'use strict'; const BaseMessageComponent = require('./BaseMessageComponent'); const { Message } = require('./Message'); const { MessageComponentTypes } = require('../util/Constants'); const Util = require('../util/Util'); /** * Represents a select menu message component * @extends {BaseMessageComponent} */ class MessageSelectMenu extends BaseMessageComponent { /** * @typedef {BaseMessageComponentOptions} MessageSelectMenuOptions * @property {string} [customId] A unique string to be sent in the interaction when clicked * @property {string} [placeholder] Custom placeholder text to display when nothing is selected * @property {number} [minValues] The minimum number of selections required * @property {number} [maxValues] The maximum number of selections allowed * @property {MessageSelectOption[]} [options] Options for the select menu * @property {boolean} [disabled=false] Disables the select menu to prevent interactions */ /** * @typedef {Object} MessageSelectOption * @property {string} label The text to be displayed on this option * @property {string} value The value to be sent for this option * @property {?string} description Optional description to show for this option * @property {?RawEmoji} emoji Emoji to display for this option * @property {boolean} default Render this option as the default selection */ /** * @typedef {Object} MessageSelectOptionData * @property {string} label The text to be displayed on this option * @property {string} value The value to be sent for this option * @property {string} [description] Optional description to show for this option * @property {EmojiIdentifierResolvable} [emoji] Emoji to display for this option * @property {boolean} [default] Render this option as the default selection */ /** * @param {MessageSelectMenu|MessageSelectMenuOptions} [data={}] MessageSelectMenu to clone or raw data */ constructor(data = {}) { super({ type: 'SELECT_MENU' }); this.setup(data); } setup(data) { /** * A unique string to be sent in the interaction when clicked * @type {?string} */ this.customId = data.custom_id ?? data.customId ?? null; /** * Custom placeholder text to display when nothing is selected * @type {?string} */ this.placeholder = data.placeholder ?? null; /** * The minimum number of selections required * @type {?number} */ this.minValues = data.min_values ?? data.minValues ?? null; /** * The maximum number of selections allowed * @type {?number} */ this.maxValues = data.max_values ?? data.maxValues ?? null; /** * Options for the select menu * @type {MessageSelectOption[]} */ this.options = this.constructor.normalizeOptions(data.options ?? []); /** * Whether this select menu is currently disabled * @type {boolean} */ this.disabled = data.disabled ?? false; } /** * Sets the custom id of this select menu * @param {string} customId A unique string to be sent in the interaction when clicked * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setCustomId(customId) { this.customId = Util.verifyString(customId, RangeError, 'SELECT_MENU_CUSTOM_ID'); return this; } /** * Sets the interactive status of the select menu * @param {boolean} [disabled=true] Whether this select menu should be disabled * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setDisabled(disabled = true) { this.disabled = disabled; return this; } /** * Sets the maximum number of selections allowed for this select menu * @param {number} maxValues Number of selections to be allowed * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setMaxValues(maxValues) { this.maxValues = maxValues; return this; } /** * Sets the minimum number of selections required for this select menu * This will default the maxValues to the number of options, unless manually set * @param {number} minValues Number of selections to be required * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setMinValues(minValues) { this.minValues = minValues; return this; } /** * Sets the placeholder of this select menu * @param {string} placeholder Custom placeholder text to display when nothing is selected * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setPlaceholder(placeholder) { this.placeholder = Util.verifyString(placeholder, RangeError, 'SELECT_MENU_PLACEHOLDER'); return this; } /** * Adds options to the select menu. * @param {...MessageSelectOptionData|MessageSelectOptionData[]} options The options to add * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ addOptions(...options) { this.options.push(...this.constructor.normalizeOptions(options)); return this; } /** * Sets the options of the select menu. * @param {...MessageSelectOptionData|MessageSelectOptionData[]} options The options to set * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ setOptions(...options) { this.spliceOptions(0, this.options.length, options); return this; } /** * Removes, replaces, and inserts options in the select menu. * @param {number} index The index to start at * @param {number} deleteCount The number of options to remove * @param {...MessageSelectOptionData|MessageSelectOptionData[]} [options] The replacing option objects * @returns {MessageSelectMenu} */ spliceOptions(index, deleteCount, ...options) { this.options.splice(index, deleteCount, ...this.constructor.normalizeOptions(...options)); return this; } /** * Transforms the select menu into a plain object * @returns {APIMessageSelectMenu} The raw data of this select menu */ toJSON() { return { custom_id: this.customId, disabled: this.disabled, placeholder: this.placeholder, min_values: this.minValues, max_values: this.maxValues ?? (this.minValues ? this.options.length : undefined), options: this.options, type: typeof this.type === 'string' ? MessageComponentTypes[this.type] : this.type, }; } /** * Normalizes option input and resolves strings and emojis. * @param {MessageSelectOptionData} option The select menu option to normalize * @returns {MessageSelectOption} */ static normalizeOption(option) { let { label, value, description, emoji } = option; label = Util.verifyString(label, RangeError, 'SELECT_OPTION_LABEL'); value = Util.verifyString(value, RangeError, 'SELECT_OPTION_VALUE'); emoji = emoji ? Util.resolvePartialEmoji(emoji) : null; description = description ? Util.verifyString(description, RangeError, 'SELECT_OPTION_DESCRIPTION', true) : null; return { label, value, description, emoji, default: option.default ?? false }; } /** * Normalizes option input and resolves strings and emojis. * @param {...MessageSelectOptionData|MessageSelectOptionData[]} options The select menu options to normalize * @returns {MessageSelectOption[]} */ static normalizeOptions(...options) { return options.flat(Infinity).map(option => this.normalizeOption(option)); } // Add /** * Mesage select menu * @param {Message} message The message this select menu is for * @param {Array} values The values of the select menu * @returns {Promise} */ async select(message, values = []) { // Github copilot is the best :)) // POST data from https://github.com/phamleduy04 if (!(message instanceof Message)) throw new Error('[UNKNOWN_MESSAGE] Please pass a valid Message'); if (!Array.isArray(values)) throw new TypeError('[INVALID_VALUES] Please pass an array of values'); if (!this.customId || this.disabled || values.length == 0) return false; // Disabled or null customID or [] array // Check value is invalid [Max options is 20] => For loop if (values.length < this.minValues) { throw new RangeError(`[SELECT_MENU_MIN_VALUES] The minimum number of values is ${this.minValues}`); } if (values.length > this.maxValues) { throw new RangeError(`[SELECT_MENU_MAX_VALUES] The maximum number of values is ${this.maxValues}`); } const validValue = this.options.map(obj => obj.value); const check_ = await values.find(element => { if (typeof element !== 'string') return true; if (!validValue.includes(element)) return true; return false; }); if (check_) { throw new RangeError( `[SELECT_MENU_INVALID_VALUE] The value ${check_} is invalid. Please use a valid value ${validValue.join(', ')}`, ); } await message.client.api.interactions.post({ data: { type: 3, // ? guild_id: message.guild?.id ?? null, // In DMs channel_id: message.channel.id, message_id: message.id, application_id: message.author.id, session_id: message.client.session_id, message_flags: message.flags.bitfield, data: { component_type: 3, // Select Menu custom_id: this.customId, type: 3, // Select Menu values, }, }, }); return true; } } module.exports = MessageSelectMenu;