'use strict'; const { Channel } = require('./Channel'); const TextBasedChannel = require('./interfaces/TextBasedChannel'); const { RangeError } = require('../errors'); const InteractionManager = require('../managers/InteractionManager'); const MessageManager = require('../managers/MessageManager'); const ThreadMemberManager = require('../managers/ThreadMemberManager'); const ChannelFlags = require('../util/ChannelFlags'); const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions'); const { resolveAutoArchiveMaxLimit } = require('../util/Util'); /** * Represents a thread channel on Discord. * @extends {Channel} * @implements {TextBasedChannel} */ class ThreadChannel extends Channel { constructor(guild, data, client, fromInteraction = false) { super(guild?.client ?? client, data, false); /** * The guild the thread is in * @type {Guild} */ this.guild = guild; /** * The id of the guild the channel is in * @type {Snowflake} */ this.guildId = guild?.id ?? data.guild_id; /** * A manager of the messages sent to this thread * @type {MessageManager} */ this.messages = new MessageManager(this); /** * A manager of the members that are part of this thread * @type {ThreadMemberManager} */ this.members = new ThreadMemberManager(this); /** * A manager of the interactions sent to this channel * @type {InteractionManager} */ this.interactions = new InteractionManager(this); if (data) this._patch(data, fromInteraction); } _patch(data, partial = false) { super._patch(data); if ('name' in data) { /** * The name of the thread * @type {string} */ this.name = data.name; } if ('guild_id' in data) { this.guildId = data.guild_id; } if ('parent_id' in data) { /** * The id of the parent channel of this thread * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.parentId = data.parent_id; } else { this.parentId ??= null; } if ('thread_metadata' in data) { /** * Whether the thread is locked * @type {?boolean} */ this.locked = data.thread_metadata.locked ?? false; /** * Whether members without `MANAGE_THREADS` can invite other members without `MANAGE_THREADS` * Always `null` in public threads * @type {?boolean} */ this.invitable = this.type === 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' ? data.thread_metadata.invitable ?? false : null; /** * Whether the thread is archived * @type {?boolean} */ this.archived = data.thread_metadata.archived; /** * The amount of time (in minutes) after which the thread will automatically archive in case of no recent activity * @type {?number} */ this.autoArchiveDuration = data.thread_metadata.auto_archive_duration; /** * The timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed * If the thread was never archived or unarchived, this is the timestamp at which the thread was * created * @type {?number} */ this.archiveTimestamp = new Date(data.thread_metadata.archive_timestamp).getTime(); if ('create_timestamp' in data.thread_metadata) { // Note: this is needed because we can't assign directly to getters this._createdTimestamp = Date.parse(data.thread_metadata.create_timestamp); } } else { this.locked ??= null; this.archived ??= null; this.autoArchiveDuration ??= null; this.archiveTimestamp ??= null; this.invitable ??= null; } this._createdTimestamp ??= this.type === 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' ? super.createdTimestamp : null; if ('owner_id' in data) { /** * The id of the member who created this thread * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.ownerId = data.owner_id; } else { this.ownerId ??= null; } if ('last_message_id' in data) { /** * The last message id sent in this thread, if one was sent * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.lastMessageId = data.last_message_id; } else { this.lastMessageId ??= null; } if ('last_pin_timestamp' in data) { /** * The timestamp when the last pinned message was pinned, if there was one * @type {?number} */ this.lastPinTimestamp = data.last_pin_timestamp ? new Date(data.last_pin_timestamp).getTime() : null; } else { this.lastPinTimestamp ??= null; } if ('rate_limit_per_user' in data || !partial) { /** * The rate limit per user (slowmode) for this thread in seconds * @type {?number} */ this.rateLimitPerUser = data.rate_limit_per_user ?? 0; } else { this.rateLimitPerUser ??= null; } if ('message_count' in data) { /** * Threads created before July 1, 2022 may have an inaccurate count. * If you need an approximate value higher than that, use `ThreadChannel#messages.cache.size` * @type {?number} */ this.messageCount = data.message_count; } else { this.messageCount ??= null; } if ('member_count' in data) { /** * The approximate count of users in this thread * This stops counting at 50. If you need an approximate value higher than that, use * `ThreadChannel#members.cache.size` * @type {?number} */ this.memberCount = data.member_count; } else { this.memberCount ??= null; } if ('total_message_sent' in data) { /** * The number of messages ever sent in a thread, similar to {@link ThreadChannel#messageCount} except it * will not decrement whenever a message is deleted * @type {?number} */ this.totalMessageSent = data.total_message_sent; } else { this.totalMessageSent ??= null; } if ('applied_tags' in data) { /** * The tags applied to this thread * @type {Snowflake[]} */ this.appliedTags = data.applied_tags; } else { this.appliedTags ??= []; } if (data.member && this.client.user) this.members._add({ user_id: this.client.user.id, ...data.member }); if (data.messages) for (const message of data.messages) this.messages._add(message); } /** * The timestamp when this thread was created. This isn't available for threads * created before 2022-01-09 * @type {?number} * @readonly */ get createdTimestamp() { return this._createdTimestamp; } /** * A collection of associated guild member objects of this thread's members * @type {Collection} * @readonly */ get guildMembers() { return this.members.cache.mapValues(member => member.guildMember); } /** * The time at which this thread's archive status was last changed * If the thread was never archived or unarchived, this is the time at which the thread was created * @type {?Date} * @readonly */ get archivedAt() { if (!this.archiveTimestamp) return null; return new Date(this.archiveTimestamp); } /** * The time the thread was created at * @type {?Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return this.createdTimestamp && new Date(this.createdTimestamp); } /** * The parent channel of this thread * @type {?(NewsChannel|TextChannel|ForumChannel)} * @readonly */ get parent() { return this.guild.channels.resolve(this.parentId); } /** * Makes the client user join the thread. * @returns {Promise} */ async join() { await this.members.add('@me'); return this; } /** * Makes the client user leave the thread. * @returns {Promise} */ async leave() { await this.members.remove('@me'); return this; } /** * Gets the overall set of permissions for a member or role in this thread's parent channel, taking overwrites into * account. * @param {GuildMemberResolvable|RoleResolvable} memberOrRole The member or role to obtain the overall permissions for * @param {boolean} [checkAdmin=true] Whether having `ADMINISTRATOR` will return all permissions * @returns {?Readonly} */ permissionsFor(memberOrRole, checkAdmin) { return this.parent?.permissionsFor(memberOrRole, checkAdmin) ?? null; } /** * Fetches the owner of this thread. If the thread member object isn't needed, * use {@link ThreadChannel#ownerId} instead. * @param {BaseFetchOptions} [options] The options for fetching the member * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchOwner({ cache = true, force = false } = {}) { if (!force) { const existing = this.members.cache.get(this.ownerId); if (existing) return existing; } // We cannot fetch a single thread member, as of this commit's date, Discord API responds with 405 const members = await this.members.fetch(cache); return members.get(this.ownerId) ?? null; } /** * Fetches the message that started this thread, if any. * The `Promise` will reject if the original message in a forum post is deleted * or when the original message in the parent channel is deleted. * If you just need the id of that message, use {@link ThreadChannel#id} instead. * @param {BaseFetchOptions} [options] Additional options for this fetch * @returns {Promise} */ // eslint-disable-next-line require-await async fetchStarterMessage(options) { const channel = this.parent?.type === 'GUILD_FORUM' ? this : this.parent; return channel?.messages.fetch({ message: this.id, ...options }) ?? null; } /** * The options used to edit a thread channel * @typedef {Object} ThreadEditData * @property {string} [name] The new name for the thread * @property {boolean} [archived] Whether the thread is archived * @property {ThreadAutoArchiveDuration} [autoArchiveDuration] The amount of time (in minutes) after which the thread * should automatically archive in case of no recent activity * @property {number} [rateLimitPerUser] The rate limit per user (slowmode) for the thread in seconds * @property {boolean} [locked] Whether the thread is locked * @property {boolean} [invitable] Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread * Can only be edited on `GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD` * @property {Snowflake[]} [appliedTags] The tags to apply to the thread * @property {ChannelFlagsResolvable} [flags] The flags to set on the channel */ /** * Edits this thread. * @param {ThreadEditData} data The new data for this thread * @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing this thread * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit a thread * thread.edit({ name: 'new-thread' }) * .then(editedThread => console.log(editedThread)) * .catch(console.error); */ async edit(data, reason) { let autoArchiveDuration = data.autoArchiveDuration; if (autoArchiveDuration === 'MAX') autoArchiveDuration = resolveAutoArchiveMaxLimit(this.guild); const newData = await this.client.api.channels(this.id).patch({ data: { name: (data.name ?? this.name).trim(), archived: data.archived, auto_archive_duration: autoArchiveDuration, rate_limit_per_user: data.rateLimitPerUser, locked: data.locked, invitable: this.type === 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' ? data.invitable : undefined, applied_tags: data.appliedTags, flags: 'flags' in data ? ChannelFlags.resolve(data.flags) : undefined, }, reason, }); return this.client.actions.ChannelUpdate.handle(newData).updated; } /** * Sets whether the thread is archived. * @param {boolean} [archived=true] Whether the thread is archived * @param {string} [reason] Reason for archiving or unarchiving * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Archive the thread * thread.setArchived(true) * .then(newThread => console.log(`Thread is now ${newThread.archived ? 'archived' : 'active'}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setArchived(archived = true, reason) { return this.edit({ archived }, reason); } /** * Sets the duration after which the thread will automatically archive in case of no recent activity. * @param {ThreadAutoArchiveDuration} autoArchiveDuration The amount of time (in minutes) after which the thread * should automatically archive in case of no recent activity * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the auto archive duration * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set the thread's auto archive time to 1 hour * thread.setAutoArchiveDuration(60) * .then(newThread => { * console.log(`Thread will now archive after ${newThread.autoArchiveDuration} minutes of inactivity`); * }); * .catch(console.error); */ setAutoArchiveDuration(autoArchiveDuration, reason) { return this.edit({ autoArchiveDuration }, reason); } /** * Sets whether members without the `MANAGE_THREADS` permission can invite other members without the * `MANAGE_THREADS` permission to this thread. * @param {boolean} [invitable=true] Whether non-moderators can invite non-moderators to this thread * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing invite * @returns {Promise} */ setInvitable(invitable = true, reason) { if (this.type !== 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD') return Promise.reject(new RangeError('THREAD_INVITABLE_TYPE', this.type)); return this.edit({ invitable }, reason); } /** * Sets whether the thread can be **unarchived** by anyone with `SEND_MESSAGES` permission. * When a thread is locked only members with `MANAGE_THREADS` can unarchive it. * @param {boolean} [locked=true] Whether the thread is locked * @param {string} [reason] Reason for locking or unlocking the thread * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set the thread to locked * thread.setLocked(true) * .then(newThread => console.log(`Thread is now ${newThread.locked ? 'locked' : 'unlocked'}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setLocked(locked = true, reason) { return this.edit({ locked }, reason); } /** * Sets a new name for this thread. * @param {string} name The new name for the thread * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the thread's name * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Change the thread's name * thread.setName('not_general') * .then(newThread => console.log(`Thread's new name is ${newThread.name}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setName(name, reason) { return this.edit({ name }, reason); } /** * Sets the rate limit per user (slowmode) for this thread. * @param {number} rateLimitPerUser The new rate limit in seconds * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the thread's rate limit * @returns {Promise} */ setRateLimitPerUser(rateLimitPerUser, reason) { return this.edit({ rateLimitPerUser }, reason); } /** * Pins this thread from the forum channel. * @param {string} [reason] Reason for pinning * @returns {Promise} */ pin(reason) { return this.edit({ flags: this.flags.add(ChannelFlags.FLAGS.PINNED) }, reason); } /** * Unpins this thread from the forum channel. * @param {string} [reason] Reason for unpinning * @returns {Promise} */ unpin(reason) { return this.edit({ flags: this.flags.remove(ChannelFlags.FLAGS.PINNED) }, reason); } /** * Set the applied tags for this channel (only applicable to forum threads) * @param {Snowflake[]} appliedTags The tags to set for this channel * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the thread's applied tags * @returns {Promise} */ setAppliedTags(appliedTags, reason) { return this.edit({ appliedTags }, reason); } /** * Whether the client user is a member of the thread. * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get joined() { return this.members.cache.has(this.client.user?.id); } /** * Whether the thread is editable by the client user (name, archived, autoArchiveDuration) * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get editable() { return ( (this.ownerId === this.client.user.id && (this.type !== 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' || this.joined)) || this.manageable ); } /** * Whether the thread is joinable by the client user * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get joinable() { return ( !this.archived && !this.joined && this.permissionsFor(this.client.user)?.has( this.type === 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' ? Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_THREADS : Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL, false, ) ); } /** * Whether the thread is manageable by the client user, for deleting or editing rateLimitPerUser or locked. * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get manageable() { const permissions = this.permissionsFor(this.client.user); if (!permissions) return false; // This flag allows managing even if timed out if (permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR, false)) return true; return ( this.guild.members.me.communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp < Date.now() && permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_THREADS, false) ); } /** * Whether the thread is viewable by the client user * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get viewable() { if (this.client.user.id === this.guild.ownerId) return true; const permissions = this.permissionsFor(this.client.user); if (!permissions) return false; return permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL, false); } /** * Whether the client user can send messages in this thread * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get sendable() { const permissions = this.permissionsFor(this.client.user); if (!permissions) return false; // This flag allows sending even if timed out if (permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR, false)) return true; return ( !(this.archived && this.locked && !this.manageable) && (this.type !== 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD' || this.joined || this.manageable) && permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS, false) && this.guild.members.me.communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp < Date.now() ); } /** * Whether the thread is unarchivable by the client user * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get unarchivable() { return this.archived && this.sendable && (!this.locked || this.manageable); } /** * Whether this thread is a private thread * @returns {boolean} */ isPrivate() { return this.type === 'GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD'; } /** * Deletes this thread. * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting this thread * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Delete the thread * thread.delete('cleaning out old threads') * .then(deletedThread => console.log(deletedThread)) * .catch(console.error); */ async delete(reason) { await this.guild.channels.delete(this.id, reason); return this; } // These are here only for documentation purposes - they are implemented by TextBasedChannel /* eslint-disable no-empty-function */ get lastMessage() {} get lastPinAt() {} send() {} sendTyping() {} createMessageCollector() {} awaitMessages() {} createMessageComponentCollector() {} awaitMessageComponent() {} bulkDelete() {} // Doesn't work on Thread channels; setRateLimitPerUser() {} // Doesn't work on Thread channels; setNSFW() {} } TextBasedChannel.applyToClass(ThreadChannel, true, ['fetchWebhooks', 'setRateLimitPerUser', 'setNSFW']); module.exports = ThreadChannel;