2018-07-12 00:49:02 +02:00

417 lines
17 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import discord
from pluralkit import db
from import client, logger
from pluralkit.utils import command, generate_hid, generate_member_info_card, generate_system_info_card, member_command, parse_mention, text_input, get_system_fuzzy, get_member_fuzzy, command_map
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand=None, description="Shows information about your system.")
async def this_system_info(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_system_info_card(conn, system))
return True
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="new", usage="[name]", description="Registers a new system to this account.")
async def new_system(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is not None:
return False, "You already have a system registered. To remove your system, use `pk;system remove`, or to unlink your system from this account, use `pk;system unlink`."
system_name = None
if len(args) > 2:
system_name = " ".join(args[2:])
async with conn.transaction():
# TODO: figure out what to do if this errors out on collision on generate_hid
hid = generate_hid()
system = await db.create_system(conn, system_name=system_name, system_hid=hid)
# Link account
await db.link_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "System registered! To begin adding members, use `pk;member new <name>`."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="info", usage="[system]", description="Shows information about a system.")
async def system_info(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
# Use sender's system
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Look one up
system = await get_system_fuzzy(conn, args[0])
if system is None:
return False, "Unable to find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_system_info_card(conn, system))
return True
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="name", usage="[name]", description="Renames your system. Leave blank to clear.")
async def system_name(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
new_name = None
new_name = " ".join(args)
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_system_field(conn, system_id=system["id"], field="name", value=new_name)
return True, "Name updated to {}.".format(new_name) if new_name else "Name cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="description", usage="[clear]", description="Updates your system description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
async def system_description(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# If "clear" in args, clear
if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "clear":
new_description = None
new_description = await text_input(message, "your system")
if not new_description:
return True, "Description update cancelled."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_system_field(conn, system_id=system["id"], field="description", value=new_description)
return True, "Description set." if new_description else "Description cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="tag", usage="[tag]", description="Updates your system tag. Leave blank to clear.")
async def system_tag(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
tag = None
tag = " ".join(args)
max_length = 32
# Make sure there are no members which would make the combined length exceed 32
members_exceeding = await db.get_members_exceeding(conn, system_id=system["id"], length=max_length - len(tag))
if len(members_exceeding) > 0:
# If so, error out and warn
member_names = ", ".join([member["name"]
for member in members_exceeding])
logger.debug("Members exceeding combined length with tag '{}': {}".format(
tag, member_names))
return False, "The maximum length of a name plus the system tag is 32 characters. The following members would exceed the limit: {}. Please reduce the length of the tag, or rename the members.".format(member_names)
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_system_field(conn, system_id=system["id"], field="tag", value=tag)
return True, "Tag updated to {}.".format(tag) if tag else "Tag cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="remove", description="Removes your system ***permanently***.")
async def system_remove(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to remove your system? If so, reply to this message with the system's ID (`{}`).".format(system["hid"]))
msg = await client.wait_for_message(,
if msg.content == system["hid"]:
await db.remove_system(conn, system_id=system["id"])
return True, "System removed."
return True, "System removal cancelled."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="link", usage="<account>", description="Links another account to your system.")
async def system_link(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
return False
# Find account to link
linkee = await parse_mention(args[0])
if not linkee:
return False, "Account not found."
# Make sure account doesn't already have a system
account_system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if account_system:
return False, "Account is already linked to a system (`{}`)".format(account_system["hid"])
# Send confirmation message
msg = await client.send_message(, "{}, please confirm the link by clicking the ✅ reaction on this message.".format(linkee.mention))
await client.add_reaction(msg, "")
await client.add_reaction(msg, "")
reaction = await client.wait_for_reaction(emoji=["", ""], message=msg, user=linkee)
# If account to be linked confirms...
if reaction.reaction.emoji == "":
async with conn.transaction():
# Execute the link
await db.link_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "Account linked to system."
await client.clear_reactions(msg)
return False, "Account link cancelled."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="unlink", description="Unlinks your system from this account. There must be at least one other account linked.")
async def system_unlink(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Make sure you can't unlink every account
linked_accounts = await db.get_linked_accounts(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if len(linked_accounts) == 1:
return False, "This is the only account on your system, so you can't unlink it."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.unlink_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "Account unlinked."
@command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="new", usage="<name>", description="Adds a new member to your system.")
async def new_member(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
return False
name = " ".join(args)
async with conn.transaction():
# TODO: figure out what to do if this errors out on collision on generate_hid
hid = generate_hid()
# Insert member row
await db.create_member(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_name=name, member_hid=hid)
return True, "Member \"{}\" (`{}`) registered!".format(name, hid)
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="info", description="Shows information about a system member.", system_only=False)
async def member_info(conn, message, member, args):
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_member_info_card(conn, member))
return True
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="color", usage="[color]", description="Updates a member's associated color. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_color(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
color = None
match = re.fullmatch("#?([0-9a-f]{6})", args[0])
if not match:
return False, "Color must be a valid hex color (eg. #ff0000)"
color =
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="color", value=color)
return True, "Color updated to #{}.".format(color) if color else "Color cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="pronouns", usage="[pronouns]", description="Updates a member's pronouns. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_pronouns(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
pronouns = None
pronouns = " ".join(args)
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="pronouns", value=pronouns)
return True, "Pronouns set to {}".format(pronouns) if pronouns else "Pronouns cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="birthdate", usage="[birthdate]", description="Updates a member's birthdate. Must be in ISO-8601 format (eg. 1999-07-25). Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_birthday(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
new_date = None
# Parse date
new_date = datetime.strptime(args[0], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
except ValueError:
return False, "Invalid date. Date must be in ISO-8601 format (eg. 1999-07-25)."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="birthday", value=new_date)
return True, "Birthdate set to {}".format(new_date) if new_date else "Birthdate cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="description", description="Updates a member's description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
async def member_description(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "clear":
new_description = None
new_description = await text_input(message, member["name"])
if not new_description:
return True, "Description update cancelled."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="description", value=new_description)
return True, "Description set." if new_description else "Description cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="remove", description="Removes a member from your system.")
async def member_remove(conn, message, member, args):
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to remove {}? If so, reply to this message with the member's name.".format(member["name"]))
msg = await client.wait_for_message(,
if msg.content == member["name"]:
await db.delete_member(conn, member_id=member["id"])
return True, "Member removed."
return True, "Member removal cancelled."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="avatar", usage="[user|url]", description="Updates a member's avatar. Can be an account mention (which will use that account's avatar), or a link to an image. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_avatar(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
avatar_url = None
user = await parse_mention(args[0])
if user:
# Set the avatar to the mentioned user's avatar
# Discord doesn't like webp, but also hosts png alternatives
avatar_url = user.avatar_url.replace(".webp", ".png")
# Validate URL
u = urlparse(args[0])
if u.scheme in ["http", "https"] and u.netloc and u.path:
avatar_url = args[0]
return False, "Invalid URL."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="avatar_url", value=avatar_url)
return True, "Avatar set." if avatar_url else "Avatar cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="proxy", usage="[example]", description="Updates a member's proxy settings. Needs an \"example\" proxied message containing the string \"text\" (eg. [text], |text|, etc).")
async def member_proxy(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
prefix, suffix = None, None
# Sanity checking
example = " ".join(args)
if "text" not in example:
return False, "Example proxy message must contain the string 'text'."
if example.count("text") != 1:
return False, "Example proxy message must contain the string 'text' exactly once."
# Extract prefix and suffix
prefix = example[:example.index("text")].strip()
suffix = example[example.index("text")+4:].strip()
"Matched prefix '{}' and suffix '{}'".format(prefix, suffix))
# DB stores empty strings as None, make that work
if not prefix:
prefix = None
if not suffix:
suffix = None
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="prefix", value=prefix)
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="suffix", value=suffix)
return True, "Proxy settings updated." if prefix or suffix else "Proxy settings cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;message", subcommand=None, usage="<id>", description="Shows information about a proxied message. Requires the message ID.")
async def message_info(conn, message, args):
mid = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
return False
# Find the message in the DB
message_row = await db.get_message(conn, mid)
if not message_row:
return False, "Message not found."
# Find the actual message object
channel = client.get_channel(str(message_row["channel"]))
message = await client.get_message(channel, str(message_row["mid"]))
# Get the original sender of the message
original_sender = await client.get_user_info(str(message_row["sender"]))
# Get sender member and system
member = await db.get_member(conn, message_row["member"])
system = await db.get_system(conn, member["system"])
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.timestamp = message.timestamp
embed.colour =
if system["name"]:
system_value = "`{}`: {}".format(system["hid"], system["name"])
system_value = "`{}`".format(system["hid"])
embed.add_field(name="System", value=system_value)
embed.add_field(name="Member", value="`{}`: {}".format(
member["hid"], member["name"]))
embed.add_field(name="Sent by", value="{}#{}".format(, original_sender.discriminator))
embed.add_field(name="Content", value=message.clean_content, inline=False)
embed.set_author(name=member["name"], url=member["avatar_url"])
await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
return True
@command(cmd="pk;help", subcommand=None, usage="[system|member|message]", description="Shows this help message.")
async def show_help(conn, message, args):
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.colour =
embed.title = "PluralKit Help"
text="<> denotes mandatory arguments, [] denotes optional arguments")
if len(args) > 0 and ("pk;" + args[0]) in command_map:
cmds = ["", ("pk;" + args[0], command_map["pk;" + args[0]])]
cmds = command_map.items()
for cmd, subcommands in cmds:
for subcmd, (_, usage, description) in subcommands.items():
embed.add_field(name="{} {} {}".format(
cmd, subcmd or "", usage or ""), value=description, inline=False)
await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
return True