Handling of both blacklists was inconsistent when dealing with threads: - proxy blacklist of root channel blacklists all threads - log blacklist of root channel _did not apply_ to threads - couldn't proxy blacklist threads while leaving root channel proxyable This change fixes the inconsistencies: - proxy _and_ log blacklist of root channel affects all threads - now able to individually proxy/log blacklist threads, with root channel unaffected
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using Humanizer;
using Myriad.Builders;
using Myriad.Cache;
using Myriad.Extensions;
using Myriad.Rest;
using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions;
using Myriad.Types;
using PluralKit.Core;
namespace PluralKit.Bot;
public class Checks
private readonly BotConfig _botConfig;
private readonly ProxyMatcher _matcher;
private readonly ProxyService _proxy;
private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest;
private readonly IDiscordCache _cache;
private readonly PermissionSet[] requiredPermissions =
PermissionSet.ViewChannel, PermissionSet.SendMessages, PermissionSet.AddReactions,
PermissionSet.AttachFiles, PermissionSet.EmbedLinks, PermissionSet.ManageMessages,
PermissionSet.ManageWebhooks, PermissionSet.ReadMessageHistory, PermissionSet.UseExternalEmojis
// todo: make sure everything uses the minimum amount of REST calls necessary
public Checks(DiscordApiClient rest, BotConfig botConfig, ProxyService proxy, ProxyMatcher matcher, IDiscordCache cache)
_rest = rest;
_botConfig = botConfig;
_proxy = proxy;
_matcher = matcher;
_cache = cache;
public async Task PermCheckGuild(Context ctx)
Guild guild;
GuildMemberPartial senderGuildUser = null;
if (ctx.Guild != null && !ctx.HasNext())
guild = ctx.Guild;
senderGuildUser = ctx.Member;
var guildIdStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ??
throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a server ID or run this command in a server.");
if (!ulong.TryParse(guildIdStr, out var guildId))
throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not parse {guildIdStr.AsCode()} as an ID.");
guild = await _rest.GetGuild(guildId);
catch (ForbiddenException)
throw Errors.GuildNotFound(guildId);
if (guild != null)
senderGuildUser = await _rest.GetGuildMember(guildId, ctx.Author.Id);
if (guild == null || senderGuildUser == null)
throw Errors.GuildNotFound(guildId);
var guildMember = await _rest.GetGuildMember(guild.Id, _botConfig.ClientId);
// Loop through every channel and group them by sets of permissions missing
var permissionsMissing = new Dictionary<ulong, List<Channel>>();
var hiddenChannels = false;
foreach (var channel in await _rest.GetGuildChannels(guild.Id))
var botPermissions = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, _botConfig.ClientId, guildMember);
var userPermissions = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, ctx.Author.Id, senderGuildUser);
if ((userPermissions & PermissionSet.ViewChannel) == 0)
// If the user can't see this channel, don't calculate permissions for it
// (to prevent info-leaking, mostly)
// Instead, show the user that some channels got ignored (so they don't get confused)
hiddenChannels = true;
// We use a bitfield so we can set individual permission bits in the loop
// TODO: Rewrite with proper bitfield math
ulong missingPermissionField = 0;
foreach (var requiredPermission in requiredPermissions)
if ((botPermissions & requiredPermission) == 0)
missingPermissionField |= (ulong)requiredPermission;
// If we're not missing any permissions, don't bother adding it to the dict
// This means we can check if the dict is empty to see if all channels are proxyable
if (missingPermissionField != 0)
permissionsMissing.TryAdd(missingPermissionField, new List<Channel>());
// Generate the output embed
var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"Permission check for **{guild.Name}**");
if (permissionsMissing.Count == 0)
eb.Description("No errors found, all channels proxyable :)").Color(DiscordUtils.Green);
foreach (var (missingPermissionField, channels) in permissionsMissing)
// Each missing permission field can have multiple missing channels
// so we extract them all and generate a comma-separated list
var missingPermissionNames = ((PermissionSet)missingPermissionField).ToPermissionString();
var channelsList = string.Join("\n", channels
.OrderBy(c => c.Position)
.Select(c => $"#{c.Name}"));
eb.Field(new Embed.Field($"Missing *{missingPermissionNames}*", channelsList.Truncate(1000)));
var footer = "";
if (hiddenChannels)
footer += "Some channels were ignored as you do not have view access to them.";
if (footer.Length > 0)
eb.Footer(new Embed.EmbedFooter(footer));
// Send! :)
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());
public async Task PermCheckChannel(Context ctx)
if (!ctx.HasNext())
throw new PKSyntaxError("You need to specify a channel.");
var error = "Channel not found or you do not have permissions to access it.";
// todo: this breaks if channel is not in cache and bot does not have View Channel permissions
var channel = await ctx.MatchChannel();
if (channel == null || channel.GuildId == null)
throw new PKError(error);
var guild = await _rest.GetGuildOrNull(channel.GuildId.Value);
if (guild == null)
throw new PKError(error);
var guildMember = await _rest.GetGuildMember(channel.GuildId.Value, _botConfig.ClientId);
if (!await ctx.CheckPermissionsInGuildChannel(channel, PermissionSet.ViewChannel))
throw new PKError(error);
var botPermissions = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, _botConfig.ClientId, guildMember);
// We use a bitfield so we can set individual permission bits
ulong missingPermissions = 0;
foreach (var requiredPermission in requiredPermissions)
if ((botPermissions & requiredPermission) == 0)
missingPermissions |= (ulong)requiredPermission;
// Generate the output embed
var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"Permission check for **{channel.Name}**");
if (missingPermissions == 0)
eb.Description("No issues found, channel is proxyable :)");
var missing = "";
foreach (var permission in requiredPermissions)
if (((ulong)permission & missingPermissions) == (ulong)permission)
missing += $"\n- **{permission.ToPermissionString()}**";
eb.Description($"Missing permissions:\n{missing}");
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());
public async Task MessageProxyCheck(Context ctx)
if (!ctx.HasNext() && ctx.Message.MessageReference == null)
throw new PKSyntaxError("You need to specify a message.");
var failedToGetMessage =
"Could not find a valid message to check, was not able to fetch the message, or the message was not sent by you.";
var (messageId, channelId) = ctx.MatchMessage(false);
if (messageId == null || channelId == null)
throw new PKError(failedToGetMessage);
var proxiedMsg = await ctx.Repository.GetMessage(messageId.Value);
if (proxiedMsg != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} This message was proxied successfully.");
// get the message info
var msg = await _rest.GetMessageOrNull(channelId.Value, messageId.Value);
if (msg == null)
throw new PKError(failedToGetMessage);
// if user is fetching a message in a different channel sent by someone else, throw a generic error message
if (msg == null || msg.Author.Id != ctx.Author.Id && msg.ChannelId != ctx.Channel.Id)
throw new PKError(failedToGetMessage);
if ((_botConfig.Prefixes ?? BotConfig.DefaultPrefixes).Any(p => msg.Content.StartsWith(p)))
await ctx.Reply("This message starts with the bot's prefix, and was parsed as a command.");
if (msg.Author.Bot)
throw new PKError("You cannot check messages sent by a bot.");
if (msg.WebhookId != null)
throw new PKError("You cannot check messages sent by a webhook.");
if (msg.Author.Id != ctx.Author.Id && !ctx.CheckBotAdmin())
throw new PKError("You can only check your own messages.");
// get the channel info
var channel = await _rest.GetChannelOrNull(channelId.Value);
if (channel == null)
throw new PKError("Unable to get the channel associated with this message.");
var rootChannel = await _cache.GetRootChannel(channel.Id);
if (channel.GuildId == null)
throw new PKError("PluralKit is not able to proxy messages in DMs.");
// using channel.GuildId here since _rest.GetMessage() doesn't return the GuildId
var context = await ctx.Repository.GetMessageContext(msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value, rootChannel.Id, msg.ChannelId);
var members = (await ctx.Repository.GetProxyMembers(msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value)).ToList();
// for now this is just server
var autoproxySettings = await ctx.Repository.GetAutoproxySettings(ctx.System.Id, channel.GuildId.Value, null);
// todo: match unlatch
// Run everything through the checks, catch the ProxyCheckFailedException, and reply with the error message.
_proxy.ShouldProxy(channel, msg, context);
_matcher.TryMatch(context, autoproxySettings, members, out var match, msg.Content, msg.Attachments.Length > 0, true, ctx.Config.CaseSensitiveProxyTags);
var canProxy = await _proxy.CanProxy(channel, msg, context);
if (canProxy != null)
await ctx.Reply(canProxy);
await ctx.Reply("I'm not sure why this message was not proxied, sorry.");
catch (ProxyService.ProxyChecksFailedException e)
await ctx.Reply($"{e.Message}");
} |