This does a *lot* of things. Essentially, it replaces the existing individual proxy- and autoproxy caches on the bot end with a global cache (in Core) that handles all the caching at once, and automatically invalidates the cache once something changes in the datastore. This allows us to do proxying and autoproxying with *zero database queries* (best-case).
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using PluralKit.Bot.CommandSystem;
namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
public class Autoproxy
private IDataStore _data;
public Autoproxy(IDataStore data)
_data = data;
public async Task AutoproxyRoot(Context ctx)
if (ctx.Match("off", "stop", "cancel", "no"))
await AutoproxyOff(ctx);
else if (ctx.Match("latch", "last", "proxy", "stick", "sticky"))
await AutoproxyLatch(ctx);
else if (ctx.Match("front", "fronter", "switch"))
await AutoproxyFront(ctx);
else if (ctx.Match("member"))
throw new PKSyntaxError("Member-mode autoproxy must target a specific member. Use the `pk;autoproxy <member>` command, where `member` is the name or ID of a member in your system.");
else if (await ctx.MatchMember() is PKMember member)
await AutoproxyMember(ctx, member);
else if (!ctx.HasNext())
await ctx.Reply(embed: await CreateAutoproxyStatusEmbed(ctx));
throw new PKSyntaxError($"Invalid autoproxy mode `{ctx.PopArgument().EscapeMarkdown()}`.");
private async Task AutoproxyOff(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Off)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already off in this server.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Off;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy turned off in this server.");
private async Task AutoproxyLatch(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Latch)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to latch mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Latch;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to latch mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *last-proxied member* in this server.");
private async Task AutoproxyFront(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Front)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to front mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Front;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to front mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *current first fronter*, if any.");
private async Task AutoproxyMember(Context ctx, PKMember member)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Member;
settings.AutoproxyMember = member.Id;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to **{member.Name}** in this server.");
private async Task<Embed> CreateAutoproxyStatusEmbed(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
var commandList = "**pk;autoproxy latch** - Autoproxies as last-proxied member\n**pk;autoproxy front** - Autoproxies as current (first) fronter\n**pk;autoproxy <member>** - Autoproxies as a specific member";
var eb = new EmbedBuilder().WithTitle($"Current autoproxy status (for {ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()})");
switch (settings.AutoproxyMode) {
case AutoproxyMode.Off: eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is currently **off** in this server. To enable it, use one of the following commands:\n{commandList}");
case AutoproxyMode.Front: {
var lastSwitch = await _data.GetLatestSwitch(ctx.System);
if (lastSwitch == null)
eb.WithDescription("Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but you have no registered switches. Use the `pk;switch` command to log one.");
var firstMember = await _data.GetSwitchMembers(lastSwitch).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
eb.WithDescription(firstMember == null
? "Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but there are currently no fronters registered."
: $"Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server. The current (first) fronter is **{firstMember.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}** (`{firstMember.Hid}`). To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
// AutoproxyMember is never null if Mode is Member, this is just to make the compiler shut up
case AutoproxyMode.Member when settings.AutoproxyMember != null: {
var member = await _data.GetMemberById(settings.AutoproxyMember.Value);
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is active for member **{member.Name}** (`{member.Hid}`) in this server. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
case AutoproxyMode.Latch:
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is currently set to **latch mode**, meaning the *last-proxied member* will be autoproxied. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return eb.Build();
} |