# Setup - Before you use it, properly initialize the module (`@discordjs/voice` patch) ```js new Client({ patchVoice: true, // Enable default }) ``` # Usage: Call DM / Group DM ```js const dmChannel = client.channels.cache.get('id'); /* or const dmChannel = User.dmChannel || await User.createDM(); */ const connection = await dmChannel.call(); /* Return @discordjs/voice VoiceConnection */ ``` # Play Music using `play-dl` ```js const play = require('play-dl'); const { createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, NoSubscriberBehavior, } = require('@discordjs/voice'); const channel = (await (message.member.user.dmChannel || message.member.user.createDM())); const connection = channel.voiceConnection || await channel.call(); let stream; if (!args[0]) { return message.channel.send('Enter something to search for.'); } else if (args[0].startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=')) { stream = await play.stream(args.join(' ')); } else { const yt_info = await play.search(args, { limit: 1 }); stream = await play.stream(yt_info[0].url); } const resource = createAudioResource(stream.stream, { inputType: stream.type, inlineVolume: true, }); resource.volume.setVolume(0.25); const player = createAudioPlayer({ behaviors: { noSubscriber: NoSubscriberBehavior.Play, }, }); let i = setInterval(() => { const m = channel.voiceUsers.get(message.author.id); if (m) { player.play(resource); connection.subscribe(player); clearInterval(i); } else console.log('waiting for voice connection'); }, 250); ``` # Play Music with module (support Play, Pause, Search, Skip, Previous, Volume, Loop) ```js /* Copyright aiko-chan-ai @2022. All rights reserved. */ const DjsVoice = require('@discordjs/voice'); const Discord = require('./mymodule/src/index.js'); // require('discord.js-selfbot-v13'); const playDL = require('play-dl'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const Event = { READY: 'ready', NO_SEARCH_RESULT: 'searchNoResult', SEARCH_RESULT: 'searchResult', PLAY_SONG: 'playSong', ADD_SONG: 'addSong', ADD_PLAYLIST: 'addPlaylist', LEAVE_VC: 'disconnect', FINISH: 'finish', EMPTY: 'empty', ERROR: 'error', } class Stack { constructor() { this.data = []; } push(item) { return this.data.push(item); } pop() { return this.data.pop(); } peek() { return this.data[this.length - 1]; } get length() { return this.data.length; } isEmpty() { return this.length === 0; } reset () { this.data = []; return this; } } class Queue { constructor() { this.data = []; } enqueue(item) { return this.data.unshift(item); } dequeue() { return this.data.pop(); } peek() { return this.data[this.length - 1]; } get length() { return this.data.length; } isEmpty() { return this.data.length === 0; } reset() { this.data = []; return this; } } class Player extends EventEmitter { constructor(client, options = {}) { super(); if (!client || !client instanceof Discord.Client) throw new Error('Invalid Discord Client (Selfbot)'); Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); this._playDl = playDL; this._queue = new Queue(); this._previousSongs = new Stack(); this.song = null; this.guild = undefined; this.channel = undefined; this._currentResourceAudio = undefined; this._currentTime = 0; this._playingTime = null; this.isPlaying = false; this.volume = 100; this.loopMode = 0; this.message = undefined; this._timeoutEmpty = undefined; this._player = DjsVoice.createAudioPlayer({ behaviors: { noSubscriber: DjsVoice.NoSubscriberBehavior.Play, }, }); this._playerEvent(); this._validateOptions(options); this._discordEvent(); this._privateEvent(); } get currentTime() { return this._currentTime || Date.now() - this._playingTime; } get currentConnection() { return DjsVoice.getVoiceConnection(this.guild?.id || null); } get queue() { return this._queue.data; } get previousSongs() { return this._previousSongs.data; } authorization() { this._playDl.authorization(); } _validateOptions(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') throw new Error(`Invalid options type (Required: object, got: ${typeof options})`); this.options = { directLink: true, joinNewVoiceChannel: true, waitingUserToPlayInDMs: true, nsfw: false, leaveOnEmpty: true, leaveOnFinish: true, leaveOnStop: true, savePreviousSongs: true, emptyCooldown: 10_000, } if (typeof options.directLink === 'boolean') { this.options.directLink = options.directLink; } if (typeof options.joinNewVoiceChannel === 'boolean') { this.options.joinNewVoiceChannel = options.joinNewVoiceChannel; } if (typeof options.waitingUserToPlayInDMs === 'boolean') { this.options.waitingUserToPlayInDMs = options.waitingUserToPlayInDMs; } if (typeof options.nsfw === 'boolean') { this.options.nsfw = options.nsfw; } if (typeof options.leaveOnEmpty === 'boolean') { if (typeof options.emptyCooldown === 'number') { this.options.leaveOnEmpty = options.leaveOnEmpty; this.options.emptyCooldown = options.emptyCooldown; } else { this.options.leaveOnEmpty = false; } } if (typeof options.leaveOnFinish === 'boolean') { this.options.leaveOnFinish = options.leaveOnFinish; } if (typeof options.leaveOnStop === 'boolean') { this.options.leaveOnStop = options.leaveOnStop; } if (typeof options.savePreviousSongs === 'boolean') { this.options.savePreviousSongs = options.savePreviousSongs; } } async play(options = {}) { const { message, channel, query, } = options; if (!(message instanceof Discord.Message)) throw new Error(`Invalid message type (Required: Message, got: ${typeof message})`); if (channel && ( channel instanceof Discord.DMChannel || channel instanceof Discord.PartialGroupDMChannel || channel instanceof Discord.VoiceChannel || channel instanceof Discord.StageChannel ) ) { let checkChangeVC = false; if (!this.channel) this.channel = channel; else { if (this.options.joinNewVoiceChannel) { if (this.channel.id !== channel.id) checkChangeVC = true; this.channel = channel; } } this.guild = channel.guild; this.message = message; if (typeof query !== 'string') throw new Error(`Invalid query type (Required: string, got: ${typeof query})`); const result = await this.search(message, query); if (result.length < 1) { throw new Error('No search result with the given query: ' + query); } else { for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { this._queue.enqueue(result[i]); } if (!this.isPlaying) { this._skip(checkChangeVC); } else if (!result[0].playlist) { this.emit(Event.ADD_SONG, result[0]); } } } else { throw new Error(`Invalid channel. Make sure the channel is a DMChannel | PartialGroupDMChannel | VoiceChannel | StageChannel.`); } } async search(message, query, limit = 1) { if (!(message instanceof Discord.Message)) throw new Error(`Invalid message type (Required: Message, got: ${typeof message})`); if (typeof query !== 'string') throw new Error(`Invalid query type (Required: string, got: ${typeof query})`); if (typeof limit !== 'number') throw new Error(`Invalid limit type (Required: number, got: ${typeof limit})`); if (limit < 1) { limit = 1; process.emitWarning(`Invalid limit value (Required: 1 or more, got: ${limit})`); }; if (limit > 10) { limit = 10; process.emitWarning(`Invalid limit value (Required: 10 or less, got: ${limit})`); }; if (/^(https?\:\/\/)?(www\.youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/.+$/.test(query)) { const validateData = this._playDl.yt_validate(query); if (validateData == 'video') { const result = await this._playDl.video_info(query); return [result.video_details]; } else if (validateData == 'playlist') { const result = await this._playDl.playlist_info(query); this.emit(Event.ADD_PLAYLIST, result); const allVideo = await result.all_videos(); return allVideo.map(video => { Object.defineProperty(video, 'playlist', { value: result }); return video; }); } else { return this.emit(Event.ERROR, new Error('Invalid YouTube URL: ' + query)); } } else { const result = await this._playDl.search(query, { limit, unblurNSFWThumbnails: this.options.nsfw, }); if (result.length < 1) { this.emit(Event.NO_SEARCH_RESULT, message, query, limit); return []; } else { this.emit(Event.SEARCH_RESULT, message, result, query, limit); return result; } } } setLoopMode(mode) { if ([0, 1, 2].includes(mode)) { this._loopMode = mode; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid mode value (Required: 0 [No loop], 1 [Loop song], 2 [Loop queue], got: ${mode})`); } } async createStream(url) { const stream = await this._playDl.stream(url); const resource = DjsVoice.createAudioResource(stream.stream, { inputType: stream.type, inlineVolume: true, }); this._currentResourceAudio = resource; this.setVolume(this.volume); } _play() { this._player.play(this._currentResourceAudio); } setVolume(volume) { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) throw new Error('No current resource audio'); if (typeof volume !== 'number') throw new Error(`Invalid volume type (Required: number, got: ${typeof volume})`); if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; process.emitWarning(`Invalid volume value (Required: 0 or more, got: ${volume})`); } else if (volume > 100) { volume = 100; process.emitWarning(`Invalid volume value (Required: 100 or less, got: ${volume})`); } this._currentResourceAudio.volume.setVolume((volume / 100).toFixed(2)); this.volume = (volume / 100).toFixed(2) * 100; return (volume / 100).toFixed(2) * 100; } pause() { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) throw new Error('No current resource audio'); this._player.pause(); } resume() { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) throw new Error('No current resource audio'); this._player.unpause(); } stop() { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) throw new Error('No current resource audio'); this._stop(false, this.options.leaveOnStop); } _reset(){ this._currentTime = 0; this._currentResourceAudio = null; this._playingTime = 0; this.isPlaying = false; this._player.stop(); } _stop(finish = false, force = false) { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) return; this._queue.reset(); this._previousSongs.reset(); this._timeoutEmpty = undefined; this._reset(); if (force || finish && this.options.leaveOnFinish) this.currentConnection?.destroy(); this.channel = null; this.guild = null; this.song = null; this.volume = 100; this.loopMode = 0; this.message = null; } skip() { this._skip(); } async _skip(checkChangeVC = false) { if (!this._queue.length) throw new Error('No song in the queue'); const currentSong = this.song; if (this.loopMode == 0) { if (this.options.savePreviousSongs) this._previousSongs.push(currentSong); const nextSong = this._queue.dequeue(); this.song = nextSong; } else if (this.loopMode == 1) { this.song = currentSong; } else if (this.loopMode == 2) { this._queue.enqueue(currentSong); const nextSong = this._queue.dequeue(); this.song = nextSong; } await this.createStream(this.song.url); await this.joinVC(checkChangeVC); this.emit(Event.PLAY_SONG, this.song); if (!this.guild?.id) await this._awaitDM(); this._play(); this._playingTime = Date.now(); } async previous() { if (!this._previousSongs.length) throw new Error('No previous songs'); const currentSong = this.song; // add to queue this._queue.enqueue(currentSong); const previousSong = this._previousSongs.pop(); this.song = previousSong; await this.createStream(this.song.url); await this.joinVC(); this._play(); this.emit(Event.PLAY_SONG, this.song, this.queue); } async joinVC(changeVC = false) { if (this.currentConnection && !changeVC) { this.currentConnection.subscribe(this._player); } else if (this.channel instanceof Discord.VoiceChannel) { const connection = DjsVoice.joinVoiceChannel({ channelId: this.channel.id, guildId: this.guild.id, adapterCreator: this.guild.voiceAdapterCreator, }); await DjsVoice.entersState( connection, DjsVoice.VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready, 10_000, ); connection.subscribe(this._player); } else if (this.channel instanceof Discord.StageChannel) { const connection = DjsVoice.joinVoiceChannel({ channelId: this.channel.id, guildId: this.guild.id, adapterCreator: this.guild.voiceAdapterCreator, }); await DjsVoice.entersState( connection, DjsVoice.VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready, 10_000, ); connection.subscribe(this._player); await this.channel.guild.me.voice .setSuppressed(false) .catch(async () => { return await this.channel.guild.me.voice .setRequestToSpeak(true); }); } else { const connection = this.channel.voiceConnection || await this.channel.call(); connection.subscribe(this._player); } } _discordEvent() { // Event sus .-. this.client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => { if (!this._currentResourceAudio) return; if (newState.guild?.id == this.guild?.id) { if (oldState.channel?.id !== newState.channel?.id && oldState.channel?.id && newState.channel?.id && newState.id == this.client.user.id) { // change vc } if (newState.id == this.client.user.id && oldState.channel?.members?.has(this.client.user.id) && !newState.channel?.members?.has(this.client.user.id)) { this._stop(); this.emit(Event.LEAVE_VC, this.message); } if (newState.channel?.members?.has(this.client.user.id) && !newState.channel?.members?.filter(m => m.id != this.client.user.id && !m.bot).size) { // empty if (this.options.leaveOnEmpty && !this._timeoutEmpty) { this._timeoutEmpty = setTimeout(() => { this._stop(false, true); this.emit(Event.EMPTY, this.message); }, this.options.emptyCooldown); } } if (newState.channel?.members?.has(this.client.user.id) && newState.channel?.members?.filter(m => m.id != this.client.user.id && !m.bot).size > 0) { // not empty if (this._timeoutEmpty) clearTimeout(this._timeoutEmpty); this._timeoutEmpty = undefined; } } else if (!this.guild?.id && !newState.guild?.id) { // DM channels if (!newState.channel?.voiceUsers?.filter(m => m.id != this.client.user.id).size) { // empty if (this.options.leaveOnEmpty && !this._timeoutEmpty) { this._timeoutEmpty = setTimeout(() => { this._stop(false, true); this.emit(Event.EMPTY, this.message); }, this.options.emptyCooldown); } } if (newState.channel?.voiceUsers?.filter(m => m.id != this.client.user.id).size > 0) { // not empty if (this._timeoutEmpty) clearTimeout(this._timeoutEmpty); this._timeoutEmpty = undefined; } } }); } _awaitDM () { if (!this.options.waitingUserToPlayInDMs) return true; return new Promise(resolve => { let i = setInterval(() => { const m = this.channel.voiceUsers.get(this.client.user.id); if (m) { clearInterval(i); resolve(true); } }, 250); }) } _privateEvent() { this.on('next_song', async () => { await this._skip().catch(() => { if (this.message) this.emit(Event.FINISH, this.message); this._reset(); }); }); } _playerEvent() { const player = this._player; player.on('stateChange', async (oldState, newState) => { // idle -> playing // idle -> buffering // buffering -> playing // playing -> idle if (newState.status.toLowerCase() == 'idle') { this.isPlaying = false; } else if (newState.status.toLowerCase() == 'paused' || newState.status.toLowerCase() == 'autopaused') { this.isPlaying = false; } else { this.isPlaying = true; } this._currentTime = newState.playbackDuration; // if (oldState.status == 'playing' && newState.status == 'idle') { this.emit('next_song'); } }); player.on('error', (e) => { this.emit(Event.ERROR, e); }); } } module.exports = Player; /* Example const player = new Player(client, options); player .on('playSong', song => { player.message.channel.send(`Now playing: ${song.title}`); }) .on('addSong', song => { player.message.channel.send(`Added: ${song.title}`); }) .on('addPlaylist', playlist => { player.message.channel.send(`Added Playlist: ${playlist.title}`); }) .on('disconnect', (message) => { message.channel.send('Disconnected from voice channel.'); }) .on('finish', (message) => { message.channel.send('Finished playing.'); }) .on('empty', (message) => { message.channel.send('The queue is empty.'); }) .on('error', error => { console.log('Music error', error); }) client.player = player; // Method client.player.play({ message, channel: message.member.voice.channel, // VoiceChannel | DMChannel | StageChannel | GroupDMChannel query: string, }); client.player.skip(); client.player.previous(); client.player.pause(); client.player.resume(); client.player.setVolume(50); // 50% client.player.setLoopMode(1); // 0: none, 1: song, 2: queue; client.player.stop(); // Options options = { directLink: true, // Whether or not play direct link of the song (not support) joinNewVoiceChannel: true, // Whether or not joining the new voice channel when using #play method waitingUserToPlayInDMs: true, // Waiting User join Call to play in DM channels nsfw: false, // Whether or not play NSFW leaveOnEmpty: true, // Whether or not leave voice channel when empty (not working) leaveOnFinish: true, // Whether or not leave voice channel when finish leaveOnStop: true, // Whether or not leave voice channel when stop savePreviousSongs: true, // Whether or not save previous songs emptyCooldown: 10_000, // Cooldown when empty voice channel } // Properties song = Song; guild = Discord.Guild; channel = Channel; client = Discord.Client; isPlaying = false; volume = 100; currentTime = Unix timestamp miliseconds; currentConnection = VoiceConnection; queue: Song[]; previousSongs: Song[]; loopMode = 0; */ ```