2022-05-10 07:32:14 -04:00

204 lines
7.6 KiB

using Autofac;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Myriad.Cache;
using Myriad.Gateway;
using Myriad.Types;
using Myriad.Rest;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Sentry;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Core;
namespace PluralKit.Bot;
public class Init
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Load configuration and run global init stuff
var config = InitUtils.BuildConfiguration(args).Build();
// init version service
await BuildInfoService.LoadVersion();
// Set up DI container and modules
var services = BuildContainer(config);
await RunWrapper(services, async ct =>
var logger = services.Resolve<ILogger>().ForContext<Init>();
// Initialize Sentry SDK, and make sure it gets dropped at the end
using var _ = SentrySdk.Init(opts =>
opts.Dsn = services.Resolve<CoreConfig>().SentryUrl;
opts.Release = BuildInfoService.FullVersion;
opts.AutoSessionTracking = true;
var config = services.Resolve<BotConfig>();
var coreConfig = services.Resolve<CoreConfig>();
// initialize Redis
var redis = services.Resolve<RedisService>();
if (config.UseRedisRatelimiter)
await redis.InitAsync(coreConfig);
var cache = services.Resolve<IDiscordCache>();
if (cache is RedisDiscordCache)
await (cache as RedisDiscordCache).InitAsync(coreConfig.RedisAddr, config.ClientId!.Value);
if (config.Cluster == null)
// "Connect to the database" (ie. set off database migrations and ensure state)
logger.Information("Connecting to database");
await services.Resolve<IDatabase>().ApplyMigrations();
// Clear shard status from Redis
if (redis.Connection != null)
await redis.Connection.GetDatabase().KeyDeleteAsync("pluralkit:shardstatus");
logger.Information("Initializing bot");
var bot = services.Resolve<Bot>();
// Get bot status message from Redis
if (redis.Connection != null)
bot.CustomStatusMessage = await redis.Connection.GetDatabase().StringGetAsync("pluralkit:botstatus");
// Init the bot instance itself, register handlers and such to the client before beginning to connect
// Start the Discord shards themselves (handlers already set up)
logger.Information("Connecting to Discord");
await StartCluster(services);
logger.Information("Connected! All is good (probably).");
// Lastly, we just... wait. Everything else is handled in the DiscordClient event loop
await Task.Delay(-1, ct);
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// Once the CancellationToken fires, we need to shut stuff down
// (generally happens given a SIGINT/SIGKILL/Ctrl-C, see calling wrapper)
await bot.Shutdown();
private static async Task RunWrapper(IContainer services, Func<CancellationToken, Task> taskFunc)
// This function does a couple things:
// - Creates a CancellationToken that'll cancel tasks once needed
// - Wraps the given function in an exception handler that properly logs errors
// - Adds a SIGINT (Ctrl-C) listener through Console.CancelKeyPress to gracefully shut down
// - Adds a SIGTERM (kill, systemctl stop, docker stop) listener through AppDomain.ProcessExit (same as above)
// todo: move run-clustered.sh to here
var logger = services.Resolve<ILogger>().ForContext<Init>();
var shutdown = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var gracefulShutdownCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure (will only be hit before the below disposal)
logger.Information("Received SIGINT/Ctrl-C, attempting graceful shutdown...");
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (_, __) =>
// This callback is fired on a SIGKILL is sent.
// The runtime will kill the program as soon as this callback is finished, so we have to
// block on the shutdown task's completion to ensure everything is sorted by the time this returns.
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure (it's only disposed after the block)
logger.Information("Received SIGKILL event, attempting graceful shutdown...");
var ___ = shutdown.Task.Result; // Blocking! This is the only time it's justified...
await taskFunc(gracefulShutdownCts.Token);
logger.Information("Shutdown complete. Have a nice day~");
catch (Exception e)
logger.Fatal(e, "Error while running bot");
// Allow the log buffer to flush properly before exiting
await Task.Delay(500);
private static IContainer BuildContainer(IConfiguration config)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterModule(new ConfigModule<BotConfig>("Bot"));
builder.RegisterModule(new LoggingModule("bot"));
builder.RegisterModule(new MetricsModule());
return builder.Build();
private static async Task StartCluster(IComponentContext services)
var redis = services.Resolve<RedisService>();
var cluster = services.Resolve<Cluster>();
var config = services.Resolve<BotConfig>();
if (config.Cluster != null)
var info = new GatewayInfo.Bot()
SessionStartLimit = new()
MaxConcurrency = config.MaxShardConcurrency ?? 1,
Shards = config.Cluster.TotalShards,
Url = "wss://gateway.discord.gg",
// For multi-instance deployments, calculate the "span" of shards this node is responsible for
var totalNodes = config.Cluster.TotalNodes;
var totalShards = config.Cluster.TotalShards;
var nodeIndex = config.Cluster.NodeIndex;
// Should evenly distribute shards even with an uneven amount of nodes
var shardMin = (int)Math.Round(totalShards * (float)nodeIndex / totalNodes);
var shardMax = (int)Math.Round(totalShards * (float)(nodeIndex + 1) / totalNodes) - 1;
if (config.RedisGatewayUrl != null)
var shardService = services.Resolve<RedisGatewayService>();
for (var i = shardMin; i <= shardMax; i++)
await shardService.Start(i);
await cluster.Start(info.Url, shardMin, shardMax, totalShards, info.SessionStartLimit.MaxConcurrency, redis.Connection);
var info = await services.Resolve<DiscordApiClient>().GetGatewayBot();
await cluster.Start(info, redis.Connection);