This does a *lot* of things. Essentially, it replaces the existing individual proxy- and autoproxy caches on the bot end with a global cache (in Core) that handles all the caching at once, and automatically invalidates the cache once something changes in the datastore. This allows us to do proxying and autoproxying with *zero database queries* (best-case).
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class ProxyCache
// We can NOT depend on IDataStore as that creates a cycle, since it needs access to call the invalidation methods
private IMemoryCache _cache;
private DbConnectionFactory _db;
private ILogger _logger;
public ProxyCache(IMemoryCache cache, DbConnectionFactory db, ILogger logger)
_cache = cache;
_db = db;
_logger = logger;
public Task InvalidateSystem(PKSystem system) => InvalidateSystem(system.Id);
public async Task InvalidateSystem(int systemId)
if (_cache.TryGetValue<CachedAccount>(KeyForSystem(systemId), out var systemCache))
// If we have the system cached here, just invalidate for all the accounts we have in the cache
_logger.Debug("Invalidating cache for system {System} and accounts {Accounts}", systemId, systemCache.Accounts);
foreach (var account in systemCache.Accounts)
// If we don't, look up the accounts from the database and invalidate *those*
using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var accounts = (await conn.QueryAsync<ulong>("select uid from accounts where system = @System", new {System = systemId})).ToArray();
_logger.Debug("Invalidating cache for system {System} and accounts {Accounts}", systemId, accounts);
foreach (var account in accounts)
public void InvalidateGuild(ulong guild)
_logger.Debug("Invalidating cache for guild {Guild}", guild);
public async Task<GuildConfig> GetGuildDataCached(ulong guild)
if (_cache.TryGetValue<GuildConfig>(KeyForGuild(guild), out var item))
_logger.Verbose("Cache hit for guild {Guild}", guild);
return item;
// When changing this, also see PostgresDataStore::GetOrCreateGuildConfig
using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
_logger.Verbose("Cache miss for guild {Guild}", guild);
var guildConfig = (await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PostgresDataStore.DatabaseCompatibleGuildConfig>(
"insert into servers (id) values (@Id) on conflict do nothing; select * from servers where id = @Id",
new {Id = guild})).Into();
.Dispose(); // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return guildConfig;
public async Task<CachedAccount> GetAccountDataCached(ulong account)
if (_cache.TryGetValue<CachedAccount>(KeyForAccount(account), out var item))
_logger.Verbose("Cache hit for account {Account}", account);
return item;
_logger.Verbose("Cache miss for account {Account}", account);
var data = await GetAccountData(account);
if (data == null)
_logger.Debug("Cached data for account {Account} (no system)", account);
// If we didn't find any value, set a pretty long expiry and the value to null
.Dispose(); // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return null;
// If we *did* find the value, cache it for *every account in the system* with a shorter expiry
_logger.Debug("Cached data for system {System} and accounts {Account}", data.System.Id, data.Accounts);
foreach (var linkedAccount in data.Accounts)
.Dispose(); // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
// And also do it for the system itself so we can look up by that
.Dispose(); // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return data;
private async Task<CachedAccount> GetAccountData(ulong account)
using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Doing this as two queries instead of a two-step join to avoid sending duplicate rows for the system over the network for each member
// This *may* be less efficient, haven't done too much stuff about this but having the system ID saved is very useful later on
var system = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem>("select systems.* from accounts inner join systems on = accounts.system where accounts.uid = @Account", new { Account = account });
if (system == null) return null; // No system = no members = no cache value
// Fetches:
// - List of accounts in the system
// - List of members in the system
// - List of guild settings for the system (for every guild)
// - List of guild settings for each member (for every guild)
// I'm slightly worried the volume of guild settings will get too much, but for simplicity reasons I decided
// against caching them individually per-guild, since I can't imagine they'll be edited *that* much
var result = await conn.QueryMultipleAsync(@"
select uid from accounts where system = @System;
select * from members where system = @System;
select * from system_guild where system = @System;
select member_guild.* from members inner join member_guild on member_guild.member = where members.system = @System;
", new {System = system.Id});
return new CachedAccount
System = system,
Accounts = (await result.ReadAsync<ulong>()).ToArray(),
Members = (await result.ReadAsync<PKMember>()).ToArray(),
SystemGuild = (await result.ReadAsync<SystemGuildSettings>()).ToArray(),
MemberGuild = (await result.ReadAsync<MemberGuildSettings>()).ToArray()
private string KeyForAccount(ulong account) => $"_account_cache_{account}";
private string KeyForSystem(int system) => $"_system_cache_{system}";
private string KeyForGuild(ulong guild) => $"_guild_cache_{guild}";
public class CachedAccount
public PKSystem System;
public PKMember[] Members;
public SystemGuildSettings[] SystemGuild;
public MemberGuildSettings[] MemberGuild;
public ulong[] Accounts;
public SystemGuildSettings SettingsForGuild(ulong guild) =>
SystemGuild.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Guild == guild) ?? new SystemGuildSettings();
public MemberGuildSettings SettingsForMemberGuild(int memberId, ulong guild) =>
MemberGuild.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Member == memberId && m.Guild == guild) ?? new MemberGuildSettings();
} |