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100 lines
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import os
import time
import aiohttp
from pluralkit import db
from pluralkit.bot import client, logger
async def get_webhook(conn, channel):
async with conn.transaction():
# Try to find an existing webhook
hook_row = await db.get_webhook(conn, channel_id=channel.id)
# There's none, we'll make one
if not hook_row:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
req_data = {"name": "PluralKit Proxy Webhook"}
req_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bot {}".format(os.environ["TOKEN"])}
async with session.post("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/channels/{}/webhooks".format(channel.id), json=req_data, headers=req_headers) as resp:
data = await resp.json()
hook_id = data["id"]
token = data["token"]
# Insert new hook into DB
await db.add_webhook(conn, channel_id=channel.id, webhook_id=hook_id, webhook_token=token)
return hook_id, token
return hook_row["webhook"], hook_row["token"]
async def proxy_message(conn, member, message, inner):
logger.debug("Proxying message '{}' for member {}".format(
inner, member["hid"]))
# Delete the original message
await client.delete_message(message)
# Get the webhook details
hook_id, hook_token = await get_webhook(conn, message.channel)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
req_data = {
"username": "{} {}".format(member["name"], member["tag"] or "").strip(),
"avatar_url": member["avatar_url"],
"content": inner
req_headers = {"Authorization": "Bot {}".format(os.environ["TOKEN"])}
# And send the message
async with session.post("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/webhooks/{}/{}?wait=true".format(hook_id, hook_token), json=req_data, headers=req_headers) as resp:
resp_data = await resp.json()
logger.debug("Discord webhook response: {}".format(resp_data))
# Insert new message details into the DB
await db.add_message(conn, message_id=resp_data["id"], channel_id=message.channel.id, member_id=member["id"], sender_id=message.author.id)
async def handle_proxying(conn, message):
# Big fat query to find every member associated with this account
# Returned member object has a few more keys (system tag, for example)
members = await db.get_members_by_account(conn, account_id=message.author.id)
# Sort by specificity (members with both prefix and suffix go higher)
members = sorted(members, key=lambda x: int(
bool(x["prefix"])) + int(bool(x["suffix"])), reverse=True)
msg = message.content
for member in members:
# If no proxy details are configured, skip
if not member["prefix"] and not member["suffix"]:
# Database stores empty strings as null, fix that here
prefix = member["prefix"] or ""
suffix = member["suffix"] or ""
# If we have a match, proxy the message
if msg.startswith(prefix) and msg.endswith(suffix):
# Extract the actual message contents sans tags
if suffix:
inner_message = message.content[len(
# Slicing to -0 breaks, don't do that
inner_message = message.content[len(prefix):].strip()
await proxy_message(conn, member, message, inner_message)
async def handle_reaction(conn, reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == "❌":
async with conn.transaction():
# Find the message in the DB, and make sure it's sent by the user who reacted
message = await db.get_message_by_sender_and_id(conn, message_id=reaction.message.id, sender_id=user.id)
if message:
# If so, delete the message and remove it from the DB
await db.delete_message(conn, message["mid"])
await client.delete_message(reaction.message)