'use strict'; const Base = require('./Base'); const { Error } = require('../errors'); const { GuildScheduledEventEntityTypes, GuildScheduledEventStatuses, GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevels, Endpoints, } = require('../util/Constants'); const SnowflakeUtil = require('../util/SnowflakeUtil'); /** * Represents a scheduled event in a {@link Guild}. * @extends {Base} */ class GuildScheduledEvent extends Base { constructor(client, data) { super(client); /** * The id of the guild scheduled event * @type {Snowflake} */ this.id = data.id; /** * The id of the guild this guild scheduled event belongs to * @type {Snowflake} */ this.guildId = data.guild_id; this._patch(data); } _patch(data) { if ('channel_id' in data) { /** * The channel id in which the scheduled event will be hosted, or `null` if entity type is `EXTERNAL` * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.channelId = data.channel_id; } else { this.channelId ??= null; } if ('creator_id' in data) { /** * The id of the user that created this guild scheduled event * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.creatorId = data.creator_id; } else { this.creatorId ??= null; } /** * The name of the guild scheduled event * @type {string} */ this.name = data.name; if ('description' in data) { /** * The description of the guild scheduled event * @type {?string} */ this.description = data.description; } else { this.description ??= null; } /** * The timestamp the guild scheduled event will start at * This can be potentially `null` only when it's an {@link AuditLogEntryTarget} * @type {?number} */ this.scheduledStartTimestamp = data.scheduled_start_time ? Date.parse(data.scheduled_start_time) : null; /** * The timestamp the guild scheduled event will end at, * or `null` if the event does not have a scheduled time to end * @type {?number} */ this.scheduledEndTimestamp = data.scheduled_end_time ? Date.parse(data.scheduled_end_time) : null; /** * The privacy level of the guild scheduled event * @type {PrivacyLevel} */ this.privacyLevel = GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevels[data.privacy_level]; /** * The status of the guild scheduled event * @type {GuildScheduledEventStatus} */ this.status = GuildScheduledEventStatuses[data.status]; /** * The type of hosting entity associated with the scheduled event * @type {GuildScheduledEventEntityType} */ this.entityType = GuildScheduledEventEntityTypes[data.entity_type]; if ('entity_id' in data) { /** * The id of the hosting entity associated with the scheduled event * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.entityId = data.entity_id; } else { this.entityId ??= null; } if ('user_count' in data) { /** * The number of users who are subscribed to this guild scheduled event * @type {?number} */ this.userCount = data.user_count; } else { this.userCount ??= null; } if ('creator' in data) { /** * The user that created this guild scheduled event * @type {?User} */ this.creator = this.client.users._add(data.creator); } else { this.creator ??= this.client.users.resolve(this.creatorId); } /* eslint-disable max-len */ /** * Represents the additional metadata for a {@link GuildScheduledEvent} * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-entity-metadata} * @typedef {Object} GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata * @property {?string} location The location of the guild scheduled event */ /* eslint-enable max-len */ if ('entity_metadata' in data) { if (data.entity_metadata) { /** * Additional metadata * @type {?GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata} */ this.entityMetadata = { location: data.entity_metadata.location ?? this.entityMetadata?.location ?? null, }; } else { this.entityMetadata = null; } } else { this.entityMetadata ??= null; } } /** * The timestamp the guild scheduled event was created at * @type {number} * @readonly */ get createdTimestamp() { return SnowflakeUtil.timestampFrom(this.id); } /** * The time the guild scheduled event was created at * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return new Date(this.createdTimestamp); } /** * The time the guild scheduled event will start at * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get scheduledStartAt() { return new Date(this.scheduledStartTimestamp); } /** * The time the guild scheduled event will end at, * or `null` if the event does not have a scheduled time to end * @type {?Date} * @readonly */ get scheduledEndAt() { return this.scheduledEndTimestamp && new Date(this.scheduledEndTimestamp); } /** * The channel associated with this scheduled event * @type {?(VoiceChannel|StageChannel)} * @readonly */ get channel() { return this.client.channels.resolve(this.channelId); } /** * The guild this scheduled event belongs to * @type {?Guild} * @readonly */ get guild() { return this.client.guilds.resolve(this.guildId); } /** * The URL to the guild scheduled event * @type {string} * @readonly */ get url() { return Endpoints.scheduledEvent(this.client.options.http.scheduledEvent, this.guildId, this.id); } /** * Options used to create an invite URL to a {@link GuildScheduledEvent} * @typedef {CreateInviteOptions} CreateGuildScheduledEventInviteURLOptions * @property {GuildInvitableChannelResolvable} [channel] The channel to create the invite in. * This is required when the `entityType` of `GuildScheduledEvent` is `EXTERNAL`, gets ignored otherwise */ /** * Creates an invite URL to this guild scheduled event. * @param {CreateGuildScheduledEventInviteURLOptions} [options] The options to create the invite * @returns {Promise} */ async createInviteURL(options) { let channelId = this.channelId; if (this.entityType === 'EXTERNAL') { if (!options?.channel) throw new Error('INVITE_OPTIONS_MISSING_CHANNEL'); channelId = this.guild.channels.resolveId(options.channel); if (!channelId) throw new Error('GUILD_CHANNEL_RESOLVE'); } const invite = await this.guild.invites.create(channelId, options); return Endpoints.invite(this.client.options.http.invite, invite.code, this.id); } /** * Edits this guild scheduled event. * @param {GuildScheduledEventEditOptions} options The options to edit the guild scheduled event * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.edit({ name: 'Party' }) * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(guildScheduledEvent)) * .catch(console.error); */ edit(options) { return this.guild.scheduledEvents.edit(this.id, options); } /** * Deletes this guild scheduled event. * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Delete a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.delete() * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(guildScheduledEvent)) * .catch(console.error); */ async delete() { await this.guild.scheduledEvents.delete(this.id); return this; } /** * Sets a new name for the guild scheduled event. * @param {string} name The new name of the guild scheduled event * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the name * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set name of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setName('Birthday Party') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the name to: ${guildScheduledEvent.name}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setName(name, reason) { return this.edit({ name, reason }); } /** * Sets a new time to schedule the event at. * @param {DateResolvable} scheduledStartTime The time to schedule the event at * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the scheduled start time * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set start time of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setScheduledStartTime('2022-09-24T00:00:00+05:30') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the start time to: ${guildScheduledEvent.scheduledStartTime}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setScheduledStartTime(scheduledStartTime, reason) { return this.edit({ scheduledStartTime, reason }); } // TODO: scheduledEndTime gets reset on passing null but it hasn't been documented /** * Sets a new time to end the event at. * @param {DateResolvable} scheduledEndTime The time to end the event at * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the scheduled end time * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set end time of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setScheduledEndTime('2022-09-25T00:00:00+05:30') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the end time to: ${guildScheduledEvent.scheduledEndTime}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setScheduledEndTime(scheduledEndTime, reason) { return this.edit({ scheduledEndTime, reason }); } /** * Sets the new description of the guild scheduled event. * @param {string} description The description of the guild scheduled event * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the description * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set description of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setDescription('A virtual birthday party') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the description to: ${guildScheduledEvent.description}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setDescription(description, reason) { return this.edit({ description, reason }); } /** * Sets the new status of the guild scheduled event. * If you're working with TypeScript, use this method in conjunction with status type-guards * like {@link GuildScheduledEvent#isScheduled} to get only valid status as suggestion * @param {GuildScheduledEventStatus|number} status The status of the guild scheduled event * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the status * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set status of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setStatus('ACTIVE') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the status to: ${guildScheduledEvent.status}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setStatus(status, reason) { return this.edit({ status, reason }); } /** * Sets the new location of the guild scheduled event. * @param {string} location The location of the guild scheduled event * @param {string} [reason] The reason for changing the location * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set location of a guild scheduled event * guildScheduledEvent.setLocation('Earth') * .then(guildScheduledEvent => console.log(`Set the location to: ${guildScheduledEvent.entityMetadata.location}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setLocation(location, reason) { return this.edit({ entityMetadata: { location }, reason }); } /** * Fetches subscribers of this guild scheduled event. * @param {FetchGuildScheduledEventSubscribersOptions} [options] Options for fetching the subscribers * @returns {Promise>} */ fetchSubscribers(options) { return this.guild.scheduledEvents.fetchSubscribers(this.id, options); } /** * When concatenated with a string, this automatically concatenates the event's URL instead of the object. * @returns {string} * @example * // Logs: Event: https://discord.com/events/412345678901234567/499876543211234567 * console.log(`Event: ${guildScheduledEvent}`); */ toString() { return this.url; } /** * Indicates whether this guild scheduled event has an `ACTIVE` status. * @returns {boolean} */ isActive() { return GuildScheduledEventStatuses[this.status] === GuildScheduledEventStatuses.ACTIVE; } /** * Indicates whether this guild scheduled event has a `CANCELED` status. * @returns {boolean} */ isCanceled() { return GuildScheduledEventStatuses[this.status] === GuildScheduledEventStatuses.CANCELED; } /** * Indicates whether this guild scheduled event has a `COMPLETED` status. * @returns {boolean} */ isCompleted() { return GuildScheduledEventStatuses[this.status] === GuildScheduledEventStatuses.COMPLETED; } /** * Indicates whether this guild scheduled event has a `SCHEDULED` status. * @returns {boolean} */ isScheduled() { return GuildScheduledEventStatuses[this.status] === GuildScheduledEventStatuses.SCHEDULED; } } exports.GuildScheduledEvent = GuildScheduledEvent;