'use strict'; const { DiscordSnowflake } = require('@sapphire/snowflake'); const { ChannelType, Routes } = require('discord-api-types/v9'); const Base = require('./Base'); const { ThreadChannelTypes } = require('../util/Constants'); let CategoryChannel; let DMChannel; let NewsChannel; let StageChannel; let StoreChannel; let TextChannel; let ThreadChannel; let VoiceChannel; /** * Represents any channel on Discord. * @extends {Base} * @abstract */ class Channel extends Base { constructor(client, data, immediatePatch = true) { super(client); /** * The type of the channel * @type {ChannelType} */ this.type = data.type; if (data && immediatePatch) this._patch(data); } _patch(data) { /** * The channel's id * @type {Snowflake} */ this.id = data.id; } /** * The timestamp the channel was created at * @type {number} * @readonly */ get createdTimestamp() { return DiscordSnowflake.timestampFrom(this.id); } /** * The time the channel was created at * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return new Date(this.createdTimestamp); } /** * The URL to the channel * @type {string} * @readonly */ get url() { return `https://discord.com/channels/${this.isDMBased() ? '@me' : this.guildId}/${this.id}`; } /** * Whether this Channel is a partial * This is always false outside of DM channels. * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get partial() { return false; } /** * When concatenated with a string, this automatically returns the channel's mention instead of the Channel object. * @returns {string} * @example * // Logs: Hello from <#123456789012345678>! * console.log(`Hello from ${channel}!`); */ toString() { return `<#${this.id}>`; } /** * Deletes this channel. * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Delete the channel * channel.delete() * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ async delete() { await this.client.api.channels(this.id).delete(); return this; } /** * Fetches this channel. * @param {boolean} [force=true] Whether to skip the cache check and request the API * @returns {Promise} */ fetch(force = true) { return this.client.channels.fetch(this.id, { force }); } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link TextChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isText() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildText; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link DMChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isDM() { return this.type === ChannelType.DM; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link VoiceChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isVoice() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildVoice; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link PartialGroupDMChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isGroupDM() { return this.type === ChannelType.GroupDM; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link CategoryChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isCategory() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildCategory; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link NewsChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isNews() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildNews; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link StoreChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isStore() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildStore; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link ThreadChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isThread() { return ThreadChannelTypes.includes(this.type); } /** * Indicates whether this channel is a {@link StageChannel}. * @returns {boolean} */ isStage() { return this.type === ChannelType.GuildStageVoice; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is {@link TextBasedChannels text-based}. * @returns {boolean} */ isTextBased() { return 'messages' in this; } /** * Indicates whether this channel is DM-based (either a {@link DMChannel} or a {@link PartialGroupDMChannel}). * @returns {boolean} */ isDMBased() { return [ChannelType.DM, ChannelType.GroupDM].includes(this.type); } /** * Indicates whether this channel is {@link BaseGuildVoiceChannel voice-based}. * @returns {boolean} */ isVoiceBased() { return 'bitrate' in this; } static create(client, data, guild, { allowUnknownGuild, fromInteraction } = {}) { CategoryChannel ??= require('./CategoryChannel'); DMChannel ??= require('./DMChannel'); NewsChannel ??= require('./NewsChannel'); StageChannel ??= require('./StageChannel'); StoreChannel ??= require('./StoreChannel'); TextChannel ??= require('./TextChannel'); ThreadChannel ??= require('./ThreadChannel'); VoiceChannel ??= require('./VoiceChannel'); let channel; if (!data.guild_id && !guild) { if ((data.recipients && data.type !== ChannelType.GroupDM) || data.type === ChannelType.DM) { channel = new DMChannel(client, data); } else if (data.type === ChannelType.GroupDM) { const PartialGroupDMChannel = require('./PartialGroupDMChannel'); channel = new PartialGroupDMChannel(client, data); } } else { guild ??= client.guilds.cache.get(data.guild_id); if (guild || allowUnknownGuild) { switch (data.type) { case ChannelType.GuildText: { channel = new TextChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildVoice: { channel = new VoiceChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildCategory: { channel = new CategoryChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildNews: { channel = new NewsChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildStore: { channel = new StoreChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildStageVoice: { channel = new StageChannel(guild, data, client); break; } case ChannelType.GuildNewsThread: case ChannelType.GuildPublicThread: case ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread: { channel = new ThreadChannel(guild, data, client, fromInteraction); if (!allowUnknownGuild) channel.parent?.threads.cache.set(channel.id, channel); break; } } if (channel && !allowUnknownGuild) guild.channels?.cache.set(channel.id, channel); } } return channel; } toJSON(...props) { return super.toJSON({ createdTimestamp: true }, ...props); } } exports.Channel = Channel; /** * @external APIChannel * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object} */