
266 lines
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2022-03-19 10:37:45 +00:00
'use strict';
const process = require('node:process');
const { ChannelType, MessageType } = require('discord-api-types/v9');
const Package = (exports.Package = require('../../package.json'));
exports.UserAgent = `Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/90.0.4430.78 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1`;
* The name of an item to be swept in Sweepers
* * `applicationCommands` - both global and guild commands
* * `bans`
* * `emojis`
* * `invites` - accepts the `lifetime` property, using it will sweep based on expires timestamp
* * `guildMembers`
* * `messages` - accepts the `lifetime` property, using it will sweep based on edited or created timestamp
* * `presences`
* * `reactions`
* * `stageInstances`
* * `stickers`
* * `threadMembers`
* * `threads` - accepts the `lifetime` property, using it will sweep archived threads based on archived timestamp
* * `users`
* * `voiceStates`
* @typedef {string} SweeperKey
exports.SweeperKeys = [
* The types of messages that are not `System`. The available types are:
* * {@link MessageType.Default}
* * {@link MessageType.Reply}
* * {@link MessageType.ChatInputCommand}
* * {@link MessageType.ContextMenuCommand}
* @typedef {MessageType[]} NonSystemMessageTypes
exports.NonSystemMessageTypes = [
* The channels that are text-based.
* * DMChannel
* * TextChannel
* * NewsChannel
* * ThreadChannel
* @typedef {DMChannel|TextChannel|NewsChannel|ThreadChannel} TextBasedChannels
* The types of channels that are text-based. The available types are:
* * {@link ChannelType.DM}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildText}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildNews}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildNewsThread}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildPublicThread}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread}
* @typedef {ChannelType} TextBasedChannelTypes
exports.TextBasedChannelTypes = [
* The types of channels that are threads. The available types are:
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildNewsThread}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildPublicThread}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread}
* @typedef {ChannelType[]} ThreadChannelTypes
exports.ThreadChannelTypes = [
* The types of channels that are voice-based. The available types are:
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildVoice}
* * {@link ChannelType.GuildStageVoice}
* @typedef {ChannelType[]} VoiceBasedChannelTypes
exports.VoiceBasedChannelTypes = [ChannelType.GuildVoice, ChannelType.GuildStageVoice];
/* eslint-enable max-len */
* @typedef {Object} Constants Constants that can be used in an enum or object-like way.
* @property {Status} Status The available statuses of the client.
exports.Events = {
RATE_LIMIT: 'rateLimit',
INVALID_REQUEST_WARNING: 'invalidRequestWarning',
API_RESPONSE: 'apiResponse',
API_REQUEST: 'apiRequest',
CLIENT_READY: 'ready',
* @deprecated See {@link https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/3690 this issue} for more information.
APPLICATION_COMMAND_CREATE: 'applicationCommandCreate',
* @deprecated See {@link https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/3690 this issue} for more information.
APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE: 'applicationCommandDelete',
* @deprecated See {@link https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/3690 this issue} for more information.
APPLICATION_COMMAND_UPDATE: 'applicationCommandUpdate',
GUILD_CREATE: 'guildCreate',
GUILD_DELETE: 'guildDelete',
GUILD_UPDATE: 'guildUpdate',
GUILD_UNAVAILABLE: 'guildUnavailable',
GUILD_MEMBER_ADD: 'guildMemberAdd',
GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE: 'guildMemberRemove',
GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE: 'guildMemberUpdate',
GUILD_MEMBER_AVAILABLE: 'guildMemberAvailable',
GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK: 'guildMembersChunk',
GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE: 'guildIntegrationsUpdate',
GUILD_ROLE_CREATE: 'roleCreate',
GUILD_ROLE_DELETE: 'roleDelete',
INVITE_CREATE: 'inviteCreate',
INVITE_DELETE: 'inviteDelete',
GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE: 'roleUpdate',
GUILD_EMOJI_CREATE: 'emojiCreate',
GUILD_EMOJI_DELETE: 'emojiDelete',
GUILD_EMOJI_UPDATE: 'emojiUpdate',
GUILD_BAN_ADD: 'guildBanAdd',
GUILD_BAN_REMOVE: 'guildBanRemove',
CHANNEL_CREATE: 'channelCreate',
CHANNEL_DELETE: 'channelDelete',
CHANNEL_UPDATE: 'channelUpdate',
CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE: 'channelPinsUpdate',
MESSAGE_CREATE: 'messageCreate',
MESSAGE_DELETE: 'messageDelete',
MESSAGE_UPDATE: 'messageUpdate',
MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE: 'messageDeleteBulk',
MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD: 'messageReactionAdd',
MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE: 'messageReactionRemove',
MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL: 'messageReactionRemoveAll',
MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI: 'messageReactionRemoveEmoji',
THREAD_CREATE: 'threadCreate',
THREAD_DELETE: 'threadDelete',
THREAD_UPDATE: 'threadUpdate',
THREAD_LIST_SYNC: 'threadListSync',
THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE: 'threadMemberUpdate',
THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE: 'threadMembersUpdate',
USER_UPDATE: 'userUpdate',
PRESENCE_UPDATE: 'presenceUpdate',
VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE: 'voiceServerUpdate',
VOICE_STATE_UPDATE: 'voiceStateUpdate',
TYPING_START: 'typingStart',
WEBHOOKS_UPDATE: 'webhookUpdate',
INTERACTION_CREATE: 'interactionCreate',
ERROR: 'error',
WARN: 'warn',
DEBUG: 'debug',
CACHE_SWEEP: 'cacheSweep',
SHARD_DISCONNECT: 'shardDisconnect',
SHARD_ERROR: 'shardError',
SHARD_RECONNECTING: 'shardReconnecting',
SHARD_READY: 'shardReady',
SHARD_RESUME: 'shardResume',
INVALIDATED: 'invalidated',
RAW: 'raw',
STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE: 'stageInstanceCreate',
STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE: 'stageInstanceUpdate',
STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE: 'stageInstanceDelete',
GUILD_STICKER_CREATE: 'stickerCreate',
GUILD_STICKER_DELETE: 'stickerDelete',
GUILD_STICKER_UPDATE: 'stickerUpdate',
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE: 'guildScheduledEventCreate',
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE: 'guildScheduledEventUpdate',
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_DELETE: 'guildScheduledEventDelete',
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_ADD: 'guildScheduledEventUserAdd',
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_REMOVE: 'guildScheduledEventUserRemove',
function makeImageUrl(root, { format = 'webp', size } = {}) {
if (!['undefined', 'number'].includes(typeof size)) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'size', 'number');
if (format && !AllowedImageFormats.includes(format)) throw new Error('IMAGE_FORMAT', format);
if (size && !AllowedImageSizes.includes(size)) throw new RangeError('IMAGE_SIZE', size);
return `${root}.${format}${size ? `?size=${size}` : ''}`;
* Options for Image URLs.
* @typedef {StaticImageURLOptions} ImageURLOptions
* @property {boolean} [dynamic=false] If true, the format will dynamically change to `gif` for animated avatars.
* Options for static Image URLs.
* @typedef {Object} StaticImageURLOptions
* @property {string} [format='webp'] One of `webp`, `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`.
* @property {number} [size] One of `16`, `32`, `56`, `64`, `96`, `128`, `256`, `300`, `512`, `600`, `1024`, `2048`,
* `4096`
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formatting-cdn-endpoints
exports.Endpoints = {
CDN(root) {
return {
Emoji: (emojiId, format = 'webp') => `${root}/emojis/${emojiId}.${format}`,
Asset: name => `${root}/assets/${name}`,
DefaultAvatar: discriminator => `${root}/embed/avatars/${discriminator}.png`,
Avatar: (userId, hash, format, size, dynamic = false) => {
if (dynamic && hash.startsWith('a_')) format = 'gif';
return makeImageUrl(`${root}/avatars/${userId}/${hash}`, { format, size });
GuildMemberAvatar: (guildId, memberId, hash, format = 'webp', size, dynamic = false) => {
if (dynamic && hash.startsWith('a_')) format = 'gif';
return makeImageUrl(`${root}/guilds/${guildId}/users/${memberId}/avatars/${hash}`, { format, size });
Banner: (id, hash, format, size, dynamic = false) => {
if (dynamic && hash.startsWith('a_')) format = 'gif';
return makeImageUrl(`${root}/banners/${id}/${hash}`, { format, size });
Icon: (guildId, hash, format, size, dynamic = false) => {
if (dynamic && hash.startsWith('a_')) format = 'gif';
return makeImageUrl(`${root}/icons/${guildId}/${hash}`, { format, size });
AppIcon: (appId, hash, options) => makeImageUrl(`${root}/app-icons/${appId}/${hash}`, options),
AppAsset: (appId, hash, options) => makeImageUrl(`${root}/app-assets/${appId}/${hash}`, options),
StickerPackBanner: (bannerId, format, size) =>
makeImageUrl(`${root}/app-assets/710982414301790216/store/${bannerId}`, { size, format }),
GDMIcon: (channelId, hash, format, size) =>
makeImageUrl(`${root}/channel-icons/${channelId}/${hash}`, { size, format }),
Splash: (guildId, hash, format, size) => makeImageUrl(`${root}/splashes/${guildId}/${hash}`, { size, format }),
DiscoverySplash: (guildId, hash, format, size) =>
makeImageUrl(`${root}/discovery-splashes/${guildId}/${hash}`, { size, format }),
TeamIcon: (teamId, hash, options) => makeImageUrl(`${root}/team-icons/${teamId}/${hash}`, options),
Sticker: (stickerId, stickerFormat) =>
`${root}/stickers/${stickerId}.${stickerFormat === 'LOTTIE' ? 'json' : 'png'}`,
RoleIcon: (roleId, hash, format = 'webp', size) =>
makeImageUrl(`${root}/role-icons/${roleId}/${hash}`, { size, format }),
invite: (root, code, eventId) => (eventId ? `${root}/${code}?event=${eventId}` : `${root}/${code}`),
scheduledEvent: (root, guildId, eventId) => `${root}/${guildId}/${eventId}`,
botGateway: '/gateway/bot',