'use strict'; const BaseGuildEmoji = require('./BaseGuildEmoji'); const { Error } = require('../errors'); const GuildEmojiRoleManager = require('../managers/GuildEmojiRoleManager'); const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions'); /** * Represents a custom emoji. * @extends {BaseGuildEmoji} */ class GuildEmoji extends BaseGuildEmoji { constructor(client, data, guild) { super(client, data, guild); /** * The user who created this emoji * @type {?User} */ this.author = null; /** * Array of role ids this emoji is active for * @name GuildEmoji#_roles * @type {Snowflake[]} * @private */ Object.defineProperty(this, '_roles', { value: [], writable: true }); this._patch(data); } /** * The guild this emoji is part of * @type {Guild} * @name GuildEmoji#guild */ _clone() { const clone = super._clone(); clone._roles = this._roles.slice(); return clone; } _patch(data) { super._patch(data); if (data.user) this.author = this.client.users._add(data.user); if (data.roles) this._roles = data.roles; } /** * Whether the emoji is deletable by the client user * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get deletable() { if (!this.guild.me) throw new Error('GUILD_UNCACHED_ME'); return !this.managed && this.guild.members.me.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS); } /** * A manager for roles this emoji is active for. * @type {GuildEmojiRoleManager} * @readonly */ get roles() { return new GuildEmojiRoleManager(this); } /** * Fetches the author for this emoji * @returns {Promise} */ fetchAuthor() { return this.guild.emojis.fetchAuthor(this); } /** * Data for editing an emoji. * @typedef {Object} GuildEmojiEditData * @property {string} [name] The name of the emoji * @property {Collection|RoleResolvable[]} [roles] Roles to restrict emoji to */ /** * Edits the emoji. * @param {GuildEmojiEditData} data The new data for the emoji * @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing this emoji * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit an emoji * emoji.edit({ name: 'newemoji' }) * .then(e => console.log(`Edited emoji ${e}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ async edit(data, reason) { const roles = data.roles?.map(r => r.id ?? r); const newData = await this.client.api .guilds(this.guild.id) .emojis(this.id) .patch({ data: { name: data.name, roles, }, reason, }); const clone = this._clone(); clone._patch(newData); return clone; } /** * Sets the name of the emoji. * @param {string} name The new name for the emoji * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the emoji's name * @returns {Promise} */ setName(name, reason) { return this.edit({ name }, reason); } /** * Deletes the emoji. * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting the emoji * @returns {Promise} */ async delete(reason) { await this.guild.emojis.delete(this, reason); return this; } /** * Whether this emoji is the same as another one. * @param {GuildEmoji|APIEmoji} other The emoji to compare it to * @returns {boolean} */ equals(other) { if (other instanceof GuildEmoji) { return ( other.id === this.id && other.name === this.name && other.managed === this.managed && other.available === this.available && other.requiresColons === this.requiresColons && other.roles.cache.size === this.roles.cache.size && other.roles.cache.every(role => this.roles.cache.has(role.id)) ); } else { return ( other.id === this.id && other.name === this.name && other.roles.length === this.roles.cache.size && other.roles.every(role => this.roles.cache.has(role)) ); } } } module.exports = GuildEmoji;