225 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using Autofac;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using DSharpPlus.EventArgs;
using DSharpPlus.Exceptions;
using NodaTime;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Sentry;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Context;
using Serilog.Events;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class Bot
private readonly DiscordShardedClient _client;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly ILifetimeScope _services;
private readonly PeriodicStatCollector _collector;
private readonly IMetrics _metrics;
private bool _hasReceivedReady = false;
private Timer _periodicTask; // Never read, just kept here for GC reasons
public Bot(DiscordShardedClient client, ILifetimeScope services, ILogger logger, PeriodicStatCollector collector, IMetrics metrics)
_client = client;
_services = services;
_collector = collector;
_metrics = metrics;
_logger = logger.ForContext<Bot>();
public void Init()
// Attach the handlers we need
_client.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += FrameworkLog;
// HandleEvent takes a type parameter, automatically inferred by the event type
// It will then look up an IEventHandler<TypeOfEvent> in the DI container and call that object's handler method
// For registering new ones, see Modules.cs
_client.MessageCreated += HandleEvent;
_client.MessageDeleted += HandleEvent;
_client.MessageUpdated += HandleEvent;
_client.MessagesBulkDeleted += HandleEvent;
_client.MessageReactionAdded += HandleEvent;
// Update shard status for shards immediately on connect
_client.Ready += args =>
_hasReceivedReady = true;
return UpdateBotStatus(args.Client);
_client.Resumed += args => UpdateBotStatus(args.Client);
// Init the shard stuff
// Not awaited, just needs to run in the background
// Trying our best to run it at whole minute boundaries (xx:00), with ~250ms buffer
// This *probably* doesn't matter in practice but I jut think it's neat, y'know.
var timeNow = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
var timeTillNextWholeMinute = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(60000 - timeNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() % 60000 + 250);
_periodicTask = new Timer(_ =>
var __ = UpdatePeriodic();
}, null, timeTillNextWholeMinute, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
public async Task Shutdown()
// This will stop the timer and prevent any subsequent invocations
await _periodicTask.DisposeAsync();
// Send users a lil status message
// We're not actually properly disconnecting from the gateway (lol) so it'll linger for a few minutes
// Should be plenty of time for the bot to connect again next startup and set the real status
if (_hasReceivedReady)
await _client.UpdateStatusAsync(new DiscordActivity("Restarting... (please wait)"), UserStatus.Idle);
private Task HandleEvent<T>(T evt) where T: DiscordEventArgs
// We don't want to stall the event pipeline, so we'll "fork" inside here
var _ = HandleEventInner();
return Task.CompletedTask;
async Task HandleEventInner()
using var _ = LogContext.PushProperty("EventId", Guid.NewGuid());
.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?")
.Debug("Gateway event: {@Event}", evt);
await using var serviceScope = _services.BeginLifetimeScope();
// Also, find a Sentry enricher for the event type (if one is present), and ask it to put some event data in the Sentry scope
var sentryEnricher = serviceScope.ResolveOptional<ISentryEnricher<T>>();
sentryEnricher?.Enrich(serviceScope.Resolve<Scope>(), evt);
// Find an event handler that can handle the type of event (<T>) we're given
var handler = serviceScope.Resolve<IEventHandler<T>>();
var queue = serviceScope.ResolveOptional<HandlerQueue<T>>();
// Delegate to the queue to see if it wants to handle this event
// the TryHandle call returns true if it's handled the event
// Usually it won't, so just pass it on to the main handler
if (queue == null || !await queue.TryHandle(evt))
await handler.Handle(evt);
catch (Exception exc)
await HandleError(handler, evt, serviceScope, exc);
private async Task HandleError<T>(IEventHandler<T> handler, T evt, ILifetimeScope serviceScope, Exception exc)
where T: DiscordEventArgs
// Make this beforehand so we can access the event ID for logging
var sentryEvent = new SentryEvent(exc);
.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?")
.Error(exc, "Exception in event handler: {SentryEventId}", sentryEvent.EventId);
// If the event is us responding to our own error messages, don't bother logging
if (evt is MessageCreateEventArgs mc && mc.Author.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id)
var shouldReport = exc.IsOurProblem();
if (shouldReport)
// Report error to Sentry
// This will just no-op if there's no URL set
var sentryScope = serviceScope.Resolve<Scope>();
// Add some specific info about Discord error responses, as a breadcrumb
if (exc is BadRequestException bre)
sentryScope.AddBreadcrumb(bre.WebResponse.Response, "response.error", data: new Dictionary<string, string>(bre.WebResponse.Headers));
if (exc is NotFoundException nfe)
sentryScope.AddBreadcrumb(nfe.WebResponse.Response, "response.error", data: new Dictionary<string, string>(nfe.WebResponse.Headers));
if (exc is UnauthorizedException ue)
sentryScope.AddBreadcrumb(ue.WebResponse.Response, "response.error", data: new Dictionary<string, string>(ue.WebResponse.Headers));
SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(sentryEvent, sentryScope);
// Once we've sent it to Sentry, report it to the user (if we have permission to)
var reportChannel = handler.ErrorChannelFor(evt);
if (reportChannel != null && reportChannel.BotHasAllPermissions(Permissions.SendMessages))
var eid = sentryEvent.EventId;
await reportChannel.SendMessageFixedAsync(
$"{Emojis.Error} Internal error occurred. Please join the support server (<https://discord.gg/PczBt78>), and send the developer this ID: `{eid}`\nBe sure to include a description of what you were doing to make the error occur.");
private async Task UpdatePeriodic()
_logger.Debug("Running once-per-minute scheduled tasks");
await UpdateBotStatus();
// Collect some stats, submit them to the metrics backend
await _collector.CollectStats();
await Task.WhenAll(((IMetricsRoot) _metrics).ReportRunner.RunAllAsync());
_logger.Debug("Submitted metrics to backend");
private async Task UpdateBotStatus(DiscordClient specificShard = null)
// If we're not on any shards, don't bother (this happens if the periodic timer fires before the first Ready)
if (!_hasReceivedReady) return;
var totalGuilds = _client.ShardClients.Values.Sum(c => c.Guilds.Count);
try // DiscordClient may throw an exception if the socket is closed (e.g just after OP 7 received)
Task UpdateStatus(DiscordClient shard) =>
shard.UpdateStatusAsync(new DiscordActivity($"pk;help | in {totalGuilds} servers | shard #{shard.ShardId}"));
if (specificShard != null)
await UpdateStatus(specificShard);
else // Run shard updates concurrently
await Task.WhenAll(_client.ShardClients.Values.Select(UpdateStatus));
catch (WebSocketException) { }
public void FrameworkLog(object sender, DebugLogMessageEventArgs args)
// Bridge D#+ logging to Serilog
LogEventLevel level = LogEventLevel.Verbose;
if (args.Level == LogLevel.Critical)
level = LogEventLevel.Fatal;
else if (args.Level == LogLevel.Debug)
level = LogEventLevel.Debug;
else if (args.Level == LogLevel.Error)
level = LogEventLevel.Error;
else if (args.Level == LogLevel.Info)
level = LogEventLevel.Information;
else if (args.Level == LogLevel.Warning)
level = LogEventLevel.Warning;
_logger.Write(level, args.Exception, "D#+ {Source}: {Message}", args.Application, args.Message);