2020-08-25 19:17:16 +02:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

-- SCHEMA VERSION 9: 2020-08-25 --
-- Adds support for member groups.
create table groups (
id int primary key generated always as identity,
hid char(5) unique not null,
system int not null references systems(id) on delete cascade,
name text not null,
display_name text,
description text,
icon text,
-- Description columns follow the same pattern as usual: 1 = public, 2 = private
description_privacy integer check (description_privacy in (1, 2)) not null default 1,
icon_privacy integer check (icon_privacy in (1, 2)) not null default 1,
list_privacy integer check (list_privacy in (1, 2)) not null default 1,
visibility integer check (visibility in (1, 2)) not null default 1,
created timestamp with time zone not null default (current_timestamp at time zone 'utc')
create table group_members (
group_id int not null references groups(id) on delete cascade,
member_id int not null references members(id) on delete cascade,
primary key (group_id, member_id)
alter table systems add column group_list_privacy integer check (group_list_privacy in (1, 2)) not null default 1;
update systems set group_list_privacy = member_list_privacy;
update info set schema_version = 9;