowAsync();
await w.WriteAsync(group.Value);
await w.WriteAsync(member.Value);
await w.CompleteAsync();
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Added members to {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
public static Task RemoveMembersFromGroup(this IPKConnection conn, GroupId group, IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
Log.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?").Information("Removed members from {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from group_members where group_id = @Group and member_id = any(@Members)",
new {Group = @group, Members = members.ToArray()});
} |