'use strict'; const process = require('node:process'); const Base = require('./Base'); const { Error } = require('../errors'); const { StickerFormatTypes, StickerTypes } = require('../util/Constants'); const SnowflakeUtil = require('../util/SnowflakeUtil'); /** * @type {WeakSet} * @private * @internal */ const deletedStickers = new WeakSet(); let deprecationEmittedForDeleted = false; /** * Represents a Sticker. * @extends {Base} */ class Sticker extends Base { constructor(client, sticker) { super(client); this._patch(sticker); } _patch(sticker) { /** * The sticker's id * @type {Snowflake} */ this.id = sticker.id; if ('description' in sticker) { /** * The description of the sticker * @type {?string} */ this.description = sticker.description; } else { this.description ??= null; } if ('type' in sticker) { /** * The type of the sticker * @type {?StickerType} */ this.type = StickerTypes[sticker.type]; } else { this.type ??= null; } if ('format_type' in sticker) { /** * The format of the sticker * @type {StickerFormatType} */ this.format = StickerFormatTypes[sticker.format_type]; } if ('name' in sticker) { /** * The name of the sticker * @type {string} */ this.name = sticker.name; } if ('pack_id' in sticker) { /** * The id of the pack the sticker is from, for standard stickers * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.packId = sticker.pack_id; } else { this.packId ??= null; } if ('tags' in sticker) { /** * An array of tags for the sticker * @type {?string[]} */ this.tags = sticker.tags.split(', '); } else { this.tags ??= null; } if ('available' in sticker) { /** * Whether or not the guild sticker is available * @type {?boolean} */ this.available = sticker.available; } else { this.available ??= null; } if ('guild_id' in sticker) { /** * The id of the guild that owns this sticker * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.guildId = sticker.guild_id; } else { this.guildId ??= null; } if ('user' in sticker) { /** * The user that uploaded the guild sticker * @type {?User} */ this.user = this.client.users._add(sticker.user); } else { this.user ??= null; } if ('sort_value' in sticker) { /** * The standard sticker's sort order within its pack * @type {?number} */ this.sortValue = sticker.sort_value; } else { this.sortValue ??= null; } } /** * The timestamp the sticker was created at * @type {number} * @readonly */ get createdTimestamp() { return SnowflakeUtil.timestampFrom(this.id); } /** * The time the sticker was created at * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return new Date(this.createdTimestamp); } /** * Whether or not the sticker has been deleted * @type {boolean} * @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091 */ get deleted() { if (!deprecationEmittedForDeleted) { deprecationEmittedForDeleted = true; process.emitWarning( 'Sticker#deleted is deprecated, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091.', 'DeprecationWarning', ); } return deletedStickers.has(this); } set deleted(value) { if (!deprecationEmittedForDeleted) { deprecationEmittedForDeleted = true; process.emitWarning( 'Sticker#deleted is deprecated, see https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/7091.', 'DeprecationWarning', ); } if (value) deletedStickers.add(this); else deletedStickers.delete(this); } /** * Whether this sticker is partial * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get partial() { return !this.type; } /** * The guild that owns this sticker * @type {?Guild} * @readonly */ get guild() { return this.client.guilds.resolve(this.guildId); } /** * A link to the sticker * If the sticker's format is LOTTIE, it returns the URL of the Lottie JSON file. * @type {string} */ get url() { return this.client.rest.cdn.Sticker(this.id, this.format); } /** * Fetches this sticker. * @returns {Promise} */ async fetch() { const data = await this.client.api.stickers(this.id).get(); this._patch(data); return this; } /** * Fetches the pack this sticker is part of from Discord, if this is a Nitro sticker. * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchPack() { return (this.packId && (await this.client.fetchPremiumStickerPacks()).get(this.packId)) ?? null; } /** * Fetches the user who uploaded this sticker, if this is a guild sticker. * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchUser() { if (this.partial) await this.fetch(); if (!this.guildId) throw new Error('NOT_GUILD_STICKER'); return this.guild.stickers.fetchUser(this); } /** * Data for editing a sticker. * @typedef {Object} GuildStickerEditData * @property {string} [name] The name of the sticker * @property {?string} [description] The description of the sticker * @property {string} [tags] The Discord name of a unicode emoji representing the sticker's expression */ /** * Edits the sticker. * @param {GuildStickerEditData} [data] The new data for the sticker * @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing this sticker * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Update the name of a sticker * sticker.edit({ name: 'new name' }) * .then(s => console.log(`Updated the name of the sticker to ${s.name}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ edit(data, reason) { return this.guild.stickers.edit(this, data, reason); } /** * Deletes the sticker. * @returns {Promise} * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting this sticker * @example * // Delete a message * sticker.delete() * .then(s => console.log(`Deleted sticker ${s.name}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ async delete(reason) { await this.guild.stickers.delete(this, reason); return this; } /** * Whether this sticker is the same as another one. * @param {Sticker|APISticker} other The sticker to compare it to * @returns {boolean} */ equals(other) { if (other instanceof Sticker) { return ( other.id === this.id && other.description === this.description && other.type === this.type && other.format === this.format && other.name === this.name && other.packId === this.packId && other.tags.length === this.tags.length && other.tags.every(tag => this.tags.includes(tag)) && other.available === this.available && other.guildId === this.guildId && other.sortValue === this.sortValue ); } else { return ( other.id === this.id && other.description === this.description && other.name === this.name && other.tags === this.tags.join(', ') ); } } } exports.Sticker = Sticker; exports.deletedStickers = deletedStickers; /** * @external APISticker * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/sticker#sticker-object} */