2018-07-14 00:26:23 +02:00

487 lines
20 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import discord
import humanize
from pluralkit import db
from import client, logger
from pluralkit.utils import command, generate_hid, generate_member_info_card, generate_system_info_card, member_command, parse_mention, text_input, get_system_fuzzy, get_member_fuzzy, command_map, make_default_embed, parse_channel_mention, bounds_check_member_name
@command(cmd="system", usage="[system]", description="Shows information about a system.", category="System commands")
async def system_info(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
# Use sender's system
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Look one up
system = await get_system_fuzzy(conn, args[0])
if system is None:
return False, "Unable to find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_system_info_card(conn, system))
return True
@command(cmd="system new", usage="[name]", description="Registers a new system to this account.", category="System commands")
async def new_system(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is not None:
return False, "You already have a system registered. To remove your system, use `pk;system remove`, or to unlink your system from this account, use `pk;system unlink`."
system_name = None
if len(args) > 0:
system_name = " ".join(args)
async with conn.transaction():
# TODO: figure out what to do if this errors out on collision on generate_hid
hid = generate_hid()
system = await db.create_system(conn, system_name=system_name, system_hid=hid)
# Link account
await db.link_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "System registered! To begin adding members, use `pk;member new <name>`."
@command(cmd="system set", usage="<name|description|tag> [value]", description="Edits a system property. Leave [value] blank to clear.", category="System commands")
async def system_set(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
return False
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
allowed_properties = ["name", "description", "tag"]
db_properties = {
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"tag": "tag"
prop = args[0]
if prop not in allowed_properties:
return False, "Unknown property {}. Allowed properties are {}.".format(prop, ", ".join(allowed_properties))
if len(args) >= 2:
value = " ".join(args[1:])
# Sanity checking
if prop == "tag":
# Make sure there are no members which would make the combined length exceed 32
members_exceeding = await db.get_members_exceeding(conn, system_id=system["id"], length=32 - len(value))
if len(members_exceeding) > 0:
# If so, error out and warn
member_names = ", ".join([member["name"]
for member in members_exceeding])
logger.debug("Members exceeding combined length with tag '{}': {}".format(value, member_names))
return False, "The maximum length of a name plus the system tag is 32 characters. The following members would exceed the limit: {}. Please reduce the length of the tag, or rename the members.".format(member_names)
# Clear from DB
value = None
db_prop = db_properties[prop]
await db.update_system_field(conn, system_id=system["id"], field=db_prop, value=value)
return True, "{} system {}.".format("Updated" if value else "Cleared", prop)
@command(cmd="system link", usage="<account>", description="Links another account to your system.", category="System commands")
async def system_link(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
return False
# Find account to link
linkee = await parse_mention(args[0])
if not linkee:
return False, "Account not found."
# Make sure account doesn't already have a system
account_system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if account_system:
return False, "Account is already linked to a system (`{}`)".format(account_system["hid"])
# Send confirmation message
msg = await client.send_message(, "{}, please confirm the link by clicking the ✅ reaction on this message.".format(linkee.mention))
await client.add_reaction(msg, "")
await client.add_reaction(msg, "")
reaction = await client.wait_for_reaction(emoji=["", ""], message=msg, user=linkee)
# If account to be linked confirms...
if reaction.reaction.emoji == "":
async with conn.transaction():
# Execute the link
await db.link_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "Account linked to system."
await client.clear_reactions(msg)
return False, "Account link cancelled."
@command(cmd="system unlink", description="Unlinks your system from this account. There must be at least one other account linked.", category="System commands")
async def system_unlink(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Make sure you can't unlink every account
linked_accounts = await db.get_linked_accounts(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if len(linked_accounts) == 1:
return False, "This is the only account on your system, so you can't unlink it."
async with conn.transaction():
await db.unlink_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "Account unlinked."
@command(cmd="system fronter", usage="[system]", description="Gets the current fronter in the system.", category="Switching commands")
async def system_fronter(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
system = await get_system_fuzzy(conn, args[0])
if system is None:
return False, "Can't find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
current_fronter = await db.current_fronter(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if not current_fronter:
return True, make_default_embed(None).add_field(name="Current fronter", value="*(nobody)*")
fronter_name = "*(nobody)*"
if current_fronter["member"]:
member = await db.get_member(conn, member_id=current_fronter["member"])
fronter_name = member["name"]
if current_fronter["member_del"]:
fronter_name = "*(deleted member)*"
since = current_fronter["timestamp"]
embed = make_default_embed(None)
embed.add_field(name="Current fronter", value=fronter_name)
embed.add_field(name="Since", value="{} ({})".format(since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), humanize.naturaltime(since)))
return True, embed
@command(cmd="system fronthistory", usage="[system]", description="Shows the past 10 switches in the system.", category="Switching commands")
async def system_fronthistory(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
system = await get_system_fuzzy(conn, args[0])
if system is None:
return False, "Can't find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
switches = await db.past_fronters(conn, system_id=system["id"], amount=10)
lines = []
for switch in switches:
since = switch["timestamp"]
time_text = since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds")
rel_text = humanize.naturaltime(since)
lines.append("**{}** ({}, at {})".format(switch["name"], time_text, rel_text))
embed = make_default_embed("\n".join(lines))
embed.title = "Past switches"
return True, embed
@command(cmd="system delete", description="Deletes your system from the database ***permanently***.", category="System commands")
async def system_delete(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to delete your system? If so, reply to this message with the system's ID (`{}`).".format(system["hid"]))
msg = await client.wait_for_message(,
if msg.content == system["hid"]:
await db.remove_system(conn, system_id=system["id"])
return True, "System deleted."
return True, "System deletion cancelled."
@member_command(cmd="member", description="Shows information about a system member.", system_only=False, category="Member commands")
async def member_info(conn, message, member, args):
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_member_info_card(conn, member))
return True
@command(cmd="member new", usage="<name>", description="Adds a new member to your system.", category="Member commands")
async def new_member(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
if len(args) == 0:
return False
name = " ".join(args)
bounds_error = bounds_check_member_name(name, system["tag"])
if bounds_error:
return False, bounds_error
async with conn.transaction():
# TODO: figure out what to do if this errors out on collision on generate_hid
hid = generate_hid()
# Insert member row
await db.create_member(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_name=name, member_hid=hid)
return True, "Member \"{}\" (`{}`) registered!".format(name, hid)
@member_command(cmd="member set", usage="<name|description|color|pronouns|birthdate|avatar> [value]", description="Edits a member property. Leave [value] blank to clear.", category="Member commands")
async def member_set(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
return False
allowed_properties = ["name", "description", "color", "pronouns", "birthdate", "avatar"]
db_properties = {
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"color": "color",
"pronouns": "pronouns",
"birthdate": "birthday",
"avatar": "avatar_url"
prop = args[0]
if prop not in allowed_properties:
return False, "Unknown property {}. Allowed properties are {}.".format(prop, ", ".join(allowed_properties))
if len(args) >= 2:
value = " ".join(args[1:])
# Sanity/validity checks and type conversions
if prop == "name":
system = await db.get_system(conn, member["system"])
bounds_error = bounds_check_member_name(value, system["tag"])
if bounds_error:
return False, bounds_error
if prop == "color":
match = re.fullmatch("#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})", value)
if not match:
return False, "Color must be a valid hex color (eg. #ff0000)"
value =
if prop == "birthdate":
value = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
except ValueError:
return False, "Invalid date. Date must be in ISO-8601 format (eg. 1999-07-25)."
if prop == "avatar":
user = await parse_mention(args[0])
if user:
# Set the avatar to the mentioned user's avatar
# Discord doesn't like webp, but also hosts png alternatives
value = user.avatar_url.replace(".webp", ".png")
# Validate URL
u = urlparse(args[0])
if u.scheme in ["http", "https"] and u.netloc and u.path:
value = args[0]
return False, "Invalid URL."
# Can't clear member name
if prop == "name":
return False, "Can't clear member name."
# Clear from DB
value = None
db_prop = db_properties[prop]
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field=db_prop, value=value)
if prop == "avatar":
response = make_default_embed("Updated {}'s avatar.".format(member["name"])).set_image(url=value)
response = "{} {}'s {}.".format("Updated" if value else "Cleared", member["name"], prop)
return True, response
@member_command(cmd="member proxy", usage="[example]", description="Updates a member's proxy settings. Needs an \"example\" proxied message containing the string \"text\" (eg. [text], |text|, etc).", category="Member commands")
async def member_proxy(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
prefix, suffix = None, None
# Sanity checking
example = " ".join(args)
if "text" not in example:
return False, "Example proxy message must contain the string 'text'."
if example.count("text") != 1:
return False, "Example proxy message must contain the string 'text' exactly once."
# Extract prefix and suffix
prefix = example[:example.index("text")].strip()
suffix = example[example.index("text")+4:].strip()
"Matched prefix '{}' and suffix '{}'".format(prefix, suffix))
# DB stores empty strings as None, make that work
if not prefix:
prefix = None
if not suffix:
suffix = None
async with conn.transaction():
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="prefix", value=prefix)
await db.update_member_field(conn, member_id=member["id"], field="suffix", value=suffix)
return True, "Proxy settings updated." if prefix or suffix else "Proxy settings cleared."
@command(cmd="message", usage="<id>", description="Shows information about a proxied message. Requires the message ID.", category="Message commands")
async def message_info(conn, message, args):
mid = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
return False
# Find the message in the DB
message_row = await db.get_message(conn, mid)
if not message_row:
return False, "Message not found."
# Find the actual message object
channel = client.get_channel(str(message_row["channel"]))
message = await client.get_message(channel, str(message_row["mid"]))
# Get the original sender of the message
original_sender = await client.get_user_info(str(message_row["sender"]))
# Get sender member and system
member = await db.get_member(conn, message_row["member"])
system = await db.get_system(conn, member["system"])
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.timestamp = message.timestamp
embed.colour =
if system["name"]:
system_value = "`{}`: {}".format(system["hid"], system["name"])
system_value = "`{}`".format(system["hid"])
embed.add_field(name="System", value=system_value)
embed.add_field(name="Member", value="`{}`: {}".format(
member["hid"], member["name"]))
embed.add_field(name="Sent by", value="{}#{}".format(, original_sender.discriminator))
embed.add_field(name="Content", value=message.clean_content, inline=False)
embed.set_author(name=member["name"], url=member["avatar_url"])
await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
return True
@command(cmd="switch", usage="<name|id>", description="Registers a switch and changes the current fronter.", category="Switching commands")
async def switch_member(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
return False
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Find the member
member = await get_member_fuzzy(conn, system["id"], " ".join(args))
if not member:
return False, "Couldn't find member \"{}\".".format(args[0])
# Get current fronter
current_fronter = await db.current_fronter(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if current_fronter and current_fronter["member"] == member["id"]:
return False, "Member \"{}\" is already fronting.".format(member["name"])
# Log the switch
await db.add_switch(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_id=member["id"])
return True, "Switch registered. Current fronter is now {}.".format(member["name"])
@command(cmd="switch out", description="Registers a switch out, and leaves current fronter blank.", category="Switching commands")
async def switch_out(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Get current fronter
current_fronter = await db.current_fronter(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if not current_fronter or not current_fronter["member"]:
return False, "There's already no one in front."
# Log it
await db.add_switch(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_id=None)
return True, "Switch-out registered."
@command(cmd="mod log", usage="[channel]", description="Sets the bot to log events to a specified channel. Leave blank to disable.", category="Moderation commands")
async def set_log(conn, message, args):
if not
return False, "You must be a server administrator to use this command."
server = message.server
if len(args) == 0:
channel_id = None
channel = parse_channel_mention(args[0], server=server)
if not channel:
return False, "Channel not found."
channel_id =
await db.update_server(conn,, logging_channel_id=channel_id)
return True, "Updated logging channel." if channel_id else "Cleared logging channel."
def make_help(cmds):
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.colour =
embed.title = "PluralKit Help"
text="<> denotes mandatory arguments, [] denotes optional arguments")
for cmd, subcommands in cmds:
for subcmd, (_, usage, description) in subcommands.items():
embed.add_field(name="{} {} {}".format(
cmd, subcmd or "", usage or ""), value=description, inline=False)
return embed
@command(cmd="help", usage="[category]", description="Shows this help message.")
async def show_help(conn, message, args):
embed = make_default_embed("")
embed.title = "PluralKit Help"
categories = {}
prefix = "pk;"
for cmd, (_, usage, description, category) in command_map.items():
if category is None:
if category not in categories:
categories[category] = []
categories[category].append("**{}{} {}** - {}".format(prefix, cmd, usage or "", description or ""))
for category, lines in categories.items():
embed.add_field(name=category, value="\n".join(lines), inline=False)
return True, embed