2021-08-27 11:03:47 -04:00

79 lines
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#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem?>("select * from systems where id = @id", new { id });
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByAccount(IPKConnection conn, ulong accountId) =>
"select systems.* from systems, accounts where accounts.system = and accounts.uid = @Id",
new { Id = accountId });
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByHid(IPKConnection conn, string hid) =>
conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem?>("select * from systems where systems.hid = @Hid",
new { Hid = hid.ToLower() });
public Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetSystemAccounts(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryAsync<ulong>("select uid from accounts where system = @Id", new { Id = system });
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSystemMembers(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryStreamAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where system = @SystemID", new { SystemID = system });
public Task<int> GetSystemMemberCount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
var query = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from members where system = @Id");
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Append($" and member_visibility = {(int)privacyFilter.Value}");
return conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>(query.ToString(), new { Id = id });
public async Task<PKSystem> CreateSystem(IPKConnection conn, string? systemName = null, IPKTransaction? tx = null)
var system = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKSystem>(
"insert into systems (hid, name) values (find_free_system_hid(), @Name) returning *",
new { Name = systemName },
transaction: tx);
_logger.Information("Created {SystemId}", system.Id);
return system;
public Task<PKSystem> UpdateSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, SystemPatch patch, IPKTransaction? tx = null)
_logger.Information("Updated {SystemId}: {@SystemPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("systems", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKSystem>(query, pms, transaction: tx);
public async Task AddAccount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong accountId)
// We have "on conflict do nothing" since linking an account when it's already linked to the same system is idempotent
// This is used in import/export, although the pk;link command checks for this case beforehand
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into accounts (uid, system) values (@Id, @SystemId) on conflict do nothing",
new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system });
_logger.Information("Linked account {UserId} to {SystemId}", accountId, system);
public async Task RemoveAccount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong accountId)
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from accounts where uid = @Id and system = @SystemId",
new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system });
_logger.Information("Unlinked account {UserId} from {SystemId}", accountId, system);
public Task DeleteSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id)
_logger.Information("Deleted {SystemId}", id);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from systems where id = @Id", new { Id = id });