import { blockQuote, bold, channelMention, codeBlock, formatEmoji, hideLinkEmbed, hyperlink, inlineCode, italic, memberNicknameMention, quote, roleMention, spoiler, strikethrough, time, TimestampStyles, TimestampStylesString, underscore, userMention, } from '@discordjs/builders'; import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection'; import { APIActionRowComponent, APIApplicationCommand, APIApplicationCommandInteractionData, APIApplicationCommandOption, APIApplicationCommandPermission, APIAuditLogChange, APIButtonComponent, APIChannel, APIEmbed, APIEmoji, APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel, APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember, APIInteractionGuildMember, APIMessage, APIMessageComponent, APIOverwrite, APIPartialChannel, APIPartialEmoji, APIPartialGuild, APIRole, APISelectMenuComponent, APITemplateSerializedSourceGuild, APIUser, GatewayOpcodes, GatewayVoiceServerUpdateDispatchData, GatewayVoiceStateUpdateDispatchData, RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody, Snowflake, } from 'discord-api-types/v9'; import { ChildProcess } from 'node:child_process'; import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; import { AgentOptions } from 'node:https'; import { Response } from 'node-fetch'; import { Stream } from 'node:stream'; import { MessagePort, Worker } from 'node:worker_threads'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import { ActivityTypes, ApplicationCommandOptionTypes, ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes, ApplicationCommandTypes, ChannelTypes, relationshipsType, localeSetting, stickerAnimationMode, DMScanLevel, DefaultMessageNotificationLevels, ExplicitContentFilterLevels, InteractionResponseTypes, InteractionTypes, InviteTargetType, MembershipStates, MessageButtonStyles, MessageComponentTypes, MessageTypes, MFALevels, NSFWLevels, OverwriteTypes, PremiumTiers, PrivacyLevels, StickerFormatTypes, StickerTypes, VerificationLevels, WebhookTypes, GuildScheduledEventEntityTypes, GuildScheduledEventStatuses, GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevels, HypeSquadOptions, } from './enums'; import { RawActivityData, RawAnonymousGuildData, RawApplicationCommandData, RawApplicationData, RawBaseGuildData, RawChannelData, RawClientApplicationData, RawDMChannelData, RawEmojiData, RawGuildAuditLogData, RawGuildAuditLogEntryData, RawGuildBanData, RawGuildChannelData, RawGuildData, RawGuildEmojiData, RawGuildMemberData, RawGuildPreviewData, RawGuildScheduledEventData, RawGuildTemplateData, RawIntegrationApplicationData, RawIntegrationData, RawInteractionData, RawInviteData, RawInviteGuildData, RawInviteStageInstance, RawMessageAttachmentData, RawMessageButtonInteractionData, RawMessageComponentInteractionData, RawMessageData, RawMessagePayloadData, RawMessageReactionData, RawMessageSelectMenuInteractionData, RawOAuth2GuildData, RawPartialGroupDMChannelData, RawPartialMessageData, RawPermissionOverwriteData, RawPresenceData, RawReactionEmojiData, RawRichPresenceAssets, RawRoleData, RawStageInstanceData, RawStickerData, RawStickerPackData, RawTeamData, RawTeamMemberData, RawThreadChannelData, RawThreadMemberData, RawTypingData, RawUserData, RawVoiceRegionData, RawVoiceStateData, RawWebhookData, RawWelcomeChannelData, RawWelcomeScreenData, RawWidgetData, RawWidgetMemberData, } from './rawDataTypes'; import { RelationshipTypes } from '../src/util/Constants'; //#region Classes export class Activity { private constructor(presence: Presence, data?: RawActivityData); public applicationId: Snowflake | null; public assets: RichPresenceAssets | null; public buttons: string[]; public readonly createdAt: Date; public createdTimestamp: number; public details: string | null; public emoji: Emoji | null; public flags: Readonly; public id: string; public name: string; public party: { id: string | null; size: [number, number]; } | null; public platform: ActivityPlatform | null; public sessionId: string | null; public state: string | null; public syncId: string | null; public timestamps: { start: Date | null; end: Date | null; } | null; public type: ActivityType; public url: string | null; public equals(activity: Activity): boolean; } export class ActivityFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export abstract class AnonymousGuild extends BaseGuild { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawAnonymousGuildData, immediatePatch?: boolean); public banner: string | null; public description: string | null; public nsfwLevel: NSFWLevel; public splash: string | null; public vanityURLCode: string | null; public verificationLevel: VerificationLevel; public bannerURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public splashURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; } export abstract class Application extends Base { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawApplicationData); public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public description: string | null; public icon: string | null; public id: Snowflake; public name: string | null; public coverURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public fetchAssets(): Promise; public iconURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string | null; } export class ApplicationCommand extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawApplicationCommandData, guild?: Guild, guildId?: Snowflake); public applicationId: Snowflake; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public defaultPermission: boolean; public description: string; public guild: Guild | null; public guildId: Snowflake | null; public readonly manager: ApplicationCommandManager; public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public options: ApplicationCommandOption[]; public permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager< PermissionsFetchType, PermissionsFetchType, PermissionsFetchType, Guild | null, Snowflake >; public type: ApplicationCommandType; public version: Snowflake; public delete(): Promise>; public edit(data: ApplicationCommandData): Promise>; public setName(name: string): Promise>; public setDescription(description: string): Promise>; public setDefaultPermission(defaultPermission?: boolean): Promise>; public setOptions(options: ApplicationCommandOptionData[]): Promise>; public equals( command: ApplicationCommand | ApplicationCommandData | RawApplicationCommandData, enforceOptionorder?: boolean, ): boolean; public static optionsEqual( existing: ApplicationCommandOption[], options: ApplicationCommandOption[] | ApplicationCommandOptionData[] | APIApplicationCommandOption[], enforceOptionorder?: boolean, ): boolean; private static _optionEquals( existing: ApplicationCommandOption, options: ApplicationCommandOption | ApplicationCommandOptionData | APIApplicationCommandOption, enforceOptionorder?: boolean, ): boolean; private static transformOption(option: ApplicationCommandOptionData, received?: boolean): unknown; private static transformCommand(command: ApplicationCommandData): RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody; private static isAPICommandData(command: object): command is RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody; // Add public static sendSlashCommand(message: Message, options?: string[]): Promise; public static sendContextMenu(message: Message): Promise; } export type ApplicationResolvable = Application | Activity | Snowflake; export class ApplicationFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export abstract class Base { public constructor(client: Client); public readonly client: Client; public toJSON(...props: Record[]): unknown; public valueOf(): string; } export class BaseClient extends EventEmitter { public constructor(options?: ClientOptions | WebhookClientOptions); private readonly api: unknown; private rest: unknown; private decrementMaxListeners(): void; private incrementMaxListeners(): void; public on( event: K, listener: (...args: BaseClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; public on( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once( event: K, listener: (...args: BaseClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public emit(event: K, ...args: BaseClientEvents[K]): boolean; public emit(event: Exclude, ...args: unknown[]): boolean; public off( event: K, listener: (...args: BaseClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; public off( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public removeAllListeners(event?: K): this; public removeAllListeners(event?: Exclude): this; public options: ClientOptions | WebhookClientOptions; public destroy(): void; public toJSON(...props: Record[]): unknown; } export type GuildCacheMessage = CacheTypeReducer< Cached, Message, APIMessage, Message | APIMessage, Message | APIMessage >; export abstract class BaseCommandInteraction extends Interaction { public readonly command: ApplicationCommand | ApplicationCommand<{ guild: GuildResolvable }> | null; public options: Omit< CommandInteractionOptionResolver, | 'getMessage' | 'getFocused' | 'getMentionable' | 'getRole' | 'getNumber' | 'getInteger' | 'getString' | 'getChannel' | 'getBoolean' | 'getSubcommandGroup' | 'getSubcommand' >; public channelId: Snowflake; public commandId: Snowflake; public commandName: string; public deferred: boolean; public ephemeral: boolean | null; public replied: boolean; public webhook: InteractionWebhook; public inGuild(): this is BaseCommandInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is BaseCommandInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is BaseCommandInteraction<'raw'>; public deferReply(options: InteractionDeferReplyOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public deferReply(options?: InteractionDeferReplyOptions): Promise; public deleteReply(): Promise; public editReply(options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions): Promise>; public fetchReply(): Promise>; public followUp(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions): Promise>; public reply(options: InteractionReplyOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public reply(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions): Promise; private transformOption( option: APIApplicationCommandOption, resolved: APIApplicationCommandInteractionData['resolved'], ): CommandInteractionOption; private transformResolved( resolved: APIApplicationCommandInteractionData['resolved'], ): CommandInteractionResolvedData; } export abstract class BaseGuild extends Base { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawBaseGuildData); public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public features: GuildFeatures[]; public icon: string | null; public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public readonly nameAcronym: string; public readonly partnered: boolean; public readonly verified: boolean; public fetch(): Promise; public iconURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string | null; public toString(): string; } export class BaseGuildEmoji extends Emoji { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildEmojiData, guild: Guild | GuildPreview); public available: boolean | null; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public guild: Guild | GuildPreview; public id: Snowflake; public managed: boolean | null; public requiresColons: boolean | null; } export class BaseGuildTextChannel extends TextBasedChannelMixin(GuildChannel) { protected constructor(guild: Guild, data?: RawGuildChannelData, client?: Client, immediatePatch?: boolean); public defaultAutoArchiveDuration?: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration; public messages: MessageManager; public nsfw: boolean; public threads: ThreadManager; public topic: string | null; public createInvite(options?: CreateInviteOptions): Promise; public createWebhook(name: string, options?: ChannelWebhookCreateOptions): Promise; public fetchInvites(cache?: boolean): Promise>; public setDefaultAutoArchiveDuration( defaultAutoArchiveDuration: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setNSFW(nsfw?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setTopic(topic: string | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setType(type: Pick, reason?: string): Promise; public setType(type: Pick, reason?: string): Promise; public fetchWebhooks(): Promise>; } export class BaseGuildVoiceChannel extends GuildChannel { protected constructor(guild: Guild, data?: RawGuildChannelData); public readonly members: Collection; public readonly full: boolean; public readonly joinable: boolean; public rtcRegion: string | null; public bitrate: number; public userLimit: number; public createInvite(options?: CreateInviteOptions): Promise; public setRTCRegion(region: string | null): Promise; public fetchInvites(cache?: boolean): Promise>; } export class BaseMessageComponent { protected constructor(data?: BaseMessageComponent | BaseMessageComponentOptions); public type: MessageComponentType | null; private static create(data: MessageComponentOptions, client?: Client | WebhookClient): MessageComponent | undefined; private static resolveType(type: MessageComponentTypeResolvable): MessageComponentType; } export class BitField { public constructor(bits?: BitFieldResolvable); public bitfield: N; public add(...bits: BitFieldResolvable[]): BitField; public any(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean; public equals(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean; public freeze(): Readonly>; public has(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean; public missing(bits: BitFieldResolvable, ...hasParams: readonly unknown[]): S[]; public remove(...bits: BitFieldResolvable[]): BitField; public serialize(...hasParams: readonly unknown[]): Record; public toArray(...hasParams: readonly unknown[]): S[]; public toJSON(): N extends number ? number : string; public valueOf(): N; public [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator; public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number | bigint; } export class ButtonInteraction extends MessageComponentInteraction { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawMessageButtonInteractionData); public readonly component: CacheTypeReducer< Cached, MessageButton, APIButtonComponent, MessageButton | APIButtonComponent, MessageButton | APIButtonComponent >; public componentType: 'BUTTON'; public inGuild(): this is ButtonInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is ButtonInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is ButtonInteraction<'raw'>; } export type KeyedEnum = { [Key in keyof K]: T | string; }; export type EnumValueMapped, T extends Partial>> = T & { [Key in keyof T as E[Key]]: T[Key]; }; export type MappedChannelCategoryTypes = EnumValueMapped< typeof ChannelTypes, { GUILD_NEWS: NewsChannel; GUILD_VOICE: VoiceChannel; GUILD_TEXT: TextChannel; GUILD_STORE: StoreChannel; GUILD_STAGE_VOICE: StageChannel; } >; export type CategoryChannelTypes = ExcludeEnum< typeof ChannelTypes, | 'DM' | 'GROUP_DM' | 'UNKNOWN' | 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' | 'GUILD_CATEGORY' >; export class CategoryChannel extends GuildChannel { public readonly children: Collection>; public type: 'GUILD_CATEGORY'; public createChannel>( name: string, options: CategoryCreateChannelOptions & { type: T }, ): Promise; /** @deprecated See [Self-serve Game Selling Deprecation]( for more information */ public createChannel( name: string, options: CategoryCreateChannelOptions & { type: 'GUILD_STORE' | ChannelTypes.GUILD_STORE }, ): Promise; public createChannel(name: string, options?: CategoryCreateChannelOptions): Promise; } export type CategoryChannelResolvable = Snowflake | CategoryChannel; export abstract class Channel extends Base { public constructor(client: Client, data?: RawChannelData, immediatePatch?: boolean); public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public id: Snowflake; public readonly partial: false; public type: keyof typeof ChannelTypes; public delete(): Promise; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; public isText(): this is TextBasedChannel; public isVoice(): this is BaseGuildVoiceChannel; public isThread(): this is ThreadChannel; public toString(): ChannelMention; } export type If = T extends true ? A : T extends false ? B : A | B; export class Client extends BaseClient { public constructor(options?: ClientOptions); /* Bug report by Mavri#0001 [721347809667973141] */ private actions: unknown; private presence: ClientPresence; private _eval(script: string): unknown; private _validateOptions(options: ClientOptions): void; public application: If; // Added public setting: ClientUserSettingManager; public relationships: RelationshipsManager; public updateCookie(): Promise; // End public channels: ChannelManager; public readonly emojis: BaseGuildEmojiManager; public guilds: GuildManager; public options: ClientOptions; public readyAt: If; public readonly readyTimestamp: If; public sweepers: Sweepers; public shard: ShardClientUtil | null; public token: If; public uptime: If; public user: If; public users: UserManager; public voice: ClientVoiceManager; public ws: WebSocketManager; public password: string | null; public destroy(): void; public fetchGuildPreview(guild: GuildResolvable): Promise; public fetchInvite(invite: InviteResolvable, options?: ClientFetchInviteOptions): Promise; public fetchGuildTemplate(template: GuildTemplateResolvable): Promise; public fetchVoiceRegions(): Promise>; public fetchSticker(id: Snowflake): Promise; public fetchPremiumStickerPacks(): Promise>; public fetchWebhook(id: Snowflake, token?: string): Promise; public fetchGuildWidget(guild: GuildResolvable): Promise; public redeemNitro(code: String): Promise; public generateInvite(options?: InviteGenerationOptions): string; public login(token?: string): Promise; public QRLogin(debug?: boolean): DiscordAuthWebsocket; public isReady(): this is Client; /** @deprecated Use {@link Sweepers#sweepMessages} instead */ public sweepMessages(lifetime?: number): number; public toJSON(): unknown; public on(event: K, listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; public on( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once(event: K, listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; public once( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public emit(event: K, ...args: ClientEvents[K]): boolean; public emit(event: Exclude, ...args: unknown[]): boolean; public off(event: K, listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; public off( event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable, ): this; public removeAllListeners(event?: K): this; public removeAllListeners(event?: Exclude): this; } export class ClientApplication extends Application { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawClientApplicationData); public botPublic: boolean | null; public botRequireCodeGrant: boolean | null; public commands: ApplicationCommandManager; public cover: string | null; public flags: Readonly; public owner: User | Team | null; public readonly partial: boolean; public rpcOrigins: string[]; public fetch(): Promise; } export class ClientPresence extends Presence { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawPresenceData); private _parse(data: PresenceData): RawPresenceData; public set(presence: PresenceData): ClientPresence; } export class ClientUser extends User { public mfaEnabled: boolean; public readonly presence: ClientPresence; public verified: boolean; public edit(data: ClientUserEditData): Promise; public setActivity(options?: ActivityOptions): ClientPresence; public setActivity(name: string, options?: ActivityOptions): ClientPresence; public setAFK(afk?: boolean, shardId?: number | number[]): ClientPresence; public setAvatar(avatar: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null): Promise; public setBanner(banner: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null): Promise; public setPresence(data: PresenceData): ClientPresence; public setStatus(status: PresenceStatusData, shardId?: number | number[]): ClientPresence; public setUsername(username: string, password: string): Promise; public setHypeSquad(type: HypeSquadOptions): Promise; public setAccentColor(color: ColorResolvable): Promise; public setDiscriminator(discriminator: string, password: string): Promise; public setAboutMe(bio: string): Promise; public setEmail(email: string, password: string): Promise; public setPassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string): Promise; public disableAccount(password: string): Promise; public deleteAccount(password: string): Promise; public setDeaf(status: boolean): Promise; public setMute(status: boolean): Promise; /** * Nitro Status * `0`: None * `1`: Classic * `2`: Boost * @external */ public readonly nitroType: NitroType; public readonly phoneNumber: string; public readonly nsfwAllowed: boolean; public readonly emailAddress: string; } type NitroType = 'NONE' | 'CLASSIC' | 'BOOST'; export class Options extends null { private constructor(); public static defaultMakeCacheSettings: CacheWithLimitsOptions; public static defaultSweeperSettings: SweeperOptions; public static createDefault(): ClientOptions; public static cacheWithLimits(settings?: CacheWithLimitsOptions): CacheFactory; public static cacheEverything(): CacheFactory; } export class ClientVoiceManager { private constructor(client: Client); public readonly client: Client; public adapters: Map; } export { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection'; export interface CollectorEventTypes { collect: [V, ...F]; dispose: [V, ...F]; end: [collected: Collection, reason: string]; } export abstract class Collector extends EventEmitter { protected constructor(client: Client, options?: CollectorOptions<[V, ...F]>); private _timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; private _idletimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; public readonly client: Client; public collected: Collection; public ended: boolean; public abstract readonly endReason: string | null; public filter: CollectorFilter<[V, ...F]>; public readonly next: Promise; public options: CollectorOptions<[V, ...F]>; public checkEnd(): boolean; public handleCollect(...args: unknown[]): Promise; public handleDispose(...args: unknown[]): Promise; public stop(reason?: string): void; public resetTimer(options?: CollectorResetTimerOptions): void; public [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator; public toJSON(): unknown; protected listener: (...args: any[]) => void; public abstract collect(...args: unknown[]): K | null | Promise; public abstract dispose(...args: unknown[]): K | null; public on>( event: EventKey, listener: (...args: CollectorEventTypes[EventKey]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once>( event: EventKey, listener: (...args: CollectorEventTypes[EventKey]) => Awaitable, ): this; } export interface ApplicationCommandInteractionOptionResolver extends CommandInteractionOptionResolver { getSubcommand(required?: true): string; getSubcommand(required: boolean): string | null; getSubcommandGroup(required?: true): string; getSubcommandGroup(required: boolean): string | null; getBoolean(name: string, required: true): boolean; getBoolean(name: string, required?: boolean): boolean | null; getChannel(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['channel']>; getChannel(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['channel']> | null; getString(name: string, required: true): string; getString(name: string, required?: boolean): string | null; getInteger(name: string, required: true): number; getInteger(name: string, required?: boolean): number | null; getNumber(name: string, required: true): number; getNumber(name: string, required?: boolean): number | null; getUser(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['user']>; getUser(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['user']> | null; getMember(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['member']>; getMember(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['member']> | null; getRole(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['role']>; getRole(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['role']> | null; getMentionable( name: string, required: true, ): NonNullable['member' | 'role' | 'user']>; getMentionable( name: string, required?: boolean, ): NonNullable['member' | 'role' | 'user']> | null; } export class CommandInteraction extends BaseCommandInteraction { public options: Omit, 'getMessage' | 'getFocused'>; public inGuild(): this is CommandInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is CommandInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is CommandInteraction<'raw'>; public toString(): string; } export class AutocompleteInteraction extends Interaction { public readonly command: ApplicationCommand | ApplicationCommand<{ guild: GuildResolvable }> | null; public channelId: Snowflake; public commandId: Snowflake; public commandName: string; public responded: boolean; public options: Omit, 'getMessage'>; public inGuild(): this is AutocompleteInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is AutocompleteInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is AutocompleteInteraction<'raw'>; private transformOption(option: APIApplicationCommandOption): CommandInteractionOption; public respond(options: ApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]): Promise; } export class CommandInteractionOptionResolver { private constructor(client: Client, options: CommandInteractionOption[], resolved: CommandInteractionResolvedData); public readonly client: Client; public readonly data: readonly CommandInteractionOption[]; public readonly resolved: Readonly>; private _group: string | null; private _hoistedOptions: CommandInteractionOption[]; private _subcommand: string | null; private _getTypedOption( name: string, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType, properties: (keyof ApplicationCommandOption)[], required: true, ): CommandInteractionOption; private _getTypedOption( name: string, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType, properties: (keyof ApplicationCommandOption)[], required: boolean, ): CommandInteractionOption | null; public get(name: string, required: true): CommandInteractionOption; public get(name: string, required?: boolean): CommandInteractionOption | null; public getSubcommand(required?: true): string; public getSubcommand(required: boolean): string | null; public getSubcommandGroup(required?: true): string; public getSubcommandGroup(required: boolean): string | null; public getBoolean(name: string, required: true): boolean; public getBoolean(name: string, required?: boolean): boolean | null; public getChannel(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['channel']>; public getChannel(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['channel']> | null; public getString(name: string, required: true): string; public getString(name: string, required?: boolean): string | null; public getInteger(name: string, required: true): number; public getInteger(name: string, required?: boolean): number | null; public getNumber(name: string, required: true): number; public getNumber(name: string, required?: boolean): number | null; public getUser(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['user']>; public getUser(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['user']> | null; public getMember(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['member']>; public getMember(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['member']> | null; public getRole(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['role']>; public getRole(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['role']> | null; public getMentionable( name: string, required: true, ): NonNullable['member' | 'role' | 'user']>; public getMentionable( name: string, required?: boolean, ): NonNullable['member' | 'role' | 'user']> | null; public getMessage(name: string, required: true): NonNullable['message']>; public getMessage(name: string, required?: boolean): NonNullable['message']> | null; public getFocused(getFull: true): ApplicationCommandOptionChoice; public getFocused(getFull?: boolean): string | number; } export class ContextMenuInteraction extends BaseCommandInteraction { public options: Omit< CommandInteractionOptionResolver, | 'getFocused' | 'getMentionable' | 'getRole' | 'getNumber' | 'getInteger' | 'getString' | 'getChannel' | 'getBoolean' | 'getSubcommandGroup' | 'getSubcommand' >; public targetId: Snowflake; public targetType: Exclude; public inGuild(): this is ContextMenuInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is ContextMenuInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is ContextMenuInteraction<'raw'>; private resolveContextMenuOptions(data: APIApplicationCommandInteractionData): CommandInteractionOption[]; } export class DataResolver extends null { private constructor(); public static resolveBase64(data: Base64Resolvable): string; public static resolveCode(data: string, regx: RegExp): string; public static resolveFile(resource: BufferResolvable | Stream): Promise; public static resolveFileAsBuffer(resource: BufferResolvable | Stream): Promise; public static resolveImage(resource: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable): Promise; public static resolveInviteCode(data: InviteResolvable): string; public static resolveGuildTemplateCode(data: GuildTemplateResolvable): string; } export class DiscordAPIError extends Error { private constructor(error: unknown, status: number, request: unknown); private static flattenErrors(obj: unknown, key: string): string[]; public code: number; public method: string; public path: string; public httpStatus: number; public requestData: HTTPErrorData; } export class DMChannel extends TextBasedChannelMixin(Channel, ['bulkDelete']) { private constructor(client: Client, data?: RawDMChannelData); public messages: MessageManager; public recipient: User; public type: 'DM'; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; } export class Emoji extends Base { protected constructor(client: Client, emoji: RawEmojiData); public animated: boolean | null; public readonly createdAt: Date | null; public readonly createdTimestamp: number | null; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public id: Snowflake | null; public name: string | null; public readonly identifier: string; public readonly url: string | null; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string; } export class Guild extends AnonymousGuild { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildData); private _sortedRoles(): Collection; private _sortedChannels(channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel): Collection; public readonly afkChannel: VoiceChannel | null; public afkChannelId: Snowflake | null; public afkTimeout: number; public applicationId: Snowflake | null; public approximateMemberCount: number | null; public approximatePresenceCount: number | null; public available: boolean; public bans: GuildBanManager; public channels: GuildChannelManager; // public commands: GuildApplicationCommandManager; public defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevel | number; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public discoverySplash: string | null; public emojis: GuildEmojiManager; public explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevel; public invites: GuildInviteManager; public readonly joinedAt: Date; public joinedTimestamp: number; public large: boolean; public maximumMembers: number | null; public maximumPresences: number | null; public readonly me: GuildMember | null; public memberCount: number; public members: GuildMemberManager; public mfaLevel: MFALevel; public ownerId: Snowflake; public preferredLocale: string; public premiumSubscriptionCount: number | null; public premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; public premiumTier: PremiumTier; public presences: PresenceManager; public readonly disableDM: boolean; public readonly publicUpdatesChannel: TextChannel | null; public publicUpdatesChannelId: Snowflake | null; public roles: RoleManager; public readonly rulesChannel: TextChannel | null; public rulesChannelId: Snowflake | null; public scheduledEvents: GuildScheduledEventManager; public readonly shard: WebSocketShard; public shardId: number; public stageInstances: StageInstanceManager; public stickers: GuildStickerManager; public readonly systemChannel: TextChannel | null; public systemChannelFlags: Readonly; public systemChannelId: Snowflake | null; public vanityURLUses: number | null; public readonly voiceAdapterCreator: InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterCreator; public readonly voiceStates: VoiceStateManager; public readonly widgetChannel: TextChannel | null; public widgetChannelId: Snowflake | null; public widgetEnabled: boolean | null; public readonly maximumBitrate: number; public createTemplate(name: string, description?: string): Promise; public delete(): Promise; public discoverySplashURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public edit(data: GuildEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public editWelcomeScreen(data: WelcomeScreenEditData): Promise; public equals(guild: Guild): boolean; public fetchAuditLogs( options?: GuildAuditLogsFetchOptions, ): Promise>; public searchInteraction(options?: guildSearchInteraction): Promise>; public fetchIntegrations(): Promise>; public fetchOwner(options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetchPreview(): Promise; public fetchTemplates(): Promise>; public fetchVanityData(): Promise; public fetchWebhooks(): Promise>; public fetchWelcomeScreen(): Promise; public fetchWidget(): Promise; public fetchWidgetSettings(): Promise; public leave(): Promise; public setAFKChannel(afkChannel: VoiceChannelResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setAFKTimeout(afkTimeout: number, reason?: string): Promise; public setBanner(banner: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; /** @deprecated Use {@link GuildChannelManager.setPositions} instead */ public setChannelPositions(channelPositions: readonly ChannelPosition[]): Promise; public setDefaultMessageNotifications( defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevel | number, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setDiscoverySplash( discoverySplash: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setExplicitContentFilter( explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevel | number, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setIcon(icon: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise; public setOwner(owner: GuildMemberResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public setPosition(position: number, type: 'FOLDER' | 'HOME', folderID?: FolderID): Promise; public setPreferredLocale(preferredLocale: string, reason?: string): Promise; public setPublicUpdatesChannel(publicUpdatesChannel: TextChannelResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; /** @deprecated Use {@link RoleManager.setPositions} instead */ public setRolePositions(rolePositions: readonly RolePosition[]): Promise; public setRulesChannel(rulesChannel: TextChannelResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setSplash(splash: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setSystemChannel(systemChannel: TextChannelResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setSystemChannelFlags(systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlagsResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public setVerificationLevel(verificationLevel: VerificationLevel | number, reason?: string): Promise; public setPremiumProgressBarEnabled(enabled?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setCommunity( stats: boolean, publicUpdatesChannel: TextChannelResolvable, rulesChannel: TextChannelResolvable, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setWidgetSettings(settings: GuildWidgetSettingsData, reason?: string): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class GuildAuditLogs { private constructor(guild: Guild, data: RawGuildAuditLogData); private webhooks: Collection; private integrations: Collection; public entries: Collection>; public static Actions: GuildAuditLogsActions; public static Targets: GuildAuditLogsTargets; public static Entry: typeof GuildAuditLogsEntry; public static actionType(action: number): GuildAuditLogsActionType; public static build(...args: unknown[]): Promise; public static targetType(target: number): GuildAuditLogsTarget; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class GuildAuditLogsEntry< TActionRaw extends GuildAuditLogsResolvable = 'ALL', TAction = TActionRaw extends keyof GuildAuditLogsIds ? GuildAuditLogsIds[TActionRaw] : TActionRaw extends null ? 'ALL' : TActionRaw, TActionType extends GuildAuditLogsActionType = TAction extends keyof GuildAuditLogsTypes ? GuildAuditLogsTypes[TAction][1] : 'ALL', TTargetType extends GuildAuditLogsTarget = TAction extends keyof GuildAuditLogsTypes ? GuildAuditLogsTypes[TAction][0] : 'UNKNOWN', > { private constructor(logs: GuildAuditLogs, guild: Guild, data: RawGuildAuditLogEntryData); public action: TAction; public actionType: TActionType; public changes: AuditLogChange[] | null; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public executor: User | null; public extra: TAction extends keyof GuildAuditLogsEntryExtraField ? GuildAuditLogsEntryExtraField[TAction] : null; public id: Snowflake; public reason: string | null; public target: TTargetType extends keyof GuildAuditLogsEntryTargetField ? GuildAuditLogsEntryTargetField[TTargetType] : Role | GuildEmoji | { id: Snowflake } | null; public targetType: TTargetType; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class GuildBan extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildBanData, guild: Guild); public guild: Guild; public user: User; public readonly partial: boolean; public reason?: string | null; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; } export abstract class GuildChannel extends Channel { public constructor(guild: Guild, data?: RawGuildChannelData, client?: Client, immediatePatch?: boolean); private memberPermissions(member: GuildMember, checkAdmin: boolean): Readonly; private rolePermissions(role: Role, checkAdmin: boolean): Readonly; public readonly calculatedPosition: number; public readonly deletable: boolean; public guild: Guild; public guildId: Snowflake; public readonly manageable: boolean; public readonly members: Collection; public name: string; public readonly parent: CategoryChannel | null; public parentId: Snowflake | null; public permissionOverwrites: PermissionOverwriteManager; public readonly permissionsLocked: boolean | null; public readonly position: number; public rawPosition: number; public type: Exclude; public readonly viewable: boolean; public clone(options?: GuildChannelCloneOptions): Promise; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public edit(data: ChannelData, reason?: string): Promise; public equals(channel: GuildChannel): boolean; public lockPermissions(): Promise; public permissionsFor(memberOrRole: GuildMember | Role, checkAdmin?: boolean): Readonly; public permissionsFor( memberOrRole: GuildMemberResolvable | RoleResolvable, checkAdmin?: boolean, ): Readonly | null; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise; public setParent(channel: CategoryChannelResolvable | null, options?: SetParentOptions): Promise; public setPosition(position: number, options?: SetChannelPositionOptions): Promise; public isText(): this is TextChannel | NewsChannel; } export class GuildEmoji extends BaseGuildEmoji { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildEmojiData, guild: Guild); private _roles: Snowflake[]; public readonly deletable: boolean; public guild: Guild; public author: User | null; public readonly roles: GuildEmojiRoleManager; public readonly url: string; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public edit(data: GuildEmojiEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public equals(other: GuildEmoji | unknown): boolean; public fetchAuthor(): Promise; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise; } export class GuildMember extends PartialTextBasedChannel(Base) { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildMemberData, guild: Guild); public avatar: string | null; public readonly bannable: boolean; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public readonly displayColor: number; public readonly displayHexColor: HexColorString; public readonly displayName: string; public guild: Guild; public readonly id: Snowflake; public pending: boolean; public readonly communicationDisabledUntil: Date | null; public communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp: number | null; public readonly joinedAt: Date | null; public joinedTimestamp: number | null; public readonly kickable: boolean; public readonly manageable: boolean; public readonly moderatable: boolean; public nickname: string | null; public readonly partial: false; public readonly permissions: Readonly; public readonly premiumSince: Date | null; public premiumSinceTimestamp: number | null; public readonly presence: Presence | null; public readonly roles: GuildMemberRoleManager; public user: User; public readonly voice: VoiceState; public avatarURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string | null; public ban(options?: BanOptions): Promise; public disableCommunicationUntil(timeout: DateResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public timeout(timeout: number | null, reason?: string): Promise; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; public createDM(force?: boolean): Promise; public deleteDM(): Promise; public displayAvatarURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string; public edit(data: GuildMemberEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public isCommunicationDisabled(): this is GuildMember & { communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp: number; readonly communicationDisabledUntil: Date; }; public kick(reason?: string): Promise; public permissionsIn(channel: GuildChannelResolvable): Readonly; public setNickname(nickname: string | null, reason?: string): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): MemberMention; public valueOf(): string; } export class GuildPreview extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildPreviewData); public approximateMemberCount: number; public approximatePresenceCount: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public description: string | null; public discoverySplash: string | null; public emojis: Collection; public features: GuildFeatures[]; public icon: string | null; public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public splash: string | null; public discoverySplashURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public iconURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string | null; public splashURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public fetch(): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string; } export class GuildScheduledEvent extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildScheduledEventData); public id: Snowflake; public guildId: Snowflake; public channelId: Snowflake | null; public creatorId: Snowflake | null; public name: string; public description: string | null; public scheduledStartTimestamp: number | null; public scheduledEndTimestamp: number | null; public privacyLevel: GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel; public status: S; public entityType: GuildScheduledEventEntityType; public entityId: Snowflake | null; public entityMetadata: GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata; public userCount: number | null; public creator: User | null; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly scheduledStartAt: Date; public readonly scheduledEndAt: Date | null; public readonly channel: VoiceChannel | StageChannel | null; public readonly guild: Guild | null; public readonly url: string; public createInviteURL(options?: CreateGuildScheduledEventInviteURLOptions): Promise; public edit>( options: GuildScheduledEventEditOptions, ): Promise>; public delete(): Promise>; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise>; public setScheduledStartTime(scheduledStartTime: DateResolvable, reason?: string): Promise>; public setScheduledEndTime(scheduledEndTime: DateResolvable, reason?: string): Promise>; public setDescription(description: string, reason?: string): Promise>; public setStatus>( status: T, reason?: string, ): Promise>; public setLocation(location: string, reason?: string): Promise>; public fetchSubscribers( options?: T, ): Promise>; public toString(): string; public isActive(): this is GuildScheduledEvent<'ACTIVE'>; public isCanceled(): this is GuildScheduledEvent<'CANCELED'>; public isCompleted(): this is GuildScheduledEvent<'COMPLETED'>; public isScheduled(): this is GuildScheduledEvent<'SCHEDULED'>; } export class GuildTemplate extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildTemplateData); public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly updatedTimestamp: number; public readonly url: string; public code: string; public name: string; public description: string | null; public usageCount: number; public creator: User; public creatorId: Snowflake; public createdAt: Date; public updatedAt: Date; public guild: Guild | null; public guildId: Snowflake; public serializedGuild: APITemplateSerializedSourceGuild; public unSynced: boolean | null; public createGuild(name: string, icon?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable): Promise; public delete(): Promise; public edit(options?: EditGuildTemplateOptions): Promise; public sync(): Promise; public static GUILD_TEMPLATES_PATTERN: RegExp; } export class GuildPreviewEmoji extends BaseGuildEmoji { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawGuildEmojiData, guild: GuildPreview); public guild: GuildPreview; public roles: Snowflake[]; } export class HTTPError extends Error { private constructor(message: string, name: string, code: number, request: unknown); public code: number; public method: string; public name: string; public path: string; public requestData: HTTPErrorData; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface - Merge RateLimitData into RateLimitError to not have to type it again export interface RateLimitError extends RateLimitData {} export class RateLimitError extends Error { private constructor(data: RateLimitData); public name: 'RateLimitError'; } export class Integration extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawIntegrationData, guild: Guild); public account: IntegrationAccount; public application: IntegrationApplication | null; public enabled: boolean; public expireBehavior: number | undefined; public expireGracePeriod: number | undefined; public guild: Guild; public id: Snowflake | string; public name: string; public role: Role | undefined; public enableEmoticons: boolean | null; public readonly roles: Collection; public syncedAt: number | undefined; public syncing: boolean | undefined; public type: IntegrationType; public user: User | null; public subscriberCount: number | null; public revoked: boolean | null; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; } export class IntegrationApplication extends Application { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawIntegrationApplicationData); public bot: User | null; public termsOfServiceURL: string | null; public privacyPolicyURL: string | null; public rpcOrigins: string[]; public summary: string | null; public hook: boolean | null; public cover: string | null; public verifyKey: string | null; } export class Intents extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export type CacheType = 'cached' | 'raw' | 'present'; export type CacheTypeReducer< State extends CacheType, CachedType, RawType = CachedType, PresentType = CachedType | RawType, Fallback = PresentType | null, > = [State] extends ['cached'] ? CachedType : [State] extends ['raw'] ? RawType : [State] extends ['present'] ? PresentType : Fallback; export class Interaction extends Base { // This a technique used to brand different cached types. Or else we'll get `never` errors on typeguard checks. private readonly _cacheType: Cached; protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawInteractionData); public applicationId: Snowflake; public readonly channel: CacheTypeReducer< Cached, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, TextBasedChannel | null >; public channelId: Snowflake | null; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly guild: CacheTypeReducer; public guildId: CacheTypeReducer; public id: Snowflake; public member: CacheTypeReducer; public readonly token: string; public type: InteractionType; public user: User; public version: number; public memberPermissions: CacheTypeReducer>; public locale: string; public guildLocale: CacheTypeReducer; public inGuild(): this is Interaction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is Interaction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is Interaction<'raw'>; public isApplicationCommand(): this is BaseCommandInteraction; public isButton(): this is ButtonInteraction; public isCommand(): this is CommandInteraction; public isAutocomplete(): this is AutocompleteInteraction; public isContextMenu(): this is ContextMenuInteraction; public isUserContextMenu(): this is UserContextMenuInteraction; public isMessageContextMenu(): this is MessageContextMenuInteraction; public isMessageComponent(): this is MessageComponentInteraction; public isSelectMenu(): this is SelectMenuInteraction; } export class InteractionCollector extends Collector { public constructor(client: Client, options?: InteractionCollectorOptions); private _handleMessageDeletion(message: Message): void; private _handleChannelDeletion(channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel): void; private _handleGuildDeletion(guild: Guild): void; public channelId: Snowflake | null; public componentType: MessageComponentType | null; public readonly endReason: string | null; public guildId: Snowflake | null; public interactionType: InteractionType | null; public messageId: Snowflake | null; public options: InteractionCollectorOptions; public total: number; public users: Collection; public collect(interaction: Interaction): Snowflake; public empty(): void; public dispose(interaction: Interaction): Snowflake; public on(event: 'collect' | 'dispose', listener: (interaction: T) => Awaitable): this; public on(event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection, reason: string) => Awaitable): this; public on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable): this; public once(event: 'collect' | 'dispose', listener: (interaction: T) => Awaitable): this; public once(event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection, reason: string) => Awaitable): this; public once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable): this; } export class InteractionWebhook extends PartialWebhookMixin() { public constructor(client: Client, id: Snowflake, token: string); public token: string; public send(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions): Promise; } export class Invite extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawInviteData); public channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | PartialGroupDMChannel; public channelId: Snowflake; public code: string; public readonly deletable: boolean; public readonly createdAt: Date | null; public createdTimestamp: number | null; public readonly expiresAt: Date | null; public readonly expiresTimestamp: number | null; public guild: InviteGuild | Guild | null; public inviter: User | null; public inviterId: Snowflake | null; public maxAge: number | null; public maxUses: number | null; public memberCount: number; public presenceCount: number; public targetApplication: IntegrationApplication | null; public targetUser: User | null; public targetType: InviteTargetType | null; public temporary: boolean | null; public readonly url: string; public uses: number | null; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string; public acceptInvite(autoVerify?: Boolean): Promise; public static INVITES_PATTERN: RegExp; public stageInstance: InviteStageInstance | null; public guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent | null; } export class InviteStageInstance extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawInviteStageInstance, channelId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake); public channelId: Snowflake; public guildId: Snowflake; public members: Collection; public topic: string; public participantCount: number; public speakerCount: number; public readonly channel: StageChannel | null; public readonly guild: Guild | null; } export class InviteGuild extends AnonymousGuild { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawInviteGuildData); public welcomeScreen: WelcomeScreen | null; } export class LimitedCollection extends Collection { public constructor(options?: LimitedCollectionOptions, iterable?: Iterable); public maxSize: number; public keepOverLimit: ((value: V, key: K, collection: this) => boolean) | null; /** @deprecated Use Global Sweepers instead */ public interval: NodeJS.Timeout | null; /** @deprecated Use Global Sweepers instead */ public sweepFilter: SweepFilter | null; /** @deprecated Use `Sweepers.filterByLifetime` instead */ public static filterByLifetime(options?: LifetimeFilterOptions): SweepFilter; } export type MessageCollectorOptionsParams = | { componentType?: T; } & MessageComponentCollectorOptions[T]>; export type MessageChannelCollectorOptionsParams< T extends MessageComponentTypeResolvable, Cached extends boolean = boolean, > = | { componentType?: T; } & MessageChannelComponentCollectorOptions[T]>; export type AwaitMessageCollectorOptionsParams< T extends MessageComponentTypeResolvable, Cached extends boolean = boolean, > = | { componentType?: T } & Pick< InteractionCollectorOptions[T]>, keyof AwaitMessageComponentOptions >; export interface StringMappedInteractionTypes { BUTTON: ButtonInteraction; SELECT_MENU: SelectMenuInteraction; ACTION_ROW: MessageComponentInteraction; } export type WrapBooleanCache = If; export type MappedInteractionTypes = EnumValueMapped< typeof MessageComponentTypes, { BUTTON: ButtonInteraction>; SELECT_MENU: SelectMenuInteraction>; ACTION_ROW: MessageComponentInteraction>; } >; export class Message extends Base { private readonly _cacheType: Cached; private constructor(client: Client, data: RawMessageData); private _patch(data: RawPartialMessageData | RawMessageData): void; public activity: MessageActivity | null; public applicationId: Snowflake | null; public attachments: Collection; public author: User; public readonly channel: If; public channelId: Snowflake; public readonly cleanContent: string; public components: MessageActionRow[]; public content: string; public readonly createdAt: Date; public createdTimestamp: number; public readonly crosspostable: boolean; public readonly deletable: boolean; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public readonly editable: boolean; public readonly editedAt: Date | null; public editedTimestamp: number | null; public embeds: MessageEmbed[]; public groupActivityApplication: ClientApplication | null; public guildId: If; public readonly guild: If; public readonly hasThread: boolean; public id: Snowflake; public interaction: MessageInteraction | null; public readonly member: GuildMember | null; public mentions: MessageMentions; public nonce: string | number | null; public readonly partial: false; public readonly pinnable: boolean; public pinned: boolean; public reactions: ReactionManager; public stickers: Collection; public system: boolean; public readonly thread: ThreadChannel | null; public tts: boolean; public type: MessageType; public readonly url: string; public webhookId: Snowflake | null; public flags: Readonly; public reference: MessageReference | null; public awaitMessageComponent( options?: AwaitMessageCollectorOptionsParams, ): Promise[T]>; public awaitReactions(options?: AwaitReactionsOptions): Promise>; public createReactionCollector(options?: ReactionCollectorOptions): ReactionCollector; public createMessageComponentCollector( options?: MessageCollectorOptionsParams, ): InteractionCollector[T]>; public delete(): Promise; public edit(content: string | MessageEditOptions | MessagePayload): Promise; public equals(message: Message, rawData: unknown): boolean; public fetchReference(): Promise; public fetchWebhook(): Promise; public crosspost(): Promise; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; public pin(): Promise; public react(emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): Promise; public removeAttachments(): Promise; public reply(options: string | MessagePayload | ReplyMessageOptions): Promise; public resolveComponent(customId: string): MessageActionRowComponent | null; public startThread(options: StartThreadOptions): Promise; public suppressEmbeds(suppress?: boolean): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string; public unpin(): Promise; public inGuild(): this is Message & this; // Added public markUnread(): Promise; public clickButton(buttonID: String): Promise; public selectMenu(menuID: String | options[], options: string[]): Promise; public contextMenu(botID: DiscordBotID, commandName: String): Promise; } export class MessageActionRow extends BaseMessageComponent { public constructor(data?: MessageActionRow | MessageActionRowOptions | APIActionRowComponent); public type: 'ACTION_ROW'; public components: MessageActionRowComponent[]; public addComponents( ...components: MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[] | MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[][] ): this; public setComponents( ...components: MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[] | MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[][] ): this; public spliceComponents( index: number, deleteCount: number, ...components: MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[] | MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[][] ): this; public toJSON(): APIActionRowComponent; } export class MessageAttachment { public constructor(attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream, name?: string, data?: RawMessageAttachmentData); public attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream; public contentType: string | null; public description: string | null; public ephemeral: boolean; public height: number | null; public id: Snowflake; public name: string | null; public proxyURL: string; public size: number; public readonly spoiler: boolean; public url: string; public width: number | null; public setDescription(description: string): this; public setFile(attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream, name?: string): this; public setName(name: string): this; public setSpoiler(spoiler?: boolean): this; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class MessageButton extends BaseMessageComponent { public constructor(data?: MessageButton | MessageButtonOptions | APIButtonComponent); public customId: string | null; public disabled: boolean; public emoji: APIPartialEmoji | null; public label: string | null; public style: MessageButtonStyle | null; public type: 'BUTTON'; public url: string | null; public setCustomId(customId: string): this; public setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this; public setEmoji(emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): this; public setLabel(label: string): this; public setStyle(style: MessageButtonStyleResolvable): this; public setURL(url: string): this; public toJSON(): APIButtonComponent; public click(message: Message): Promise; private static resolveStyle(style: MessageButtonStyleResolvable): MessageButtonStyle; } export class MessageCollector extends Collector { public constructor(channel: TextBasedChannel, options?: MessageCollectorOptions); private _handleChannelDeletion(channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel): void; private _handleGuildDeletion(guild: Guild): void; public channel: TextBasedChannel; public readonly endReason: string | null; public options: MessageCollectorOptions; public received: number; public collect(message: Message): Snowflake | null; public dispose(message: Message): Snowflake | null; } export class MessageComponentInteraction extends Interaction { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawMessageComponentInteractionData); public readonly component: CacheTypeReducer< Cached, MessageActionRowComponent, Exclude, MessageActionRowComponent | Exclude, MessageActionRowComponent | Exclude >; public componentType: Exclude; public customId: string; public channelId: Snowflake; public deferred: boolean; public ephemeral: boolean | null; public message: GuildCacheMessage; public replied: boolean; public webhook: InteractionWebhook; public inGuild(): this is MessageComponentInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is MessageComponentInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is MessageComponentInteraction<'raw'>; public deferReply(options: InteractionDeferReplyOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public deferReply(options?: InteractionDeferReplyOptions): Promise; public deferUpdate(options: InteractionDeferUpdateOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public deferUpdate(options?: InteractionDeferUpdateOptions): Promise; public deleteReply(): Promise; public editReply(options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions): Promise>; public fetchReply(): Promise>; public followUp(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions): Promise>; public reply(options: InteractionReplyOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public reply(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions): Promise; public update(options: InteractionUpdateOptions & { fetchReply: true }): Promise>; public update(options: string | MessagePayload | InteractionUpdateOptions): Promise; public static resolveType(type: MessageComponentTypeResolvable): MessageComponentType; } export class MessageContextMenuInteraction< Cached extends CacheType = CacheType, > extends ContextMenuInteraction { public readonly targetMessage: NonNullable['message']>; public inGuild(): this is MessageContextMenuInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is MessageContextMenuInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is MessageContextMenuInteraction<'raw'>; } export class MessageEmbed { private _fieldEquals(field: EmbedField, other: EmbedField): boolean; public constructor(data?: MessageEmbed | MessageEmbedOptions | APIEmbed); public author: MessageEmbedAuthor | null; public color: number | null; public readonly createdAt: Date | null; public description: string | null; public fields: EmbedField[]; public footer: MessageEmbedFooter | null; public readonly hexColor: HexColorString | null; public image: MessageEmbedImage | null; public readonly length: number; public provider: MessageEmbedProvider | null; public thumbnail: MessageEmbedThumbnail | null; public timestamp: number | null; public title: string | null; /** @deprecated */ public type: string; public url: string | null; public readonly video: MessageEmbedVideo | null; public addField(name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean): this; public addFields(...fields: EmbedFieldData[] | EmbedFieldData[][]): this; public setFields(...fields: EmbedFieldData[] | EmbedFieldData[][]): this; public setAuthor(options: EmbedAuthorData | null): this; /** @deprecated Supply a lone object of interface {@link EmbedAuthorData} instead. */ public setAuthor(name: string, iconURL?: string, url?: string): this; public setColor(color: ColorResolvable): this; public setDescription(description: string): this; public setFooter(options: EmbedFooterData | null): this; /** @deprecated Supply a lone object of interface {@link EmbedFooterData} instead. */ public setFooter(text: string, iconURL?: string): this; public setImage(url: string): this; public setThumbnail(url: string): this; public setTimestamp(timestamp?: Date | number | null): this; public setTitle(title: string): this; public setURL(url: string): this; public spliceFields(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...fields: EmbedFieldData[] | EmbedFieldData[][]): this; public equals(embed: MessageEmbed | APIEmbed): boolean; public toJSON(): APIEmbed; public static normalizeField(name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean): Required; public static normalizeFields(...fields: EmbedFieldData[] | EmbedFieldData[][]): Required[]; } export class WebEmbed { public constructor(data?: WebEmbedOptions); public author: MessageEmbedAuthor | null; public color: number | null; public description: string | null; public image: MessageEmbedImage | null; public provider: MessageEmbedProvider | null; public title: string | null; public url: string | null; public video: MessageEmbedVideo | null; public hidden: boolean; public shorten: boolean; public imageType: 'thumbnail' | 'image'; public setAuthor(options: EmbedAuthorData | null): this; public setColor(color: ColorResolvable): this; public setDescription(description: string): this; public setImage(url: string): this; public setThumbnail(url: string): this; public setVideo(url: string): this; public setTitle(title: string): this; public setURL(url: string): this; public setProvider(options: MessageEmbedProvider | null): this; public toMessage(): Promise; } export class MessageFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export class MessageMentions { private constructor( message: Message, users: APIUser[] | Collection, roles: Snowflake[] | Collection, everyone: boolean, repliedUser?: APIUser | User, ); private _channels: Collection | null; private readonly _content: string; private _members: Collection | null; public readonly channels: Collection; public readonly client: Client; public everyone: boolean; public readonly guild: Guild; public has(data: UserResolvable | RoleResolvable | ChannelResolvable, options?: MessageMentionsHasOptions): boolean; public readonly members: Collection | null; public repliedUser: User | null; public roles: Collection; public users: Collection; public crosspostedChannels: Collection; public toJSON(): unknown; public static CHANNELS_PATTERN: RegExp; public static EVERYONE_PATTERN: RegExp; public static ROLES_PATTERN: RegExp; public static USERS_PATTERN: RegExp; } export class MessagePayload { public constructor(target: MessageTarget, options: MessageOptions | WebhookMessageOptions); public data: RawMessagePayloadData | null; public readonly isUser: boolean; public readonly isWebhook: boolean; public readonly isMessage: boolean; public readonly isMessageManager: boolean; public readonly isInteraction: boolean; public files: HTTPAttachmentData[] | null; public options: MessageOptions | WebhookMessageOptions; public target: MessageTarget; public static create( target: MessageTarget, options: string | MessageOptions | WebhookMessageOptions, extra?: MessageOptions | WebhookMessageOptions, ): MessagePayload; public static resolveFile( fileLike: BufferResolvable | Stream | FileOptions | MessageAttachment, ): Promise; public makeContent(): string | undefined; public resolveData(): this; public resolveFiles(): Promise; } export class MessageReaction { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawMessageReactionData, message: Message); private _emoji: GuildEmoji | ReactionEmoji; public readonly client: Client; public count: number; public readonly emoji: GuildEmoji | ReactionEmoji; public me: boolean; public message: Message | PartialMessage; public readonly partial: false; public users: ReactionUserManager; public remove(): Promise; public fetch(): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class MessageSelectMenu extends BaseMessageComponent { public constructor(data?: MessageSelectMenu | MessageSelectMenuOptions | APISelectMenuComponent); public customId: string | null; public disabled: boolean; public maxValues: number | null; public minValues: number | null; public options: MessageSelectOption[]; public placeholder: string | null; public type: 'SELECT_MENU'; public addOptions(...options: MessageSelectOptionData[] | MessageSelectOptionData[][]): this; public setOptions(...options: MessageSelectOptionData[] | MessageSelectOptionData[][]): this; public setCustomId(customId: string): this; public setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this; public setMaxValues(maxValues: number): this; public setMinValues(minValues: number): this; public setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): this; public spliceOptions( index: number, deleteCount: number, ...options: MessageSelectOptionData[] | MessageSelectOptionData[][] ): this; public toJSON(): APISelectMenuComponent; public select(message: Message, values: string[]): Promise; } export class NewsChannel extends BaseGuildTextChannel { public threads: ThreadManager; public type: 'GUILD_NEWS'; public addFollower(channel: TextChannelResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; } export class OAuth2Guild extends BaseGuild { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawOAuth2GuildData); public owner: boolean; public permissions: Readonly; } export class PartialGroupDMChannel extends TextBasedChannelMixin(Channel, ['bulkDelete']) { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawPartialGroupDMChannelData); public name: string | null; public icon: string | null; public recipients: Collection; public messages: MessageManager; public invites: Collection; public lastMessageId: Snowflake | null; public lastPinTimestamp: String | null; public owner: User | null; public ownerId: Snowflake | null; public iconURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public addMember(user: User): Promise; public removeMember(user: User): Promise; public setName(name: string): Promise; public setIcon(icon: Base64Resolvable | null): Promise; public getInvite(): Promise; public fetchInvite(force: boolean): Promise; public removeInvite(invite: Invite): Promise; } export class PermissionOverwrites extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawPermissionOverwriteData, channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel); public allow: Readonly; public readonly channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel; public deny: Readonly; public id: Snowflake; public type: OverwriteType; public edit(options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, reason?: string): Promise; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public static resolveOverwriteOptions( options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, initialPermissions: { allow?: PermissionResolvable; deny?: PermissionResolvable }, ): ResolvedOverwriteOptions; public static resolve(overwrite: OverwriteResolvable, guild: Guild): APIOverwrite; } export class Permissions extends BitField { public any(permission: PermissionResolvable, checkAdmin?: boolean): boolean; public has(permission: PermissionResolvable, checkAdmin?: boolean): boolean; public missing(bits: BitFieldResolvable, checkAdmin?: boolean): PermissionString[]; public serialize(checkAdmin?: boolean): Record; public toArray(): PermissionString[]; public static ALL: bigint; public static DEFAULT: bigint; public static STAGE_MODERATOR: bigint; public static FLAGS: PermissionFlags; public static resolve(permission?: PermissionResolvable): bigint; } export class Presence extends Base { protected constructor(client: Client, data?: RawPresenceData); public activities: Activity[]; public clientStatus: ClientPresenceStatusData | null; public guild: Guild | null; public readonly member: GuildMember | null; public status: PresenceStatus; public readonly user: User | null; public userId: Snowflake; public equals(presence: Presence): boolean; } export class ReactionCollector extends Collector { public constructor(message: Message, options?: ReactionCollectorOptions); private _handleChannelDeletion(channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel): void; private _handleGuildDeletion(guild: Guild): void; private _handleMessageDeletion(message: Message): void; public readonly endReason: string | null; public message: Message; public options: ReactionCollectorOptions; public total: number; public users: Collection; public static key(reaction: MessageReaction): Snowflake | string; public collect(reaction: MessageReaction, user: User): Snowflake | string | null; public dispose(reaction: MessageReaction, user: User): Snowflake | string | null; public empty(): void; public on(event: 'collect' | 'dispose' | 'remove', listener: (reaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this; public on(event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection, reason: string) => void): this; public on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; public once(event: 'collect' | 'dispose' | 'remove', listener: (reaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this; public once( event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection, reason: string) => void, ): this; public once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; } export class ReactionEmoji extends Emoji { private constructor(reaction: MessageReaction, emoji: RawReactionEmojiData); public reaction: MessageReaction; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class RichPresenceAssets { private constructor(activity: Activity, assets: RawRichPresenceAssets); public largeImage: Snowflake | null; public largeText: string | null; public smallImage: Snowflake | null; public smallText: string | null; public largeImageURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public smallImageURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; } export class Role extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawRoleData, guild: Guild); public color: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public readonly editable: boolean; public guild: Guild; public readonly hexColor: HexColorString; public hoist: boolean; public id: Snowflake; public managed: boolean; public readonly members: Collection; public mentionable: boolean; public name: string; public permissions: Readonly; public readonly position: number; public rawPosition: number; public tags: RoleTagData | null; public comparePositionTo(role: RoleResolvable): number; public icon: string | null; public unicodeEmoji: string | null; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public edit(data: RoleData, reason?: string): Promise; public equals(role: Role): boolean; public iconURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public permissionsIn(channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | Snowflake, checkAdmin?: boolean): Readonly; public setColor(color: ColorResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public setHoist(hoist?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setMentionable(mentionable?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise; public setPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public setIcon(icon: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | EmojiResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setPosition(position: number, options?: SetRolePositionOptions): Promise; public setUnicodeEmoji(unicodeEmoji: string | null, reason?: string): Promise; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): RoleMention; /** @deprecated Use {@link RoleManager.comparePositions} instead. */ public static comparePositions(role1: Role, role2: Role): number; } export class SelectMenuInteraction extends MessageComponentInteraction { public constructor(client: Client, data: RawMessageSelectMenuInteractionData); public readonly component: CacheTypeReducer< Cached, MessageSelectMenu, APISelectMenuComponent, MessageSelectMenu | APISelectMenuComponent, MessageSelectMenu | APISelectMenuComponent >; public componentType: 'SELECT_MENU'; public values: string[]; public inGuild(): this is SelectMenuInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is SelectMenuInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is SelectMenuInteraction<'raw'>; } export interface ShardEventTypes { spawn: [child: ChildProcess]; death: [child: ChildProcess]; disconnect: []; ready: []; reconnection: []; error: [error: Error]; message: [message: any]; } export class Shard extends EventEmitter { private constructor(manager: ShardingManager, id: number); private _evals: Map>; private _exitListener: (...args: any[]) => void; private _fetches: Map>; private _handleExit(respawn?: boolean, timeout?: number): void; private _handleMessage(message: unknown): void; public args: string[]; public execArgv: string[]; public env: unknown; public id: number; public manager: ShardingManager; public process: ChildProcess | null; public ready: boolean; public worker: Worker | null; public eval(script: string): Promise; public eval(fn: (client: Client) => T): Promise; public eval(fn: (client: Client, context: Serialized

) => T, context: P): Promise; public fetchClientValue(prop: string): Promise; public kill(): void; public respawn(options?: { delay?: number; timeout?: number }): Promise; public send(message: unknown): Promise; public spawn(timeout?: number): Promise; public on( event: K, listener: (...args: ShardEventTypes[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once( event: K, listener: (...args: ShardEventTypes[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; } export class ShardClientUtil { private constructor(client: Client, mode: ShardingManagerMode); private _handleMessage(message: unknown): void; private _respond(type: string, message: unknown): void; public client: Client; public readonly count: number; public readonly ids: number[]; public mode: ShardingManagerMode; public parentPort: MessagePort | null; public broadcastEval(fn: (client: Client) => Awaitable): Promise[]>; public broadcastEval(fn: (client: Client) => Awaitable, options: { shard: number }): Promise>; public broadcastEval( fn: (client: Client, context: Serialized

) => Awaitable, options: { context: P }, ): Promise[]>; public broadcastEval( fn: (client: Client, context: Serialized

) => Awaitable, options: { context: P; shard: number }, ): Promise>; public fetchClientValues(prop: string): Promise; public fetchClientValues(prop: string, shard: number): Promise; public respawnAll(options?: MultipleShardRespawnOptions): Promise; public send(message: unknown): Promise; public static singleton(client: Client, mode: ShardingManagerMode): ShardClientUtil; public static shardIdForGuildId(guildId: Snowflake, shardCount: number): number; } export class ShardingManager extends EventEmitter { public constructor(file: string, options?: ShardingManagerOptions); private _performOnShards(method: string, args: unknown[]): Promise; private _performOnShards(method: string, args: unknown[], shard: number): Promise; public file: string; public respawn: boolean; public shardArgs: string[]; public shards: Collection; public token: string | null; public totalShards: number | 'auto'; public shardList: number[] | 'auto'; public broadcast(message: unknown): Promise; public broadcastEval(fn: (client: Client) => Awaitable): Promise[]>; public broadcastEval(fn: (client: Client) => Awaitable, options: { shard: number }): Promise>; public broadcastEval( fn: (client: Client, context: Serialized

) => Awaitable, options: { context: P }, ): Promise[]>; public broadcastEval( fn: (client: Client, context: Serialized

) => Awaitable, options: { context: P; shard: number }, ): Promise>; public createShard(id: number): Shard; public fetchClientValues(prop: string): Promise; public fetchClientValues(prop: string, shard: number): Promise; public respawnAll(options?: MultipleShardRespawnOptions): Promise>; public spawn(options?: MultipleShardSpawnOptions): Promise>; public on(event: 'shardCreate', listener: (shard: Shard) => Awaitable): this; public once(event: 'shardCreate', listener: (shard: Shard) => Awaitable): this; } export interface FetchRecommendedShardsOptions { guildsPerShard?: number; multipleOf?: number; } export class SnowflakeUtil extends null { private constructor(); public static deconstruct(snowflake: Snowflake): DeconstructedSnowflake; public static generate(timestamp?: number | Date): Snowflake; public static timestampFrom(snowflake: Snowflake): number; public static readonly EPOCH: number; } export class StageChannel extends BaseGuildVoiceChannel { public topic: string | null; public type: 'GUILD_STAGE_VOICE'; public readonly stageInstance: StageInstance | null; public createStageInstance(options: StageInstanceCreateOptions): Promise; public setTopic(topic: string): Promise; } export class StageInstance extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawStageInstanceData, channel: StageChannel); public id: Snowflake; /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public guildId: Snowflake; public channelId: Snowflake; public topic: string; public privacyLevel: PrivacyLevel; public discoverableDisabled: boolean | null; public readonly channel: StageChannel | null; public readonly guild: Guild | null; public edit(options: StageInstanceEditOptions): Promise; public delete(): Promise; public setTopic(topic: string): Promise; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; } export class Sticker extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawStickerData); /** @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see */ public deleted: boolean; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; public available: boolean | null; public description: string | null; public format: StickerFormatType; public readonly guild: Guild | null; public guildId: Snowflake | null; public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public packId: Snowflake | null; public readonly partial: boolean; public sortValue: number | null; public tags: string[] | null; public type: StickerType | null; public user: User | null; public readonly url: string; public fetch(): Promise; public fetchPack(): Promise; public fetchUser(): Promise; public edit(data?: GuildStickerEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public equals(other: Sticker | unknown): boolean; } export class StickerPack extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawStickerPackData); public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public readonly createdAt: Date; public bannerId: Snowflake | null; public readonly coverSticker: Sticker | null; public coverStickerId: Snowflake | null; public description: string; public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public skuId: Snowflake; public stickers: Collection; public bannerURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; } /** @deprecated See [Self-serve Game Selling Deprecation]( for more information */ export class StoreChannel extends GuildChannel { private constructor(guild: Guild, data?: RawGuildChannelData, client?: Client); public createInvite(options?: CreateInviteOptions): Promise; public fetchInvites(cache?: boolean): Promise>; /** @deprecated See [Self-serve Game Selling Deprecation]( for more information */ public clone(options?: GuildChannelCloneOptions): Promise; public nsfw: boolean; public type: 'GUILD_STORE'; } export class Sweepers { public constructor(client: Client, options: SweeperOptions); public readonly client: Client; public intervals: Record; public options: SweeperOptions; public sweepApplicationCommands( filter: CollectionSweepFilter< SweeperDefinitions['applicationCommands'][0], SweeperDefinitions['applicationCommands'][1] >, ): number; public sweepBans(filter: CollectionSweepFilter): number; public sweepEmojis( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepInvites( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepGuildMembers( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepMessages( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepPresences( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepReactions( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepStageInstnaces( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepStickers( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepThreadMembers( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepThreads( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepUsers( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public sweepVoiceStates( filter: CollectionSweepFilter, ): number; public static archivedThreadSweepFilter( lifetime?: number, ): GlobalSweepFilter; public static expiredInviteSweepFilter( lifetime?: number, ): GlobalSweepFilter; public static filterByLifetime(options?: LifetimeFilterOptions): GlobalSweepFilter; public static outdatedMessageSweepFilter( lifetime?: number, ): GlobalSweepFilter; } export class SystemChannelFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export class Team extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawTeamData); public id: Snowflake; public name: string; public icon: string | null; public ownerId: Snowflake | null; public members: Collection; public readonly owner: TeamMember | null; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public iconURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public toJSON(): unknown; public toString(): string; } export class TeamMember extends Base { private constructor(team: Team, data: RawTeamMemberData); public team: Team; public readonly id: Snowflake; public permissions: string[]; public membershipState: MembershipState; public user: User; public toString(): UserMention; } export class TextChannel extends BaseGuildTextChannel { public rateLimitPerUser: number; public threads: ThreadManager; public type: 'GUILD_TEXT'; public setRateLimitPerUser(rateLimitPerUser: number, reason?: string): Promise; public sendSlash(botID: Snowflake, commandName: string, args?: Options[]): Promise; } export class ThreadChannel extends TextBasedChannelMixin(Channel) { private constructor(guild: Guild, data?: RawThreadChannelData, client?: Client, fromInteraction?: boolean); public archived: boolean | null; public readonly archivedAt: Date | null; public archiveTimestamp: number | null; public autoArchiveDuration: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration | null; public readonly editable: boolean; public guild: Guild; public guildId: Snowflake; public readonly guildMembers: Collection; public invitable: boolean | null; public readonly joinable: boolean; public readonly joined: boolean; public locked: boolean | null; public readonly manageable: boolean; public readonly viewable: boolean; public readonly sendable: boolean; public memberCount: number | null; public messageCount: number | null; public messages: MessageManager; public members: ThreadMemberManager; public name: string; public ownerId: Snowflake | null; public readonly parent: TextChannel | NewsChannel | null; public parentId: Snowflake | null; public rateLimitPerUser: number | null; public type: ThreadChannelTypes; public readonly unarchivable: boolean; public delete(reason?: string): Promise; public edit(data: ThreadEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public join(): Promise; public leave(): Promise; public permissionsFor(memberOrRole: GuildMember | Role, checkAdmin?: boolean): Readonly; public permissionsFor( memberOrRole: GuildMemberResolvable | RoleResolvable, checkAdmin?: boolean, ): Readonly | null; public fetchOwner(options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetchStarterMessage(options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public setArchived(archived?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setAutoArchiveDuration( autoArchiveDuration: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration, reason?: string, ): Promise; public setInvitable(invitable?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setLocked(locked?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise; public setRateLimitPerUser(rateLimitPerUser: number, reason?: string): Promise; } export class ThreadMember extends Base { private constructor(thread: ThreadChannel, data?: RawThreadMemberData); public flags: ThreadMemberFlags; public readonly guildMember: GuildMember | null; public id: Snowflake; public readonly joinedAt: Date | null; public joinedTimestamp: number | null; public readonly manageable: boolean; public thread: ThreadChannel; public readonly user: User | null; public remove(reason?: string): Promise; } export class ThreadMemberFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export class Typing extends Base { private constructor(channel: TextBasedChannel, user: PartialUser, data?: RawTypingData); public channel: TextBasedChannel; public user: PartialUser; public startedTimestamp: number; public readonly startedAt: Date; public readonly guild: Guild | null; public readonly member: GuildMember | null; public inGuild(): this is this & { channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | ThreadChannel; readonly guild: Guild; }; } export class User extends PartialTextBasedChannel(Base) { protected constructor(client: Client, data: RawUserData); private _equals(user: APIUser): boolean; public applications: ApplicationCommandManager; public accentColor: number | null | undefined; public avatar: string | null; public banner: string | null | undefined; public bot: boolean; public readonly createdAt: Date; public readonly relationships: relationshipsType; public readonly createdTimestamp: number; public discriminator: string; public readonly defaultAvatarURL: string; public readonly dmChannel: DMChannel | null; public flags: Readonly | null; public readonly hexAccentColor: HexColorString | null | undefined; public id: Snowflake; public readonly partial: false; public system: boolean; public readonly tag: string; public username: string; public readonly note: string | null; public readonly connectedAccounts: array; public readonly premiumSince: Date; public readonly premiumGuildSince: Date; public readonly bio: string | null; public readonly mutualGuilds: Collection; public avatarURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string | null; public bannerURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string | null; public createDM(force?: boolean): Promise; public deleteDM(): Promise; public displayAvatarURL(options?: ImageURLOptions): string; public equals(user: User): boolean; public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise; public fetchFlags(force?: boolean): Promise; public setFriend(): Promise; public setBlock(): Promise; public sendFriendRequest(): Promise; public unFriend(): Promise; public unBlock(): Promise; public setNote(note?: any): Promise; public getProfile(): Promise; public toString(): UserMention; } export class UserContextMenuInteraction extends ContextMenuInteraction { public readonly targetUser: User; public readonly targetMember: CacheTypeReducer; public inGuild(): this is UserContextMenuInteraction<'present'>; public inCachedGuild(): this is UserContextMenuInteraction<'cached'>; public inRawGuild(): this is UserContextMenuInteraction<'raw'>; } export class UserFlags extends BitField { public static FLAGS: Record; public static resolve(bit?: BitFieldResolvable): number; } export class Util extends null { private constructor(); /** @deprecated When not using with `makeCache` use `Sweepers.archivedThreadSweepFilter` instead */ public static archivedThreadSweepFilter(lifetime?: number): SweepFilter; public static basename(path: string, ext?: string): string; public static cleanContent(str: string, channel: TextBasedChannel): string; /** @deprecated Use {@link MessageOptions.allowedMentions} to control mentions in a message instead. */ public static removeMentions(str: string): string; private static _removeMentions(str: string): string; public static cloneObject(obj: unknown): unknown; public static discordSort( collection: Collection, ): Collection; public static escapeMarkdown(text: string, options?: EscapeMarkdownOptions): string; public static escapeCodeBlock(text: string): string; public static escapeInlineCode(text: string): string; public static escapeBold(text: string): string; public static escapeItalic(text: string): string; public static escapeUnderline(text: string): string; public static escapeStrikethrough(text: string): string; public static escapeSpoiler(text: string): string; public static cleanCodeBlockContent(text: string): string; public static fetchRecommendedShards(token: string, options?: FetchRecommendedShardsOptions): Promise; public static flatten(obj: unknown, ...props: Record[]): unknown; public static makeError(obj: MakeErrorOptions): Error; public static makePlainError(err: Error): MakeErrorOptions; public static mergeDefault(def: unknown, given: unknown): unknown; public static moveElementInArray(array: unknown[], element: unknown, newIndex: number, offset?: boolean): number; public static parseEmoji(text: string): { animated: boolean; name: string; id: Snowflake | null } | null; public static resolveColor(color: ColorResolvable): number; public static resolvePartialEmoji(emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): Partial | null; public static verifyString(data: string, error?: typeof Error, errorMessage?: string, allowEmpty?: boolean): string; public static setPosition( item: T, position: number, relative: boolean, sorted: Collection, route: unknown, reason?: string, ): Promise<{ id: Snowflake; position: number }[]>; public static splitMessage(text: string, options?: SplitOptions): string[]; } export class Formatters extends null { public static blockQuote: typeof blockQuote; public static bold: typeof bold; public static channelMention: typeof channelMention; public static codeBlock: typeof codeBlock; public static formatEmoji: typeof formatEmoji; public static hideLinkEmbed: typeof hideLinkEmbed; public static hyperlink: typeof hyperlink; public static inlineCode: typeof inlineCode; public static italic: typeof italic; public static memberNicknameMention: typeof memberNicknameMention; public static quote: typeof quote; public static roleMention: typeof roleMention; public static spoiler: typeof spoiler; public static strikethrough: typeof strikethrough; public static time: typeof time; public static TimestampStyles: typeof TimestampStyles; public static TimestampStylesString: TimestampStylesString; public static underscore: typeof underscore; public static userMention: typeof userMention; } export class VoiceChannel extends BaseGuildVoiceChannel { /** @deprecated Use manageable instead */ public readonly editable: boolean; public readonly speakable: boolean; public type: 'GUILD_VOICE'; public setBitrate(bitrate: number, reason?: string): Promise; public setUserLimit(userLimit: number, reason?: string): Promise; } export class VoiceRegion { private constructor(data: RawVoiceRegionData); public custom: boolean; public deprecated: boolean; public id: string; public name: string; public optimal: boolean; public vip: boolean; public toJSON(): unknown; } export class VoiceState extends Base { private constructor(guild: Guild, data: RawVoiceStateData); public readonly channel: VoiceBasedChannel | null; public channelId: Snowflake | null; public readonly deaf: boolean | null; public guild: Guild; public id: Snowflake; public readonly member: GuildMember | null; public readonly mute: boolean | null; public selfDeaf: boolean | null; public selfMute: boolean | null; public serverDeaf: boolean | null; public serverMute: boolean | null; public sessionId: string | null; public streaming: boolean; public selfVideo: boolean | null; public suppress: boolean; public requestToSpeakTimestamp: number | null; public setDeaf(deaf?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public setMute(mute?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise; public disconnect(reason?: string): Promise; public setChannel(channel: GuildVoiceChannelResolvable | null, reason?: string): Promise; public setRequestToSpeak(request?: boolean): Promise; public setSuppressed(suppressed?: boolean): Promise; public getPreview(): Promise; } export class Webhook extends WebhookMixin() { private constructor(client: Client, data?: RawWebhookData); public avatar: string; public avatarURL(options?: StaticImageURLOptions): string | null; public channelId: Snowflake; public client: Client; public guildId: Snowflake; public name: string; public owner: User | APIUser | null; public sourceGuild: Guild | APIPartialGuild | null; public sourceChannel: NewsChannel | APIPartialChannel | null; public token: string | null; public type: WebhookType; public isIncoming(): this is this & { token: string }; public isChannelFollower(): this is this & { sourceGuild: Guild | APIPartialGuild; sourceChannel: NewsChannel | APIPartialChannel; }; } export class WebhookClient extends WebhookMixin(BaseClient) { public constructor(data: WebhookClientData, options?: WebhookClientOptions); public client: this; public options: WebhookClientOptions; public token: string; public editMessage( message: MessageResolvable, options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions, ): Promise; public fetchMessage(message: Snowflake, options?: WebhookFetchMessageOptions): Promise; /* tslint:disable:unified-signatures */ /** @deprecated */ public fetchMessage(message: Snowflake, cache?: boolean): Promise; /* tslint:enable:unified-signatures */ public send(options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookMessageOptions): Promise; } export class WebSocketManager extends EventEmitter { private constructor(client: Client); private totalShards: number | string; private shardQueue: Set; private packetQueue: unknown[]; private destroyed: boolean; private reconnecting: boolean; public readonly client: Client; public gateway: string | null; public shards: Collection; public status: Status; public readonly ping: number; public on(event: WSEventType, listener: (data: any, shardId: number) => void): this; public once(event: WSEventType, listener: (data: any, shardId: number) => void): this; private debug(message: string, shard?: WebSocketShard): void; private connect(): Promise; private createShards(): Promise; private reconnect(): Promise; private broadcast(packet: unknown): void; private destroy(): void; private handlePacket(packet?: unknown, shard?: WebSocketShard): boolean; private checkShardsReady(): void; private triggerClientReady(): void; } export interface WebSocketShardEvents { ready: []; resumed: []; invalidSession: []; close: [event: CloseEvent]; allReady: [unavailableGuilds?: Set]; } export class WebSocketShard extends EventEmitter { private constructor(manager: WebSocketManager, id: number); private sequence: number; private closeSequence: number; private sessionId: string | null; private lastPingTimestamp: number; private lastHeartbeatAcked: boolean; private ratelimit: { queue: unknown[]; total: number; remaining: number; time: 60e3; timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null }; private connection: WebSocket | null; private helloTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; private eventsAttached: boolean; private expectedGuilds: Set | null; private readyTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; public manager: WebSocketManager; public id: number; public status: Status; public ping: number; private debug(message: string): void; private connect(): Promise; private onOpen(): void; private onMessage(event: MessageEvent): void; private onError(error: ErrorEvent | unknown): void; private onClose(event: CloseEvent): void; private onPacket(packet: unknown): void; private checkReady(): void; private setHelloTimeout(time?: number): void; private setHeartbeatTimer(time: number): void; private sendHeartbeat(): void; private ackHeartbeat(): void; private identify(): void; private identifyNew(): void; private identifyResume(): void; private _send(data: unknown): void; private processQueue(): void; private destroy(destroyOptions?: { closeCode?: number; reset?: boolean; emit?: boolean; log?: boolean }): void; private _cleanupConnection(): void; private _emitDestroyed(): void; public send(data: unknown, important?: boolean): void; public on( event: K, listener: (...args: WebSocketShardEvents[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; public once( event: K, listener: (...args: WebSocketShardEvents[K]) => Awaitable, ): this; } export class Widget extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawWidgetData); private _patch(data: RawWidgetData): void; public fetch(): Promise; public id: Snowflake; public instantInvite?: string; public channels: Collection; public members: Collection; public presenceCount: number; } export class WidgetMember extends Base { private constructor(client: Client, data: RawWidgetMemberData); public id: string; public username: string; public discriminator: string; public avatar: string | null; public status: PresenceStatus; public deaf: boolean | null; public mute: boolean | null; public selfDeaf: boolean | null; public selfMute: boolean | null; public suppress: boolean | null; public channelId: Snowflake | null; public avatarURL: string; public activity: WidgetActivity | null; } export class WelcomeChannel extends Base { private constructor(guild: Guild, data: RawWelcomeChannelData); private _emoji: Omit; public channelId: Snowflake; public guild: Guild | InviteGuild; public description: string; public readonly channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | StoreChannel | null; public readonly emoji: GuildEmoji | Emoji; } export class WelcomeScreen extends Base { private constructor(guild: Guild, data: RawWelcomeScreenData); public readonly enabled: boolean; public guild: Guild | InviteGuild; public description: string | null; public welcomeChannels: Collection; } //#endregion //#region Constants export type EnumHolder = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }; export type ExcludeEnum = Exclude; export const Constants: { Package: { name: string; version: string; description: string; license: string; main: string; types: string; homepage: string; keywords: string[]; bugs: { url: string }; repository: { type: string; url: string }; scripts: Record; engines: Record; dependencies: Record; devDependencies: Record; [key: string]: unknown; }; UserAgent: string; Endpoints: { botGateway: string; invite: (root: string, code: string, eventId?: Snowflake) => string; scheduledEvent: (root: string, guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake) => string; CDN: (root: string) => { Emoji: (emojiId: Snowflake, format: DynamicImageFormat) => string; Asset: (name: string) => string; DefaultAvatar: (discriminator: number) => string; Avatar: ( userId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: DynamicImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize, dynamic: boolean, ) => string; Banner: ( id: Snowflake, hash: string, format: DynamicImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize, dynamic: boolean, ) => string; GuildMemberAvatar: ( guildId: Snowflake, memberId: Snowflake, hash: string, format?: DynamicImageFormat, size?: AllowedImageSize, dynamic?: boolean, ) => string; Icon: ( guildId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: DynamicImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize, dynamic: boolean, ) => string; AppIcon: ( appId: Snowflake, hash: string, { format, size }: { format: AllowedImageFormat; size: AllowedImageSize }, ) => string; AppAsset: ( appId: Snowflake, hash: string, { format, size }: { format: AllowedImageFormat; size: AllowedImageSize }, ) => string; StickerPackBanner: (bannerId: Snowflake, format: AllowedImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize) => string; GDMIcon: (channelId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: AllowedImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize) => string; Splash: (guildId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: AllowedImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize) => string; DiscoverySplash: (guildId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: AllowedImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize) => string; TeamIcon: ( teamId: Snowflake, hash: string, { format, size }: { format: AllowedImageFormat; size: AllowedImageSize }, ) => string; Sticker: (stickerId: Snowflake, stickerFormat: StickerFormatType) => string; RoleIcon: (roleId: Snowflake, hash: string, format: AllowedImageFormat, size: AllowedImageSize) => string; }; }; WSCodes: { 1000: 'WS_CLOSE_REQUESTED'; 4004: 'TOKEN_INVALID'; 4010: 'SHARDING_INVALID'; 4011: 'SHARDING_REQUIRED'; }; Events: ConstantsEvents; ShardEvents: ConstantsShardEvents; PartialTypes: { [K in PartialTypes]: K; }; WSEvents: { [K in WSEventType]: K; }; Colors: ConstantsColors; Status: ConstantsStatus; Opcodes: ConstantsOpcodes; APIErrors: APIErrors; ChannelTypes: EnumHolder; ThreadChannelTypes: ThreadChannelTypes[]; TextBasedChannelTypes: TextBasedChannelTypes[]; VoiceBasedChannelTypes: VoiceBasedChannelTypes[]; ClientApplicationAssetTypes: ConstantsClientApplicationAssetTypes; IntegrationExpireBehaviors: IntegrationExpireBehaviors[]; InviteScopes: InviteScope[]; MessageTypes: MessageType[]; SystemMessageTypes: SystemMessageType[]; ActivityTypes: EnumHolder; StickerTypes: EnumHolder; StickerFormatTypes: EnumHolder; OverwriteTypes: EnumHolder; ExplicitContentFilterLevels: EnumHolder; DefaultMessageNotificationLevels: EnumHolder; VerificationLevels: EnumHolder; MembershipStates: EnumHolder; ApplicationCommandOptionTypes: EnumHolder; ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes: EnumHolder; InteractionTypes: EnumHolder; InteractionResponseTypes: EnumHolder; MessageComponentTypes: EnumHolder; MessageButtonStyles: EnumHolder; MFALevels: EnumHolder; NSFWLevels: EnumHolder; PrivacyLevels: EnumHolder; WebhookTypes: EnumHolder; PremiumTiers: EnumHolder; ApplicationCommandTypes: EnumHolder; GuildScheduledEventEntityTypes: EnumHolder; GuildScheduledEventStatuses: EnumHolder; GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevels: EnumHolder; }; export const version: string; //#endregion //#region Managers export abstract class BaseManager { protected constructor(client: Client); public readonly client: Client; } export abstract class DataManager extends BaseManager { protected constructor(client: Client, holds: Constructable); public readonly holds: Constructable; public readonly cache: Collection; public resolve(resolvable: Holds): Holds; public resolve(resolvable: R): Holds | null; public resolveId(resolvable: K | Holds): K; public resolveId(resolvable: R): K | null; public valueOf(): Collection; } export abstract class CachedManager extends DataManager { protected constructor(client: Client, holds: Constructable); private _add(data: unknown, cache?: boolean, { id, extras }?: { id: K; extras: unknown[] }): Holds; } export type ApplicationCommandDataResolvable = ApplicationCommandData | RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody; export class ApplicationCommandManager< ApplicationCommandScope = ApplicationCommand<{ guild: GuildResolvable }>, PermissionsOptionsExtras = { guild: GuildResolvable }, PermissionsGuildType = null, > extends CachedManager { protected constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable, user: User); public permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager< { command?: ApplicationCommandResolvable } & PermissionsOptionsExtras, { command: ApplicationCommandResolvable } & PermissionsOptionsExtras, PermissionsOptionsExtras, PermissionsGuildType, null >; private commandPath({ id, guildId }: { id?: Snowflake; guildId?: Snowflake }): unknown; public create(command: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, guildId?: Snowflake): Promise; public delete(command: ApplicationCommandResolvable, guildId?: Snowflake): Promise; public edit( command: ApplicationCommandResolvable, data: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, ): Promise; public edit( command: ApplicationCommandResolvable, data: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, guildId: Snowflake, ): Promise; public fetch( id: Snowflake, options: FetchApplicationCommandOptions & { guildId: Snowflake }, ): Promise; public fetch(options: FetchApplicationCommandOptions): Promise>; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: FetchApplicationCommandOptions): Promise; public fetch( id?: Snowflake, options?: FetchApplicationCommandOptions, ): Promise>; public set(commands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[]): Promise>; public set( commands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[], guildId: Snowflake, ): Promise>; private static transformCommand( command: ApplicationCommandData, ): Omit; } export class ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager< BaseOptions, FetchSingleOptions, FullPermissionsOptions, GuildType, CommandIdType, > extends BaseManager { private constructor( manager: ApplicationCommandManager | GuildApplicationCommandManager | ApplicationCommand, user: User, ); private manager: ApplicationCommandManager | GuildApplicationCommandManager | ApplicationCommand; public client: Client; public commandId: CommandIdType; public guild: GuildType; public guildId: Snowflake | null; public add( options: FetchSingleOptions & { permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionData[] }, ): Promise; public has(options: FetchSingleOptions & { permissionId: UserResolvable | RoleResolvable }): Promise; public fetch(options: FetchSingleOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: BaseOptions): Promise>; public remove( options: | (FetchSingleOptions & { users: UserResolvable | UserResolvable[]; roles?: RoleResolvable | RoleResolvable[]; }) | (FetchSingleOptions & { users?: UserResolvable | UserResolvable[]; roles: RoleResolvable | RoleResolvable[]; }), ): Promise; public set( options: FetchSingleOptions & { permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionData[] }, ): Promise; public set( options: FullPermissionsOptions & { fullPermissions: GuildApplicationCommandPermissionData[]; }, ): Promise>; private permissionsPath(guildId: Snowflake, commandId?: Snowflake): unknown; private static transformPermissions( permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionData, received: true, ): Omit & { type: keyof ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes }; private static transformPermissions(permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionData): APIApplicationCommandPermission; } export class BaseGuildEmojiManager extends CachedManager { protected constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable); public resolveIdentifier(emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): string | null; } export class ChannelManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(client: Client, iterable: Iterable); public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: FetchChannelOptions): Promise; public createGroupDM(recipients: User[]): Promise; } export class ClientUserSettingManager { private constructor(client: Client); public rawSetting: RawUserSettingsData | object; public locale: localeSetting | null; public activityDisplay: boolean | null; public DMfromServerMode: boolean | null; public displayImage: boolean | null; public linkedImageDisplay: boolean | null; public autoplayGIF: boolean | null; public previewLink: boolean | null; public animatedEmojis: boolean | null; public allowTTS: boolean | null; public compactMode: boolean | null; public convertEmoticons: boolean | null; public DMScanLevel: DMScanLevel; public theme: 'dark' | 'light' | null; public developerMode: boolean | null; public afkTimeout: number | null; // second public stickerAnimationMode: stickerAnimationMode; public showEmojiReactions: boolean | null; public customStatus: | { text?: string; expires_at?: string | null; emoji_name?: string; emoji_id?: Snowflake | null; status?: PresenceStatusData; } | object; public addFriendFrom: { all?: boolean; mutual_friends?: boolean; mututal_guilds?: boolean } | object; public guildMetadata: Collection; public disableDMfromServer: Collection; public fetch(): Promise; public setDisplayCompactMode(value?: boolean): Promise; public setTheme(value?: 'dark' | 'light'): Promise; public setLocale(value: localeSetting): Promise; public setCustomStatus(value?: CustomStatusOption): Promise; public restrictedGuilds(status: boolean): Promise; public addRestrictedGuild(guildId: GuildIdResolvable): Promise; public removeRestrictedGuild(guildId: GuildIdResolvable): Promise; } export class GuildApplicationCommandManager extends ApplicationCommandManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create(command: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable): Promise; public delete(command: ApplicationCommandResolvable): Promise; public edit( command: ApplicationCommandResolvable, data: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, ): Promise; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; public fetch(id?: undefined, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; public set(commands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[]): Promise>; } export type MappedGuildChannelTypes = EnumValueMapped< typeof ChannelTypes, { GUILD_CATEGORY: CategoryChannel; } > & MappedChannelCategoryTypes; export type GuildChannelTypes = CategoryChannelTypes | ChannelTypes.GUILD_CATEGORY | 'GUILD_CATEGORY'; export class GuildChannelManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public readonly channelCountWithoutThreads: number; public guild: Guild; /** @deprecated See [Self-serve Game Selling Deprecation]( for more information */ public create(name: string, options: GuildChannelCreateOptions & { type: 'GUILD_STORE' }): Promise; public create( name: string, options: GuildChannelCreateOptions & { type: T }, ): Promise; public create(name: string, options: GuildChannelCreateOptions): Promise; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(id?: undefined, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; public setPositions(channelPositions: readonly ChannelPosition[]): Promise; public fetchActiveThreads(cache?: boolean): Promise; } export class GuildEmojiManager extends BaseGuildEmojiManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create( attachment: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable, name: string, options?: GuildEmojiCreateOptions, ): Promise; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(id?: undefined, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; } export class GuildEmojiRoleManager extends DataManager { private constructor(emoji: GuildEmoji); public emoji: GuildEmoji; public guild: Guild; public add( roleOrRoles: RoleResolvable | readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection, ): Promise; public set(roles: readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection): Promise; public remove( roleOrRoles: RoleResolvable | readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection, ): Promise; } export class GuildManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable); public create(name: string, options?: GuildCreateOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: Snowflake | FetchGuildOptions): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchGuildsOptions): Promise>; } export class GuildMemberManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public add( user: UserResolvable, options: AddGuildMemberOptions & { fetchWhenExisting: false }, ): Promise; public add(user: UserResolvable, options: AddGuildMemberOptions): Promise; public ban(user: UserResolvable, options?: BanOptions): Promise; public edit(user: UserResolvable, data: GuildMemberEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public fetch( options: UserResolvable | FetchMemberOptions | (FetchMembersOptions & { user: UserResolvable }), ): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchMembersOptions): Promise>; public kick(user: UserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public list(options?: GuildListMembersOptions): Promise>; public prune(options: GuildPruneMembersOptions & { dry?: false; count: false }): Promise; public prune(options?: GuildPruneMembersOptions): Promise; public search(options: GuildSearchMembersOptions): Promise>; public unban(user: UserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; } export class GuildBanManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create(user: UserResolvable, options?: BanOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: UserResolvable | FetchBanOptions): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchBansOptions): Promise>; public remove(user: UserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; } export class GuildInviteManager extends DataManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create(channel: GuildInvitableChannelResolvable, options?: CreateInviteOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: InviteResolvable | FetchInviteOptions): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchInvitesOptions): Promise>; public delete(invite: InviteResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; } export class GuildScheduledEventManager extends CachedManager< Snowflake, GuildScheduledEvent, GuildScheduledEventResolvable > { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create(options: GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions): Promise; public fetch(): Promise>; public fetch< T extends GuildScheduledEventResolvable | FetchGuildScheduledEventOptions | FetchGuildScheduledEventsOptions, >(options?: T): Promise>; public edit>( guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventResolvable, options: GuildScheduledEventEditOptions, ): Promise>; public delete(guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventResolvable): Promise; public fetchSubscribers( guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventResolvable, options?: T, ): Promise>; } export class GuildStickerManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create( file: BufferResolvable | Stream | FileOptions | MessageAttachment, name: string, tags: string, options?: GuildStickerCreateOptions, ): Promise; public edit(sticker: StickerResolvable, data?: GuildStickerEditData, reason?: string): Promise; public delete(sticker: StickerResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(id?: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; } export class GuildMemberRoleManager extends DataManager { private constructor(member: GuildMember); public readonly hoist: Role | null; public readonly icon: Role | null; public readonly color: Role | null; public readonly highest: Role; public readonly premiumSubscriberRole: Role | null; public readonly botRole: Role | null; public member: GuildMember; public guild: Guild; public add( roleOrRoles: RoleResolvable | readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection, reason?: string, ): Promise; public set(roles: readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection, reason?: string): Promise; public remove( roleOrRoles: RoleResolvable | readonly RoleResolvable[] | Collection, reason?: string, ): Promise; } export class MessageManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(channel: TextBasedChannel, iterable?: Iterable); public channel: TextBasedChannel; public cache: Collection; public crosspost(message: MessageResolvable): Promise; public delete(message: MessageResolvable): Promise; public edit(message: MessageResolvable, options: string | MessagePayload | MessageEditOptions): Promise; public fetch(message: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch( options?: ChannelLogsQueryOptions, cacheOptions?: BaseFetchOptions, ): Promise>; public fetchPinned(cache?: boolean): Promise>; public react(message: MessageResolvable, emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): Promise; public pin(message: MessageResolvable): Promise; public unpin(message: MessageResolvable): Promise; } export class PermissionOverwriteManager extends CachedManager< Snowflake, PermissionOverwrites, PermissionOverwriteResolvable > { private constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable); public set( overwrites: readonly OverwriteResolvable[] | Collection, reason?: string, ): Promise; private upsert( userOrRole: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable, options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, overwriteOptions?: GuildChannelOverwriteOptions, existing?: PermissionOverwrites, ): Promise; public create( userOrRole: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable, options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, overwriteOptions?: GuildChannelOverwriteOptions, ): Promise; public edit( userOrRole: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable, options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, overwriteOptions?: GuildChannelOverwriteOptions, ): Promise; public delete(userOrRole: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; } export class PresenceManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable); } export class ReactionManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(message: Message, iterable?: Iterable); public message: Message; public removeAll(): Promise; } export class ReactionUserManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(reaction: MessageReaction, iterable?: Iterable); public reaction: MessageReaction; public fetch(options?: FetchReactionUsersOptions): Promise>; public remove(user?: UserResolvable): Promise; } export class RoleManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public readonly everyone: Role; public readonly highest: Role; public guild: Guild; public readonly premiumSubscriberRole: Role | null; public botRoleFor(user: UserResolvable): Role | null; public fetch(id: Snowflake, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(id?: undefined, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise>; public create(options?: CreateRoleOptions): Promise; public edit(role: RoleResolvable, options: RoleData, reason?: string): Promise; public delete(role: RoleResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; public setPositions(rolePositions: readonly RolePosition[]): Promise; public comparePositions(role1: RoleResolvable, role2: RoleResolvable): number; } export class StageInstanceManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; public create(channel: StageChannelResolvable, options: StageInstanceCreateOptions): Promise; public fetch(channel: StageChannelResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public edit(channel: StageChannelResolvable, options: StageInstanceEditOptions): Promise; public delete(channel: StageChannelResolvable): Promise; } export class ThreadManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel, iterable?: Iterable); public channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel; public create(options: ThreadCreateOptions): Promise; public fetch(options: ThreadChannelResolvable, cacheOptions?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchThreadsOptions, cacheOptions?: { cache?: boolean }): Promise; public fetchArchived(options?: FetchArchivedThreadOptions, cache?: boolean): Promise; public fetchActive(cache?: boolean): Promise; } export class ThreadMemberManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(thread: ThreadChannel, iterable?: Iterable); public thread: ThreadChannel; public add(member: UserResolvable | '@me', reason?: string): Promise; public fetch(member?: UserResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; /** @deprecated Use `fetch(member, options)` instead. */ public fetch(cache?: boolean): Promise>; public remove(id: Snowflake | '@me', reason?: string): Promise; } export class UserManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(client: Client, iterable?: Iterable); private dmChannel(userId: Snowflake): DMChannel | null; public createDM(user: UserResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public deleteDM(user: UserResolvable): Promise; public fetch(user: UserResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public fetchFlags(user: UserResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public send(user: UserResolvable, options: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions): Promise; } export class RelationshipsManager { private constructor(client: Client, users?: RawRelationship[]); public cache: Collection; public client: Client; private _setup(users: RawRelationship[]): null; public fetch(user: UserResolvable, options?: BaseFetchOptions): Promise; public deleteFriend(user: UserResolvable): Promise; public deleteBlocked(user: UserResolvable): Promise; public sendFriendRequest(username: User.username, discriminator: User.discriminator): Promise; public addFriend(user: UserResolvable): Promise; public addBlocked(user: UserResolvable): Promise; } export class VoiceStateManager extends CachedManager { private constructor(guild: Guild, iterable?: Iterable); public guild: Guild; } //#endregion //#region Mixins // Model the TextBasedChannel mixin system, allowing application of these fields // to the classes that use these methods without having to manually add them // to each of those classes export type Constructable = abstract new (...args: any[]) => T; export function PartialTextBasedChannel(Base?: Constructable): Constructable; export function TextBasedChannelMixin( Base?: Constructable, ignore?: I[], ): Constructable>; export interface PartialTextBasedChannelFields { send(options: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions): Promise; } export interface TextBasedChannelFields extends PartialTextBasedChannelFields { lastMessageId: Snowflake | null; readonly lastMessage: Message | null; lastPinTimestamp: number | null; readonly lastPinAt: Date | null; awaitMessageComponent( options?: AwaitMessageCollectorOptionsParams, ): Promise; awaitMessages(options?: AwaitMessagesOptions): Promise>; bulkDelete( messages: Collection | readonly MessageResolvable[] | number, filterOld?: boolean, ): Promise>; createMessageComponentCollector( options?: MessageChannelCollectorOptionsParams, ): InteractionCollector; createMessageCollector(options?: MessageCollectorOptions): MessageCollector; sendTyping(): Promise; } export function PartialWebhookMixin(Base?: Constructable): Constructable; export function WebhookMixin(Base?: Constructable): Constructable; export interface PartialWebhookFields { id: Snowflake; readonly url: string; deleteMessage(message: MessageResolvable | APIMessage | '@original', threadId?: Snowflake): Promise; editMessage( message: MessageResolvable | '@original', options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions, ): Promise; fetchMessage(message: Snowflake | '@original', options?: WebhookFetchMessageOptions): Promise; /* tslint:disable:unified-signatures */ /** @deprecated */ fetchMessage(message: Snowflake | '@original', cache?: boolean): Promise; /* tslint:enable:unified-signatures */ send(options: string | MessagePayload | WebhookMessageOptions): Promise; } export interface WebhookFields extends PartialWebhookFields { readonly createdAt: Date; readonly createdTimestamp: number; delete(reason?: string): Promise; edit(options: WebhookEditData, reason?: string): Promise; sendSlackMessage(body: unknown): Promise; } //#endregion //#region Typedefs export type ActivityFlagsString = | 'INSTANCE' | 'JOIN' | 'SPECTATE' | 'JOIN_REQUEST' | 'SYNC' | 'PLAY' | 'PARTY_PRIVACY_FRIENDS' | 'PARTY_PRIVACY_VOICE_CHANNEL' | 'EMBEDDED'; export type ActivitiesOptions = Omit; export interface ActivityOptions { name?: string; url?: string; type?: ExcludeEnum; shardId?: number | readonly number[]; } export type ActivityPlatform = 'desktop' | 'samsung' | 'xbox'; export type ActivityType = keyof typeof ActivityTypes; export interface AddGuildMemberOptions { accessToken: string; nick?: string; roles?: Collection | RoleResolvable[]; mute?: boolean; deaf?: boolean; force?: boolean; fetchWhenExisting?: boolean; } export type AllowedImageFormat = 'webp' | 'png' | 'jpg' | 'jpeg'; export type AllowedImageSize = 16 | 32 | 56 | 64 | 96 | 128 | 256 | 300 | 512 | 600 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096; export type AllowedPartial = User | Channel | GuildMember | Message | MessageReaction; export type AllowedThreadTypeForNewsChannel = 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 10; export type AllowedThreadTypeForTextChannel = 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' | 11 | 12; export interface APIErrors { UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT: 10001; UNKNOWN_APPLICATION: 10002; UNKNOWN_CHANNEL: 10003; UNKNOWN_GUILD: 10004; UNKNOWN_INTEGRATION: 10005; UNKNOWN_INVITE: 10006; UNKNOWN_MEMBER: 10007; UNKNOWN_MESSAGE: 10008; UNKNOWN_OVERWRITE: 10009; UNKNOWN_PROVIDER: 10010; UNKNOWN_ROLE: 10011; UNKNOWN_TOKEN: 10012; UNKNOWN_USER: 10013; UNKNOWN_EMOJI: 10014; UNKNOWN_WEBHOOK: 10015; UNKNOWN_WEBHOOK_SERVICE: 10016; UNKNOWN_SESSION: 10020; UNKNOWN_BAN: 10026; UNKNOWN_SKU: 10027; UNKNOWN_STORE_LISTING: 10028; UNKNOWN_ENTITLEMENT: 10029; UNKNOWN_BUILD: 10030; UNKNOWN_LOBBY: 10031; UNKNOWN_BRANCH: 10032; UNKNOWN_STORE_DIRECTORY_LAYOUT: 10033; UNKNOWN_REDISTRIBUTABLE: 10036; UNKNOWN_GIFT_CODE: 10038; UNKNOWN_STREAM: 10049; UNKNOWN_PREMIUM_SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN: 10050; UNKNOWN_GUILD_TEMPLATE: 10057; UNKNOWN_DISCOVERABLE_SERVER_CATEGORY: 10059; UNKNOWN_STICKER: 10060; UNKNOWN_INTERACTION: 10062; UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND: 10063; UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS: 10066; UNKNOWN_STAGE_INSTANCE: 10067; UNKNOWN_GUILD_MEMBER_VERIFICATION_FORM: 10068; UNKNOWN_GUILD_WELCOME_SCREEN: 10069; UNKNOWN_GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT: 10070; UNKNOWN_GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER: 10071; BOT_PROHIBITED_ENDPOINT: 20001; BOT_ONLY_ENDPOINT: 20002; CANNOT_SEND_EXPLICIT_CONTENT: 20009; NOT_AUTHORIZED: 20012; SLOWMODE_RATE_LIMIT: 20016; ACCOUNT_OWNER_ONLY: 20018; ANNOUNCEMENT_EDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: 20022; CHANNEL_HIT_WRITE_RATELIMIT: 20028; SERVER_HIT_WRITE_RATELIMIT: 20029; CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED: 20031; GUILD_PREMIUM_LEVEL_TOO_LOW: 20035; MAXIMUM_GUILDS: 30001; MAXIMUM_FRIENDS: 30002; MAXIMUM_PINS: 30003; MAXIMUM_RECIPIENTS: 30004; MAXIMUM_ROLES: 30005; MAXIMUM_WEBHOOKS: 30007; MAXIMUM_EMOJIS: 30008; MAXIMUM_REACTIONS: 30010; MAXIMUM_CHANNELS: 30013; MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENTS: 30015; MAXIMUM_INVITES: 30016; MAXIMUM_ANIMATED_EMOJIS: 30018; MAXIMUM_SERVER_MEMBERS: 30019; MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SERVER_CATEGORIES: 30030; GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_TEMPLATE: 30031; MAXIMUM_THREAD_PARICIPANTS: 30033; MAXIMUM_NON_GUILD_MEMBERS_BANS: 30035; MAXIMUM_BAN_FETCHES: 30037; MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_UNCOMPLETED_GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS_REACHED: 30038; MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_STICKERS_REACHED: 30039; MAXIMUM_PRUNE_REQUESTS: 30040; MAXIMUM_GUILD_WIDGET_SETTINGS_UPDATE: 30042; UNAUTHORIZED: 40001; ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED: 40002; DIRECT_MESSAGES_TOO_FAST: 40003; REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: 40005; FEATURE_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED: 40006; USER_BANNED: 40007; TARGET_USER_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_VOICE: 40032; ALREADY_CROSSPOSTED: 40033; MISSING_ACCESS: 50001; INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPE: 50002; CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_DM: 50003; EMBED_DISABLED: 50004; CANNOT_EDIT_MESSAGE_BY_OTHER: 50005; CANNOT_SEND_EMPTY_MESSAGE: 50006; CANNOT_MESSAGE_USER: 50007; CANNOT_SEND_MESSAGES_IN_VOICE_CHANNEL: 50008; CHANNEL_VERIFICATION_LEVEL_TOO_HIGH: 50009; OAUTH2_APPLICATION_BOT_ABSENT: 50010; MAXIMUM_OAUTH2_APPLICATIONS: 50011; INVALID_OAUTH_STATE: 50012; MISSING_PERMISSIONS: 50013; INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN: 50014; NOTE_TOO_LONG: 50015; INVALID_BULK_DELETE_QUANTITY: 50016; CANNOT_PIN_MESSAGE_IN_OTHER_CHANNEL: 50019; INVALID_OR_TAKEN_INVITE_CODE: 50020; CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: 50021; CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_CHANNEL_TYPE: 50024; INVALID_OAUTH_TOKEN: 50025; MISSING_OAUTH_SCOPE: 50026; INVALID_WEBHOOK_TOKEN: 50027; INVALID_ROLE: 50028; INVALID_RECIPIENTS: 50033; BULK_DELETE_MESSAGE_TOO_OLD: 50034; INVALID_FORM_BODY: 50035; INVITE_ACCEPTED_TO_GUILD_NOT_CONTAINING_BOT: 50036; INVALID_API_VERSION: 50041; FILE_UPLOADED_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_SIZE: 50045; INVALID_FILE_UPLOADED: 50046; CANNOT_SELF_REDEEM_GIFT: 50054; INVALID_GUILD: 50055; PAYMENT_SOURCE_REQUIRED: 50070; CANNOT_DELETE_COMMUNITY_REQUIRED_CHANNEL: 50074; INVALID_STICKER_SENT: 50081; INVALID_THREAD_ARCHIVE_STATE: 50083; INVALID_THREAD_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS: 50084; PARAMETER_EARLIER_THAN_CREATION: 50085; GUILD_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_LOCATION: 50095; GUILD_MONETIZATION_REQUIRED: 50097; INSUFFICIENT_BOOSTS: 50101; INVALID_JSON: 50109; TWO_FACTOR_REQUIRED: 60003; NO_USERS_WITH_DISCORDTAG_EXIST: 80004; REACTION_BLOCKED: 90001; RESOURCE_OVERLOADED: 130000; STAGE_ALREADY_OPEN: 150006; CANNOT_REPLY_WITHOUT_READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY_PERMISSION: 160002; MESSAGE_ALREADY_HAS_THREAD: 160004; THREAD_LOCKED: 160005; MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_THREADS: 160006; MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_ANNOUNCEMENT_THREADS: 160007; INVALID_JSON_FOR_UPLOADED_LOTTIE_FILE: 170001; UPLOADED_LOTTIES_CANNOT_CONTAIN_RASTERIZED_IMAGES: 170002; STICKER_MAXIMUM_FRAMERATE_EXCEEDED: 170003; STICKER_FRAME_COUNT_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_OF_1000_FRAMES: 170004; LOTTIE_ANIMATION_MAXIMUM_DIMENSIONS_EXCEEDED: 170005; STICKER_FRAME_RATE_IS_TOO_SMALL_OR_TOO_LARGE: 170006; STICKER_ANIMATION_DURATION_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_OF_5_SECONDS: 170007; CANNOT_UPDATE_A_FINISHED_EVENT: 180000; FAILED_TO_CREATE_STAGE_NEEDED_FOR_STAGE_EVENT: 180002; } export interface APIRequest { method: 'get' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'put'; options: unknown; path: string; retries: number; route: string; } export interface ApplicationAsset { name: string; id: Snowflake; type: 'BIG' | 'SMALL'; } export interface BaseApplicationCommandData { name: string; defaultPermission?: boolean; } export type CommandOptionDataTypeResolvable = ApplicationCommandOptionType | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes; export type CommandOptionChannelResolvableType = ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.CHANNEL | 'CHANNEL'; export type CommandOptionChoiceResolvableType = | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING | 'STRING' | CommandOptionNumericResolvableType; export type CommandOptionNumericResolvableType = | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.NUMBER | 'NUMBER' | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.INTEGER | 'INTEGER'; export type CommandOptionSubOptionResolvableType = | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND | 'SUB_COMMAND' | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND_GROUP | 'SUB_COMMAND_GROUP'; export type CommandOptionNonChoiceResolvableType = Exclude< CommandOptionDataTypeResolvable, CommandOptionChoiceResolvableType | CommandOptionSubOptionResolvableType | CommandOptionChannelResolvableType >; export interface BaseApplicationCommandOptionsData { name: string; description: string; required?: boolean; autocomplete?: never; } export interface UserApplicationCommandData extends BaseApplicationCommandData { type: 'USER' | ApplicationCommandTypes.USER; } export interface MessageApplicationCommandData extends BaseApplicationCommandData { type: 'MESSAGE' | ApplicationCommandTypes.MESSAGE; } export interface ChatInputApplicationCommandData extends BaseApplicationCommandData { description: string; type?: 'CHAT_INPUT' | ApplicationCommandTypes.CHAT_INPUT; options?: ApplicationCommandOptionData[]; } export type ApplicationCommandData = | UserApplicationCommandData | MessageApplicationCommandData | ChatInputApplicationCommandData; export interface ApplicationCommandChannelOptionData extends BaseApplicationCommandOptionsData { type: CommandOptionChannelResolvableType; channelTypes?: ExcludeEnum[]; channel_types?: Exclude[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandChannelOption extends BaseApplicationCommandOptionsData { type: 'CHANNEL'; channelTypes?: (keyof typeof ChannelTypes)[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandAutocompleteOption extends Omit { type: | 'STRING' | 'NUMBER' | 'INTEGER' | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.STRING | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.NUMBER | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.INTEGER; autocomplete: true; } export interface ApplicationCommandChoicesData extends Omit { type: CommandOptionChoiceResolvableType; choices?: ApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]; autocomplete?: false; } export interface ApplicationCommandChoicesOption extends Omit { type: Exclude; choices?: ApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]; autocomplete?: false; } export interface ApplicationCommandNumericOptionData extends ApplicationCommandChoicesData { type: CommandOptionNumericResolvableType; minValue?: number; min_value?: number; maxValue?: number; max_value?: number; } export interface ApplicationCommandNumericOption extends ApplicationCommandChoicesOption { type: Exclude; minValue?: number; maxValue?: number; } export interface ApplicationCommandSubGroupData extends Omit { type: 'SUB_COMMAND_GROUP' | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND_GROUP; options?: ApplicationCommandSubCommandData[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandSubGroup extends Omit { type: 'SUB_COMMAND_GROUP'; options?: ApplicationCommandSubCommand[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandSubCommandData extends Omit { type: 'SUB_COMMAND' | ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND; options?: ( | ApplicationCommandChoicesData | ApplicationCommandNonOptionsData | ApplicationCommandChannelOptionData | ApplicationCommandAutocompleteOption | ApplicationCommandNumericOptionData )[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandSubCommand extends Omit { type: 'SUB_COMMAND'; options?: (ApplicationCommandChoicesOption | ApplicationCommandNonOptions | ApplicationCommandChannelOption)[]; } export interface ApplicationCommandNonOptionsData extends BaseApplicationCommandOptionsData { type: CommandOptionNonChoiceResolvableType; } export interface ApplicationCommandNonOptions extends BaseApplicationCommandOptionsData { type: Exclude; } export type ApplicationCommandOptionData = | ApplicationCommandSubGroupData | ApplicationCommandNonOptionsData | ApplicationCommandChannelOptionData | ApplicationCommandChoicesData | ApplicationCommandAutocompleteOption | ApplicationCommandNumericOptionData | ApplicationCommandSubCommandData; export type ApplicationCommandOption = | ApplicationCommandSubGroup | ApplicationCommandNonOptions | ApplicationCommandChannelOption | ApplicationCommandChoicesOption | ApplicationCommandNumericOption | ApplicationCommandSubCommand; export interface ApplicationCommandOptionChoice { name: string; value: string | number; } export type ApplicationCommandType = keyof typeof ApplicationCommandTypes; export type ApplicationCommandOptionType = keyof typeof ApplicationCommandOptionTypes; export interface ApplicationCommandPermissionData { id: Snowflake; type: ApplicationCommandPermissionType | ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes; permission: boolean; } export interface ApplicationCommandPermissions extends ApplicationCommandPermissionData { type: ApplicationCommandPermissionType; } export type ApplicationCommandPermissionType = keyof typeof ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes; export type ApplicationCommandResolvable = ApplicationCommand | Snowflake; export type ApplicationFlagsString = | 'GATEWAY_PRESENCE' | 'GATEWAY_PRESENCE_LIMITED' | 'GATEWAY_GUILD_MEMBERS' | 'GATEWAY_GUILD_MEMBERS_LIMITED' | 'VERIFICATION_PENDING_GUILD_LIMIT' | 'EMBEDDED' | 'GATEWAY_MESSAGE_CONTENT' | 'GATEWAY_MESSAGE_CONTENT_LIMITED'; export interface AuditLogChange { key: APIAuditLogChange['key']; old?: APIAuditLogChange['old_value']; new?: APIAuditLogChange['new_value']; } export type Awaitable = T | PromiseLike; export type AwaitMessageComponentOptions = Omit< MessageComponentCollectorOptions, 'max' | 'maxComponents' | 'maxUsers' >; export interface AwaitMessagesOptions extends MessageCollectorOptions { errors?: string[]; } export interface AwaitReactionsOptions extends ReactionCollectorOptions { errors?: string[]; } export interface BanOptions { days?: number; reason?: string; } export type Base64Resolvable = Buffer | Base64String; export type Base64String = string; export interface BaseFetchOptions { cache?: boolean; force?: boolean; } export interface guildSearchInteraction { type?: ApplicationCommandTypes; query?: string | null | undefined; limit?: number; offset?: number; botID?:[]; } export interface BaseMessageComponentOptions { type?: MessageComponentType | MessageComponentTypes; } export type BitFieldResolvable = | RecursiveReadonlyArray>> | T | N | `${bigint}` | Readonly>; export type BufferResolvable = Buffer | string; export interface Caches { ApplicationCommandManager: [manager: typeof ApplicationCommandManager, holds: typeof ApplicationCommand]; BaseGuildEmojiManager: [manager: typeof BaseGuildEmojiManager, holds: typeof GuildEmoji]; GuildEmojiManager: [manager: typeof GuildEmojiManager, holds: typeof GuildEmoji]; // TODO: ChannelManager: [manager: typeof ChannelManager, holds: typeof Channel]; // TODO: GuildChannelManager: [manager: typeof GuildChannelManager, holds: typeof GuildChannel]; // TODO: GuildManager: [manager: typeof GuildManager, holds: typeof Guild]; GuildMemberManager: [manager: typeof GuildMemberManager, holds: typeof GuildMember]; GuildBanManager: [manager: typeof GuildBanManager, holds: typeof GuildBan]; GuildInviteManager: [manager: typeof GuildInviteManager, holds: typeof Invite]; GuildScheduledEventManager: [manager: typeof GuildScheduledEventManager, holds: typeof GuildScheduledEvent]; GuildStickerManager: [manager: typeof GuildStickerManager, holds: typeof Sticker]; MessageManager: [manager: typeof MessageManager, holds: typeof Message]; // TODO: PermissionOverwriteManager: [manager: typeof PermissionOverwriteManager, holds: typeof PermissionOverwrites]; PresenceManager: [manager: typeof PresenceManager, holds: typeof Presence]; ReactionManager: [manager: typeof ReactionManager, holds: typeof MessageReaction]; ReactionUserManager: [manager: typeof ReactionUserManager, holds: typeof User]; // TODO: RoleManager: [manager: typeof RoleManager, holds: typeof Role]; StageInstanceManager: [manager: typeof StageInstanceManager, holds: typeof StageInstance]; ThreadManager: [manager: typeof ThreadManager, holds: typeof ThreadChannel]; ThreadMemberManager: [manager: typeof ThreadMemberManager, holds: typeof ThreadMember]; UserManager: [manager: typeof UserManager, holds: typeof User]; VoiceStateManager: [manager: typeof VoiceStateManager, holds: typeof VoiceState]; } export type CacheConstructors = { [K in keyof Caches]: Caches[K][0] & { name: K }; }; // This doesn't actually work the way it looks 😢. // Narrowing the type of `` doesn't propagate type information to `holds` and the return type. export type CacheFactory = ( manager: CacheConstructors[keyof Caches], holds: Caches[typeof manager['name']][1], ) => typeof manager['prototype'] extends DataManager ? Collection : never; export type CacheWithLimitsOptions = { [K in keyof Caches]?: Caches[K][0]['prototype'] extends DataManager ? LimitedCollectionOptions | number : never; }; export interface CategoryCreateChannelOptions { permissionOverwrites?: OverwriteResolvable[] | Collection; topic?: string; type?: ExcludeEnum< typeof ChannelTypes, | 'DM' | 'GROUP_DM' | 'UNKNOWN' | 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' | 'GUILD_CATEGORY' >; nsfw?: boolean; bitrate?: number; userLimit?: number; rateLimitPerUser?: number; position?: number; rtcRegion?: string; reason?: string; } export interface ChannelCreationOverwrites { allow?: PermissionResolvable; deny?: PermissionResolvable; id: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable; } export interface ChannelData { name?: string; type?: Pick; position?: number; topic?: string; nsfw?: boolean; bitrate?: number; userLimit?: number; parent?: CategoryChannelResolvable | null; rateLimitPerUser?: number; lockPermissions?: boolean; permissionOverwrites?: readonly OverwriteResolvable[] | Collection; defaultAutoArchiveDuration?: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration; rtcRegion?: string | null; } export interface ChannelLogsQueryOptions { limit?: number; before?: Snowflake; after?: Snowflake; around?: Snowflake; } export type ChannelMention = `<#${Snowflake}>`; export interface ChannelPosition { channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | Snowflake; lockPermissions?: boolean; parent?: CategoryChannelResolvable | null; position?: number; } export type GuildTextChannelResolvable = TextChannel | NewsChannel | Snowflake; export type ChannelResolvable = AnyChannel | Snowflake; export interface ChannelWebhookCreateOptions { avatar?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; reason?: string; } export interface BaseClientEvents { apiResponse: [request: APIRequest, response: Response]; apiRequest: [request: APIRequest]; debug: [message: string]; rateLimit: [rateLimitData: RateLimitData]; invalidRequestWarning: [invalidRequestWarningData: InvalidRequestWarningData]; } export interface ClientEvents extends BaseClientEvents { /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ applicationCommandCreate: [command: ApplicationCommand]; /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ applicationCommandDelete: [command: ApplicationCommand]; /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ applicationCommandUpdate: [oldCommand: ApplicationCommand | null, newCommand: ApplicationCommand]; cacheSweep: [message: string]; channelCreate: [channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel]; channelDelete: [channel: DMChannel | NonThreadGuildBasedChannel]; channelPinsUpdate: [channel: TextBasedChannel, date: Date]; channelUpdate: [ oldChannel: DMChannel | NonThreadGuildBasedChannel, newChannel: DMChannel | NonThreadGuildBasedChannel, ]; warn: [message: string]; emojiCreate: [emoji: GuildEmoji]; emojiDelete: [emoji: GuildEmoji]; emojiUpdate: [oldEmoji: GuildEmoji, newEmoji: GuildEmoji]; error: [error: Error]; guildBanAdd: [ban: GuildBan]; guildBanRemove: [ban: GuildBan]; guildCreate: [guild: Guild]; guildDelete: [guild: Guild]; guildUnavailable: [guild: Guild]; guildIntegrationsUpdate: [guild: Guild]; guildMemberAdd: [member: GuildMember]; guildMemberAvailable: [member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember]; guildMemberRemove: [member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember]; guildMembersChunk: [ members: Collection, guild: Guild, data: { count: number; index: number; nonce: string | undefined }, ]; guildMemberUpdate: [oldMember: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, newMember: GuildMember]; guildMemberListUpdate: [ members: Collection, guild: Guild, data: {}, // see: ]; guildUpdate: [oldGuild: Guild, newGuild: Guild]; inviteCreate: [invite: Invite]; inviteDelete: [invite: Invite]; /** @deprecated Use messageCreate instead */ message: [message: Message]; messageCreate: [message: Message]; messageDelete: [message: Message | PartialMessage]; messageReactionRemoveAll: [ message: Message | PartialMessage, reactions: Collection, ]; messageReactionRemoveEmoji: [reaction: MessageReaction | PartialMessageReaction]; messageDeleteBulk: [messages: Collection]; messageReactionAdd: [reaction: MessageReaction | PartialMessageReaction, user: User | PartialUser]; messageReactionRemove: [reaction: MessageReaction | PartialMessageReaction, user: User | PartialUser]; messageUpdate: [oldMessage: Message | PartialMessage, newMessage: Message | PartialMessage]; presenceUpdate: [oldPresence: Presence | null, newPresence: Presence]; ready: [client: Client]; invalidated: []; roleCreate: [role: Role]; roleDelete: [role: Role]; roleUpdate: [oldRole: Role, newRole: Role]; threadCreate: [thread: ThreadChannel]; threadDelete: [thread: ThreadChannel]; threadListSync: [threads: Collection]; threadMemberUpdate: [oldMember: ThreadMember, newMember: ThreadMember]; threadMembersUpdate: [ oldMembers: Collection, newMembers: Collection, ]; threadUpdate: [oldThread: ThreadChannel, newThread: ThreadChannel]; typingStart: [typing: Typing]; userUpdate: [oldUser: User | PartialUser, newUser: User]; userSettingsUpdate: [setting: RawUserSettingsData]; voiceStateUpdate: [oldState: VoiceState, newState: VoiceState]; webhookUpdate: [channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel]; /** @deprecated Use interactionCreate instead */ interaction: [interaction: Interaction]; interactionCreate: [interaction: Interaction | { nonce: Snowflake; id: Snowflake }]; interactionSuccess: [interaction: { nonce: Snowflake; id: Snowflake }]; interactionFailed: [interaction: { nonce: Snowflake; id: Snowflake }]; shardDisconnect: [closeEvent: CloseEvent, shardId: number]; shardError: [error: Error, shardId: number]; shardReady: [shardId: number, unavailableGuilds: Set | undefined]; shardReconnecting: [shardId: number]; shardResume: [shardId: number, replayedEvents: number]; stageInstanceCreate: [stageInstance: StageInstance]; stageInstanceUpdate: [oldStageInstance: StageInstance | null, newStageInstance: StageInstance]; stageInstanceDelete: [stageInstance: StageInstance]; stickerCreate: [sticker: Sticker]; stickerDelete: [sticker: Sticker]; stickerUpdate: [oldSticker: Sticker, newSticker: Sticker]; guildScheduledEventCreate: [guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent]; guildScheduledEventUpdate: [oldGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent, newGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent]; guildScheduledEventDelete: [guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent]; guildScheduledEventUserAdd: [guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent, user: User]; guildScheduledEventUserRemove: [guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent, user: User]; relationshipAdd: [id: Snowflake, type: RelationshipTypes]; relationshipRemove: [id: Snowflake]; unhandledPacket: [packet: { op: GatewayOpcodes | number; d?: any; s?: number; t?: string }, shard: WebSocketShard]; } export interface ClientFetchInviteOptions { guildScheduledEventId?: Snowflake; } export interface ClientOptions { shards?: number | number[] | 'auto'; shardCount?: number; makeCache?: CacheFactory; /** @deprecated Pass the value of this property as `lifetime` to `sweepers.messages` instead. */ messageCacheLifetime?: number; /** @deprecated Pass the value of this property as `interval` to `sweepers.messages` instead. */ messageSweepInterval?: number; allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions; invalidRequestWarningInterval?: number; partials?: PartialTypes[]; restWsBridgeTimeout?: number; restTimeOffset?: number; restRequestTimeout?: number; restGlobalRateLimit?: number; restSweepInterval?: number; retryLimit?: number; failIfNotExists?: boolean; userAgentSuffix?: string[]; presence?: PresenceData; intents?: BitFieldResolvable; waitGuildTimeout?: number; sweepers?: SweeperOptions; ws?: WebSocketOptions; http?: HTTPOptions; rejectOnRateLimit?: string[] | ((data: RateLimitData) => boolean | Promise); // add checkUpdate?: boolean; readyStatus?: boolean; autoCookie?: boolean; } export type ClientPresenceStatus = 'online' | 'idle' | 'dnd'; export interface ClientPresenceStatusData { web?: ClientPresenceStatus; mobile?: ClientPresenceStatus; desktop?: ClientPresenceStatus; } export interface ClientUserEditData { username?: string; avatar?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; } export interface CloseEvent { wasClean: boolean; code: number; reason: string; target: WebSocket; } export type CollectorFilter = (...args: T) => boolean | Promise; export interface CollectorOptions { filter?: CollectorFilter; time?: number; idle?: number; dispose?: boolean; } export interface CollectorResetTimerOptions { time?: number; idle?: number; } export type ColorResolvable = | 'DEFAULT' | 'WHITE' | 'AQUA' | 'GREEN' | 'BLUE' | 'YELLOW' | 'PURPLE' | 'LUMINOUS_VIVID_PINK' | 'FUCHSIA' | 'GOLD' | 'ORANGE' | 'RED' | 'GREY' | 'DARKER_GREY' | 'NAVY' | 'DARK_AQUA' | 'DARK_GREEN' | 'DARK_BLUE' | 'DARK_PURPLE' | 'DARK_VIVID_PINK' | 'DARK_GOLD' | 'DARK_ORANGE' | 'DARK_RED' | 'DARK_GREY' | 'LIGHT_GREY' | 'DARK_NAVY' | 'BLURPLE' | 'GREYPLE' | 'DARK_BUT_NOT_BLACK' | 'NOT_QUITE_BLACK' | 'RANDOM' | readonly [number, number, number] | number | HexColorString; export interface CommandInteractionOption { name: string; type: ApplicationCommandOptionType; value?: string | number | boolean; focused?: boolean; autocomplete?: boolean; options?: CommandInteractionOption[]; user?: User; member?: CacheTypeReducer; channel?: CacheTypeReducer; role?: CacheTypeReducer; message?: GuildCacheMessage; } export interface CommandInteractionResolvedData { users?: Collection; members?: Collection>; roles?: Collection>; channels?: Collection>; messages?: Collection>; } export interface ConstantsClientApplicationAssetTypes { SMALL: 1; BIG: 2; } export interface ConstantsColors { DEFAULT: 0x000000; WHITE: 0xffffff; AQUA: 0x1abc9c; GREEN: 0x57f287; BLUE: 0x3498db; YELLOW: 0xfee75c; PURPLE: 0x9b59b6; LUMINOUS_VIVID_PINK: 0xe91e63; FUCHSIA: 0xeb459e; GOLD: 0xf1c40f; ORANGE: 0xe67e22; RED: 0xed4245; GREY: 0x95a5a6; NAVY: 0x34495e; DARK_AQUA: 0x11806a; DARK_GREEN: 0x1f8b4c; DARK_BLUE: 0x206694; DARK_PURPLE: 0x71368a; DARK_VIVID_PINK: 0xad1457; DARK_GOLD: 0xc27c0e; DARK_ORANGE: 0xa84300; DARK_RED: 0x992d22; DARK_GREY: 0x979c9f; DARKER_GREY: 0x7f8c8d; LIGHT_GREY: 0xbcc0c0; DARK_NAVY: 0x2c3e50; BLURPLE: 0x5865f2; GREYPLE: 0x99aab5; DARK_BUT_NOT_BLACK: 0x2c2f33; NOT_QUITE_BLACK: 0x23272a; } export interface ConstantsEvents { RATE_LIMIT: 'rateLimit'; INVALID_REQUEST_WARNING: 'invalidRequestWarning'; API_RESPONSE: 'apiResponse'; API_REQUEST: 'apiRequest'; CLIENT_READY: 'ready'; /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ APPLICATION_COMMAND_CREATE: 'applicationCommandCreate'; /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE: 'applicationCommandDelete'; /** @deprecated See [this issue]( for more information. */ APPLICATION_COMMAND_UPDATE: 'applicationCommandUpdate'; GUILD_CREATE: 'guildCreate'; GUILD_DELETE: 'guildDelete'; GUILD_UPDATE: 'guildUpdate'; GUILD_UNAVAILABLE: 'guildUnavailable'; GUILD_MEMBER_ADD: 'guildMemberAdd'; GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE: 'guildMemberRemove'; GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE: 'guildMemberUpdate'; GUILD_MEMBER_AVAILABLE: 'guildMemberAvailable'; GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK: 'guildMembersChunk'; GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE: 'guildMemberListUpdate'; GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE: 'guildIntegrationsUpdate'; GUILD_ROLE_CREATE: 'roleCreate'; GUILD_ROLE_DELETE: 'roleDelete'; INVITE_CREATE: 'inviteCreate'; INVITE_DELETE: 'inviteDelete'; GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE: 'roleUpdate'; GUILD_EMOJI_CREATE: 'emojiCreate'; GUILD_EMOJI_DELETE: 'emojiDelete'; GUILD_EMOJI_UPDATE: 'emojiUpdate'; GUILD_BAN_ADD: 'guildBanAdd'; GUILD_BAN_REMOVE: 'guildBanRemove'; CHANNEL_CREATE: 'channelCreate'; CHANNEL_DELETE: 'channelDelete'; CHANNEL_UPDATE: 'channelUpdate'; CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE: 'channelPinsUpdate'; MESSAGE_CREATE: 'messageCreate'; MESSAGE_DELETE: 'messageDelete'; MESSAGE_UPDATE: 'messageUpdate'; MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE: 'messageDeleteBulk'; MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD: 'messageReactionAdd'; MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE: 'messageReactionRemove'; MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL: 'messageReactionRemoveAll'; MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI: 'messageReactionRemoveEmoji'; THREAD_CREATE: 'threadCreate'; THREAD_DELETE: 'threadDelete'; THREAD_UPDATE: 'threadUpdate'; THREAD_LIST_SYNC: 'threadListSync'; THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE: 'threadMemberUpdate'; THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE: 'threadMembersUpdate'; USER_UPDATE: 'userUpdate'; USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE: 'userSettingsUpdate'; PRESENCE_UPDATE: 'presenceUpdate'; VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE: 'voiceServerUpdate'; VOICE_STATE_UPDATE: 'voiceStateUpdate'; TYPING_START: 'typingStart'; WEBHOOKS_UPDATE: 'webhookUpdate'; INTERACTION_CREATE: 'interactionCreate'; INTERACTION_SUCCESS: 'interactionSuccess'; INTERACTION_FAILED: 'interactionFailed'; ERROR: 'error'; WARN: 'warn'; DEBUG: 'debug'; CACHE_SWEEP: 'cacheSweep'; SHARD_DISCONNECT: 'shardDisconnect'; SHARD_ERROR: 'shardError'; SHARD_RECONNECTING: 'shardReconnecting'; SHARD_READY: 'shardReady'; SHARD_RESUME: 'shardResume'; INVALIDATED: 'invalidated'; RAW: 'raw'; STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE: 'stageInstanceCreate'; STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE: 'stageInstanceUpdate'; STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE: 'stageInstanceDelete'; GUILD_STICKER_CREATE: 'stickerCreate'; GUILD_STICKER_DELETE: 'stickerDelete'; GUILD_STICKER_UPDATE: 'stickerUpdate'; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE: 'guildScheduledEventCreate'; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE: 'guildScheduledEventUpdate'; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_DELETE: 'guildScheduledEventDelete'; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_ADD: 'guildScheduledEventUserAdd'; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_REMOVE: 'guildScheduledEventUserRemove'; RELATIONSHIP_ADD: 'relationshipAdd'; RELATIONSHIP_REMOVE: 'relationshipRemove'; UNHANDLED_PACKET: 'unhandledPacket'; } export interface ConstantsOpcodes { DISPATCH: 0; HEARTBEAT: 1; IDENTIFY: 2; STATUS_UPDATE: 3; VOICE_STATE_UPDATE: 4; VOICE_GUILD_PING: 5; RESUME: 6; RECONNECT: 7; REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS: 8; INVALID_SESSION: 9; HELLO: 10; HEARTBEAT_ACK: 11; } export interface ConstantsShardEvents { CLOSE: 'close'; DESTROYED: 'destroyed'; INVALID_SESSION: 'invalidSession'; READY: 'ready'; RESUMED: 'resumed'; } export interface ConstantsStatus { READY: 0; CONNECTING: 1; RECONNECTING: 2; IDLE: 3; NEARLY: 4; DISCONNECTED: 5; } export interface CreateGuildScheduledEventInviteURLOptions extends CreateInviteOptions { channel?: GuildInvitableChannelResolvable; } export interface CreateRoleOptions extends RoleData { reason?: string; } export interface StageInstanceCreateOptions { topic: string; privacyLevel?: PrivacyLevel | number; } export interface CrosspostedChannel { channelId: Snowflake; guildId: Snowflake; type: keyof typeof ChannelTypes; name: string; } export type DateResolvable = Date | number | string; export interface DeconstructedSnowflake { timestamp: number; readonly date: Date; workerId: number; processId: number; increment: number; binary: string; } export type DefaultMessageNotificationLevel = keyof typeof DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; export type DynamicImageFormat = AllowedImageFormat | 'gif'; export interface EditGuildTemplateOptions { name?: string; description?: string; } export interface EmbedAuthorData { name: string; url?: string; iconURL?: string; } export interface EmbedField { name: string; value: string; inline: boolean; } export interface EmbedFieldData { name: string; value: string; inline?: boolean; } export interface EmbedFooterData { text: string; iconURL?: string; } export type EmojiIdentifierResolvable = string | EmojiResolvable; export type EmojiResolvable = Snowflake | GuildEmoji | ReactionEmoji; export interface ErrorEvent { error: unknown; message: string; type: string; target: WebSocket; } export interface EscapeMarkdownOptions { codeBlock?: boolean; inlineCode?: boolean; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; underline?: boolean; strikethrough?: boolean; spoiler?: boolean; inlineCodeContent?: boolean; codeBlockContent?: boolean; } export type ExplicitContentFilterLevel = keyof typeof ExplicitContentFilterLevels; export interface FetchApplicationCommandOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { guildId?: Snowflake; } export interface FetchArchivedThreadOptions { type?: 'public' | 'private'; fetchAll?: boolean; before?: ThreadChannelResolvable | DateResolvable; limit?: number; } export interface FetchBanOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { user: UserResolvable; } export interface FetchBansOptions { cache: boolean; } export interface FetchChannelOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { allowUnknownGuild?: boolean; } export interface FetchedThreads { threads: Collection; hasMore?: boolean; } export interface FetchGuildOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { guild: GuildResolvable; withCounts?: boolean; } export interface FetchGuildsOptions { before?: Snowflake; after?: Snowflake; limit?: number; } export interface FetchGuildScheduledEventOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { guildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventResolvable; withUserCount?: boolean; } export interface FetchGuildScheduledEventsOptions { cache?: boolean; withUserCount?: boolean; } export interface FetchGuildScheduledEventSubscribersOptions { limit?: number; withMember?: boolean; } interface FetchInviteOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { code: string; } interface FetchInvitesOptions { channelId?: GuildInvitableChannelResolvable; cache?: boolean; } export interface FetchMemberOptions extends BaseFetchOptions { user: UserResolvable; } export interface FetchMembersOptions { user?: UserResolvable | UserResolvable[]; query?: string; limit?: number; withPresences?: boolean; time?: number; nonce?: string; force?: boolean; } export interface FetchReactionUsersOptions { limit?: number; after?: Snowflake; } export interface FetchThreadsOptions { archived?: FetchArchivedThreadOptions; active?: boolean; } export interface FileOptions { attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream; name?: string; description?: string; } export type GlobalSweepFilter = () => ((value: V, key: K, collection: Collection) => boolean) | null; export interface GuildApplicationCommandPermissionData { id: Snowflake; permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionData[]; } interface GuildAuditLogsTypes { GUILD_UPDATE: ['GUILD', 'UPDATE']; CHANNEL_CREATE: ['CHANNEL', 'CREATE']; CHANNEL_UPDATE: ['CHANNEL', 'UPDATE']; CHANNEL_DELETE: ['CHANNEL', 'DELETE']; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE: ['CHANNEL', 'CREATE']; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE: ['CHANNEL', 'UPDATE']; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE: ['CHANNEL', 'DELETE']; MEMBER_KICK: ['USER', 'DELETE']; MEMBER_PRUNE: ['USER', 'DELETE']; MEMBER_BAN_ADD: ['USER', 'DELETE']; MEMBER_BAN_REMOVE: ['USER', 'CREATE']; MEMBER_UPDATE: ['USER', 'UPDATE']; MEMBER_ROLE_UPDATE: ['USER', 'UPDATE']; MEMBER_MOVE: ['USER', 'UPDATE']; MEMBER_DISCONNECT: ['USER', 'DELETE']; BOT_ADD: ['USER', 'CREATE']; ROLE_CREATE: ['ROLE', 'CREATE']; ROLE_UPDATE: ['ROLE', 'UPDATE']; ROLE_DELETE: ['ROLE', 'DELETE']; INVITE_CREATE: ['INVITE', 'CREATE']; INVITE_UPDATE: ['INVITE', 'UPDATE']; INVITE_DELETE: ['INVITE', 'DELETE']; WEBHOOK_CREATE: ['WEBHOOK', 'CREATE']; WEBHOOK_UPDATE: ['WEBHOOK', 'UPDATE']; WEBHOOK_DELETE: ['WEBHOOK', 'DELETE']; EMOJI_CREATE: ['EMOJI', 'CREATE']; EMOJI_UPDATE: ['EMOJI', 'UPDATE']; EMOJI_DELETE: ['EMOJI', 'DELETE']; MESSAGE_DELETE: ['MESSAGE', 'DELETE']; MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE: ['MESSAGE', 'DELETE']; MESSAGE_PIN: ['MESSAGE', 'CREATE']; MESSAGE_UNPIN: ['MESSAGE', 'DELETE']; INTEGRATION_CREATE: ['INTEGRATION', 'CREATE']; INTEGRATION_UPDATE: ['INTEGRATION', 'UPDATE']; INTEGRATION_DELETE: ['INTEGRATION', 'DELETE']; STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE: ['STAGE_INSTANCE', 'CREATE']; STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE: ['STAGE_INSTANCE', 'UPDATE']; STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE: ['STAGE_INSTANCE', 'DELETE']; STICKER_CREATE: ['STICKER', 'CREATE']; STICKER_UPDATE: ['STICKER', 'UPDATE']; STICKER_DELETE: ['STICKER', 'DELETE']; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE: ['GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT', 'CREATE']; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE: ['GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT', 'UPDATE']; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_DELETE: ['GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT', 'DELETE']; THREAD_CREATE: ['THREAD', 'CREATE']; THREAD_UPDATE: ['THREAD', 'UPDATE']; THREAD_DELETE: ['THREAD', 'DELETE']; } export interface GuildAuditLogsIds { 1: 'GUILD_UPDATE'; 10: 'CHANNEL_CREATE'; 11: 'CHANNEL_UPDATE'; 12: 'CHANNEL_DELETE'; 13: 'CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE'; 14: 'CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE'; 15: 'CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE'; 20: 'MEMBER_KICK'; 21: 'MEMBER_PRUNE'; 22: 'MEMBER_BAN_ADD'; 23: 'MEMBER_BAN_REMOVE'; 24: 'MEMBER_UPDATE'; 25: 'MEMBER_ROLE_UPDATE'; 26: 'MEMBER_MOVE'; 27: 'MEMBER_DISCONNECT'; 28: 'BOT_ADD'; 30: 'ROLE_CREATE'; 31: 'ROLE_UPDATE'; 32: 'ROLE_DELETE'; 40: 'INVITE_CREATE'; 41: 'INVITE_UPDATE'; 42: 'INVITE_DELETE'; 50: 'WEBHOOK_CREATE'; 51: 'WEBHOOK_UPDATE'; 52: 'WEBHOOK_DELETE'; 60: 'EMOJI_CREATE'; 61: 'EMOJI_UPDATE'; 62: 'EMOJI_DELETE'; 72: 'MESSAGE_DELETE'; 73: 'MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE'; 74: 'MESSAGE_PIN'; 75: 'MESSAGE_UNPIN'; 80: 'INTEGRATION_CREATE'; 81: 'INTEGRATION_UPDATE'; 82: 'INTEGRATION_DELETE'; 83: 'STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE'; 84: 'STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE'; 85: 'STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE'; 90: 'STICKER_CREATE'; 91: 'STICKER_UPDATE'; 92: 'STICKER_DELETE'; 100: 'GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE'; 101: 'GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE'; 102: 'GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_DELETE'; 110: 'THREAD_CREATE'; 111: 'THREAD_UPDATE'; 112: 'THREAD_DELETE'; } export type GuildAuditLogsActions = { [Key in keyof GuildAuditLogsIds as GuildAuditLogsIds[Key]]: Key } & { ALL: null }; export type GuildAuditLogsAction = keyof GuildAuditLogsActions; export type GuildAuditLogsActionType = GuildAuditLogsTypes[keyof GuildAuditLogsTypes][1] | 'ALL'; export interface GuildAuditLogsEntryExtraField { MEMBER_PRUNE: { removed: number; days: number }; MEMBER_MOVE: { channel: VoiceBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake }; count: number }; MESSAGE_DELETE: { channel: GuildTextBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake }; count: number }; MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE: { channel: GuildTextBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake }; count: number }; MESSAGE_PIN: { channel: GuildTextBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake }; messageId: Snowflake }; MESSAGE_UNPIN: { channel: GuildTextBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake }; messageId: Snowflake }; MEMBER_DISCONNECT: { count: number }; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE: | Role | GuildMember | { id: Snowflake; name: string; type: OverwriteTypes.role } | { id: Snowflake; type: OverwriteTypes.member }; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE: | Role | GuildMember | { id: Snowflake; name: string; type: OverwriteTypes.role } | { id: Snowflake; type: OverwriteTypes.member }; CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE: | Role | GuildMember | { id: Snowflake; name: string; type: OverwriteTypes.role } | { id: Snowflake; type: OverwriteTypes.member }; STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE: StageChannel | { id: Snowflake }; STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE: StageChannel | { id: Snowflake }; STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE: StageChannel | { id: Snowflake }; } export interface GuildAuditLogsEntryTargetField { USER: User | null; GUILD: Guild; WEBHOOK: Webhook; INVITE: Invite; MESSAGE: TActionType extends 'MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE' ? Guild | { id: Snowflake } : User; INTEGRATION: Integration; CHANNEL: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | { id: Snowflake; [x: string]: unknown }; THREAD: ThreadChannel | { id: Snowflake; [x: string]: unknown }; STAGE_INSTANCE: StageInstance; STICKER: Sticker; GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT: GuildScheduledEvent; } export interface GuildAuditLogsFetchOptions { before?: Snowflake | GuildAuditLogsEntry; limit?: number; user?: UserResolvable; type?: T; } export type GuildAuditLogsResolvable = keyof GuildAuditLogsIds | GuildAuditLogsAction | null; export type GuildAuditLogsTarget = GuildAuditLogsTypes[keyof GuildAuditLogsTypes][0] | 'ALL' | 'UNKNOWN'; export type GuildAuditLogsTargets = { [key in GuildAuditLogsTarget]?: string; }; export type GuildBanResolvable = GuildBan | UserResolvable; export interface GuildChannelOverwriteOptions { reason?: string; type?: number; } export type GuildChannelResolvable = Snowflake | GuildBasedChannel; export interface GuildChannelCreateOptions extends Omit { parent?: CategoryChannelResolvable; type?: ExcludeEnum< typeof ChannelTypes, 'DM' | 'GROUP_DM' | 'UNKNOWN' | 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' >; } export interface GuildChannelCloneOptions extends GuildChannelCreateOptions { name?: string; } export interface GuildChannelOverwriteOptions { reason?: string; type?: number; } export interface GuildCreateOptions { afkChannelId?: Snowflake | number; afkTimeout?: number; channels?: PartialChannelData[]; defaultMessageNotifications?: DefaultMessageNotificationLevel | number; explicitContentFilter?: ExplicitContentFilterLevel | number; icon?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; roles?: PartialRoleData[]; systemChannelFlags?: SystemChannelFlagsResolvable; systemChannelId?: Snowflake | number; verificationLevel?: VerificationLevel | number; } export interface GuildWidgetSettings { enabled: boolean; channel: NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | null; } export interface GuildEditData { name?: string; verificationLevel?: VerificationLevel | number; explicitContentFilter?: ExplicitContentFilterLevel | number; defaultMessageNotifications?: DefaultMessageNotificationLevel | number; afkChannel?: VoiceChannelResolvable; systemChannel?: TextChannelResolvable; systemChannelFlags?: SystemChannelFlagsResolvable; afkTimeout?: number; icon?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; owner?: GuildMemberResolvable; splash?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; discoverySplash?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; banner?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null; rulesChannel?: TextChannelResolvable; publicUpdatesChannel?: TextChannelResolvable; preferredLocale?: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled?: boolean; description?: string | null; features?: GuildFeatures[]; } export interface GuildEmojiCreateOptions { roles?: Collection | RoleResolvable[]; reason?: string; } export interface GuildEmojiEditData { name?: string; roles?: Collection | RoleResolvable[]; } export interface GuildStickerCreateOptions { description?: string | null; reason?: string; } export interface GuildStickerEditData { name?: string; description?: string | null; tags?: string; } export type GuildFeatures = | 'ANIMATED_ICON' | 'BANNER' | 'COMMERCE' | 'COMMUNITY' | 'DISCOVERABLE' | 'FEATURABLE' | 'INVITE_SPLASH' | 'MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED' | 'NEWS' | 'PARTNERED' | 'PREVIEW_ENABLED' | 'VANITY_URL' | 'VERIFIED' | 'VIP_REGIONS' | 'WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED' | 'TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED' | 'MONETIZATION_ENABLED' | 'MORE_STICKERS' | 'THREE_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE' | 'SEVEN_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE' | 'PRIVATE_THREADS' | 'ROLE_ICONS'; export interface GuildMemberEditData { nick?: string | null; roles?: Collection | readonly RoleResolvable[]; mute?: boolean; deaf?: boolean; channel?: GuildVoiceChannelResolvable | null; communicationDisabledUntil?: DateResolvable | null; } export type GuildMemberResolvable = GuildMember | UserResolvable; export type GuildResolvable = Guild | NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | GuildMember | GuildEmoji | Invite | Role | Snowflake; export interface GuildPruneMembersOptions { count?: boolean; days?: number; dry?: boolean; reason?: string; roles?: RoleResolvable[]; } export interface GuildWidgetSettingsData { enabled: boolean; channel: GuildChannelResolvable | null; } export interface GuildSearchMembersOptions { query: string; limit?: number; cache?: boolean; } export interface GuildListMembersOptions { after?: Snowflake; limit?: number; cache?: boolean; } // TODO: use conditional types for better TS support export interface GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions { name: string; scheduledStartTime: DateResolvable; scheduledEndTime?: DateResolvable; privacyLevel: GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel | number; entityType: GuildScheduledEventEntityType | number; description?: string; channel?: GuildVoiceChannelResolvable; entityMetadata?: GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadataOptions; reason?: string; } export interface GuildScheduledEventEditOptions< S extends GuildScheduledEventStatus, T extends GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg, > extends Omit, 'channel'> { channel?: GuildVoiceChannelResolvable | null; status?: T | number; } export interface GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata { location: string | null; } export interface GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadataOptions { location?: string; } export type GuildScheduledEventEntityType = keyof typeof GuildScheduledEventEntityTypes; export type GuildScheduledEventManagerFetchResult< T extends GuildScheduledEventResolvable | FetchGuildScheduledEventOptions | FetchGuildScheduledEventsOptions, > = T extends GuildScheduledEventResolvable | FetchGuildScheduledEventOptions ? GuildScheduledEvent : Collection; export type GuildScheduledEventManagerFetchSubscribersResult = T extends { withMember: true } ? Collection> : Collection>; export type GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel = keyof typeof GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevels; export type GuildScheduledEventResolvable = Snowflake | GuildScheduledEvent; export type GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg = T extends 'SCHEDULED' ? 'ACTIVE' | 'CANCELED' : T extends 'ACTIVE' ? 'COMPLETED' : never; export type GuildScheduledEventStatus = keyof typeof GuildScheduledEventStatuses; export interface GuildScheduledEventUser { guildScheduledEventId: Snowflake; user: User; member: T extends true ? GuildMember : null; } export type GuildTemplateResolvable = string; export type GuildVoiceChannelResolvable = VoiceBasedChannel | Snowflake; export type HexColorString = `#${string}`; export interface HTTPAttachmentData { attachment: string | Buffer | Stream; name: string; file: Buffer | Stream; } export interface HTTPErrorData { json: unknown; files: HTTPAttachmentData[]; } export interface HTTPOptions { agent?: Omit; api?: string; version?: number; host?: string; cdn?: string; invite?: string; template?: string; headers?: Record; scheduledEvent?: string; } export interface ImageURLOptions extends Omit { dynamic?: boolean; format?: DynamicImageFormat; } export interface IntegrationAccount { id: string | Snowflake; name: string; } export type IntegrationType = 'twitch' | 'youtube' | 'discord'; export interface InteractionCollectorOptions extends CollectorOptions<[T]> { channel?: TextBasedChannel; componentType?: MessageComponentType | MessageComponentTypes; guild?: Guild; interactionType?: InteractionType | InteractionTypes; max?: number; maxComponents?: number; maxUsers?: number; message?: CacheTypeReducer; } export interface InteractionDeferReplyOptions { ephemeral?: boolean; fetchReply?: boolean; } export type InteractionDeferUpdateOptions = Omit; export interface InteractionReplyOptions extends Omit { ephemeral?: boolean; fetchReply?: boolean; } export type InteractionResponseType = keyof typeof InteractionResponseTypes; export type InteractionType = keyof typeof InteractionTypes; export interface InteractionUpdateOptions extends MessageEditOptions { fetchReply?: boolean; } export type IntentsString = | 'GUILDS' | 'GUILD_MEMBERS' | 'GUILD_BANS' | 'GUILD_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS' | 'GUILD_INTEGRATIONS' | 'GUILD_WEBHOOKS' | 'GUILD_INVITES' | 'GUILD_VOICE_STATES' | 'GUILD_PRESENCES' | 'GUILD_MESSAGES' | 'GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS' | 'GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING' | 'DIRECT_MESSAGES' | 'DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS' | 'DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING' | 'GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS'; export interface InviteGenerationOptions { permissions?: PermissionResolvable; guild?: GuildResolvable; disableGuildSelect?: boolean; scopes: InviteScope[]; } export type GuildInvitableChannelResolvable = | TextChannel | VoiceChannel | NewsChannel | StoreChannel | StageChannel | Snowflake; export interface CreateInviteOptions { temporary?: boolean; maxAge?: number; maxUses?: number; unique?: boolean; reason?: string; targetApplication?: ApplicationResolvable; targetUser?: UserResolvable; targetType?: InviteTargetType; } export type IntegrationExpireBehaviors = 'REMOVE_ROLE' | 'KICK'; export type InviteResolvable = string; export type InviteScope = | '' | 'applications.commands' | 'applications.entitlements' | '' | 'bot' | 'connections' | 'email' | 'identify' | 'guilds' | 'guilds.join' | 'gdm.join' | 'webhook.incoming'; export interface LifetimeFilterOptions { excludeFromSweep?: (value: V, key: K, collection: LimitedCollection) => boolean; getComparisonTimestamp?: (value: V, key: K, collection: LimitedCollection) => number; lifetime?: number; } export interface MakeErrorOptions { name: string; message: string; stack: string; } export type MemberMention = UserMention | `<@!${Snowflake}>`; export type MembershipState = keyof typeof MembershipStates; export type MessageActionRowComponent = MessageButton | MessageSelectMenu; export type MessageActionRowComponentOptions = | (Required & MessageButtonOptions) | (Required & MessageSelectMenuOptions); export type MessageActionRowComponentResolvable = MessageActionRowComponent | MessageActionRowComponentOptions; export interface MessageActionRowOptions extends BaseMessageComponentOptions { components: MessageActionRowComponentResolvable[]; } export interface MessageActivity { partyId: string; type: number; } export interface BaseButtonOptions extends BaseMessageComponentOptions { disabled?: boolean; emoji?: EmojiIdentifierResolvable; label?: string; } export interface LinkButtonOptions extends BaseButtonOptions { style: 'LINK' | MessageButtonStyles.LINK; url: string; } export interface InteractionButtonOptions extends BaseButtonOptions { style: ExcludeEnum; customId: string; } export type MessageButtonOptions = InteractionButtonOptions | LinkButtonOptions; export type MessageButtonStyle = keyof typeof MessageButtonStyles; export type MessageButtonStyleResolvable = MessageButtonStyle | MessageButtonStyles; export interface MessageCollectorOptions extends CollectorOptions<[Message]> { max?: number; maxProcessed?: number; } export type MessageComponent = BaseMessageComponent | MessageActionRow | MessageButton | MessageSelectMenu; export type MessageComponentCollectorOptions = Omit< InteractionCollectorOptions, 'channel' | 'message' | 'guild' | 'interactionType' >; export type MessageChannelComponentCollectorOptions = Omit< InteractionCollectorOptions, 'channel' | 'guild' | 'interactionType' >; export type MessageComponentOptions = | BaseMessageComponentOptions | MessageActionRowOptions | MessageButtonOptions | MessageSelectMenuOptions; export type MessageComponentType = keyof typeof MessageComponentTypes; export type MessageComponentTypeResolvable = MessageComponentType | MessageComponentTypes; export interface MessageEditOptions { attachments?: MessageAttachment[]; content?: string | null; embeds?: (MessageEmbed | MessageEmbedOptions | APIEmbed)[] | null; files?: (FileOptions | BufferResolvable | Stream | MessageAttachment)[]; flags?: BitFieldResolvable; allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions; components?: (MessageActionRow | (Required & MessageActionRowOptions))[]; } export interface WebEmbedOptions { shorten?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; title?: string; description?: string; url?: string; timestamp?: Date | number; color?: ColorResolvable; fields?: EmbedFieldData[]; author?: Partial & { icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string }; thumbnail?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; image?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; video?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; footer?: Partial & { icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string }; imageType?: 'thumbnail' | 'image'; } export interface MessageEmbedAuthor { name: string; url?: string; iconURL?: string; proxyIconURL?: string; } export interface MessageEmbedFooter { text: string; iconURL?: string; proxyIconURL?: string; } export interface MessageEmbedImage { url: string; proxyURL?: string; height?: number; width?: number; } export interface MessageEmbedOptions { title?: string; description?: string; url?: string; timestamp?: Date | number; color?: ColorResolvable; fields?: EmbedFieldData[]; author?: Partial & { icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string }; thumbnail?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; image?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; video?: Partial & { proxy_url?: string }; footer?: Partial & { icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string }; } export interface MessageEmbedProvider { name: string; url: string; } export interface MessageEmbedThumbnail { url: string; proxyURL?: string; height?: number; width?: number; } export interface MessageEmbedVideo { url?: string; proxyURL?: string; height?: number; width?: number; } export interface MessageEvent { data: WebSocket.Data; type: string; target: WebSocket; } export type MessageFlagsString = | 'CROSSPOSTED' | 'IS_CROSSPOST' | 'SUPPRESS_EMBEDS' | 'SOURCE_MESSAGE_DELETED' | 'URGENT' | 'HAS_THREAD' | 'EPHEMERAL' | 'LOADING'; export interface MessageInteraction { id: Snowflake; type: InteractionType; commandName: string; user: User; } export interface MessageMentionsHasOptions { ignoreDirect?: boolean; ignoreRoles?: boolean; ignoreEveryone?: boolean; } export interface MessageMentionOptions { parse?: MessageMentionTypes[]; roles?: Snowflake[]; users?: Snowflake[]; repliedUser?: boolean; } export type MessageMentionTypes = 'roles' | 'users' | 'everyone'; export interface MessageOptions { tts?: boolean; nonce?: string | number; content?: string | null; embeds?: (WebEmbed | MessageEmbed | MessageEmbedOptions | APIEmbed)[]; components?: (MessageActionRow | (Required & MessageActionRowOptions))[]; allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions; files?: (FileOptions | BufferResolvable | Stream | MessageAttachment)[]; reply?: ReplyOptions; stickers?: StickerResolvable[]; attachments?: MessageAttachment[]; } export type MessageReactionResolvable = | MessageReaction | Snowflake | `${string}:${Snowflake}` | `<:${string}:${Snowflake}>` | `` | string; export interface MessageReference { channelId: Snowflake; guildId: Snowflake | undefined; messageId: Snowflake | undefined; } export type MessageResolvable = Message | Snowflake; export interface MessageSelectMenuOptions extends BaseMessageComponentOptions { customId?: string; disabled?: boolean; maxValues?: number; minValues?: number; options?: MessageSelectOptionData[]; placeholder?: string; } export interface MessageSelectOption { default: boolean; description: string | null; emoji: APIPartialEmoji | null; label: string; value: string; } export interface MessageSelectOptionData { default?: boolean; description?: string; emoji?: EmojiIdentifierResolvable; label: string; value: string; } export type MessageTarget = | Interaction | InteractionWebhook | TextBasedChannel | User | GuildMember | Webhook | WebhookClient | Message | MessageManager; export type MessageType = keyof typeof MessageTypes; export type MFALevel = keyof typeof MFALevels; export interface MultipleShardRespawnOptions { shardDelay?: number; respawnDelay?: number; timeout?: number; } export interface MultipleShardSpawnOptions { amount?: number | 'auto'; delay?: number; timeout?: number; } export type NSFWLevel = keyof typeof NSFWLevels; export interface OverwriteData { allow?: PermissionResolvable; deny?: PermissionResolvable; id: GuildMemberResolvable | RoleResolvable; type?: OverwriteType; } export type OverwriteResolvable = PermissionOverwrites | OverwriteData; export type OverwriteType = 'member' | 'role'; export type PermissionFlags = Record; export type PermissionOverwriteOptions = Partial>; export type PermissionResolvable = BitFieldResolvable; export type PermissionOverwriteResolvable = UserResolvable | RoleResolvable | PermissionOverwrites; export type PermissionString = | 'CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE' | 'KICK_MEMBERS' | 'BAN_MEMBERS' | 'ADMINISTRATOR' | 'MANAGE_CHANNELS' | 'MANAGE_GUILD' | 'ADD_REACTIONS' | 'VIEW_AUDIT_LOG' | 'PRIORITY_SPEAKER' | 'STREAM' | 'VIEW_CHANNEL' | 'SEND_MESSAGES' | 'SEND_TTS_MESSAGES' | 'MANAGE_MESSAGES' | 'EMBED_LINKS' | 'ATTACH_FILES' | 'READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY' | 'MENTION_EVERYONE' | 'USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS' | 'VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS' | 'CONNECT' | 'SPEAK' | 'MUTE_MEMBERS' | 'DEAFEN_MEMBERS' | 'MOVE_MEMBERS' | 'USE_VAD' | 'CHANGE_NICKNAME' | 'MANAGE_NICKNAMES' | 'MANAGE_ROLES' | 'MANAGE_WEBHOOKS' | 'MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS' | 'USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS' | 'REQUEST_TO_SPEAK' | 'MANAGE_THREADS' | 'USE_PUBLIC_THREADS' | 'CREATE_PUBLIC_THREADS' | 'USE_PRIVATE_THREADS' | 'CREATE_PRIVATE_THREADS' | 'USE_EXTERNAL_STICKERS' | 'SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS' | 'START_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITIES' | 'MODERATE_MEMBERS' | 'MANAGE_EVENTS'; export type RecursiveArray = ReadonlyArray>; export type RecursiveReadonlyArray = ReadonlyArray>; export interface PartialRecipient { username: string; } export type PremiumTier = keyof typeof PremiumTiers; export interface PresenceData { status?: PresenceStatusData; afk?: boolean; activities?: ActivitiesOptions[]; shardId?: number | number[]; } export type PresenceResolvable = Presence | UserResolvable | Snowflake; export interface PartialChannelData { id?: Snowflake | number; parentId?: Snowflake | number; type?: ExcludeEnum< typeof ChannelTypes, | 'DM' | 'GROUP_DM' | 'GUILD_NEWS' | 'GUILD_STORE' | 'UNKNOWN' | 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' | 'GUILD_STAGE_VOICE' >; name: string; topic?: string; nsfw?: boolean; bitrate?: number; userLimit?: number; rtcRegion?: string | null; permissionOverwrites?: PartialOverwriteData[]; rateLimitPerUser?: number; } export type Partialize< T extends AllowedPartial, N extends keyof T | null = null, M extends keyof T | null = null, E extends keyof T | '' = '', > = { readonly client: Client; id: Snowflake; partial: true; } & { [K in keyof Omit]: K extends N ? null : K extends M ? T[K] | null : T[K]; }; export interface PartialDMChannel extends Partialize { lastMessageId: undefined; } export interface PartialGuildMember extends Partialize {} export interface PartialMessage extends Partialize {} export interface PartialMessageReaction extends Partialize {} export interface PartialOverwriteData { id: Snowflake | number; type?: OverwriteType; allow?: PermissionResolvable; deny?: PermissionResolvable; } export interface PartialRoleData extends RoleData { id?: Snowflake | number; } export type PartialTypes = 'USER' | 'CHANNEL' | 'GUILD_MEMBER' | 'MESSAGE' | 'REACTION' | 'GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT'; export interface PartialUser extends Partialize {} export type PresenceStatusData = ClientPresenceStatus | 'invisible'; export type PresenceStatus = PresenceStatusData | 'offline'; export type PrivacyLevel = keyof typeof PrivacyLevels; export interface RateLimitData { timeout: number; limit: number; method: string; path: string; route: string; global: boolean; } /** * @extends */ export interface RawUserSettingsData { afk_timeout?: number; allow_accessibility_detection?: boolean; animate_emoji?: boolean; animate_stickers?: number; contact_sync_enabled: ?boolean; convert_emoticons?: boolean; custom_status?: { text?: string; expires_at?: string | null; emoji_name?: string; emoji_id?: Snowflake | null }; default_guilds_restricted?: boolean; detect_platform_accounts?: boolean; developer_mode?: boolean; disable_games_tab?: boolean; enable_tts_command?: boolean; explicit_content_filter?: DMScanLevel; friend_discovery_flags?: number; friend_source_flags?: { all?: boolean; mutual_friends?: boolean; mututal_guilds?: boolean }; gif_auto_play?: boolean; guild_folders?: { id?: Snowflake; guild_ids?: Snowflake[]; name?: string }[]; guild_positions?: T[]; inline_attachment_media?: boolean; inline_embed_media?: boolean; locale?: string; message_display_compact?: boolean; native_phone_integration_enabled?: boolean; render_embeds?: boolean; render_reactions?: boolean; restricted_guilds?: any[]; show_current_game?: boolean; status?: PresenceStatusData; stream_notifications_enabled?: boolean; theme?: 'dark' | 'light'; timezone_offset?: number; view_nsfw_guilds?: boolean; } export interface InvalidRequestWarningData { count: number; remainingTime: number; } export interface ReactionCollectorOptions extends CollectorOptions<[MessageReaction, User]> { max?: number; maxEmojis?: number; maxUsers?: number; } export interface ReplyOptions { messageReference: MessageResolvable; failIfNotExists?: boolean; } export interface ReplyMessageOptions extends Omit { failIfNotExists?: boolean; } export interface ResolvedOverwriteOptions { allow: Permissions; deny: Permissions; } export interface RoleData { name?: string; color?: ColorResolvable; hoist?: boolean; position?: number; permissions?: PermissionResolvable; mentionable?: boolean; icon?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | EmojiResolvable | null; unicodeEmoji?: string | null; } export type RoleMention = '@everyone' | `<@&${Snowflake}>`; export interface RolePosition { role: RoleResolvable; position: number; } export type RoleResolvable = Role | Snowflake; export interface RoleTagData { botId?: Snowflake; integrationId?: Snowflake; premiumSubscriberRole?: true; } export interface SetChannelPositionOptions { relative?: boolean; reason?: string; } export interface SetParentOptions { lockPermissions?: boolean; reason?: string; } export interface SetRolePositionOptions { relative?: boolean; reason?: string; } export type ShardingManagerMode = 'process' | 'worker'; export interface ShardingManagerOptions { totalShards?: number | 'auto'; shardList?: number[] | 'auto'; mode?: ShardingManagerMode; respawn?: boolean; shardArgs?: string[]; token?: string; execArgv?: string[]; } export { Snowflake }; export interface SplitOptions { maxLength?: number; char?: string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[]; prepend?: string; append?: string; } export interface StaticImageURLOptions { format?: AllowedImageFormat; size?: AllowedImageSize; } export type StageInstanceResolvable = StageInstance | Snowflake; export interface StartThreadOptions { name: string; autoArchiveDuration?: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration; reason?: string; rateLimitPerUser?: number; } export type Status = number; export type StickerFormatType = keyof typeof StickerFormatTypes; export type StickerResolvable = Sticker | Snowflake; export type StickerType = keyof typeof StickerTypes; export type SystemChannelFlagsString = | 'SUPPRESS_JOIN_NOTIFICATIONS' | 'SUPPRESS_PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS' | 'SUPPRESS_GUILD_REMINDER_NOTIFICATIONS' | 'SUPPRESS_JOIN_NOTIFICATION_REPLIES'; export type SystemChannelFlagsResolvable = BitFieldResolvable; export type SystemMessageType = Exclude< MessageType, 'DEFAULT' | 'REPLY' | 'APPLICATION_COMMAND' | 'CONTEXT_MENU_COMMAND' >; export type StageChannelResolvable = StageChannel | Snowflake; export interface StageInstanceEditOptions { topic?: string; privacyLevel?: PrivacyLevel | number; } export type SweeperKey = keyof SweeperDefinitions; export type CollectionSweepFilter = (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection) => boolean; export type SweepFilter = ( collection: LimitedCollection, ) => ((value: V, key: K, collection: LimitedCollection) => boolean) | null; export interface SweepOptions { interval: number; filter: GlobalSweepFilter; } export interface LifetimeSweepOptions { interval: number; lifetime: number; filter?: never; } export interface SweeperDefinitions { applicationCommands: [Snowflake, ApplicationCommand]; bans: [Snowflake, GuildBan]; emojis: [Snowflake, GuildEmoji]; invites: [string, Invite, true]; guildMembers: [Snowflake, GuildMember]; messages: [Snowflake, Message, true]; presences: [Snowflake, Presence]; reactions: [string | Snowflake, MessageReaction]; stageInstances: [Snowflake, StageInstance]; stickers: [Snowflake, Sticker]; threadMembers: [Snowflake, ThreadMember]; threads: [Snowflake, ThreadChannel, true]; users: [Snowflake, User]; voiceStates: [Snowflake, VoiceState]; } export type SweeperOptions = { [K in keyof SweeperDefinitions]?: SweeperDefinitions[K][2] extends true ? SweepOptions | LifetimeSweepOptions : SweepOptions; }; export interface LimitedCollectionOptions { maxSize?: number; keepOverLimit?: (value: V, key: K, collection: LimitedCollection) => boolean; /** @deprecated Use Global Sweepers instead */ sweepFilter?: SweepFilter; /** @deprecated Use Global Sweepers instead */ sweepInterval?: number; } export type AnyChannel = | CategoryChannel | DMChannel | PartialDMChannel | NewsChannel | StageChannel | StoreChannel | TextChannel | ThreadChannel | VoiceChannel; export type TextBasedChannel = Extract; export type TextBasedChannelTypes = TextBasedChannel['type']; export type VoiceBasedChannel = Extract; export type GuildBasedChannel = Extract; export type NonThreadGuildBasedChannel = Exclude; export type GuildTextBasedChannel = Extract; export type TextChannelResolvable = Snowflake | TextChannel; export type ThreadAutoArchiveDuration = 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080 | 'MAX'; export type ThreadChannelResolvable = ThreadChannel | Snowflake; export type ThreadChannelTypes = 'GUILD_NEWS_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD' | 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD'; export interface ThreadCreateOptions extends StartThreadOptions { startMessage?: MessageResolvable; type?: AllowedThreadType; invitable?: AllowedThreadType extends 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' | 12 ? boolean : never; rateLimitPerUser?: number; } export interface ThreadEditData { name?: string; archived?: boolean; autoArchiveDuration?: ThreadAutoArchiveDuration; rateLimitPerUser?: number; locked?: boolean; invitable?: boolean; } export type ThreadMemberFlagsString = ''; export type ThreadMemberResolvable = ThreadMember | UserResolvable; export type UserFlagsString = | 'DISCORD_EMPLOYEE' | 'PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER' | 'HYPESQUAD_EVENTS' | 'BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_1' | 'HOUSE_BRAVERY' | 'HOUSE_BRILLIANCE' | 'HOUSE_BALANCE' | 'EARLY_SUPPORTER' | 'TEAM_USER' | 'BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_2' | 'VERIFIED_BOT' | 'EARLY_VERIFIED_BOT_DEVELOPER' | 'DISCORD_CERTIFIED_MODERATOR' | 'BOT_HTTP_INTERACTIONS'; export type UserMention = `<@${Snowflake}>`; export type UserResolvable = User | Snowflake | Message | GuildMember | ThreadMember; export interface Vanity { code: string | null; uses: number; } export type VerificationLevel = keyof typeof VerificationLevels; export type VoiceBasedChannelTypes = VoiceBasedChannel['type']; export type VoiceChannelResolvable = Snowflake | VoiceChannel; export type WebhookClientData = WebhookClientDataIdWithToken | WebhookClientDataURL; export interface WebhookClientDataIdWithToken { id: Snowflake; token: string; } export interface WebhookClientDataURL { url: string; } export type WebhookClientOptions = Pick< ClientOptions, 'allowedMentions' | 'restTimeOffset' | 'restRequestTimeout' | 'retryLimit' | 'http' >; export interface WebhookEditData { name?: string; avatar?: BufferResolvable | null; channel?: GuildTextChannelResolvable; } export type WebhookEditMessageOptions = Pick< WebhookMessageOptions, 'content' | 'embeds' | 'files' | 'allowedMentions' | 'components' | 'attachments' | 'threadId' >; export interface WebhookFetchMessageOptions { cache?: boolean; threadId?: Snowflake; } export interface WebhookMessageOptions extends Omit { username?: string; avatarURL?: string; threadId?: Snowflake; } export type WebhookType = keyof typeof WebhookTypes; export interface WebSocketOptions { large_threshold?: number; compress?: boolean; properties?: WebSocketProperties; } export interface WebSocketProperties { $os?: string; $browser?: string; $device?: string; } export interface WidgetActivity { name: string; } export interface WidgetChannel { id: Snowflake; name: string; position: number; } export interface WelcomeChannelData { description: string; channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | StoreChannel | Snowflake; emoji?: EmojiIdentifierResolvable; } export interface WelcomeScreenEditData { enabled?: boolean; description?: string; welcomeChannels?: WelcomeChannelData[]; } export type WSEventType = | 'READY' | 'RESUMED' | 'APPLICATION_COMMAND_CREATE' | 'APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE' | 'APPLICATION_COMMAND_UPDATE' | 'GUILD_CREATE' | 'GUILD_DELETE' | 'GUILD_UPDATE' | 'INVITE_CREATE' | 'INVITE_DELETE' | 'GUILD_MEMBER_ADD' | 'GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE' | 'GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE' | 'GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK' | 'GUILD_ROLE_CREATE' | 'GUILD_ROLE_DELETE' | 'GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE' | 'GUILD_BAN_ADD' | 'GUILD_BAN_REMOVE' | 'GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE' | 'GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE' | 'CHANNEL_CREATE' | 'CHANNEL_DELETE' | 'CHANNEL_UPDATE' | 'CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE' | 'MESSAGE_CREATE' | 'MESSAGE_DELETE' | 'MESSAGE_UPDATE' | 'MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK' | 'MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD' | 'MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE' | 'MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL' | 'MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI' | 'THREAD_CREATE' | 'THREAD_UPDATE' | 'THREAD_DELETE' | 'THREAD_LIST_SYNC' | 'THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE' | 'THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE' | 'USER_UPDATE' | 'PRESENCE_UPDATE' | 'TYPING_START' | 'VOICE_STATE_UPDATE' | 'VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE' | 'WEBHOOKS_UPDATE' | 'INTERACTION_CREATE' | 'STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE' | 'STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE' | 'STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE' | 'GUILD_STICKERS_UPDATE'; export type Serialized = T extends symbol | bigint | (() => any) ? never : T extends number | string | boolean | undefined ? T : T extends { toJSON(): infer R } ? R : T extends ReadonlyArray ? Serialized[] : T extends ReadonlyMap | ReadonlySet ? {} : { [K in keyof T]: Serialized }; //#endregion //#region Voice /** * @internal Use `DiscordGatewayAdapterLibraryMethods` from `@discordjs/voice` instead. */ export interface InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterLibraryMethods { onVoiceServerUpdate(data: GatewayVoiceServerUpdateDispatchData): void; onVoiceStateUpdate(data: GatewayVoiceStateUpdateDispatchData): void; destroy(): void; } /** * @internal Use `DiscordGatewayAdapterImplementerMethods` from `@discordjs/voice` instead. */ export interface InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterImplementerMethods { sendPayload(payload: unknown): boolean; destroy(): void; } /** * @internal Use `DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator` from `@discordjs/voice` instead. */ export type InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterCreator = ( methods: InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterLibraryMethods, ) => InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterImplementerMethods; //#endregion