
152 lines
5.6 KiB

using Autofac;
using Myriad.Cache;
using Myriad.Extensions;
using Myriad.Rest;
using Myriad.Rest.Types;
using Myriad.Types;
using NodaTime;
using PluralKit.Core;
namespace PluralKit.Bot;
public class ApplicationCommandProxiedMessage
private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest;
private readonly IDiscordCache _cache;
private readonly EmbedService _embeds;
private readonly ModelRepository _repo;
public ApplicationCommandProxiedMessage(DiscordApiClient rest, IDiscordCache cache, EmbedService embeds,
ModelRepository repo)
_rest = rest;
_cache = cache;
_embeds = embeds;
_repo = repo;
public async Task QueryMessage(InteractionContext ctx)
var messageId = ctx.Event.Data!.TargetId!.Value;
var msg = await ctx.Repository.GetFullMessage(messageId);
if (msg == null)
throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId);
var showContent = true;
var channel = await _rest.GetChannelOrNull(msg.Message.Channel);
if (channel == null)
showContent = false;
var embeds = new List<Embed>();
var guild = await _cache.GetGuild(ctx.GuildId);
if (msg.Member != null)
embeds.Add(await _embeds.CreateMemberEmbed(
embeds.Add(await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(msg, showContent));
await ctx.Reply(embeds: embeds.ToArray());
public async Task DeleteMessage(InteractionContext ctx)
var messageId = ctx.Event.Data!.TargetId!.Value;
// check for command messages
var (authorId, channelId) = await ctx.Services.Resolve<CommandMessageService>().GetCommandMessage(messageId);
if (authorId != null)
if (authorId != ctx.User.Id)
throw new PKError("You can only delete command messages queried by this account.");
var isDM = (await _repo.GetDmChannel(ctx.User!.Id)) == channelId;
await DeleteMessageInner(ctx, channelId!.Value, messageId, isDM);
// and do the same for proxied messages
var message = await ctx.Repository.GetFullMessage(messageId);
if (message != null)
if (message.System?.Id != ctx.System.Id && message.Message.Sender != ctx.User.Id)
throw new PKError("You can only delete your own messages.");
await DeleteMessageInner(ctx, message.Message.Channel, message.Message.Mid, false);
// otherwise, we don't know about this message at all!
throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId);
internal async Task DeleteMessageInner(InteractionContext ctx, ulong channelId, ulong messageId, bool isDM = false)
if (!((await _cache.PermissionsIn(channelId)).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages) || isDM))
throw new PKError("PluralKit does not have the *Manage Messages* permission in this channel, and thus cannot delete the message."
+ " Please contact a server administrator to remedy this.");
await ctx.Rest.DeleteMessage(channelId, messageId);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Message deleted.");
public async Task PingMessageAuthor(InteractionContext ctx)
var messageId = ctx.Event.Data!.TargetId!.Value;
var msg = await ctx.Repository.GetFullMessage(messageId);
if (msg == null)
throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId);
// Check if the "pinger" has permission to send messages in this channel
// (if not, PK shouldn't send messages on their behalf)
var member = await _rest.GetGuildMember(ctx.GuildId, ctx.User.Id);
var requiredPerms = PermissionSet.ViewChannel | PermissionSet.SendMessages;
if (member == null || !(await _cache.PermissionsFor(ctx.ChannelId, member)).HasFlag(requiredPerms))
throw new PKError("You do not have permission to send messages in this channel.");
var config = await _repo.GetSystemConfig(msg.System.Id);
if (config.PingsEnabled)
// If the system has pings enabled, go ahead
await ctx.Respond(InteractionResponse.ResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource,
new InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData
Content = $"Psst, **{msg.Member.DisplayName()}** (<@{msg.Message.Sender}>), you have been pinged by <@{ctx.User.Id}>.",
Components = new[]
new MessageComponent
Type = ComponentType.ActionRow,
Components = new[]
new MessageComponent
Style = ButtonStyle.Link,
Type = ComponentType.Button,
Label = "Jump",
Url = msg.Message.JumpLink(),
AllowedMentions = new AllowedMentions { Users = new[] { msg.Message.Sender } },
Flags = new() { },
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Error} {msg.Member.DisplayName()}'s system has disabled command pings.");