'use strict'; const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection'); const BaseManager = require('./BaseManager'); const { Error, TypeError } = require('../errors'); const { ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes, APIErrors } = require('../util/Constants'); /** * Manages API methods for permissions of Application Commands. * @extends {BaseManager} */ class ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager extends BaseManager { constructor(manager, user) { super(manager.client); /** * The manager or command that this manager belongs to * @type {ApplicationCommandManager|ApplicationCommand} * @private */ this.manager = manager; /** * The guild that this manager acts on * @type {?Guild} */ this.guild = manager.guild ?? null; /** * The id of the guild that this manager acts on * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.guildId = manager.guildId ?? manager.guild?.id ?? null; /** * The id of the command this manager acts on * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.commandId = manager.id ?? null; this.user = user; } /** * The APIRouter path to the commands * @param {Snowflake} guildId The guild's id to use in the path, * @param {Snowflake} [commandId] The application command's id * @returns {Object} * @private */ permissionsPath(guildId, commandId) { return this.client.api.applications(typeof this.user == 'string' ? this.user : this.user.id).guilds(guildId).commands(commandId).permissions; } /** * Data for setting the permissions of an application command. * @typedef {Object} ApplicationCommandPermissionData * @property {Snowflake} id The role or user's id * @property {ApplicationCommandPermissionType|number} type Whether this permission is for a role or a user * @property {boolean} permission Whether the role or user has the permission to use this command */ /** * The object returned when fetching permissions for an application command. * @typedef {Object} ApplicationCommandPermissions * @property {Snowflake} id The role or user's id * @property {ApplicationCommandPermissionType} type Whether this permission is for a role or a user * @property {boolean} permission Whether the role or user has the permission to use this command */ /** * Options for managing permissions for one or more Application Commands * When passing these options to a manager where `guildId` is `null`, * `guild` is a required parameter * @typedef {Object} BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions * @property {GuildResolvable} [guild] The guild to modify / check permissions for * Ignored when the manager has a non-null `guildId` property * @property {ApplicationCommandResolvable} [command] The command to modify / check permissions for * Ignored when the manager has a non-null `commandId` property */ /** * Fetches the permissions for one or multiple commands. * @param {BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} [options] Options used to fetch permissions * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Fetch permissions for one command * guild.commands.permissions.fetch({ command: '123456789012345678' }) * .then(perms => console.log(`Fetched permissions for ${perms.length} users`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch permissions for all commands in a guild * client.application.commands.permissions.fetch({ guild: '123456789012345678' }) * .then(perms => console.log(`Fetched permissions for ${perms.size} commands`)) * .catch(console.error); */ async fetch({ guild, command } = {}) { const { guildId, commandId } = this._validateOptions(guild, command); if (commandId) { const data = await this.permissionsPath(guildId, commandId).get(); return data.permissions.map(perm => this.constructor.transformPermissions(perm, true)); } const data = await this.permissionsPath(guildId).get(); return data.reduce( (coll, perm) => coll.set( perm.id, perm.permissions.map(p => this.constructor.transformPermissions(p, true)), ), new Collection(), ); } /** * Data used for overwriting the permissions for all application commands in a guild. * @typedef {Object} GuildApplicationCommandPermissionData * @property {Snowflake} id The command's id * @property {ApplicationCommandPermissionData[]} permissions The permissions for this command */ /** * Options used to set permissions for one or more Application Commands in a guild * One of `command` AND `permissions`, OR `fullPermissions` is required. * `fullPermissions` is not a valid option when passing to a manager where `commandId` is non-null * @typedef {BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} SetApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions * @property {ApplicationCommandPermissionData[]} [permissions] The new permissions for the command * @property {GuildApplicationCommandPermissionData[]} [fullPermissions] The new permissions for all commands * in a guild When this parameter is set, `permissions` and `command` are ignored */ /** * Sets the permissions for one or more commands. * @param {SetApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} options Options used to set permissions * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Set the permissions for one command * client.application.commands.permissions.set({ guild: '892455839386304532', command: '123456789012345678', * permissions: [ * { * id: '876543210987654321', * type: 'USER', * permission: false, * }, * ]}) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Set the permissions for all commands * guild.commands.permissions.set({ fullPermissions: [ * { * id: '123456789012345678', * permissions: [{ * id: '876543210987654321', * type: 'USER', * permission: false, * }], * }, * ]}) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ async set({ guild, command, permissions, fullPermissions } = {}) { if(!this.manager.client.user.bot) throw new Error("INVALID_USER_METHOD"); const { guildId, commandId } = this._validateOptions(guild, command); if (commandId) { if (!Array.isArray(permissions)) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'permissions', 'Array of ApplicationCommandPermissionData', true); } const data = await this.permissionsPath(guildId, commandId).put({ data: { permissions: permissions.map(perm => this.constructor.transformPermissions(perm)) }, }); return data.permissions.map(perm => this.constructor.transformPermissions(perm, true)); } if (!Array.isArray(fullPermissions)) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'fullPermissions', 'Array of GuildApplicationCommandPermissionData', true); } const APIPermissions = []; for (const perm of fullPermissions) { if (!Array.isArray(perm.permissions)) throw new TypeError('INVALID_ELEMENT', 'Array', 'fullPermissions', perm); APIPermissions.push({ id: perm.id, permissions: perm.permissions.map(p => this.constructor.transformPermissions(p)), }); } const data = await this.permissionsPath(guildId).put({ data: APIPermissions, }); return data.reduce( (coll, perm) => coll.set( perm.id, perm.permissions.map(p => this.constructor.transformPermissions(p, true)), ), new Collection(), ); } /** * Options used to add permissions to a command * The `command` parameter is not optional when the managers `commandId` is `null` * @typedef {BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} AddApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions * @property {ApplicationCommandPermissionData[]} permissions The permissions to add to the command */ /** * Add permissions to a command. * @param {AddApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} options Options used to add permissions * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Block a role from the command permissions * guild.commands.permissions.add({ command: '123456789012345678', permissions: [ * { * id: '876543211234567890', * type: 'ROLE', * permission: false * }, * ]}) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ async add({ guild, command, permissions }) { if(!this.manager.client.user.bot) throw new Error("INVALID_USER_METHOD"); const { guildId, commandId } = this._validateOptions(guild, command); if (!commandId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'command', 'ApplicationCommandResolvable'); if (!Array.isArray(permissions)) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'permissions', 'Array of ApplicationCommandPermissionData', true); } let existing = []; try { existing = await this.fetch({ guild: guildId, command: commandId }); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== APIErrors.UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS) throw error; } const newPermissions = permissions.slice(); for (const perm of existing) { if (!newPermissions.some(x => x.id === perm.id)) { newPermissions.push(perm); } } return this.set({ guild: guildId, command: commandId, permissions: newPermissions }); } /** * Options used to remove permissions from a command * The `command` parameter is not optional when the managers `commandId` is `null` * @typedef {BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} RemoveApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions * @property {UserResolvable|UserResolvable[]} [users] The user(s) to remove from the command permissions * One of `users` or `roles` is required * @property {RoleResolvable|RoleResolvable[]} [roles] The role(s) to remove from the command permissions * One of `users` or `roles` is required */ /** * Remove permissions from a command. * @param {RemoveApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} options Options used to remove permissions * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Remove a user permission from this command * guild.commands.permissions.remove({ command: '123456789012345678', users: '876543210123456789' }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Remove multiple roles from this command * guild.commands.permissions.remove({ * command: '123456789012345678', roles: ['876543210123456789', '765432101234567890'] * }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ async remove({ guild, command, users, roles }) { if(!this.manager.client.user.bot) throw new Error("INVALID_USER_METHOD"); const { guildId, commandId } = this._validateOptions(guild, command); if (!commandId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'command', 'ApplicationCommandResolvable'); if (!users && !roles) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'users OR roles', 'Array or Resolvable', true); let resolvedIds = []; if (Array.isArray(users)) { users.forEach(user => { const userId = this.client.users.resolveId(user); if (!userId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_ELEMENT', 'Array', 'users', user); resolvedIds.push(userId); }); } else if (users) { const userId = this.client.users.resolveId(users); if (!userId) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'users', 'Array or UserResolvable'); } resolvedIds.push(userId); } if (Array.isArray(roles)) { roles.forEach(role => { if (typeof role === 'string') { resolvedIds.push(role); return; } if (!this.guild) throw new Error('GUILD_UNCACHED_ROLE_RESOLVE'); const roleId = this.guild.roles.resolveId(role); if (!roleId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_ELEMENT', 'Array', 'users', role); resolvedIds.push(roleId); }); } else if (roles) { if (typeof roles === 'string') { resolvedIds.push(roles); } else { if (!this.guild) throw new Error('GUILD_UNCACHED_ROLE_RESOLVE'); const roleId = this.guild.roles.resolveId(roles); if (!roleId) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'users', 'Array or RoleResolvable'); } resolvedIds.push(roleId); } } let existing = []; try { existing = await this.fetch({ guild: guildId, command: commandId }); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== APIErrors.UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS) throw error; } const permissions = existing.filter(perm => !resolvedIds.includes(perm.id)); return this.set({ guild: guildId, command: commandId, permissions }); } /** * Options used to check the existence of permissions on a command * The `command` parameter is not optional when the managers `commandId` is `null` * @typedef {BaseApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} HasApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions * @property {UserResolvable|RoleResolvable} permissionId The user or role to check if a permission exists for * on this command. */ /** * Check whether a permission exists for a user or role * @param {AddApplicationCommandPermissionsOptions} options Options used to check permissions * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Check whether a user has permission to use a command * guild.commands.permissions.has({ command: '123456789012345678', permissionId: '876543210123456789' }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ async has({ guild, command, permissionId }) { const { guildId, commandId } = this._validateOptions(guild, command); if (!commandId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'command', 'ApplicationCommandResolvable'); if (!permissionId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'permissionId', 'UserResolvable or RoleResolvable'); let resolvedId = permissionId; if (typeof permissionId !== 'string') { resolvedId = this.client.users.resolveId(permissionId); if (!resolvedId) { if (!this.guild) throw new Error('GUILD_UNCACHED_ROLE_RESOLVE'); resolvedId = this.guild.roles.resolveId(permissionId); } if (!resolvedId) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'permissionId', 'UserResolvable or RoleResolvable'); } } let existing = []; try { existing = await this.fetch({ guild: guildId, command: commandId }); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== APIErrors.UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS) throw error; } return existing.some(perm => perm.id === resolvedId); } _validateOptions(guild, command) { const guildId = this.guildId ?? this.client.guilds.resolveId(guild); if (!guildId) throw new Error('GLOBAL_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS'); let commandId = this.commandId; if (command && !commandId) { commandId = this.manager.resolveId?.(command); if (!commandId && this.guild) { commandId = this.guild.commands.resolveId(command); } commandId ??= this.client.application?.commands.resolveId(command); if (!commandId) { throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'command', 'ApplicationCommandResolvable', true); } } return { guildId, commandId }; } /** * Transforms an {@link ApplicationCommandPermissionData} object into something that can be used with the API. * @param {ApplicationCommandPermissionData} permissions The permissions to transform * @param {boolean} [received] Whether these permissions have been received from Discord * @returns {APIApplicationCommandPermissions} * @private */ static transformPermissions(permissions, received) { return { id: permissions.id, permission: permissions.permission, type: typeof permissions.type === 'number' && !received ? permissions.type : ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes[permissions.type], }; } } module.exports = ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager; /* eslint-disable max-len */ /** * @external APIApplicationCommandPermissions * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-application-command-permissions-structure} */