'use strict'; const { ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataTypes } = require('../util/Constants'); class ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata { constructor(data) { /** * The name of this metadata field * @type {string} */ this.name = data.name; /** * The name localizations for this metadata field * @type {?Object} */ this.nameLocalizations = data.name_localizations ?? null; /** * The description of this metadata field * @type {string} */ this.description = data.description; /** * The description localizations for this metadata field * @type {?Object} */ this.descriptionLocalizations = data.description_localizations ?? null; /** * The dictionary key for this metadata field * @type {string} */ this.key = data.key; /** * The type of this metadata field * @type {ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataType} */ this.type = typeof data.type === 'number' ? ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataTypes[data.type] : data.type; } } exports.ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata = ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata;