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2022-04-11 02:14:16 +00:00
'use strict';
const process = require('node:process');
const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection');
const Base = require('./Base');
const BaseMessageComponent = require('./BaseMessageComponent');
const ClientApplication = require('./ClientApplication');
const InteractionCollector = require('./InteractionCollector');
const MessageAttachment = require('./MessageAttachment');
const Embed = require('./MessageEmbed');
const Mentions = require('./MessageMentions');
const MessagePayload = require('./MessagePayload');
const ReactionCollector = require('./ReactionCollector');
const { Sticker } = require('./Sticker');
const { Error } = require('../errors');
const ReactionManager = require('../managers/ReactionManager');
const { InteractionTypes, MessageTypes, SystemMessageTypes } = require('../util/Constants');
const MessageFlags = require('../util/MessageFlags');
const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions');
const SnowflakeUtil = require('../util/SnowflakeUtil');
const Util = require('../util/Util');
const { findBestMatch } = require('string-similarity'); // not check similarity
//const { ApplicationCommand } = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13'); - Not being used in this file, not necessary.
* @type {WeakSet<Message>}
* @private
* @internal
const deletedMessages = new WeakSet();
let deprecationEmittedForDeleted = false;
* Represents a message on Discord.
* @extends {Base}
class Message extends Base {
constructor(client, data) {
* The id of the channel the message was sent in
* @type {Snowflake}
this.channelId = data.channel_id;
* The id of the guild the message was sent in, if any
* @type {?Snowflake}
this.guildId = data.guild_id ?? this.channel?.guild?.id ?? null;
_patch(data) {
* The message's id
* @type {Snowflake}
this.id = data.id;
* The timestamp the message was sent at
* @type {number}
this.createdTimestamp = SnowflakeUtil.timestampFrom(this.id);
if ('type' in data) {
* The type of the message
* @type {?MessageType}
this.type = MessageTypes[data.type];
* Whether or not this message was sent by Discord, not actually a user (e.g. pin notifications)
* @type {?boolean}
this.system = SystemMessageTypes.includes(this.type);
} else {
this.system ??= null;
this.type ??= null;
if ('content' in data) {
* The content of the message
* @type {?string}
this.content = data.content;
} else {
this.content ??= null;
if ('author' in data) {
* The author of the message
* @type {?User}
this.author = this.client.users._add(data.author, !data.webhook_id);
} else {
this.author ??= null;
if ('pinned' in data) {
* Whether or not this message is pinned
* @type {?boolean}
this.pinned = Boolean(data.pinned);
} else {
this.pinned ??= null;
if ('tts' in data) {
* Whether or not the message was Text-To-Speech
* @type {?boolean}
this.tts = data.tts;
} else {
this.tts ??= null;
if ('nonce' in data) {
* A random number or string used for checking message delivery
* <warn>This is only received after the message was sent successfully, and
* lost if re-fetched</warn>
* @type {?string}
this.nonce = data.nonce;
} else {
this.nonce ??= null;
if ('embeds' in data) {
* A list of embeds in the message - e.g. YouTube Player
* @type {MessageEmbed[]}
this.embeds = data.embeds.map((e) => new Embed(e, true));
} else {
this.embeds = this.embeds?.slice() ?? [];
if ('components' in data) {
* A list of MessageActionRows in the message
* @type {MessageActionRow[]}
this.components = data.components.map((c) =>
BaseMessageComponent.create(c, this.client),
} else {
this.components = this.components?.slice() ?? [];
if ('attachments' in data) {
* A collection of attachments in the message - e.g. Pictures - mapped by their ids
* @type {Collection<Snowflake, MessageAttachment>}
this.attachments = new Collection();
if (data.attachments) {
for (const attachment of data.attachments) {
new MessageAttachment(
} else {
this.attachments = new Collection(this.attachments);
if ('sticker_items' in data || 'stickers' in data) {
* A collection of stickers in the message
* @type {Collection<Snowflake, Sticker>}
this.stickers = new Collection(
(data.sticker_items ?? data.stickers)?.map((s) => [
new Sticker(this.client, s),
} else {
this.stickers = new Collection(this.stickers);
// Discord sends null if the message has not been edited
if (data.edited_timestamp) {
* The timestamp the message was last edited at (if applicable)
* @type {?number}
this.editedTimestamp = new Date(data.edited_timestamp).getTime();
} else {
this.editedTimestamp ??= null;
if ('reactions' in data) {
* A manager of the reactions belonging to this message
* @type {ReactionManager}
this.reactions = new ReactionManager(this);
if (data.reactions?.length > 0) {
for (const reaction of data.reactions) {
} else {
this.reactions ??= new ReactionManager(this);
if (!this.mentions) {
* All valid mentions that the message contains
* @type {MessageMentions}
this.mentions = new Mentions(
} else {
this.mentions = new Mentions(
data.mentions ?? this.mentions.users,
data.mention_roles ?? this.mentions.roles,
data.mention_everyone ?? this.mentions.everyone,
data.mention_channels ?? this.mentions.crosspostedChannels,
data.referenced_message?.author ?? this.mentions.repliedUser,
if ('webhook_id' in data) {
* The id of the webhook that sent the message, if applicable
* @type {?Snowflake}
this.webhookId = data.webhook_id;
} else {
this.webhookId ??= null;
if ('application' in data) {
* Supplemental application information for group activities
* @type {?ClientApplication}
this.groupActivityApplication = new ClientApplication(
} else {
this.groupActivityApplication ??= null;
if ('application_id' in data) {
* The id of the application of the interaction that sent this message, if any
* @type {?Snowflake}
this.applicationId = data.application_id;
} else {
this.applicationId ??= null;
if ('activity' in data) {
* Group activity
* @type {?MessageActivity}
this.activity = {
partyId: data.activity.party_id,
type: data.activity.type,
} else {
this.activity ??= null;
if ('thread' in data) {
this.client.channels._add(data.thread, this.guild);
if (this.member && data.member) {
} else if (data.member && this.guild && this.author) {
Object.assign(data.member, { user: this.author }),
if ('flags' in data) {
* Flags that are applied to the message
* @type {Readonly<MessageFlags>}
this.flags = new MessageFlags(data.flags).freeze();
} else {
this.flags = new MessageFlags(this.flags).freeze();
* Reference data sent in a message that contains ids identifying the referenced message.
* This can be present in the following types of message:
* * Crossposted messages (IS_CROSSPOST {@link MessageFlags.FLAGS message flag})
* @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-types}
* @typedef {Object} MessageReference
* @property {Snowflake} channelId The channel's id the message was referenced
* @property {?Snowflake} guildId The guild's id the message was referenced
* @property {?Snowflake} messageId The message's id that was referenced
if ('message_reference' in data) {
* Message reference data
* @type {?MessageReference}
this.reference = {
channelId: data.message_reference.channel_id,
guildId: data.message_reference.guild_id,
messageId: data.message_reference.message_id,
} else {
this.reference ??= null;
if (data.referenced_message) {
guild_id: data.message_reference?.guild_id,
* Partial data of the interaction that a message is a reply to
* @typedef {Object} MessageInteraction
* @property {Snowflake} id The interaction's id
* @property {InteractionType} type The type of the interaction
* @property {string} commandName The name of the interaction's application command
* @property {User} user The user that invoked the interaction
if (data.interaction) {
* Partial data of the interaction that this message is a reply to
* @type {?MessageInteraction}
this.interaction = {
id: data.interaction.id,
type: InteractionTypes[data.interaction.type],
commandName: data.interaction.name,
user: this.client.users._add(data.interaction.user),
} else {
this.interaction ??= null;
* Whether or not the structure has been deleted
* @type {boolean}
* @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091
get deleted() {
if (!deprecationEmittedForDeleted) {
deprecationEmittedForDeleted = true;
'Message#deleted is deprecated, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091.',
return deletedMessages.has(this);
set deleted(value) {
if (!deprecationEmittedForDeleted) {
deprecationEmittedForDeleted = true;
'Message#deleted is deprecated, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091.',
if (value) deletedMessages.add(this);
else deletedMessages.delete(this);
* The channel that the message was sent in
* @type {TextChannel|DMChannel|NewsChannel|ThreadChannel}
* @readonly
get channel() {
return this.client.channels.resolve(this.channelId);
* Whether or not this message is a partial
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get partial() {
return typeof this.content !== 'string' || !this.author;
* Represents the author of the message as a guild member.
* Only available if the message comes from a guild where the author is still a member
* @type {?GuildMember}
* @readonly
get member() {
return this.guild?.members.resolve(this.author) ?? null;
* The time the message was sent at
* @type {Date}
* @readonly
get createdAt() {
return new Date(this.createdTimestamp);
* The time the message was last edited at (if applicable)
* @type {?Date}
* @readonly
get editedAt() {
return this.editedTimestamp ? new Date(this.editedTimestamp) : null;
* The guild the message was sent in (if in a guild channel)
* @type {?Guild}
* @readonly
get guild() {
return (
this.client.guilds.resolve(this.guildId) ?? this.channel?.guild ?? null
* Whether this message has a thread associated with it
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get hasThread() {
return this.flags.has(MessageFlags.FLAGS.HAS_THREAD);
* The thread started by this message
* <info>This property is not suitable for checking whether a message has a thread,
* use {@link Message#hasThread} instead.</info>
* @type {?ThreadChannel}
* @readonly
get thread() {
return this.channel?.threads?.resolve(this.id) ?? null;
* The URL to jump to this message
* @type {string}
* @readonly
get url() {
return `https://discord.com/channels/${this.guildId ?? '@me'}/${this.channelId
* The message contents with all mentions replaced by the equivalent text.
* If mentions cannot be resolved to a name, the relevant mention in the message content will not be converted.
* @type {?string}
* @readonly
get cleanContent() {
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
return this.content != null
? Util.cleanContent(this.content, this.channel)
: null;
* Creates a reaction collector.
* @param {ReactionCollectorOptions} [options={}] Options to send to the collector
* @returns {ReactionCollector}
* @example
* // Create a reaction collector
* const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '👌' && user.id === 'someId';
* const collector = message.createReactionCollector({ filter, time: 15_000 });
* collector.on('collect', r => console.log(`Collected ${r.emoji.name}`));
* collector.on('end', collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} items`));
createReactionCollector(options = {}) {
return new ReactionCollector(this, options);
* An object containing the same properties as CollectorOptions, but a few more:
* @typedef {ReactionCollectorOptions} AwaitReactionsOptions
* @property {string[]} [errors] Stop/end reasons that cause the promise to reject
* Similar to createReactionCollector but in promise form.
* Resolves with a collection of reactions that pass the specified filter.
* @param {AwaitReactionsOptions} [options={}] Optional options to pass to the internal collector
* @returns {Promise<Collection<string | Snowflake, MessageReaction>>}
* @example
* // Create a reaction collector
* const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '👌' && user.id === 'someId'
* message.awaitReactions({ filter, time: 15_000 })
* .then(collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} reactions`))
* .catch(console.error);
awaitReactions(options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const collector = this.createReactionCollector(options);
collector.once('end', (reactions, reason) => {
if (options.errors?.includes(reason)) reject(reactions);
else resolve(reactions);
* @typedef {CollectorOptions} MessageComponentCollectorOptions
* @property {MessageComponentType} [componentType] The type of component to listen for
* @property {number} [max] The maximum total amount of interactions to collect
* @property {number} [maxComponents] The maximum number of components to collect
* @property {number} [maxUsers] The maximum number of users to interact
* Creates a message component interaction collector.
* @param {MessageComponentCollectorOptions} [options={}] Options to send to the collector
* @returns {InteractionCollector}
* @example
* // Create a message component interaction collector
* const filter = (interaction) => interaction.customId === 'button' && interaction.user.id === 'someId';
* const collector = message.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, time: 15_000 });
* collector.on('collect', i => console.log(`Collected ${i.customId}`));
* collector.on('end', collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} items`));
createMessageComponentCollector(options = {}) {
return new InteractionCollector(this.client, {
interactionType: InteractionTypes.MESSAGE_COMPONENT,
message: this,
* An object containing the same properties as CollectorOptions, but a few more:
* @typedef {Object} AwaitMessageComponentOptions
* @property {CollectorFilter} [filter] The filter applied to this collector
* @property {number} [time] Time to wait for an interaction before rejecting
* @property {MessageComponentType} [componentType] The type of component interaction to collect
* Collects a single component interaction that passes the filter.
* The Promise will reject if the time expires.
* @param {AwaitMessageComponentOptions} [options={}] Options to pass to the internal collector
* @returns {Promise<MessageComponentInteraction>}
* @example
* // Collect a message component interaction
* const filter = (interaction) => interaction.customId === 'button' && interaction.user.id === 'someId';
* message.awaitMessageComponent({ filter, time: 15_000 })
* .then(interaction => console.log(`${interaction.customId} was clicked!`))
* .catch(console.error);
awaitMessageComponent(options = {}) {
const _options = { ...options, max: 1 };
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const collector = this.createMessageComponentCollector(_options);
collector.once('end', (interactions, reason) => {
const interaction = interactions.first();
if (interaction) resolve(interaction);
else reject(new Error('INTERACTION_COLLECTOR_ERROR', reason));
* Whether the message is editable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get editable() {
const precheck = Boolean(
this.author.id === this.client.user.id &&
!deletedMessages.has(this) &&
(!this.guild || this.channel?.viewable),
// Regardless of permissions thread messages cannot be edited if
// the thread is locked.
if (this.channel?.isThread()) {
return precheck && !this.channel.locked;
return precheck;
* Whether the message is deletable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get deletable() {
if (deletedMessages.has(this)) {
return false;
if (!this.guild) {
return this.author.id === this.client.user.id;
// DMChannel does not have viewable property, so check viewable after proved that message is on a guild.
if (!this.channel?.viewable) {
return false;
const permissions = this.channel?.permissionsFor(this.client.user);
if (!permissions) return false;
// This flag allows deleting even if timed out
if (permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR, false)) return true;
return Boolean(
this.author.id === this.client.user.id ||
(permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES, false) &&
this.guild.me.communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp < Date.now()),
* Whether the message is pinnable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get pinnable() {
const { channel } = this;
return Boolean(
!this.system &&
!deletedMessages.has(this) &&
(!this.guild ||
(channel?.viewable &&
?.has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES, false))),
* Fetches the Message this crosspost/reply/pin-add references, if available to the client
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
async fetchReference() {
if (!this.reference) throw new Error('MESSAGE_REFERENCE_MISSING');
const { channelId, messageId } = this.reference;
const channel = this.client.channels.resolve(channelId);
if (!channel) throw new Error('GUILD_CHANNEL_RESOLVE');
const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageId);
return message;
* Whether the message is crosspostable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get crosspostable() {
const bitfield =
(this.author.id === this.client.user.id
? Permissions.defaultBit
const { channel } = this;
return Boolean(
channel?.type === 'GUILD_NEWS' &&
!this.flags.has(MessageFlags.FLAGS.CROSSPOSTED) &&
this.type === 'DEFAULT' &&
channel.viewable &&
channel.permissionsFor(this.client.user)?.has(bitfield, false) &&
* Options that can be passed into {@link Message#edit}.
* @typedef {Object} MessageEditOptions
* @property {?string} [content] Content to be edited
* @property {MessageEmbed[]|APIEmbed[]} [embeds] Embeds to be added/edited
* @property {MessageMentionOptions} [allowedMentions] Which mentions should be parsed from the message content
* @property {MessageFlags} [flags] Which flags to set for the message. Only `SUPPRESS_EMBEDS` can be edited.
* @property {MessageAttachment[]} [attachments] An array of attachments to keep,
* all attachments will be kept if omitted
* @property {FileOptions[]|BufferResolvable[]|MessageAttachment[]} [files] Files to add to the message
* @property {MessageActionRow[]|MessageActionRowOptions[]} [components]
* Action rows containing interactive components for the message (buttons, select menus)
* Edits the content of the message.
* @param {string|MessagePayload|MessageEditOptions} options The options to provide
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Update the content of a message
* message.edit('This is my new content!')
* .then(msg => console.log(`Updated the content of a message to ${msg.content}`))
* .catch(console.error);
edit(options) {
if (!this.channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED'));
return this.channel.messages.edit(this, options);
* Publishes a message in an announcement channel to all channels following it.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Crosspost a message
* if (message.channel.type === 'GUILD_NEWS') {
* message.crosspost()
* .then(() => console.log('Crossposted message'))
* .catch(console.error);
* }
crosspost() {
if (!this.channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED'));
return this.channel.messages.crosspost(this.id);
* Pins this message to the channel's pinned messages.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Pin a message
* message.pin()
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error)
async pin() {
if (!this.channel) throw new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED');
await this.channel.messages.pin(this.id);
return this;
* Unpins this message from the channel's pinned messages.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Unpin a message
* message.unpin()
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error)
async unpin() {
if (!this.channel) throw new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED');
await this.channel.messages.unpin(this.id);
return this;
* Adds a reaction to the message.
* @param {EmojiIdentifierResolvable} emoji The emoji to react with
* @returns {Promise<MessageReaction>}
* @example
* // React to a message with a unicode emoji
* message.react('🤔')
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error);
* @example
* // React to a message with a custom emoji
* message.react(message.guild.emojis.cache.get('123456789012345678'))
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error);
async react(emoji) {
if (!this.channel) throw new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED');
await this.channel.messages.react(this.id, emoji);
return this.client.actions.MessageReactionAdd.handle(
user: this.client.user,
channel: this.channel,
message: this,
emoji: Util.resolvePartialEmoji(emoji),
* Deletes the message.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Delete a message
* message.delete()
* .then(msg => console.log(`Deleted message from ${msg.author.username}`))
* .catch(console.error);
async delete() {
if (!this.channel) throw new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED');
await this.channel.messages.delete(this.id);
return this;
* Options provided when sending a message as an inline reply.
* @typedef {BaseMessageOptions} ReplyMessageOptions
* @property {boolean} [failIfNotExists=true] Whether to error if the referenced message
* does not exist (creates a standard message in this case when false)
* @property {StickerResolvable[]} [stickers=[]] Stickers to send in the message
* Send an inline reply to this message.
* @param {string|MessagePayload|ReplyMessageOptions} options The options to provide
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
* @example
* // Reply to a message
* message.reply('This is a reply!')
* .then(() => console.log(`Replied to message "${message.content}"`))
* .catch(console.error);
reply(options) {
if (!this.channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED'));
let data;
if (options instanceof MessagePayload) {
data = options;
} else {
data = MessagePayload.create(this, options, {
reply: {
messageReference: this,
options?.failIfNotExists ?? this.client.options.failIfNotExists,
return this.channel.send(data);
* A number that is allowed to be the duration (in minutes) of inactivity after which a thread is automatically
* archived. This can be:
* * `60` (1 hour)
* * `1440` (1 day)
* * `4320` (3 days) <warn>This is only available when the guild has the `THREE_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE` feature.</warn>
* * `10080` (7 days) <warn>This is only available when the guild has the `SEVEN_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE` feature.</warn>
* * `'MAX'` Based on the guild's features
* @typedef {number|string} ThreadAutoArchiveDuration
* Options for starting a thread on a message.
* @typedef {Object} StartThreadOptions
* @property {string} name The name of the new thread
* @property {ThreadAutoArchiveDuration} [autoArchiveDuration=this.channel.defaultAutoArchiveDuration] The amount of
* time (in minutes) after which the thread should automatically archive in case of no recent activity
* @property {string} [reason] Reason for creating the thread
* @property {number} [rateLimitPerUser] The rate limit per user (slowmode) for the thread in seconds
* Create a new public thread from this message
* @see ThreadManager#create
* @param {StartThreadOptions} [options] Options for starting a thread on this message
* @returns {Promise<ThreadChannel>}
startThread(options = {}) {
if (!this.channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED'));
if (!['GUILD_TEXT', 'GUILD_NEWS'].includes(this.channel.type)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('MESSAGE_THREAD_PARENT'));
if (this.hasThread)
return Promise.reject(new Error('MESSAGE_EXISTING_THREAD'));
return this.channel.threads.create({ ...options, startMessage: this });
* Fetch this message.
* @param {boolean} [force=true] Whether to skip the cache check and request the API
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
fetch(force = true) {
if (!this.channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED'));
return this.channel.messages.fetch(this.id, { force });
* Fetches the webhook used to create this message.
* @returns {Promise<?Webhook>}
fetchWebhook() {
if (!this.webhookId) return Promise.reject(new Error('WEBHOOK_MESSAGE'));
if (this.webhookId === this.applicationId)
return Promise.reject(new Error('WEBHOOK_APPLICATION'));
return this.client.fetchWebhook(this.webhookId);
* Suppresses or unsuppresses embeds on a message.
* @param {boolean} [suppress=true] If the embeds should be suppressed or not
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
suppressEmbeds(suppress = true) {
const flags = new MessageFlags(this.flags.bitfield);
if (suppress) {
} else {
return this.edit({ flags });
* Removes the attachments from this message.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
removeAttachments() {
return this.edit({ attachments: [] });
* Resolves a component by a custom id.
* @param {string} customId The custom id to resolve against
* @returns {?MessageActionRowComponent}
resolveComponent(customId) {
return (
.flatMap((row) => row.components)
.find((component) => component.customId === customId) ?? null
* Used mainly internally. Whether two messages are identical in properties. If you want to compare messages
* without checking all the properties, use `message.id === message2.id`, which is much more efficient. This
* method allows you to see if there are differences in content, embeds, attachments, nonce and tts properties.
* @param {Message} message The message to compare it to
* @param {APIMessage} rawData Raw data passed through the WebSocket about this message
* @returns {boolean}
equals(message, rawData) {
if (!message) return false;
const embedUpdate = !message.author && !message.attachments;
if (embedUpdate)
return (
this.id === message.id && this.embeds.length === message.embeds.length
let equal =
this.id === message.id &&
this.author.id === message.author.id &&
this.content === message.content &&
this.tts === message.tts &&
this.nonce === message.nonce &&
this.embeds.length === message.embeds.length &&
this.attachments.length === message.attachments.length;
if (equal && rawData) {
equal =
this.mentions.everyone === message.mentions.everyone &&
this.createdTimestamp === new Date(rawData.timestamp).getTime() &&
this.editedTimestamp === new Date(rawData.edited_timestamp).getTime();
return equal;
* Whether this message is from a guild.
* @returns {boolean}
inGuild() {
return Boolean(this.guildId);
* When concatenated with a string, this automatically concatenates the message's content instead of the object.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Logs: Message: This is a message!
* console.log(`Message: ${message}`);
toString() {
return this.content;
toJSON() {
return super.toJSON({
channel: 'channelId',
author: 'authorId',
groupActivityApplication: 'groupActivityApplicationId',
guild: 'guildId',
cleanContent: true,
member: false,
reactions: false,
// Added
* Click specific button [Suggestion: Dux#2925]
* @param {String<Button.customId>} buttonID Button ID
* @returns {Promise<pending>}
async clickButton(buttonID) {
if (typeof buttonID !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('BUTTON_ID_NOT_STRING');
if (!this.components[0]) throw new TypeError('MESSAGE_NO_COMPONENTS');
let button;
await Promise.all(
this.components.map(async (row) => {
await Promise.all(
row.components.map(async (interactionComponent) => {
if (
interactionComponent.type == 'BUTTON' &&
interactionComponent.customId == buttonID
) {
button = interactionComponent;
if (!button) throw new TypeError('BUTTON_NOT_FOUND');
else button.click(this);
* Select specific menu or First Menu
* @param {String<MessageSelectMenu.customID>|Array<MenuOptions>} menuID Select Menu specific id or auto select first Menu
* @param {Array<MenuOptions>} options Menu Options
async selectMenu(menuID, options = []) {
if (!this.components[0]) throw new TypeError('MESSAGE_NO_COMPONENTS');
let menuFirst;
let menuCorrect;
let menuCount = 0;
await Promise.all(
this.components.map(async (row) => {
const firstElement = row.components[0]; // Because 1 row has only 1 menu;
if (firstElement.type == 'SELECT_MENU') {
if (firstElement.customId == menuID) {
menuCorrect = firstElement;
} else if (!menuFirst) {
menuFirst = firstElement;
if (menuCount == 0) throw new TypeError('MENU_NOT_FOUND');
if (!menuCorrect) {
if (menuCount == 1) menuCorrect = menuFirst;
else if (typeof menuID !== 'string') throw new TypeError('MENU_ID_NOT_STRING');
else throw new TypeError('MENU_ID_NOT_FOUND');
menuCorrect.select(this, Array.isArray(menuID) ? menuID : options);
* Send context Menu v2
* @param {DiscordBotID} botID Bot id
* @param {String<ApplicationCommand.name>} commandName Command name in Context Menu
* @returns {Promise<pending>}
async contextMenu(botID, commandName) {
if (!botID) throw new Error('Bot ID is required');
const user = await this.client.users.fetch(botID).catch(() => { });
if (!user || !user.bot || !user.applications)
throw new Error(
'BotID is not a bot or does not have an application slash command',
if (!commandName || typeof commandName !== 'string')
throw new Error('Command name is required');
const listApplication =
user.applications.cache.size == 0
? await user.applications.fetch()
: user.applications.cache;
let contextCMD;
await Promise.all(
listApplication.map(async (application) => {
if (commandName == application.name && application.type !== 'CHAT_INPUT')
contextCMD = application;
if (!contextCMD)
throw new Error(
`Command ${commandName} is not found\nList command avalible: ${listApplication
.filter((a) => a.type !== 'CHAT_INPUT')
.map((a) => a.name)
.join(', ')}`,
return contextCMD.sendContextMenu(this, true);
exports.Message = Message;
exports.deletedMessages = deletedMessages;