'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer'); const fs = require('node:fs/promises'); const path = require('node:path'); const stream = require('node:stream'); const { fetch } = require('undici'); const { Error: DiscordError, TypeError } = require('../errors'); const Invite = require('../structures/Invite'); /** * The DataResolver identifies different objects and tries to resolve a specific piece of information from them. * @private */ class DataResolver extends null { /** * Data that can be resolved to give an invite code. This can be: * * An invite code * * An invite URL * @typedef {string} InviteResolvable */ /** * Data that can be resolved to give a template code. This can be: * * A template code * * A template URL * @typedef {string} GuildTemplateResolvable */ /** * Resolves the string to a code based on the passed regex. * @param {string} data The string to resolve * @param {RegExp} regex The RegExp used to extract the code * @returns {string} */ static resolveCode(data, regex) { return data.matchAll(regex).next().value?.[1] ?? data; } /** * Resolves InviteResolvable to an invite code. * @param {InviteResolvable} data The invite resolvable to resolve * @returns {string} */ static resolveInviteCode(data) { return this.resolveCode(data, Invite.INVITES_PATTERN); } /** * Resolves GuildTemplateResolvable to a template code. * @param {GuildTemplateResolvable} data The template resolvable to resolve * @returns {string} */ static resolveGuildTemplateCode(data) { const GuildTemplate = require('../structures/GuildTemplate'); return this.resolveCode(data, GuildTemplate.GUILD_TEMPLATES_PATTERN); } /** * Resolves a Base64Resolvable, a string, or a BufferResolvable to a Base 64 image. * @param {BufferResolvable|Base64Resolvable} image The image to be resolved * @returns {Promise} */ static async resolveImage(image) { if (!image) return null; if (typeof image === 'string' && image.startsWith('data:')) { return image; } const file = await this.resolveFile(image); return this.resolveBase64(file); } /** * Data that resolves to give a Base64 string, typically for image uploading. This can be: * * A Buffer * * A base64 string * @typedef {Buffer|string} Base64Resolvable */ /** * Resolves a Base64Resolvable to a Base 64 image. * @param {Base64Resolvable} data The base 64 resolvable you want to resolve * @returns {?string} */ static resolveBase64(data) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) return `data:image/jpg;base64,${data.toString('base64')}`; return data; } /** * Data that can be resolved to give a Buffer. This can be: * * A Buffer * * The path to a local file * * A URL When provided a URL, discord.js will fetch the URL internally in order to create a Buffer. * This can pose a security risk when the URL has not been sanitized * @typedef {string|Buffer} BufferResolvable */ /** * @external Stream * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html} */ /** * Resolves a BufferResolvable to a Buffer. * @param {BufferResolvable|Stream} resource The buffer or stream resolvable to resolve * @returns {Promise} */ static async resolveFile(resource) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(resource)) return resource; if (resource instanceof stream.Readable) { const buffers = []; for await (const data of resource) buffers.push(data); return Buffer.concat(buffers); } if (typeof resource === 'string') { if (/^https?:\/\//.test(resource)) { const res = await fetch(resource); return Buffer.from(await res.arrayBuffer()); } const file = path.resolve(resource); const stats = await fs.stat(file); if (!stats.isFile()) throw new DiscordError('FILE_NOT_FOUND', file); return fs.readFile(file); } throw new TypeError('REQ_RESOURCE_TYPE'); } } module.exports = DataResolver;