import { fs } from 'fs'; import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import { child_process } from 'child_process'; import { SecretsManagerClient, GetSecretValueCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager"; export const handler = async (event) => { let result = "did not send"; if (event.subject.includes("You have deliveries") || event.subject.includes("You have a delivery")) { // Trigger home notification"Matched Subject, pull key"); const command = `ssh ${process.env.INTERNAL_HOST} "/usr/bin/tmux neww -d \"/usr/bin/mplayer '${process.env.INTERNAL_FILE}'\""`; const tempFile = `./${v4()}.key`; const keyClient = new SecretsManagerClient({ region: "us-west-2" }); let keyResponse; try { keyResponse = await keyClient.send(new GetSecretValueCommand({ SecretId: process.env.TRIGGER_SECRET })); keyResponse = JSON.parse(keyResponse.SecretString); keyResponse = keyResponse["carbon-key"].replaceAll(" ", "\n"); fs.writeFileSync(tempFile, keyResponse); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); result = err; }"Run SSH"); let SSHResult = child_process.execSync(`ssh -i ${tempFile} ${process.env.TRIGGER_USERNAME}@${process.env.TRIGGER_HOST} "${command}"`);; fs.unlinkSync(tempFile);"Finished SSH"); const response = { statusCode: 200, body: { result }, }; return response; }else{ const response = { statusCode: 200, body: { result }, }; return response; } };