'use strict'; const { GatewayOpcodes } = require('discord-api-types/v9'); const { Presence } = require('./Presence'); const { TypeError } = require('../errors'); /** * Represents the client's presence. * @extends {Presence} */ class ClientPresence extends Presence { constructor(client, data = {}) { super(client, Object.assign(data, { status: data.status || client.setting.status || 'online', user: { id: null } })); } /** * Sets the client's presence * @param {PresenceData} presence The data to set the presence to * @returns {ClientPresence} */ set(presence) { const packet = this._parse(presence); this._patch(packet); console.log(packet); if (typeof presence.shardId === 'undefined') { this.client.ws.broadcast({ op: GatewayOpcodes.PresenceUpdate, d: packet }); } else if (Array.isArray(presence.shardId)) { for (const shardId of presence.shardId) { this.client.ws.shards.get(shardId).send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.PresenceUpdate, d: packet }); } } else { this.client.ws.shards.get(presence.shardId).send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.PresenceUpdate, d: packet }); } return this; } /** * Parses presence data into a packet ready to be sent to Discord * @param {PresenceData} presence The data to parse * @returns {APIPresence} * @private */ _parse({ status, since, afk, activities }) { const data = { activities: [], afk: typeof afk === 'boolean' ? afk : false, since: typeof since === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(since) ? since : null, status: status ?? this.status, }; if (activities?.length) { for (const [i, activity] of activities.entries()) { if (typeof activity.name !== 'string') throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', `activities[${i}].name`, 'string'); activity.type ??= 0; data.activities.push(activity); } } else if (!activities && (status || afk || since) && this.activities.length) { data.activities.push( ...this.activities.map((a) => Object.assign(a, { name: a.name, type: a.type, url: a.url ?? undefined, }), ), ); } return data; } } module.exports = ClientPresence; /* eslint-disable max-len */ /** * @external APIPresence * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to#updating-presence-update-presence-payload-fields} */