78 lines
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78 lines
3.1 KiB
using System;
using PluralKit.Core;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
public static class GroupMemberUtils
public static string GenerateResponse(Groups.AddRemoveOperation action, int memberCount, int groupCount, int actionedOn, int notActionedOn)
var op = action;
var actionStr = action == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "added to" : "removed from";
var containStr = action == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Add ? "in" : "not in";
var emojiStr = actionedOn > 0 ? Emojis.Success : Emojis.Error;
var memberPlural = memberCount > 1;
var groupPlural = groupCount > 1;
// sanity checking: we can't add multiple groups to multiple members (at least for now)
if (memberPlural && groupPlural)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
// sanity checking: we can't act/not act on a different number of entities than we have
if (memberPlural && (actionedOn + notActionedOn) != memberCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (groupPlural && (actionedOn + notActionedOn) != groupCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
// name generators
string MemberString(int count, bool capitalize = false)
=> capitalize
? (count == 1 ? "Member" : "Members")
: (count == 1 ? "member" : "members");
string GroupString(int count)
=> count == 1 ? "group" : "groups";
// string generators
string ResponseString()
if (actionedOn > 0 && notActionedOn > 0 && memberPlural)
return $"{actionedOn} {MemberString(actionedOn)} {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}";
if (actionedOn > 0 && notActionedOn > 0 && groupPlural)
return $"{MemberString(memberCount, capitalize: true)} {actionStr} {actionedOn} {GroupString(actionedOn)}";
if (notActionedOn == 0)
return $"{MemberString(memberCount, capitalize: true)} {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}";
if (actionedOn == 0)
return $"{MemberString(memberCount, capitalize: true)} not {actionStr} {GroupString(groupCount)}";
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
string InfoMessage()
if (notActionedOn == 0) return $"";
var msg = "";
if (actionedOn > 0 && memberPlural)
msg += $"{notActionedOn} {MemberString(notActionedOn)}";
msg += $"{MemberString(memberCount)}";
msg += $" already {containStr}";
if (actionedOn > 0 && groupPlural)
msg += $" {notActionedOn} {GroupString(notActionedOn)}";
msg += $" {GroupString(groupCount)}";
return $" ({msg})";
return $"{emojiStr} {ResponseString()}{InfoMessage()}.";
} |