'use strict'; const axios = require('axios'); const baseURL = 'https://webembed.onrender.com/embed?'; const hiddenCharter = '||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||'; const { RangeError } = require('../errors'); const Util = require('../util/Util'); /** * Send Embedlink to Discord * Need to change WebEmbed API server (because heroku is no longer free) */ class WebEmbed { /** * @param {WebEmbed} [data={}] Raw data */ constructor(data = {}) { /** * A `Partial` object is a representation of any existing object. * This object contains between 0 and all of the original objects parameters. * This is true regardless of whether the parameters are optional in the base object. * @typedef {Object} Partial */ /** * Represents the possible options for a WebEmbed * @typedef {Object} WebEmbedOptions * @property {string} [title] The title of this embed * @property {string} [description] The description of this embed * @property {string} [url] The URL of this embed * @property {ColorResolvable} [color] The color of this embed * @property {Partial} [author] The author of this embed * @property {Partial} [thumbnail] The thumbnail of this embed * @property {Partial} [image] The image of this embed * @property {Partial} [video] The video of this embed * @property {Partial} [footer] The footer of this embed * @property {Partial} [provider] The provider of this embed */ // eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc /** * @param {WebEmbed|WebEmbedOptions|APIEmbed} [data={}] WebEmbed to clone or raw embed data */ this._setup(data); /** * Shorten the link * @type {?boolean} */ this.shorten = data.shorten ?? true; /** * Hidden Embed link * @type {?boolean} */ this.hidden = data.hidden ?? false; /** * Using Custom WebEmbed server ? * @type {?string} https://webembed.onrender.com/embed? * @see https://github.com/aiko-chan-ai/WebEmbed */ this.baseURL = data.baseURL ?? baseURL; /** * Shorten API * @type {?string} https://webembed.onrender.com/short?url= * @see https://github.com/aiko-chan-ai/WebEmbed */ this.shortenAPI = data.shortenAPI; } /** * @private * @param {Object} data The data for the embed */ _setup(data) { /** * Type image of this embed * @type {?thumbnail | image} */ this.imageType = 'thumbnail'; /** * The title of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.title = data.title ?? null; /** * The description of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.description = data.description ?? null; /** * The URL of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.url = data.url ?? null; /** * The color of this embed * @type {?number} */ this.color = 'color' in data ? Util.resolveColor(data.color) : null; /** * Represents the image of a WebEmbed * @typedef {Object} WebEmbedImage * @property {string} url URL for this image * @property {string} proxyURL ProxyURL for this image * @property {number} height Height of this image * @property {number} width Width of this image */ /** * The image of this embed, if there is one * @type {?WebEmbedImage} */ this.image = data.image ? { url: data.image.url, proxyURL: data.image.proxyURL ?? data.image.proxy_url, height: data.image.height, width: data.image.width, } : null; /** * The thumbnail of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?WebEmbedThumbnail} */ this.thumbnail = data.thumbnail ? { url: data.thumbnail.url, proxyURL: data.thumbnail.proxyURL ?? data.thumbnail.proxy_url, height: data.thumbnail.height, width: data.thumbnail.width, } : null; /** * Represents the video of a WebEmbed * @typedef {Object} WebEmbedVideo * @property {string} url URL of this video * @property {string} proxyURL ProxyURL for this video * @property {number} height Height of this video * @property {number} width Width of this video */ /** * The video of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?WebEmbedVideo} * @readonly */ this.video = data.video ? { url: data.video.url, proxyURL: data.video.proxyURL ?? data.video.proxy_url, height: data.video.height, width: data.video.width, } : null; /** * Represents the author field of a WebEmbed * @typedef {Object} WebEmbedAuthor * @property {string} name The name of this author * @property {string} url URL of this author */ /** * The author of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?WebEmbedAuthor} */ this.author = data.author ? { name: data.author.name, url: data.author.url, } : null; /** * Represents the provider of a WebEmbed * @typedef {Object} WebEmbedProvider * @property {string} name The name of this provider * @property {string} url URL of this provider */ /** * The provider of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?WebEmbedProvider} */ this.provider = data.provider ? { name: data.provider.name, url: data.provider.name, } : null; } /** * The options to provide for setting an author for a {@link WebEmbed}. * @typedef {Object} EmbedAuthorData * @property {string} name The name of this author. */ /** * Sets the author of this embed. * @param {string|EmbedAuthorData|null} options The options to provide for the author. * Provide `null` to remove the author data. * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setAuthor(options) { if (options === null) { this.author = {}; return this; } const { name, url } = options; this.author = { name: Util.verifyString(name, RangeError, 'EMBED_AUTHOR_NAME'), url, }; return this; } /** * The options to provide for setting an provider for a {@link WebEmbed}. * @typedef {Object} EmbedProviderData * @property {string} name The name of this provider. */ /** * Sets the provider of this embed. * @param {string|EmbedProviderData|null} options The options to provide for the provider. * Provide `null` to remove the provider data. * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setProvider(options) { if (options === null) { this.provider = {}; return this; } const { name, url } = options; this.provider = { name: Util.verifyString(name, RangeError, 'EMBED_PROVIDER_NAME'), url, }; return this; } /** * Sets the color of this embed. * @param {ColorResolvable} color The color of the embed * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setColor(color) { this.color = Util.resolveColor(color); return this; } /** * Sets the description of this embed. * @param {string} description The description (Limit 350 characters) * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setDescription(description) { this.description = Util.verifyString(description, RangeError, 'EMBED_DESCRIPTION'); return this; } /** * Sets the image of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL of the image * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setImage(url) { if (this.thumbnail && this.thumbnail.url) { console.warn('You can only set image or thumbnail per embed.'); this.thumbnail.url = null; } this.imageType = 'image'; this.image = { url }; return this; } /** * Sets the thumbnail of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL of the image * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setThumbnail(url) { if (this.image && this.image.url) { console.warn('You can only set image or thumbnail per embed.'); this.image.url = null; } this.imageType = 'thumbnail'; this.thumbnail = { url }; return this; } /** * Sets the video of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL of the video * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setVideo(url) { this.video = { url }; return this; } /** * Sets the title of this embed. * @param {string} title The title * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setTitle(title) { this.title = Util.verifyString(title, RangeError, 'EMBED_TITLE'); return this; } /** * Sets the URL of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL * @returns {WebEmbed} */ setURL(url) { this.url = url; return this; } /** * Return Message Content + Embed (if hidden, pls check content length because it has 1000+ length) * @returns {string} Message Content */ async toMessage() { const arrayQuery = [`image_type=${this.imageType}`]; if (this.title) { arrayQuery.push(`title=${encodeURIComponent(this.title)}`); } if (this.description) { arrayQuery.push(`description=${encodeURIComponent(this.description)}`); } if (this.url) { arrayQuery.push(`url=${encodeURIComponent(this.url)}`); } if (this.color) { arrayQuery.push(`color=${encodeURIComponent(`#${this.color.toString(16)}`)}`); } if (this.image?.url) { arrayQuery.push(`image=${encodeURIComponent(this.image.url)}`); } if (this.video?.url) { arrayQuery.push(`video=${encodeURIComponent(this.video.url)}`); } if (this.author) { if (this.author.name) { arrayQuery.push(`author_name=${encodeURIComponent(this.author.name)}`); } if (this.author.url) { arrayQuery.push(`author_url=${encodeURIComponent(this.author.url)}`); } } if (this.provider) { if (this.provider.name) { arrayQuery.push(`provider_name=${encodeURIComponent(this.provider.name)}`); } if (this.provider.url) { arrayQuery.push(`provider_url=${encodeURIComponent(this.provider.url)}`); } } if (this.thumbnail?.url) { arrayQuery.push(`image=${encodeURIComponent(this.thumbnail.url)}`); } const fullURL = `${this.baseURL}${arrayQuery.join('&')}`; if (this.shorten) { const url = await this.constructor.getShorten(fullURL, this); if (!url) console.log('Cannot shorten URL in WebEmbed'); return this.hidden ? `${hiddenCharter} ${url || fullURL}` : url || fullURL; } else { return this.hidden ? `${hiddenCharter} ${fullURL}` : fullURL; } } static async getShorten(url, embed) { const APIurl = ['https://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=']; const shorten = `${ embed.shortenAPI && typeof embed.shortenAPI == 'string' ? embed.shortenAPI : APIurl[Math.floor(Math.random() * APIurl.length)] }${encodeURIComponent(url)}`; try { const res = await axios.get(`${shorten}`); if (typeof res.data === 'string') return res.data; else if (typeof res.data === 'object') return res.data.shorten; else throw new Error('Unknown error'); } catch { return undefined; } } } module.exports = WebEmbed; module.exports.hiddenEmbed = hiddenCharter;