'use strict'; const crypto = require('crypto'); const { ActivityTypes } = require('../util/Constants'); const { resolvePartialEmoji } = require('../util/Util'); // eslint-disable-next-line const getUUID = () => ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, a => (a ^ ((Math.random() * 16) >> (a / 4))).toString(16)); // Function check url valid (ok copilot) // eslint-disable-next-line const checkUrl = url => /^(?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~:/?#[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=.]+$/.test(url); class CustomStatus { /** * @typedef {Object} CustomStatusOptions * @property {string} [state] The state to be displayed * @property {EmojiIdentifierResolvable} [emoji] The emoji to be displayed */ /** * @param {CustomStatus|CustomStatusOptions} [data={}] CustomStatus to clone or raw data */ constructor(data = {}) { this.name = 'Custom Status'; /** * The emoji to be displayed * @type {?EmojiIdentifierResolvable} */ this.emoji = null; this.type = ActivityTypes.CUSTOM; /** * The state to be displayed * @type {?string} */ this.state = null; this.setup(data); } /** * Sets the status from a JSON object * @param {CustomStatus|CustomStatusOptions} data CustomStatus to clone or raw data * @private */ setup(data) { this.emoji = data.emoji ? resolvePartialEmoji(data.emoji) : null; this.state = data.state; } /** * Set the emoji of this activity * @param {EmojiIdentifierResolvable} emoji The emoji to be displayed * @returns {CustomStatus} */ setEmoji(emoji) { this.emoji = resolvePartialEmoji(emoji); return this; } /** * Set state of this activity * @param {string | null} state The state to be displayed * @returns {CustomStatus} */ setState(state) { if (typeof state == 'string' && state.length > 128) throw new Error('State must be less than 128 characters'); this.state = state; return this; } /** * Returns an object that can be used to set the status * @returns {CustomStatus} */ toJSON() { if (!this.emoji & !this.state) throw new Error('CustomStatus must have at least one of emoji or state'); return { name: this.name, emoji: this.emoji, type: this.type, state: this.state, }; } /** * When concatenated with a string, this automatically returns the activities' name instead of the Activity object. * @returns {string} */ toString() { return this.name; } _clone() { return Object.assign(Object.create(this), this); } } class RichPresence { /** * @param {Client} [client] Discord client * @param {RichPresence} [data={}] RichPresence to clone or raw data * @param {boolean} [IPC=false] Whether to use IPC (RPC for Discord Apps) */ constructor(client = {}, data = {}, IPC = false) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); /** * The activity's name * @type {string} */ this.name = null; /** * The activity status's type * @type {ActivityType} */ this.type = ActivityTypes.PLAYING; /** * If the activity is being streamed, a link to the stream * @type {?string} */ this.url = null; /** * The id of the application associated with this activity * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.application_id = null; /** * State of the activity * @type {?string} */ this.state = null; /** * Details about the activity * @type {?string} */ this.details = null; /** * Party of the activity * @type {?ActivityParty} */ this.party = null; /** * Timestamps for the activity * @type {?ActivityTimestamps} */ this.timestamps = null; /** * Assets for rich presence * @type {?RichPresenceAssets} */ this.assets = null; /** * The labels of the buttons of this rich presence * @type {string[]} */ this.buttons = null; this.ipc = IPC; this.setup(data); } /** * Sets the status from a JSON object * @param {RichPresence} data data * @private */ setup(data) { this.name = data.name; this.type = typeof data.type != 'number' ? ActivityTypes[data.type?.toUpperCase()] : data.type; this.application_id = data.application_id; this.url = data.url; this.state = data.state; this.details = data.details; this.party = data.party; this.timestamps = data.timestamps; this.created_at = data.created_at; this.secrets = data.secrets; this.assets = data.assets; this.buttons = data.buttons; this.metadata = data.metadata; } /** * Set the large image of this activity * @param {?any} image The large image asset's id * @returns {RichPresence} */ setAssetsLargeImage(image) { if (!(this.assets instanceof Object)) this.assets = {}; if (typeof image != 'string') { image = null; } else if (checkUrl(image)) { // Discord URL: image = image .replace('https://cdn.discordapp.com/', 'mp:') .replace('http://cdn.discordapp.com/', 'mp:') .replace('https://media.discordapp.net/', 'mp:') .replace('http://media.discordapp.net/', 'mp:'); // if (!image.startsWith('mp:') && !this.ipc) { throw new Error( 'INVALID_URL', ` If you want to set the URL directly, it should be the Discord URL (cdn.discordapp.com | media.discordapp.net) Or follow these instructions: https://github.com/aiko-chan-ai/discord.js-selfbot-v13/blob/main/Documents/RichPresence.md#method-3-custom-url-2378 `, ); } } else if (/^[0-9]{17,19}$/.test(image)) { // ID Assets } else if (image.startsWith('mp:') || image.startsWith('youtube:') || image.startsWith('spotify:')) { // Image } else if (image.startsWith('external/')) { image = `mp:${image}`; } this.assets.large_image = image; return this; } /** * Set the small image of this activity * @param {?any} image The small image asset's id * @returns {RichPresence} */ setAssetsSmallImage(image) { if (!(this.assets instanceof Object)) this.assets = {}; if (typeof image != 'string') { image = null; } else if (checkUrl(image)) { // Discord URL: image = image .replace('https://cdn.discordapp.com/', 'mp:') .replace('http://cdn.discordapp.com/', 'mp:') .replace('https://media.discordapp.net/', 'mp:') .replace('http://media.discordapp.net/', 'mp:'); // if (!image.startsWith('mp:') && !this.ipc) { throw new Error( 'INVALID_URL', ` If you want to set the URL directly, it should be the Discord URL (cdn.discordapp.com | media.discordapp.net) Or follow these instructions: https://github.com/aiko-chan-ai/discord.js-selfbot-v13/blob/main/Documents/RichPresence.md#method-3-custom-url-2378 `, ); } } else if (/^[0-9]{17,19}$/.test(image)) { // ID Assets } else if (image.startsWith('mp:') || image.startsWith('youtube:') || image.startsWith('spotify:')) { // Image } else if (image.startsWith('external/')) { image = `mp:${image}`; } this.assets.small_image = image; return this; } /** * Hover text for the large image * @param {string} text Assets text * @returns {RichPresence} */ setAssetsLargeText(text) { if (typeof this.assets !== 'object') this.assets = {}; this.assets.large_text = text; return this; } /** * Hover text for the small image * @param {string} text Assets text * @returns {RichPresence} */ setAssetsSmallText(text) { if (typeof this.assets !== 'object') this.assets = {}; this.assets.small_text = text; return this; } /** * Set the name of the activity * @param {?string} name The activity's name * @returns {RichPresence} */ setName(name) { this.name = name; return this; } /** * If the activity is being streamed, a link to the stream * @param {?string} url URL of the stream * @returns {RichPresence} */ setURL(url) { if (typeof url == 'string' && !checkUrl(url)) throw new Error('URL must be a valid URL'); if (typeof url != 'string') url = null; this.url = url; return this; } /** * The activity status's type * @param {?ActivityTypes} type The type of activity * @returns {RichPresence} */ setType(type) { this.type = ActivityTypes[type]; if (typeof this.type == 'string') this.type = ActivityTypes[this.type]; if (typeof this.type != 'number') throw new Error('Type must be a valid ActivityType'); return this; } /** * Set the application id of this activity * @param {?Snowflake} id Bot's id * @returns {RichPresence} */ setApplicationId(id) { this.application_id = id; return this; } /** * Set the state of the activity * @param {?string} state The state of the activity * @returns {RichPresence} */ setState(state) { this.state = state; return this; } /** * Set the details of the activity * @param {?string} details The details of the activity * @returns {RichPresence} */ setDetails(details) { this.details = details; return this; } /** * @typedef {Object} RichParty * @property {string} id The id of the party * @property {number} max The maximum number of members in the party * @property {number} current The current number of members in the party */ /** * Set the party of this activity * @param {?RichParty} party The party to be displayed * @returns {RichPresence} */ setParty(party) { if (typeof party == 'object') { if (!party.max || typeof party.max != 'number') throw new Error('Party must have max number'); if (!party.current || typeof party.current != 'number') throw new Error('Party must have current'); if (party.current > party.max) throw new Error('Party current must be less than max number'); if (!party.id || typeof party.id != 'string') party.id = getUUID(); this.party = { size: [party.current, party.max], id: party.id, }; } else { this.party = null; } return this; } /** * Sets the start timestamp of the activity * @param {?number} timestamp The timestamp of the start of the activity * @returns {RichPresence} */ setStartTimestamp(timestamp) { if (!this.timestamps) this.timestamps = {}; this.timestamps.start = timestamp; return this; } /** * Sets the end timestamp of the activity * @param {?number} timestamp The timestamp of the end of the activity * @returns {RichPresence} */ setEndTimestamp(timestamp) { if (!this.timestamps) this.timestamps = {}; this.timestamps.end = timestamp; return this; } /** * @typedef {object} RichButton * @property {string} name The name of the button * @property {string} url The url of the button */ /** * Set the buttons of the rich presence * @param {...?RichButton} button A list of buttons to set * @returns {RichPresence} */ setButtons(...button) { if (button.length == 0) { this.buttons = null; delete this.metadata; return this; } else if (button.length > 2) { throw new Error('RichPresence can only have up to 2 buttons'); } this.buttons = []; this.metadata = { button_urls: [], }; button.flat(2).forEach(b => { if (b.name && b.url) { this.buttons.push(b.name); if (!checkUrl(b.url)) throw new Error('Button url must be a valid url'); this.metadata.button_urls.push(b.url); } else { throw new Error('Button must have name and url'); } }); return this; } /** * Add a button to the rich presence * @param {string} name The name of the button * @param {string} url The url of the button * @returns {RichPresence} */ addButton(name, url) { if (!name || !url) { throw new Error('Button must have name and url'); } if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new Error('Button name must be a string'); if (!checkUrl(url)) throw new Error('Button url must be a valid url'); if (!this.buttons) { this.buttons = []; this.metadata = { button_urls: [], }; } this.buttons.push(name); this.metadata.button_urls.push(url); return this; } /** * Convert the rich presence to a JSON object * @returns {Object} */ toJSON() { /** * * Verify Timestamps */ if (this.timestamps?.start || this.timestamps?.end) { if (this.timestamps?.start instanceof Date) { this.timestamps.start = Math.round(this.timestamps?.start.getTime()); } if (this.timestamps.end instanceof Date) { this.timestamps.end = Math.round(this.timestamps.end.getTime()); } if (this.timestamps.start > 2147483647000) { throw new RangeError('timestamps.start must fit into a unix timestamp'); } if (this.timestamps.end > 2147483647000) { throw new RangeError('timestamps.end must fit into a unix timestamp'); } } const obj = { name: this.name, type: this.type || 0, // PLAYING application_id: this.application_id, url: this.url, state: this.state, details: this.details, party: this.party, timestamps: this.timestamps || {}, secrets: this.secrets, assets: this.assets || {}, buttons: this.buttons, metadata: this.metadata, }; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => obj[key] === undefined && delete obj[key]); if (!this.ipc) { return obj; } else { delete obj.application_id; delete obj.name; delete obj.url; obj.type = 0; if (obj.buttons?.length) { obj.buttons = obj.buttons.map((b, i) => ({ label: b, url: obj.metadata.button_urls[i] })); delete obj.metadata; } return obj; } } /** * Get random UUID string (Util) * @returns {string} */ static getUUID() { return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, a => (a ^ ((Math.random() * 16) >> (a / 4))).toString(16), ); } /** * Get Assets from a RichPresence (Util) * @param {Client} client Discord Client * @param {Snowflake} applicationId Application id * @param {string} image1 URL image 1 (not from Discord) * @param {string} image2 URL image 2 (not from Discord) * @returns {ExternalAssets[]} */ static async getExternal(client, applicationId, image1 = '', image2 = '') { const checkURL = url => { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new URL(url); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; if (!client || !client.token || !client.api) throw new Error('Client must be set'); // Check if applicationId is discord snowflake (17 , 18, 19 numbers) if (!/^[0-9]{17,19}$/.test(applicationId)) { throw new Error('Application id must be a Discord Snowflake'); } // Check if large_image is a valid url if (image1 && image1.length > 0 && !checkURL(image1)) { throw new Error('Image 1 must be a valid url'); } // Check if small_image is a valid url if (image2 && image2.length > 0 && !checkURL(image2)) { throw new Error('Image 2 must be a valid url'); } const data_ = []; if (image1) data_.push(image1); if (image2) data_.push(image2); const res = await client.api.applications[applicationId]['external-assets'].post({ data: { urls: data_, }, }); return res; } /** * When concatenated with a string, this automatically returns the activities' name instead of the Activity object. * @returns {string} */ toString() { return this.name; } _clone() { return Object.assign(Object.create(this), this); } } /** * @extends {RichPresence} */ class SpotifyRPC extends RichPresence { /** * Create a new RichPresence (Spotify style) * @param {Client} client Discord Client * @param {SpotifyRPC} options Options for the Spotify RPC */ constructor(client, options = {}) { if (!client) throw new Error('Client must be set'); super(client, options); this.setup(options); } /** * Sets the status from a JSON object * @param {SpotifyRPC} options data * @private */ setup(options) { this.name = options.name || 'Spotify'; this.type = ActivityTypes.LISTENING; this.party = { id: `spotify:${this.client.user.id}`, }; /** * The Spotify song's id * @type {?string} */ this.sync_id = options.sync_id; /** * The activity's id * @type {string} */ this.id = 'spotify:1'; /** * Creation date of the activity * @type {number} */ this.created_at = Date.now(); /** * Flags that describe the activity * @type {ActivityFlags} */ this.flags = 48; // Sync + Play (ActivityFlags) /** * The game's or Spotify session's id * @type {?string} */ this.session_id = this.client.session_id; this.secrets = { join: crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'), // SHA1 / SHA128 spectate: crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'), match: crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'), }; } /** * Set the large image of this activity * @param {?string} image Spotify song's image ID * @returns {SpotifyRPC} */ setAssetsLargeImage(image) { if (image.startsWith('spotify:')) image = image.replace('spotify:', ''); super.setAssetsLargeImage(`spotify:${image}`); return this; } /** * Set the small image of this activity * @param {?string} image Spotify song's image ID * @returns {RichPresence} */ setAssetsSmallImage(image) { if (image.startsWith('spotify:')) image = image.replace('spotify:', ''); super.setAssetsSmallImage(`spotify:${image}`); return this; } /** * Set Spotify song id to sync with * @param {string} id Song id * @returns {SpotifyRPC} */ setSongId(id) { this.sync_id = id; return this; } /** * Convert the rich presence to a JSON object * @returns {SpotifyRPC} */ toJSON() { if (!this.sync_id) throw new Error('Song id is required'); const obj = { name: this.name, type: this.type, application_id: this.application_id, url: this.url, state: this.state, details: this.details, party: this.party, timestamps: this.timestamps || {}, secrets: this.secrets, assets: this.assets || {}, session_id: this.session_id, sync_id: this.sync_id, flags: this.flags, id: this.id, created_at: this.created_at, metadata: this.metadata, }; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => obj[key] === undefined && delete obj[key]); return obj; } } /** * @typedef {Object} ExternalAssets * @property {?string} url Orginal url of the image * @property {?string} external_asset_path Proxy url of the image (Using to RPC) */ module.exports = { CustomStatus, RichPresence, SpotifyRPC, getUUID, };