'use strict'; const { register } = require('./DJSError'); const Messages = { CLIENT_INVALID_OPTION: (prop, must) => `The ${prop} option must be ${must}`, CLIENT_INVALID_PROVIDED_SHARDS: 'None of the provided shards were valid.', CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS: 'Valid intents must be provided for the Client.', CLIENT_NOT_READY: action => `The client needs to be logged in to ${action}.`, TOKEN_INVALID: 'An invalid token was provided.', TOKEN_MISSING: 'Request to use token, but token was unavailable to the client.', WS_CLOSE_REQUESTED: 'WebSocket closed due to user request.', WS_CONNECTION_EXISTS: 'There is already an existing WebSocket connection.', WS_NOT_OPEN: (data = 'data') => `WebSocket not open to send ${data}`, MANAGER_DESTROYED: 'Manager was destroyed.', BITFIELD_INVALID: bit => `Invalid bitfield flag or number: ${bit}.`, SHARDING_INVALID: 'Invalid shard settings were provided.', SHARDING_REQUIRED: 'This session would have handled too many guilds - Sharding is required.', INVALID_INTENTS: 'Invalid intent provided for WebSocket intents.', DISALLOWED_INTENTS: 'Privileged intent provided is not enabled or whitelisted.', SHARDING_NO_SHARDS: 'No shards have been spawned.', SHARDING_IN_PROCESS: 'Shards are still being spawned.', SHARDING_INVALID_EVAL_BROADCAST: 'Script to evaluate must be a function', SHARDING_SHARD_NOT_FOUND: id => `Shard ${id} could not be found.`, SHARDING_ALREADY_SPAWNED: count => `Already spawned ${count} shards.`, SHARDING_PROCESS_EXISTS: id => `Shard ${id} already has an active process.`, SHARDING_WORKER_EXISTS: id => `Shard ${id} already has an active worker.`, SHARDING_READY_TIMEOUT: id => `Shard ${id}'s Client took too long to become ready.`, SHARDING_READY_DISCONNECTED: id => `Shard ${id}'s Client disconnected before becoming ready.`, SHARDING_READY_DIED: id => `Shard ${id}'s process exited before its Client became ready.`, SHARDING_NO_CHILD_EXISTS: id => `Shard ${id} has no active process or worker.`, SHARDING_SHARD_MISCALCULATION: (shard, guild, count) => `Calculated invalid shard ${shard} for guild ${guild} with ${count} shards.`, COLOR_RANGE: 'Color must be within the range 0 - 16777215 (0xFFFFFF).', COLOR_CONVERT: 'Unable to convert color to a number.', INVITE_OPTIONS_MISSING_CHANNEL: 'A valid guild channel must be provided when GuildScheduledEvent is EXTERNAL.', EMBED_TITLE: 'MessageEmbed title must be a string.', EMBED_FIELD_NAME: 'MessageEmbed field names must be non-empty strings.', EMBED_FIELD_VALUE: 'MessageEmbed field values must be non-empty strings.', EMBED_FOOTER_TEXT: 'MessageEmbed footer text must be a string.', EMBED_DESCRIPTION: 'MessageEmbed description must be a string.', EMBED_AUTHOR_NAME: 'MessageEmbed author name must be a string.', /* Add */ MISSING_PERMISSIONS: (...permission) => `You can't do this action [Missing Permission(s): ${permission.join(', ')}]`, EMBED_PROVIDER_NAME: 'MessageEmbed provider name must be a string.', INVALID_COMMAND_NAME: allCMD => `Could not parse subGroupCommand and subCommand due to too long: ${allCMD.join(' ')}`, BUTTON_LABEL: 'MessageButton label must be a string', BUTTON_URL: 'MessageButton URL must be a string', BUTTON_CUSTOM_ID: 'MessageButton customId must be a string', SELECT_MENU_CUSTOM_ID: 'MessageSelectMenu customId must be a string', SELECT_MENU_PLACEHOLDER: 'MessageSelectMenu placeholder must be a string', SELECT_OPTION_LABEL: 'MessageSelectOption label must be a string', SELECT_OPTION_VALUE: 'MessageSelectOption value must be a string', SELECT_OPTION_DESCRIPTION: 'MessageSelectOption description must be a string', INTERACTION_COLLECTOR_ERROR: reason => `Collector received no interactions before ending with reason: ${reason}`, FILE_NOT_FOUND: file => `File could not be found: ${file}`, USER_BANNER_NOT_FETCHED: "You must fetch this user's banner before trying to generate its URL!", USER_NO_DM_CHANNEL: 'No DM Channel exists!', CLIENT_NO_CALL: 'No call exists!', VOICE_NOT_STAGE_CHANNEL: 'You are only allowed to do this in stage channels.', VOICE_STATE_NOT_OWN: 'You cannot self-deafen/mute/request to speak on VoiceStates that do not belong to the ClientUser.', VOICE_STATE_INVALID_TYPE: name => `${name} must be a boolean.`, REQ_RESOURCE_TYPE: 'The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.', IMAGE_FORMAT: format => `Invalid image format: ${format}`, IMAGE_SIZE: size => `Invalid image size: ${size}`, MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE_TYPE: 'The messages must be an Array, Collection, or number.', MESSAGE_NONCE_TYPE: 'Message nonce must be an integer or a string.', MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE: 'Message content must be a non-empty string.', SPLIT_MAX_LEN: 'Chunk exceeds the max length and contains no split characters.', BAN_RESOLVE_ID: (ban = false) => `Couldn't resolve the user id to ${ban ? 'ban' : 'unban'}.`, FETCH_BAN_RESOLVE_ID: "Couldn't resolve the user id to fetch the ban.", PRUNE_DAYS_TYPE: 'Days must be a number', GUILD_CHANNEL_RESOLVE: 'Could not resolve channel to a guild channel.', GUILD_VOICE_CHANNEL_RESOLVE: 'Could not resolve channel to a guild voice channel.', GUILD_CHANNEL_ORPHAN: 'Could not find a parent to this guild channel.', GUILD_CHANNEL_UNOWNED: "The fetched channel does not belong to this manager's guild.", GUILD_OWNED: 'Guild is owned by the client.', GUILD_MEMBERS_TIMEOUT: "Members didn't arrive in time.", GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_SEARCH_TIMEOUT: "Application commands didn't arrive in time.", GUILD_UNCACHED_ME: 'The client user as a member of this guild is uncached.', CHANNEL_NOT_CACHED: 'Could not find the channel where this message came from in the cache!', STAGE_CHANNEL_RESOLVE: 'Could not resolve channel to a stage channel.', GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_RESOLVE: 'Could not resolve the guild scheduled event.', MISSING_VALUE: (where, type) => `Missing value for ${where} (${type})`, INVALID_TYPE: (name, expected, an = false) => `Supplied ${name} is not a${an ? 'n' : ''} ${expected}.`, INVALID_ELEMENT: (type, name, elem) => `Supplied ${type} ${name} includes an invalid element: ${elem}`, MESSAGE_THREAD_PARENT: 'The message was not sent in a guild text or news channel', MESSAGE_EXISTING_THREAD: 'The message already has a thread', THREAD_INVITABLE_TYPE: type => `Invitable cannot be edited on ${type}`, WEBHOOK_MESSAGE: 'The message was not sent by a webhook.', WEBHOOK_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE: 'This action requires a webhook token, but none is available.', WEBHOOK_URL_INVALID: 'The provided webhook URL is not valid.', WEBHOOK_APPLICATION: 'This message webhook belongs to an application and cannot be fetched.', MESSAGE_REFERENCE_MISSING: 'The message does not reference another message', EMOJI_TYPE: 'Emoji must be a string or GuildEmoji/ReactionEmoji', EMOJI_MANAGED: 'Emoji is managed and has no Author.', MISSING_MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_PERMISSION: guild => `Client must have Manage Emojis and Stickers permission in guild ${guild} to see emoji authors.`, NOT_GUILD_STICKER: 'Sticker is a standard (non-guild) sticker and has no author.', REACTION_RESOLVE_USER: "Couldn't resolve the user id to remove from the reaction.", VANITY_URL: 'This guild does not have the VANITY_URL feature enabled.', INVITE_RESOLVE_CODE: 'Could not resolve the code to fetch the invite.', INVITE_NOT_FOUND: 'Could not find the requested invite.', NOT_OWNER_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL: "You can't do this action [Missing Permission]", USER_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL: 'User is already in the channel.', USER_NOT_IN_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL: 'User is not in the channel.', DELETE_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL: "Bots don't have access to Group DM Channels and cannot delete them", FETCH_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL: "Bots don't have access to Group DM Channels and cannot fetch them", MEMBER_FETCH_NONCE_LENGTH: 'Nonce length must not exceed 32 characters.', GLOBAL_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS: 'Permissions for global commands may only be fetched or modified by providing a GuildResolvable ' + "or from a guild's application command manager.", GUILD_UNCACHED_ROLE_RESOLVE: 'Cannot resolve roles from an arbitrary guild, provide an id instead', INTERACTION_ALREADY_REPLIED: 'The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.', INTERACTION_NOT_REPLIED: 'The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred.', INTERACTION_EPHEMERAL_REPLIED: 'Ephemeral responses cannot be deleted.', COMMAND_INTERACTION_OPTION_NOT_FOUND: name => `Required option "${name}" not found.`, COMMAND_INTERACTION_OPTION_TYPE: (name, type, expected) => `Option "${name}" is of type: ${type}; expected ${expected}.`, COMMAND_INTERACTION_OPTION_EMPTY: (name, type) => `Required option "${name}" is of type: ${type}; expected a non-empty value.`, COMMAND_INTERACTION_OPTION_NO_SUB_COMMAND: 'No subcommand specified for interaction.', COMMAND_INTERACTION_OPTION_NO_SUB_COMMAND_GROUP: 'No subcommand group specified for interaction.', AUTOCOMPLETE_INTERACTION_OPTION_NO_FOCUSED_OPTION: 'No focused option for autocomplete interaction.', INVITE_MISSING_SCOPES: 'At least one valid scope must be provided for the invite', NOT_IMPLEMENTED: (what, name) => `Method ${what} not implemented on ${name}.`, SWEEP_FILTER_RETURN: 'The return value of the sweepFilter function was not false or a Function', INVALID_BOT_METHOD: 'Bot accounts cannot use this method', INVALID_USER_METHOD: 'User accounts cannot use this method', BOT_ONLY: 'This method only for bots', USER_ONLY: 'This method only for users', INTERACTION_SEND_FAILURE: msg => `${msg}`, INVALID_LOCALE: 'Unable to select this location', FOLDER_NOT_FOUND: 'Server directory not found', FOLDER_POSITION_INVALID: 'The server index in the directory is invalid', APPLICATION_ID_INVALID: "The application isn't BOT", INVALID_NITRO: 'Invalid Nitro Code', MESSAGE_ID_NOT_FOUND: 'Message ID not found', MESSAGE_EMBED_LINK_LENGTH: 'Message content with embed link length is too long', GUILD_MEMBERS_FETCH: msg => `${msg}`, USER_NOT_STREAMING: 'User is not streaming', // Djs v13.7 TEXT_INPUT_CUSTOM_ID: 'TextInputComponent customId must be a string', TEXT_INPUT_LABEL: 'TextInputComponent label must be a string', TEXT_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER: 'TextInputComponent placeholder must be a string', TEXT_INPUT_VALUE: 'TextInputComponent value must be a string', MODAL_CUSTOM_ID: 'Modal customId must be a string', MODAL_TITLE: 'Modal title must be a string', MODAL_SUBMIT_INTERACTION_FIELD_NOT_FOUND: customId => `Required field with custom id "${customId}" not found.`, MODAL_SUBMIT_INTERACTION_FIELD_TYPE: (customId, type, expected) => `Field with custom id "${customId}" is of type: ${type}; expected ${expected}.`, INVALID_REMOTE_AUTH_URL: 'Invalid remote auth URL (https://discord.com/ra/{hash})', INVALID_URL: url => `Invalid URL: ${url}.\nMake sure you are using a valid URL (https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?...)`, NITRO_REQUIRED: 'This feature is only available for Nitro users.', NITRO_BOOST_REQUIRED: feature => `This feature (${feature}) is only available for Nitro Boost users.`, ONLY_ME: 'This feature is only available for self.', }; for (const [name, message] of Object.entries(Messages)) register(name, message);