'use strict'; const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection'); const { joinVoiceChannel, entersState, VoiceConnectionStatus } = require('@discordjs/voice'); const { Channel } = require('./Channel'); const Invite = require('./Invite'); const User = require('./User'); const TextBasedChannel = require('./interfaces/TextBasedChannel'); const { Error } = require('../errors'); const MessageManager = require('../managers/MessageManager'); const { Status } = require('../util/Constants'); const DataResolver = require('../util/DataResolver'); /** * Represents a Partial Group DM Channel on Discord. * @extends {Channel} */ class PartialGroupDMChannel extends Channel { constructor(client, data) { super(client, data); /** * The name of this Group DM Channel * @type {?string} */ this.name = data.name; /** * The hash of the channel icon * @type {?string} */ this.icon = data.icon; /** * Recipient data received in a {@link PartialGroupDMChannel}. * @typedef {Object} PartialRecipient * @property {string} username The username of the recipient */ /** * The recipients of this Group DM Channel. * @type {PartialRecipient[]} */ this.recipients = new Collection(); /** * Messages data * @type {Collection} */ this.messages = new MessageManager(this); /** * Last Message ID * @type {?snowflake} */ this.lastMessageId = null; /** * Last Pin Timestamp * @type {UnixTimestamp} */ this.lastPinTimestamp = null; /** * The owner of this Group DM Channel * @type {?User} * @readonly */ this.owner = client.users.cache.get(data.owner_id); this.ownerId = data.owner_id; /** * Invites fetch * @type {Collection} */ this.invites = new Collection(); this._setup(client, data); } /** * * @param {Discord.Client} client Discord Bot Client * @param {Object} data Channel Data * @private */ _setup(client, data) { if ('recipients' in data) { Promise.all( data.recipients.map(recipient => this.recipients.set(recipient.id, client.users.cache.get(data.owner_id) || recipient), ), ); } if ('last_pin_timestamp' in data) { const date = new Date(data.last_pin_timestamp); this.lastPinTimestamp = date.getTime(); } if ('last_message_id' in data) { this.lastMessageId = data.last_message_id; } } /** * * @param {Object} data name, icon * @returns {any} any data .-. * @private */ async edit(data) { const _data = {}; if ('name' in data) _data.name = data.name?.trim() ?? null; if (typeof data.icon !== 'undefined') { _data.icon = await DataResolver.resolveImage(data.icon); } const newData = await this.client.api.channels(this.id).patch({ data: _data, }); return this.client.actions.ChannelUpdate.handle(newData).updated; } /** * The URL to this channel's icon. * @param {StaticImageURLOptions} [options={}] Options for the Image URL * @returns {?string} */ iconURL({ format, size } = {}) { return this.icon && this.client.rest.cdn.GDMIcon(this.id, this.icon, format, size); } async addMember(user) { if (this.ownerId !== this.client.user.id) { return Promise.reject(new Error('NOT_OWNER_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); } if (!(user instanceof User)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('User is not an instance of Discord.User')); } if (this.recipients.get(user.id)) return Promise.reject(new Error('USER_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); // await this.client.api.channels[this.id].recipients[user.id].put(); this.recipients.set(user.id, user); return this; } async removeMember(user) { if (this.ownerId !== this.client.user.id) { return Promise.reject(new Error('NOT_OWNER_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); } if (!(user instanceof User)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('User is not an instance of Discord.User')); } if (!this.recipients.get(user.id)) return Promise.reject(new Error('USER_NOT_IN_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); await this.client.api.channels[this.id].recipients[user.id].delete(); this.recipients.delete(user.id); return this; } setName(name) { return this.edit({ name }); } setIcon(icon) { return this.edit({ icon }); } async getInvite() { const inviteCode = await this.client.api.channels(this.id).invites.post({ data: { max_age: 86400, }, }); const invite = new Invite(this.client, inviteCode); this.invites.set(invite.code, invite); return invite; } async fetchInvite(force = false) { if (this.ownerId !== this.client.user.id) { return Promise.reject(new Error('NOT_OWNER_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); } if (!force && this.invites.size) return this.invites; const invites = await this.client.api.channels(this.id).invites.get(); await Promise.all(invites.map(invite => this.invites.set(invite.code, new Invite(this.client, invite)))); return this.invites; } async removeInvite(invite) { if (this.ownerId !== this.client.user.id) { return Promise.reject(new Error('NOT_OWNER_GROUP_DM_CHANNEL')); } if (!(invite instanceof Invite)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Invite is not an instance of Discord.Invite')); } await this.client.api.channels(this.id).invites[invite.code].delete(); this.invites.delete(invite.code); return this; } // These are here only for documentation purposes - they are implemented by TextBasedChannel /* eslint-disable no-empty-function */ get lastMessage() {} get lastPinAt() {} send() {} sendTyping() {} // Testing feature: Call // URL: https://discord.com/api/v9/channels/DMchannelId/call/ring /** * Call this Group DMChannel. Return discordjs/voice VoiceConnection * @param {Object} options Options for the call (selfDeaf, selfMute: Boolean) * @returns {Promise} */ call(options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.client.api .channels(this.id) .call.ring.post({ body: { recipients: null, }, }) .catch(e => { console.error('Emit ring error:', e.message); }); const connection = joinVoiceChannel({ channelId: this.id, guildId: null, adapterCreator: this.voiceAdapterCreator, selfDeaf: options.selfDeaf ?? false, selfMute: options.selfMute ?? false, }); entersState(connection, VoiceConnectionStatus.Ready, 30000) .then(connection => { resolve(connection); }) .catch(err => { connection.destroy(); reject(err); }); }); } get shard() { return this.client.ws.shards.first(); } get voiceAdapterCreator() { return methods => { this.client.voice.adapters.set(this.id, methods); return { sendPayload: data => { data.d = { ...data.d, self_video: false, }; if (this.shard.status !== Status.READY) return false; this.shard.send(data); return true; }, destroy: () => { this.client.voice.adapters.delete(this.id); }, }; }; } } TextBasedChannel.applyToClass(PartialGroupDMChannel, true, [ 'bulkDelete', 'fetchWebhooks', 'createWebhook', 'setRateLimitPerUser', 'setNSFW', ]); module.exports = PartialGroupDMChannel;