"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { AudioPlayer: () => AudioPlayer, AudioPlayerError: () => AudioPlayerError, AudioPlayerStatus: () => AudioPlayerStatus, AudioReceiveStream: () => AudioReceiveStream, AudioResource: () => AudioResource, EndBehaviorType: () => EndBehaviorType, NoSubscriberBehavior: () => NoSubscriberBehavior, PlayerSubscription: () => PlayerSubscription, SSRCMap: () => SSRCMap, SpeakingMap: () => SpeakingMap, StreamType: () => StreamType, VoiceConnection: () => VoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason: () => VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason, VoiceConnectionStatus: () => VoiceConnectionStatus, VoiceReceiver: () => VoiceReceiver, createAudioPlayer: () => createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource: () => createAudioResource, createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions: () => createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions, demuxProbe: () => demuxProbe, entersState: () => entersState, generateDependencyReport: () => generateDependencyReport, getGroups: () => getGroups, getVoiceConnection: () => getVoiceConnection, getVoiceConnections: () => getVoiceConnections, joinVoiceChannel: () => joinVoiceChannel, validateDiscordOpusHead: () => validateDiscordOpusHead, version: () => version2 }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/VoiceConnection.ts var import_node_events7 = require("events"); // src/DataStore.ts var import_v10 = require("discord-api-types/v10"); function createJoinVoiceChannelPayload(config) { return { op: import_v10.GatewayOpcodes.VoiceStateUpdate, d: { guild_id: config.guildId, channel_id: config.channelId, self_deaf: config.selfDeaf, self_mute: config.selfMute } }; } __name(createJoinVoiceChannelPayload, "createJoinVoiceChannelPayload"); var groups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); groups.set("default", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); function getOrCreateGroup(group) { const existing = groups.get(group); if (existing) return existing; const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); groups.set(group, map); return map; } __name(getOrCreateGroup, "getOrCreateGroup"); function getGroups() { return groups; } __name(getGroups, "getGroups"); function getVoiceConnections(group = "default") { return groups.get(group); } __name(getVoiceConnections, "getVoiceConnections"); function getVoiceConnection(guildId, group = "default") { return getVoiceConnections(group)?.get(guildId); } __name(getVoiceConnection, "getVoiceConnection"); function untrackVoiceConnection(voiceConnection) { return getVoiceConnections(voiceConnection.joinConfig.group)?.delete(voiceConnection.joinConfig.guildId); } __name(untrackVoiceConnection, "untrackVoiceConnection"); function trackVoiceConnection(voiceConnection) { return getOrCreateGroup(voiceConnection.joinConfig.group).set(voiceConnection.joinConfig.guildId, voiceConnection); } __name(trackVoiceConnection, "trackVoiceConnection"); var FRAME_LENGTH = 20; var audioCycleInterval; var nextTime = -1; var audioPlayers = []; function audioCycleStep() { if (nextTime === -1) return; nextTime += FRAME_LENGTH; const available = audioPlayers.filter((player) => player.checkPlayable()); for (const player of available) { player["_stepDispatch"](); } prepareNextAudioFrame(available); } __name(audioCycleStep, "audioCycleStep"); function prepareNextAudioFrame(players) { const nextPlayer = players.shift(); if (!nextPlayer) { if (nextTime !== -1) { audioCycleInterval = setTimeout(() => audioCycleStep(), nextTime - Date.now()); } return; } nextPlayer["_stepPrepare"](); setImmediate(() => prepareNextAudioFrame(players)); } __name(prepareNextAudioFrame, "prepareNextAudioFrame"); function hasAudioPlayer(target) { return audioPlayers.includes(target); } __name(hasAudioPlayer, "hasAudioPlayer"); function addAudioPlayer(player) { if (hasAudioPlayer(player)) return player; audioPlayers.push(player); if (audioPlayers.length === 1) { nextTime = Date.now(); setImmediate(() => audioCycleStep()); } return player; } __name(addAudioPlayer, "addAudioPlayer"); function deleteAudioPlayer(player) { const index = audioPlayers.indexOf(player); if (index === -1) return; audioPlayers.splice(index, 1); if (audioPlayers.length === 0) { nextTime = -1; if (typeof audioCycleInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(audioCycleInterval); } } __name(deleteAudioPlayer, "deleteAudioPlayer"); // src/networking/Networking.ts var import_node_buffer3 = require("buffer"); var import_node_events3 = require("events"); var import_v42 = require("discord-api-types/voice/v4"); // src/util/Secretbox.ts var import_node_buffer = require("buffer"); var libs = { "sodium-native": (sodium) => ({ open: (buffer, nonce2, secretKey) => { if (buffer) { const output = import_node_buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(buffer.length - sodium.crypto_box_MACBYTES); if (sodium.crypto_secretbox_open_easy(output, buffer, nonce2, secretKey)) return output; } return null; }, close: (opusPacket, nonce2, secretKey) => { const output = import_node_buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(opusPacket.length + sodium.crypto_box_MACBYTES); sodium.crypto_secretbox_easy(output, opusPacket, nonce2, secretKey); return output; }, random: (num, buffer = import_node_buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(num)) => { sodium.randombytes_buf(buffer); return buffer; } }), sodium: (sodium) => ({ open: sodium.api.crypto_secretbox_open_easy, close: sodium.api.crypto_secretbox_easy, random: (num, buffer = import_node_buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe(num)) => { sodium.api.randombytes_buf(buffer); return buffer; } }), "libsodium-wrappers": (sodium) => ({ open: sodium.crypto_secretbox_open_easy, close: sodium.crypto_secretbox_easy, random: sodium.randombytes_buf }), tweetnacl: (tweetnacl) => ({ open: tweetnacl.secretbox.open, close: tweetnacl.secretbox, random: tweetnacl.randomBytes }) }; var fallbackError = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { throw new Error( `Cannot play audio as no valid encryption package is installed. - Install sodium, libsodium-wrappers, or tweetnacl. - Use the generateDependencyReport() function for more information. ` ); }, "fallbackError"); var methods = { open: fallbackError, close: fallbackError, random: fallbackError }; void (async () => { for (const libName of Object.keys(libs)) { try { const lib = require(libName); if (libName === "libsodium-wrappers" && lib.ready) await lib.ready; Object.assign(methods, libs[libName](lib)); break; } catch { } } })(); // src/util/util.ts var noop = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { }, "noop"); // src/networking/VoiceUDPSocket.ts var import_node_buffer2 = require("buffer"); var import_node_dgram = require("dgram"); var import_node_events = require("events"); var import_node_net = require("net"); function parseLocalPacket(message) { const packet = import_node_buffer2.Buffer.from(message); const ip = packet.slice(8, packet.indexOf(0, 8)).toString("utf8"); if (!(0, import_node_net.isIPv4)(ip)) { throw new Error("Malformed IP address"); } const port = packet.readUInt16BE(packet.length - 2); return { ip, port }; } __name(parseLocalPacket, "parseLocalPacket"); var KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL = 5e3; var KEEP_ALIVE_LIMIT = 12; var MAX_COUNTER_VALUE = 2 ** 32 - 1; var VoiceUDPSocket = class extends import_node_events.EventEmitter { socket; remote; keepAlives; keepAliveCounter = 0; keepAliveBuffer; keepAliveInterval; ping; debug; constructor(remote, debug = false) { super(); this.socket = (0, import_node_dgram.createSocket)("udp4"); this.socket.on("error", (error) => this.emit("error", error)); this.socket.on("message", (buffer) => this.onMessage(buffer)); this.socket.on("close", () => this.emit("close")); this.remote = remote; this.keepAlives = []; this.keepAliveBuffer = import_node_buffer2.Buffer.alloc(8); this.keepAliveInterval = setInterval(() => this.keepAlive(), KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL); setImmediate(() => this.keepAlive()); this.debug = debug ? (message) => this.emit("debug", message) : null; } onMessage(buffer) { if (buffer.length === 8) { const counter = buffer.readUInt32LE(0); const index = this.keepAlives.findIndex(({ value }) => value === counter); if (index === -1) return; this.ping = Date.now() - this.keepAlives[index].timestamp; this.keepAlives.splice(0, index); } this.emit("message", buffer); } keepAlive() { if (this.keepAlives.length >= KEEP_ALIVE_LIMIT) { this.debug?.("UDP socket has not received enough responses from Discord - closing socket"); this.destroy(); return; } this.keepAliveBuffer.writeUInt32LE(this.keepAliveCounter, 0); this.send(this.keepAliveBuffer); this.keepAlives.push({ value: this.keepAliveCounter, timestamp: Date.now() }); this.keepAliveCounter++; if (this.keepAliveCounter > MAX_COUNTER_VALUE) { this.keepAliveCounter = 0; } } send(buffer) { this.socket.send(buffer, this.remote.port, this.remote.ip); } destroy() { try { this.socket.close(); } catch { } clearInterval(this.keepAliveInterval); } async performIPDiscovery(ssrc) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { const listener = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((message) => { try { if (message.readUInt16BE(0) !== 2) return; const packet = parseLocalPacket(message); this.socket.off("message", listener); resolve2(packet); } catch { } }, "listener"); this.socket.on("message", listener); this.socket.once("close", () => reject(new Error("Cannot perform IP discovery - socket closed"))); const discoveryBuffer = import_node_buffer2.Buffer.alloc(74); discoveryBuffer.writeUInt16BE(1, 0); discoveryBuffer.writeUInt16BE(70, 2); discoveryBuffer.writeUInt32BE(ssrc, 4); this.send(discoveryBuffer); }); } }; __name(VoiceUDPSocket, "VoiceUDPSocket"); // src/networking/VoiceWebSocket.ts var import_node_events2 = require("events"); var import_v4 = require("discord-api-types/voice/v4"); var import_ws = __toESM(require("ws")); var VoiceWebSocket = class extends import_node_events2.EventEmitter { heartbeatInterval; lastHeartbeatAck; lastHeartbeatSend; missedHeartbeats = 0; ping; debug; ws; constructor(address, debug) { super(); this.ws = new import_ws.default(address); this.ws.onmessage = (err) => this.onMessage(err); this.ws.onopen = (err) => this.emit("open", err); this.ws.onerror = (err) => this.emit("error", err instanceof Error ? err : err.error); this.ws.onclose = (err) => this.emit("close", err); this.lastHeartbeatAck = 0; this.lastHeartbeatSend = 0; this.debug = debug ? (message) => this.emit("debug", message) : null; } destroy() { try { this.debug?.("destroyed"); this.setHeartbeatInterval(-1); this.ws.close(1e3); } catch (error) { const err = error; this.emit("error", err); } } onMessage(event) { if (typeof event.data !== "string") return; this.debug?.(`<< ${event.data}`); let packet; try { packet = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (error) { const err = error; this.emit("error", err); return; } if (packet.op === import_v4.VoiceOpcodes.HeartbeatAck) { this.lastHeartbeatAck = Date.now(); this.missedHeartbeats = 0; this.ping = this.lastHeartbeatAck - this.lastHeartbeatSend; } this.emit("packet", packet); } sendPacket(packet) { try { const stringified = JSON.stringify(packet); this.debug?.(`>> ${stringified}`); this.ws.send(stringified); return; } catch (error) { const err = error; this.emit("error", err); } } sendHeartbeat() { this.lastHeartbeatSend = Date.now(); this.missedHeartbeats++; const nonce2 = this.lastHeartbeatSend; this.sendPacket({ op: import_v4.VoiceOpcodes.Heartbeat, d: nonce2 }); } setHeartbeatInterval(ms) { if (typeof this.heartbeatInterval !== "undefined") clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval); if (ms > 0) { this.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(() => { if (this.lastHeartbeatSend !== 0 && this.missedHeartbeats >= 3) { this.ws.close(); this.setHeartbeatInterval(-1); } this.sendHeartbeat(); }, ms); } } }; __name(VoiceWebSocket, "VoiceWebSocket"); // src/networking/Networking.ts var CHANNELS = 2; var TIMESTAMP_INC = 48e3 / 100 * CHANNELS; var MAX_NONCE_SIZE = 2 ** 32 - 1; var SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_MODES = ["xsalsa20_poly1305_lite", "xsalsa20_poly1305_suffix", "xsalsa20_poly1305"]; var nonce = import_node_buffer3.Buffer.alloc(24); function stringifyState(state) { return JSON.stringify({ ...state, ws: Reflect.has(state, "ws"), udp: Reflect.has(state, "udp") }); } __name(stringifyState, "stringifyState"); function chooseEncryptionMode(options) { const option = options.find((option2) => SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_MODES.includes(option2)); if (!option) { throw new Error(`No compatible encryption modes. Available include: ${options.join(", ")}`); } return option; } __name(chooseEncryptionMode, "chooseEncryptionMode"); function randomNBit(numberOfBits) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 ** numberOfBits); } __name(randomNBit, "randomNBit"); var Networking = class extends import_node_events3.EventEmitter { _state; debug; constructor(options, debug) { super(); this.onWsOpen = this.onWsOpen.bind(this); this.onChildError = this.onChildError.bind(this); this.onWsPacket = this.onWsPacket.bind(this); this.onWsClose = this.onWsClose.bind(this); this.onWsDebug = this.onWsDebug.bind(this); this.onUdpDebug = this.onUdpDebug.bind(this); this.onUdpClose = this.onUdpClose.bind(this); this.debug = debug ? (message) => this.emit("debug", message) : null; this._state = { code: 0 /* OpeningWs */, ws: this.createWebSocket(options.endpoint), connectionOptions: options }; } destroy() { this.state = { code: 6 /* Closed */ }; } get state() { return this._state; } set state(newState) { const oldWs = Reflect.get(this._state, "ws"); const newWs = Reflect.get(newState, "ws"); if (oldWs && oldWs !== newWs) { oldWs.off("debug", this.onWsDebug); oldWs.on("error", noop); oldWs.off("error", this.onChildError); oldWs.off("open", this.onWsOpen); oldWs.off("packet", this.onWsPacket); oldWs.off("close", this.onWsClose); oldWs.destroy(); } const oldUdp = Reflect.get(this._state, "udp"); const newUdp = Reflect.get(newState, "udp"); if (oldUdp && oldUdp !== newUdp) { oldUdp.on("error", noop); oldUdp.off("error", this.onChildError); oldUdp.off("close", this.onUdpClose); oldUdp.off("debug", this.onUdpDebug); oldUdp.destroy(); } const oldState = this._state; this._state = newState; this.emit("stateChange", oldState, newState); this.debug?.(`state change: from ${stringifyState(oldState)} to ${stringifyState(newState)}`); } createWebSocket(endpoint) { const ws = new VoiceWebSocket(`wss://${endpoint}?v=4`, Boolean(this.debug)); ws.on("error", this.onChildError); ws.once("open", this.onWsOpen); ws.on("packet", this.onWsPacket); ws.once("close", this.onWsClose); ws.on("debug", this.onWsDebug); return ws; } onChildError(error) { this.emit("error", error); } onWsOpen() { if (this.state.code === 0 /* OpeningWs */) { const packet = { op: import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Identify, d: { server_id: this.state.connectionOptions.serverId, user_id: this.state.connectionOptions.userId, session_id: this.state.connectionOptions.sessionId, token: this.state.connectionOptions.token } }; this.state.ws.sendPacket(packet); this.state = { ...this.state, code: 1 /* Identifying */ }; } else if (this.state.code === 5 /* Resuming */) { const packet = { op: import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Resume, d: { server_id: this.state.connectionOptions.serverId, session_id: this.state.connectionOptions.sessionId, token: this.state.connectionOptions.token } }; this.state.ws.sendPacket(packet); } } onWsClose({ code }) { const canResume = code === 4015 || code < 4e3; if (canResume && this.state.code === 4 /* Ready */) { this.state = { ...this.state, code: 5 /* Resuming */, ws: this.createWebSocket(this.state.connectionOptions.endpoint) }; } else if (this.state.code !== 6 /* Closed */) { this.destroy(); this.emit("close", code); } } onUdpClose() { if (this.state.code === 4 /* Ready */) { this.state = { ...this.state, code: 5 /* Resuming */, ws: this.createWebSocket(this.state.connectionOptions.endpoint) }; } } onWsPacket(packet) { if (packet.op === import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Hello && this.state.code !== 6 /* Closed */) { this.state.ws.setHeartbeatInterval(packet.d.heartbeat_interval); } else if (packet.op === import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Ready && this.state.code === 1 /* Identifying */) { const { ip, port, ssrc, modes } = packet.d; const udp = new VoiceUDPSocket({ ip, port }); udp.on("error", this.onChildError); udp.on("debug", this.onUdpDebug); udp.once("close", this.onUdpClose); udp.performIPDiscovery(ssrc).then((localConfig) => { if (this.state.code !== 2 /* UdpHandshaking */) return; this.state.ws.sendPacket({ op: import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.SelectProtocol, d: { protocol: "udp", data: { address: localConfig.ip, port: localConfig.port, mode: chooseEncryptionMode(modes) } } }); this.state = { ...this.state, code: 3 /* SelectingProtocol */ }; }).catch((error) => this.emit("error", error)); this.state = { ...this.state, code: 2 /* UdpHandshaking */, udp, connectionData: { ssrc } }; } else if (packet.op === import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.SessionDescription && this.state.code === 3 /* SelectingProtocol */) { const { mode: encryptionMode, secret_key: secretKey } = packet.d; this.state = { ...this.state, code: 4 /* Ready */, connectionData: { ...this.state.connectionData, encryptionMode, secretKey: new Uint8Array(secretKey), sequence: randomNBit(16), timestamp: randomNBit(32), nonce: 0, nonceBuffer: import_node_buffer3.Buffer.alloc(24), speaking: false, packetsPlayed: 0 } }; } else if (packet.op === import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Resumed && this.state.code === 5 /* Resuming */) { this.state = { ...this.state, code: 4 /* Ready */ }; this.state.connectionData.speaking = false; } } onWsDebug(message) { this.debug?.(`[WS] ${message}`); } onUdpDebug(message) { this.debug?.(`[UDP] ${message}`); } prepareAudioPacket(opusPacket) { const state = this.state; if (state.code !== 4 /* Ready */) return; state.preparedPacket = this.createAudioPacket(opusPacket, state.connectionData); return state.preparedPacket; } dispatchAudio() { const state = this.state; if (state.code !== 4 /* Ready */) return false; if (typeof state.preparedPacket !== "undefined") { this.playAudioPacket(state.preparedPacket); state.preparedPacket = void 0; return true; } return false; } playAudioPacket(audioPacket) { const state = this.state; if (state.code !== 4 /* Ready */) return; const { connectionData } = state; connectionData.packetsPlayed++; connectionData.sequence++; connectionData.timestamp += TIMESTAMP_INC; if (connectionData.sequence >= 2 ** 16) connectionData.sequence = 0; if (connectionData.timestamp >= 2 ** 32) connectionData.timestamp = 0; this.setSpeaking(true); state.udp.send(audioPacket); } setSpeaking(speaking) { const state = this.state; if (state.code !== 4 /* Ready */) return; if (state.connectionData.speaking === speaking) return; state.connectionData.speaking = speaking; state.ws.sendPacket({ op: import_v42.VoiceOpcodes.Speaking, d: { speaking: speaking ? 1 : 0, delay: 0, ssrc: state.connectionData.ssrc } }); } createAudioPacket(opusPacket, connectionData) { const packetBuffer = import_node_buffer3.Buffer.alloc(12); packetBuffer[0] = 128; packetBuffer[1] = 120; const { sequence, timestamp, ssrc } = connectionData; packetBuffer.writeUIntBE(sequence, 2, 2); packetBuffer.writeUIntBE(timestamp, 4, 4); packetBuffer.writeUIntBE(ssrc, 8, 4); packetBuffer.copy(nonce, 0, 0, 12); return import_node_buffer3.Buffer.concat([packetBuffer, ...this.encryptOpusPacket(opusPacket, connectionData)]); } encryptOpusPacket(opusPacket, connectionData) { const { secretKey, encryptionMode } = connectionData; if (encryptionMode === "xsalsa20_poly1305_lite") { connectionData.nonce++; if (connectionData.nonce > MAX_NONCE_SIZE) connectionData.nonce = 0; connectionData.nonceBuffer.writeUInt32BE(connectionData.nonce, 0); return [ methods.close(opusPacket, connectionData.nonceBuffer, secretKey), connectionData.nonceBuffer.slice(0, 4) ]; } else if (encryptionMode === "xsalsa20_poly1305_suffix") { const random = methods.random(24, connectionData.nonceBuffer); return [methods.close(opusPacket, random, secretKey), random]; } return [methods.close(opusPacket, nonce, secretKey)]; } }; __name(Networking, "Networking"); // src/receive/VoiceReceiver.ts var import_node_buffer5 = require("buffer"); var import_v43 = require("discord-api-types/voice/v4"); // src/receive/AudioReceiveStream.ts var import_node_stream = require("stream"); // src/audio/AudioPlayer.ts var import_node_buffer4 = require("buffer"); var import_node_events4 = require("events"); // src/audio/AudioPlayerError.ts var AudioPlayerError = class extends Error { resource; constructor(error, resource) { super(error.message); this.resource = resource; this.name = error.name; this.stack = error.stack; } }; __name(AudioPlayerError, "AudioPlayerError"); // src/audio/PlayerSubscription.ts var PlayerSubscription = class { connection; player; constructor(connection, player) { this.connection = connection; this.player = player; } unsubscribe() { this.connection["onSubscriptionRemoved"](this); this.player["unsubscribe"](this); } }; __name(PlayerSubscription, "PlayerSubscription"); // src/audio/AudioPlayer.ts var SILENCE_FRAME = import_node_buffer4.Buffer.from([248, 255, 254]); var NoSubscriberBehavior = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NoSubscriberBehavior2) => { NoSubscriberBehavior2["Pause"] = "pause"; NoSubscriberBehavior2["Play"] = "play"; NoSubscriberBehavior2["Stop"] = "stop"; return NoSubscriberBehavior2; })(NoSubscriberBehavior || {}); var AudioPlayerStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ ((AudioPlayerStatus2) => { AudioPlayerStatus2["AutoPaused"] = "autopaused"; AudioPlayerStatus2["Buffering"] = "buffering"; AudioPlayerStatus2["Idle"] = "idle"; AudioPlayerStatus2["Paused"] = "paused"; AudioPlayerStatus2["Playing"] = "playing"; return AudioPlayerStatus2; })(AudioPlayerStatus || {}); function stringifyState2(state) { return JSON.stringify({ ...state, resource: Reflect.has(state, "resource"), stepTimeout: Reflect.has(state, "stepTimeout") }); } __name(stringifyState2, "stringifyState"); var AudioPlayer = class extends import_node_events4.EventEmitter { _state; subscribers = []; behaviors; debug; constructor(options = {}) { super(); this._state = { status: "idle" /* Idle */ }; this.behaviors = { noSubscriber: "pause" /* Pause */, maxMissedFrames: 5, ...options.behaviors }; this.debug = options.debug === false ? null : (message) => this.emit("debug", message); } get playable() { return this.subscribers.filter(({ connection }) => connection.state.status === "ready" /* Ready */).map(({ connection }) => connection); } subscribe(connection) { const existingSubscription = this.subscribers.find((subscription) => subscription.connection === connection); if (!existingSubscription) { const subscription = new PlayerSubscription(connection, this); this.subscribers.push(subscription); setImmediate(() => this.emit("subscribe", subscription)); return subscription; } return existingSubscription; } unsubscribe(subscription) { const index = this.subscribers.indexOf(subscription); const exists = index !== -1; if (exists) { this.subscribers.splice(index, 1); subscription.connection.setSpeaking(false); this.emit("unsubscribe", subscription); } return exists; } get state() { return this._state; } set state(newState) { const oldState = this._state; const newResource = Reflect.get(newState, "resource"); if (oldState.status !== "idle" /* Idle */ && oldState.resource !== newResource) { oldState.resource.playStream.on("error", noop); oldState.resource.playStream.off("error", oldState.onStreamError); oldState.resource.audioPlayer = void 0; oldState.resource.playStream.destroy(); oldState.resource.playStream.read(); } if (oldState.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */ && (newState.status !== "buffering" /* Buffering */ || newState.resource !== oldState.resource)) { oldState.resource.playStream.off("end", oldState.onFailureCallback); oldState.resource.playStream.off("close", oldState.onFailureCallback); oldState.resource.playStream.off("finish", oldState.onFailureCallback); oldState.resource.playStream.off("readable", oldState.onReadableCallback); } if (newState.status === "idle" /* Idle */) { this._signalStopSpeaking(); deleteAudioPlayer(this); } if (newResource) { addAudioPlayer(this); } const didChangeResources = oldState.status !== "idle" /* Idle */ && newState.status === "playing" /* Playing */ && oldState.resource !== newState.resource; this._state = newState; this.emit("stateChange", oldState, this._state); if (oldState.status !== newState.status || didChangeResources) { this.emit(newState.status, oldState, this._state); } this.debug?.(`state change: from ${stringifyState2(oldState)} to ${stringifyState2(newState)}`); } play(resource) { if (resource.ended) { throw new Error("Cannot play a resource that has already ended."); } if (resource.audioPlayer) { if (resource.audioPlayer === this) { return; } throw new Error("Resource is already being played by another audio player."); } resource.audioPlayer = this; const onStreamError = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((error) => { if (this.state.status !== "idle" /* Idle */) { this.emit("error", new AudioPlayerError(error, this.state.resource)); } if (this.state.status !== "idle" /* Idle */ && this.state.resource === resource) { this.state = { status: "idle" /* Idle */ }; } }, "onStreamError"); resource.playStream.once("error", onStreamError); if (resource.started) { this.state = { status: "playing" /* Playing */, missedFrames: 0, playbackDuration: 0, resource, onStreamError }; } else { const onReadableCallback = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { if (this.state.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */ && this.state.resource === resource) { this.state = { status: "playing" /* Playing */, missedFrames: 0, playbackDuration: 0, resource, onStreamError }; } }, "onReadableCallback"); const onFailureCallback = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { if (this.state.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */ && this.state.resource === resource) { this.state = { status: "idle" /* Idle */ }; } }, "onFailureCallback"); resource.playStream.once("readable", onReadableCallback); resource.playStream.once("end", onFailureCallback); resource.playStream.once("close", onFailureCallback); resource.playStream.once("finish", onFailureCallback); this.state = { status: "buffering" /* Buffering */, resource, onReadableCallback, onFailureCallback, onStreamError }; } } pause(interpolateSilence = true) { if (this.state.status !== "playing" /* Playing */) return false; this.state = { ...this.state, status: "paused" /* Paused */, silencePacketsRemaining: interpolateSilence ? 5 : 0 }; return true; } unpause() { if (this.state.status !== "paused" /* Paused */) return false; this.state = { ...this.state, status: "playing" /* Playing */, missedFrames: 0 }; return true; } stop(force = false) { if (this.state.status === "idle" /* Idle */) return false; if (force || this.state.resource.silencePaddingFrames === 0) { this.state = { status: "idle" /* Idle */ }; } else if (this.state.resource.silenceRemaining === -1) { this.state.resource.silenceRemaining = this.state.resource.silencePaddingFrames; } return true; } checkPlayable() { const state = this._state; if (state.status === "idle" /* Idle */ || state.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */) return false; if (!state.resource.readable) { this.state = { status: "idle" /* Idle */ }; return false; } return true; } _stepDispatch() { const state = this._state; if (state.status === "idle" /* Idle */ || state.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */) return; for (const connection of this.playable) { connection.dispatchAudio(); } } _stepPrepare() { const state = this._state; if (state.status === "idle" /* Idle */ || state.status === "buffering" /* Buffering */) return; const playable = this.playable; if (state.status === "autopaused" /* AutoPaused */ && playable.length > 0) { this.state = { ...state, status: "playing" /* Playing */, missedFrames: 0 }; } if (state.status === "paused" /* Paused */ || state.status === "autopaused" /* AutoPaused */) { if (state.silencePacketsRemaining > 0) { state.silencePacketsRemaining--; this._preparePacket(SILENCE_FRAME, playable, state); if (state.silencePacketsRemaining === 0) { this._signalStopSpeaking(); } } return; } if (playable.length === 0) { if (this.behaviors.noSubscriber === "pause" /* Pause */) { this.state = { ...state, status: "autopaused" /* AutoPaused */, silencePacketsRemaining: 5 }; return; } else if (this.behaviors.noSubscriber === "stop" /* Stop */) { this.stop(true); } } const packet = state.resource.read(); if (state.status === "playing" /* Playing */) { if (packet) { this._preparePacket(packet, playable, state); state.missedFrames = 0; } else { this._preparePacket(SILENCE_FRAME, playable, state); state.missedFrames++; if (state.missedFrames >= this.behaviors.maxMissedFrames) { this.stop(); } } } } _signalStopSpeaking() { for (const { connection } of this.subscribers) { connection.setSpeaking(false); } } _preparePacket(packet, receivers, state) { state.playbackDuration += 20; for (const connection of receivers) { connection.prepareAudioPacket(packet); } } }; __name(AudioPlayer, "AudioPlayer"); function createAudioPlayer(options) { return new AudioPlayer(options); } __name(createAudioPlayer, "createAudioPlayer"); // src/receive/AudioReceiveStream.ts var EndBehaviorType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((EndBehaviorType2) => { EndBehaviorType2[EndBehaviorType2["Manual"] = 0] = "Manual"; EndBehaviorType2[EndBehaviorType2["AfterSilence"] = 1] = "AfterSilence"; EndBehaviorType2[EndBehaviorType2["AfterInactivity"] = 2] = "AfterInactivity"; return EndBehaviorType2; })(EndBehaviorType || {}); function createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions() { return { end: { behavior: 0 /* Manual */ } }; } __name(createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions, "createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions"); var AudioReceiveStream = class extends import_node_stream.Readable { end; endTimeout; constructor({ end, ...options }) { super({ ...options, objectMode: true }); this.end = end; } push(buffer) { if (buffer && (this.end.behavior === 2 /* AfterInactivity */ || this.end.behavior === 1 /* AfterSilence */ && (buffer.compare(SILENCE_FRAME) !== 0 || typeof this.endTimeout === "undefined"))) { this.renewEndTimeout(this.end); } return super.push(buffer); } renewEndTimeout(end) { if (this.endTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.endTimeout); } this.endTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.push(null), end.duration); } _read() { } }; __name(AudioReceiveStream, "AudioReceiveStream"); // src/receive/SSRCMap.ts var import_node_events5 = require("events"); var SSRCMap = class extends import_node_events5.EventEmitter { map; constructor() { super(); this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } update(data) { const existing = this.map.get(data.audioSSRC); const newValue = { ...this.map.get(data.audioSSRC), ...data }; this.map.set(data.audioSSRC, newValue); if (!existing) this.emit("create", newValue); this.emit("update", existing, newValue); } get(target) { if (typeof target === "number") { return this.map.get(target); } for (const data of this.map.values()) { if (data.userId === target) { return data; } } return void 0; } delete(target) { if (typeof target === "number") { const existing = this.map.get(target); if (existing) { this.map.delete(target); this.emit("delete", existing); } return existing; } for (const [audioSSRC, data] of this.map.entries()) { if (data.userId === target) { this.map.delete(audioSSRC); this.emit("delete", data); return data; } } return void 0; } }; __name(SSRCMap, "SSRCMap"); // src/receive/SpeakingMap.ts var import_node_events6 = require("events"); var _SpeakingMap = class extends import_node_events6.EventEmitter { users; speakingTimeouts; constructor() { super(); this.users = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.speakingTimeouts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } onPacket(userId) { const timeout = this.speakingTimeouts.get(userId); if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } else { this.users.set(userId, Date.now()); this.emit("start", userId); } this.startTimeout(userId); } startTimeout(userId) { this.speakingTimeouts.set( userId, setTimeout(() => { this.emit("end", userId); this.speakingTimeouts.delete(userId); this.users.delete(userId); }, _SpeakingMap.DELAY) ); } }; var SpeakingMap = _SpeakingMap; __name(SpeakingMap, "SpeakingMap"); __publicField(SpeakingMap, "DELAY", 100); // src/receive/VoiceReceiver.ts var VoiceReceiver = class { voiceConnection; ssrcMap; subscriptions; connectionData; speaking; constructor(voiceConnection) { this.voiceConnection = voiceConnection; this.ssrcMap = new SSRCMap(); this.speaking = new SpeakingMap(); this.subscriptions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.connectionData = {}; this.onWsPacket = this.onWsPacket.bind(this); this.onUdpMessage = this.onUdpMessage.bind(this); } onWsPacket(packet) { if (packet.op === import_v43.VoiceOpcodes.ClientDisconnect && typeof packet.d?.user_id === "string") { this.ssrcMap.delete(packet.d.user_id); } else if (packet.op === import_v43.VoiceOpcodes.Speaking && typeof packet.d?.user_id === "string" && typeof packet.d?.ssrc === "number") { this.ssrcMap.update({ userId: packet.d.user_id, audioSSRC: packet.d.ssrc }); } else if (packet.op === import_v43.VoiceOpcodes.ClientConnect && typeof packet.d?.user_id === "string" && typeof packet.d?.audio_ssrc === "number") { this.ssrcMap.update({ userId: packet.d.user_id, audioSSRC: packet.d.audio_ssrc, videoSSRC: packet.d.video_ssrc === 0 ? void 0 : packet.d.video_ssrc }); } } decrypt(buffer, mode, nonce2, secretKey) { let end; if (mode === "xsalsa20_poly1305_lite") { buffer.copy(nonce2, 0, buffer.length - 4); end = buffer.length - 4; } else if (mode === "xsalsa20_poly1305_suffix") { buffer.copy(nonce2, 0, buffer.length - 24); end = buffer.length - 24; } else { buffer.copy(nonce2, 0, 0, 12); } const decrypted = methods.open(buffer.slice(12, end), nonce2, secretKey); if (!decrypted) return; return import_node_buffer5.Buffer.from(decrypted); } parsePacket(buffer, mode, nonce2, secretKey) { let packet = this.decrypt(buffer, mode, nonce2, secretKey); if (!packet) return; if (packet[0] === 190 && packet[1] === 222) { const headerExtensionLength = packet.readUInt16BE(2); packet = packet.subarray(4 + 4 * headerExtensionLength); } return packet; } onUdpMessage(msg) { if (msg.length <= 8) return; const ssrc = msg.readUInt32BE(8); const userData = this.ssrcMap.get(ssrc); if (!userData) return; this.speaking.onPacket(userData.userId); const stream = this.subscriptions.get(userData.userId); if (!stream) return; if (this.connectionData.encryptionMode && this.connectionData.nonceBuffer && this.connectionData.secretKey) { const packet = this.parsePacket( msg, this.connectionData.encryptionMode, this.connectionData.nonceBuffer, this.connectionData.secretKey ); if (packet) { stream.push(packet); } else { stream.destroy(new Error("Failed to parse packet")); } } } subscribe(userId, options) { const existing = this.subscriptions.get(userId); if (existing) return existing; const stream = new AudioReceiveStream({ ...createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions(), ...options }); stream.once("close", () => this.subscriptions.delete(userId)); this.subscriptions.set(userId, stream); return stream; } }; __name(VoiceReceiver, "VoiceReceiver"); // src/VoiceConnection.ts var VoiceConnectionStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ ((VoiceConnectionStatus2) => { VoiceConnectionStatus2["Connecting"] = "connecting"; VoiceConnectionStatus2["Destroyed"] = "destroyed"; VoiceConnectionStatus2["Disconnected"] = "disconnected"; VoiceConnectionStatus2["Ready"] = "ready"; VoiceConnectionStatus2["Signalling"] = "signalling"; return VoiceConnectionStatus2; })(VoiceConnectionStatus || {}); var VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason = /* @__PURE__ */ ((VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2) => { VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2[VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2["WebSocketClose"] = 0] = "WebSocketClose"; VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2[VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2["AdapterUnavailable"] = 1] = "AdapterUnavailable"; VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2[VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2["EndpointRemoved"] = 2] = "EndpointRemoved"; VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2[VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2["Manual"] = 3] = "Manual"; return VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason2; })(VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason || {}); var VoiceConnection = class extends import_node_events7.EventEmitter { rejoinAttempts; _state; joinConfig; packets; receiver; debug; constructor(joinConfig, options) { super(); this.debug = options.debug ? (message) => this.emit("debug", message) : null; this.rejoinAttempts = 0; this.receiver = new VoiceReceiver(this); this.onNetworkingClose = this.onNetworkingClose.bind(this); this.onNetworkingStateChange = this.onNetworkingStateChange.bind(this); this.onNetworkingError = this.onNetworkingError.bind(this); this.onNetworkingDebug = this.onNetworkingDebug.bind(this); const adapter = options.adapterCreator({ onVoiceServerUpdate: (data) => this.addServerPacket(data), onVoiceStateUpdate: (data) => this.addStatePacket(data), destroy: () => this.destroy(false) }); this._state = { status: "signalling" /* Signalling */, adapter }; this.packets = { server: void 0, state: void 0 }; this.joinConfig = joinConfig; } get state() { return this._state; } set state(newState) { const oldState = this._state; const oldNetworking = Reflect.get(oldState, "networking"); const newNetworking = Reflect.get(newState, "networking"); const oldSubscription = Reflect.get(oldState, "subscription"); const newSubscription = Reflect.get(newState, "subscription"); if (oldNetworking !== newNetworking) { if (oldNetworking) { oldNetworking.on("error", noop); oldNetworking.off("debug", this.onNetworkingDebug); oldNetworking.off("error", this.onNetworkingError); oldNetworking.off("close", this.onNetworkingClose); oldNetworking.off("stateChange", this.onNetworkingStateChange); oldNetworking.destroy(); } if (newNetworking) this.updateReceiveBindings(newNetworking.state, oldNetworking?.state); } if (newState.status === "ready" /* Ready */) { this.rejoinAttempts = 0; } else if (newState.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { for (const stream of this.receiver.subscriptions.values()) { if (!stream.destroyed) stream.destroy(); } } if (oldState.status !== "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ && newState.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { oldState.adapter.destroy(); } this._state = newState; if (oldSubscription && oldSubscription !== newSubscription) { oldSubscription.unsubscribe(); } this.emit("stateChange", oldState, newState); if (oldState.status !== newState.status) { this.emit(newState.status, oldState, newState); } } addServerPacket(packet) { this.packets.server = packet; if (packet.endpoint) { this.configureNetworking(); } else if (this.state.status !== "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 2 /* EndpointRemoved */ }; } } addStatePacket(packet) { this.packets.state = packet; if (typeof packet.self_deaf !== "undefined") this.joinConfig.selfDeaf = packet.self_deaf; if (typeof packet.self_mute !== "undefined") this.joinConfig.selfMute = packet.self_mute; if (packet.channel_id) this.joinConfig.channelId = packet.channel_id; } updateReceiveBindings(newState, oldState) { const oldWs = Reflect.get(oldState ?? {}, "ws"); const newWs = Reflect.get(newState, "ws"); const oldUdp = Reflect.get(oldState ?? {}, "udp"); const newUdp = Reflect.get(newState, "udp"); if (oldWs !== newWs) { oldWs?.off("packet", this.receiver.onWsPacket); newWs?.on("packet", this.receiver.onWsPacket); } if (oldUdp !== newUdp) { oldUdp?.off("message", this.receiver.onUdpMessage); newUdp?.on("message", this.receiver.onUdpMessage); } this.receiver.connectionData = Reflect.get(newState, "connectionData") ?? {}; } configureNetworking() { const { server, state } = this.packets; if (!server || !state || this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ || !server.endpoint) return; const networking = new Networking( { endpoint: server.endpoint, serverId: server.guild_id ?? server.channel_id, token: server.token, sessionId: state.session_id, userId: state.user_id }, Boolean(this.debug) ); networking.once("close", this.onNetworkingClose); networking.on("stateChange", this.onNetworkingStateChange); networking.on("error", this.onNetworkingError); networking.on("debug", this.onNetworkingDebug); this.state = { ...this.state, status: "connecting" /* Connecting */, networking }; } onNetworkingClose(code) { if (this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) return; if (code === 4014) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 0 /* WebSocketClose */, closeCode: code }; } else { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "signalling" /* Signalling */ }; this.rejoinAttempts++; if (!this.state.adapter.sendPayload(createJoinVoiceChannelPayload(this.joinConfig))) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 1 /* AdapterUnavailable */ }; } } } onNetworkingStateChange(oldState, newState) { this.updateReceiveBindings(newState, oldState); if (oldState.code === newState.code) return; if (this.state.status !== "connecting" /* Connecting */ && this.state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */) return; if (newState.code === 4 /* Ready */) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "ready" /* Ready */ }; } else if (newState.code !== 6 /* Closed */) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "connecting" /* Connecting */ }; } } onNetworkingError(error) { this.emit("error", error); } onNetworkingDebug(message) { this.debug?.(`[NW] ${message}`); } prepareAudioPacket(buffer) { const state = this.state; if (state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */) return; return state.networking.prepareAudioPacket(buffer); } dispatchAudio() { const state = this.state; if (state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */) return; return state.networking.dispatchAudio(); } playOpusPacket(buffer) { const state = this.state; if (state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */) return; state.networking.prepareAudioPacket(buffer); return state.networking.dispatchAudio(); } destroy(adapterAvailable = true) { if (this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { throw new Error("Cannot destroy VoiceConnection - it has already been destroyed"); } if (getVoiceConnection(this.joinConfig.guildId, this.joinConfig.group) === this) { untrackVoiceConnection(this); } if (adapterAvailable) { this.state.adapter.sendPayload(createJoinVoiceChannelPayload({ ...this.joinConfig, channelId: null })); } this.state = { status: "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ }; } disconnect() { if (this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ || this.state.status === "signalling" /* Signalling */) { return false; } this.joinConfig.channelId = null; if (!this.state.adapter.sendPayload(createJoinVoiceChannelPayload(this.joinConfig))) { this.state = { adapter: this.state.adapter, subscription: this.state.subscription, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 1 /* AdapterUnavailable */ }; return false; } this.state = { adapter: this.state.adapter, reason: 3 /* Manual */, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */ }; return true; } rejoin(joinConfig) { if (this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { return false; } const notReady = this.state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */; if (notReady) this.rejoinAttempts++; Object.assign(this.joinConfig, joinConfig); if (this.state.adapter.sendPayload(createJoinVoiceChannelPayload(this.joinConfig))) { if (notReady) { this.state = { ...this.state, status: "signalling" /* Signalling */ }; } return true; } this.state = { adapter: this.state.adapter, subscription: this.state.subscription, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 1 /* AdapterUnavailable */ }; return false; } setSpeaking(enabled) { if (this.state.status !== "ready" /* Ready */) return false; return this.state.networking.setSpeaking(enabled); } subscribe(player) { if (this.state.status === "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) return; const subscription = player["subscribe"](this); this.state = { ...this.state, subscription }; return subscription; } get ping() { if (this.state.status === "ready" /* Ready */ && this.state.networking.state.code === 4 /* Ready */) { return { ws: this.state.networking.state.ws.ping, udp: this.state.networking.state.udp.ping }; } return { ws: void 0, udp: void 0 }; } onSubscriptionRemoved(subscription) { if (this.state.status !== "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ && this.state.subscription === subscription) { this.state = { ...this.state, subscription: void 0 }; } } }; __name(VoiceConnection, "VoiceConnection"); function createVoiceConnection(joinConfig, options) { const payload = createJoinVoiceChannelPayload(joinConfig); const existing = getVoiceConnection(joinConfig.guildId, joinConfig.group); if (existing && existing.state.status !== "destroyed" /* Destroyed */) { if (existing.state.status === "disconnected" /* Disconnected */) { existing.rejoin({ channelId: joinConfig.channelId, selfDeaf: joinConfig.selfDeaf, selfMute: joinConfig.selfMute }); } else if (!existing.state.adapter.sendPayload(payload)) { existing.state = { ...existing.state, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 1 /* AdapterUnavailable */ }; } return existing; } const voiceConnection = new VoiceConnection(joinConfig, options); trackVoiceConnection(voiceConnection); if (voiceConnection.state.status !== "destroyed" /* Destroyed */ && !voiceConnection.state.adapter.sendPayload(payload)) { voiceConnection.state = { ...voiceConnection.state, status: "disconnected" /* Disconnected */, reason: 1 /* AdapterUnavailable */ }; } return voiceConnection; } __name(createVoiceConnection, "createVoiceConnection"); // src/joinVoiceChannel.ts function joinVoiceChannel(options) { const joinConfig = { selfDeaf: true, selfMute: false, group: "default", ...options }; return createVoiceConnection(joinConfig, { adapterCreator: options.adapterCreator, debug: options.debug }); } __name(joinVoiceChannel, "joinVoiceChannel"); // src/audio/AudioResource.ts var import_node_stream2 = require("stream"); var import_prism_media2 = __toESM(require("prism-media")); // src/audio/TransformerGraph.ts var import_prism_media = __toESM(require("prism-media")); var FFMPEG_PCM_ARGUMENTS = ["-analyzeduration", "0", "-loglevel", "0", "-f", "s16le", "-ar", "48000", "-ac", "2"]; var FFMPEG_OPUS_ARGUMENTS = [ "-analyzeduration", "0", "-loglevel", "0", "-acodec", "libopus", "-f", "opus", "-ar", "48000", "-ac", "2" ]; var StreamType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((StreamType2) => { StreamType2["Arbitrary"] = "arbitrary"; StreamType2["OggOpus"] = "ogg/opus"; StreamType2["Opus"] = "opus"; StreamType2["Raw"] = "raw"; StreamType2["WebmOpus"] = "webm/opus"; return StreamType2; })(StreamType || {}); var Node = class { edges = []; type; constructor(type) { this.type = type; } addEdge(edge) { this.edges.push({ ...edge, from: this }); } }; __name(Node, "Node"); var NODES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const streamType of Object.values(StreamType)) { NODES.set(streamType, new Node(streamType)); } function getNode(type) { const node = NODES.get(type); if (!node) throw new Error(`Node type '${type}' does not exist!`); return node; } __name(getNode, "getNode"); getNode("raw" /* Raw */).addEdge({ type: "opus encoder" /* OpusEncoder */, to: getNode("opus" /* Opus */), cost: 1.5, transformer: () => new import_prism_media.default.opus.Encoder({ rate: 48e3, channels: 2, frameSize: 960 }) }); getNode("opus" /* Opus */).addEdge({ type: "opus decoder" /* OpusDecoder */, to: getNode("raw" /* Raw */), cost: 1.5, transformer: () => new import_prism_media.default.opus.Decoder({ rate: 48e3, channels: 2, frameSize: 960 }) }); getNode("ogg/opus" /* OggOpus */).addEdge({ type: "ogg/opus demuxer" /* OggOpusDemuxer */, to: getNode("opus" /* Opus */), cost: 1, transformer: () => new import_prism_media.default.opus.OggDemuxer() }); getNode("webm/opus" /* WebmOpus */).addEdge({ type: "webm/opus demuxer" /* WebmOpusDemuxer */, to: getNode("opus" /* Opus */), cost: 1, transformer: () => new import_prism_media.default.opus.WebmDemuxer() }); var FFMPEG_PCM_EDGE = { type: "ffmpeg pcm" /* FFmpegPCM */, to: getNode("raw" /* Raw */), cost: 2, transformer: (input) => new import_prism_media.default.FFmpeg({ args: typeof input === "string" ? ["-i", input, ...FFMPEG_PCM_ARGUMENTS] : FFMPEG_PCM_ARGUMENTS }) }; getNode("arbitrary" /* Arbitrary */).addEdge(FFMPEG_PCM_EDGE); getNode("ogg/opus" /* OggOpus */).addEdge(FFMPEG_PCM_EDGE); getNode("webm/opus" /* WebmOpus */).addEdge(FFMPEG_PCM_EDGE); getNode("raw" /* Raw */).addEdge({ type: "volume transformer" /* InlineVolume */, to: getNode("raw" /* Raw */), cost: 0.5, transformer: () => new import_prism_media.default.VolumeTransformer({ type: "s16le" }) }); function canEnableFFmpegOptimizations() { try { return import_prism_media.default.FFmpeg.getInfo().output.includes("--enable-libopus"); } catch { } return false; } __name(canEnableFFmpegOptimizations, "canEnableFFmpegOptimizations"); if (canEnableFFmpegOptimizations()) { const FFMPEG_OGG_EDGE = { type: "ffmpeg ogg" /* FFmpegOgg */, to: getNode("ogg/opus" /* OggOpus */), cost: 2, transformer: (input) => new import_prism_media.default.FFmpeg({ args: typeof input === "string" ? ["-i", input, ...FFMPEG_OPUS_ARGUMENTS] : FFMPEG_OPUS_ARGUMENTS }) }; getNode("arbitrary" /* Arbitrary */).addEdge(FFMPEG_OGG_EDGE); getNode("ogg/opus" /* OggOpus */).addEdge(FFMPEG_OGG_EDGE); getNode("webm/opus" /* WebmOpus */).addEdge(FFMPEG_OGG_EDGE); } function findPath(from, constraints, goal = getNode("opus" /* Opus */), path = [], depth = 5) { if (from === goal && constraints(path)) { return { cost: 0 }; } else if (depth === 0) { return { cost: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; } let currentBest; for (const edge of from.edges) { if (currentBest && edge.cost > currentBest.cost) continue; const next = findPath(edge.to, constraints, goal, [...path, edge], depth - 1); const cost = edge.cost + next.cost; if (!currentBest || cost < currentBest.cost) { currentBest = { cost, edge, next }; } } return currentBest ?? { cost: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; } __name(findPath, "findPath"); function constructPipeline(step) { const edges = []; let current = step; while (current?.edge) { edges.push(current.edge); current = current.next; } return edges; } __name(constructPipeline, "constructPipeline"); function findPipeline(from, constraint) { return constructPipeline(findPath(getNode(from), constraint)); } __name(findPipeline, "findPipeline"); // src/audio/AudioResource.ts var AudioResource = class { playStream; edges; metadata; volume; encoder; audioPlayer; playbackDuration = 0; started = false; silencePaddingFrames; silenceRemaining = -1; constructor(edges, streams, metadata, silencePaddingFrames) { this.edges = edges; this.playStream = streams.length > 1 ? (0, import_node_stream2.pipeline)(streams, noop) : streams[0]; this.metadata = metadata; this.silencePaddingFrames = silencePaddingFrames; for (const stream of streams) { if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.VolumeTransformer) { this.volume = stream; } else if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.opus.Encoder) { this.encoder = stream; } } this.playStream.once("readable", () => this.started = true); } get readable() { if (this.silenceRemaining === 0) return false; const real = this.playStream.readable; if (!real) { if (this.silenceRemaining === -1) this.silenceRemaining = this.silencePaddingFrames; return this.silenceRemaining !== 0; } return real; } get ended() { return this.playStream.readableEnded || this.playStream.destroyed || this.silenceRemaining === 0; } read() { if (this.silenceRemaining === 0) { return null; } else if (this.silenceRemaining > 0) { this.silenceRemaining--; return SILENCE_FRAME; } const packet = this.playStream.read(); if (packet) { this.playbackDuration += 20; } return packet; } }; __name(AudioResource, "AudioResource"); var VOLUME_CONSTRAINT = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((path) => path.some((edge) => edge.type === "volume transformer" /* InlineVolume */), "VOLUME_CONSTRAINT"); var NO_CONSTRAINT = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => true, "NO_CONSTRAINT"); function inferStreamType(stream) { if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.opus.Encoder) { return { streamType: "opus" /* Opus */, hasVolume: false }; } else if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.opus.Decoder) { return { streamType: "raw" /* Raw */, hasVolume: false }; } else if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.VolumeTransformer) { return { streamType: "raw" /* Raw */, hasVolume: true }; } else if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.opus.OggDemuxer) { return { streamType: "opus" /* Opus */, hasVolume: false }; } else if (stream instanceof import_prism_media2.default.opus.WebmDemuxer) { return { streamType: "opus" /* Opus */, hasVolume: false }; } return { streamType: "arbitrary" /* Arbitrary */, hasVolume: false }; } __name(inferStreamType, "inferStreamType"); function createAudioResource(input, options = {}) { let inputType = options.inputType; let needsInlineVolume = Boolean(options.inlineVolume); if (typeof input === "string") { inputType = "arbitrary" /* Arbitrary */; } else if (typeof inputType === "undefined") { const analysis = inferStreamType(input); inputType = analysis.streamType; needsInlineVolume = needsInlineVolume && !analysis.hasVolume; } const transformerPipeline = findPipeline(inputType, needsInlineVolume ? VOLUME_CONSTRAINT : NO_CONSTRAINT); if (transformerPipeline.length === 0) { if (typeof input === "string") throw new Error(`Invalid pipeline constructed for string resource '${input}'`); return new AudioResource([], [input], options.metadata ?? null, options.silencePaddingFrames ?? 5); } const streams = transformerPipeline.map((edge) => edge.transformer(input)); if (typeof input !== "string") streams.unshift(input); return new AudioResource( transformerPipeline, streams, options.metadata ?? null, options.silencePaddingFrames ?? 5 ); } __name(createAudioResource, "createAudioResource"); // src/util/generateDependencyReport.ts var import_node_path = require("path"); var import_prism_media3 = __toESM(require("prism-media")); function findPackageJSON(dir, packageName, depth) { if (depth === 0) return void 0; const attemptedPath = (0, import_node_path.resolve)(dir, "./package.json"); try { const pkg = require(attemptedPath); if (pkg.name !== packageName) throw new Error("package.json does not match"); return pkg; } catch { return findPackageJSON((0, import_node_path.resolve)(dir, ".."), packageName, depth - 1); } } __name(findPackageJSON, "findPackageJSON"); function version(name) { try { if (name === "@discordjs/voice") { return "0.14.0"; } const pkg = findPackageJSON((0, import_node_path.dirname)(require.resolve(name)), name, 3); return pkg?.version ?? "not found"; } catch { return "not found"; } } __name(version, "version"); function generateDependencyReport() { const report = []; const addVersion = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((name) => report.push(`- ${name}: ${version(name)}`), "addVersion"); report.push("Core Dependencies"); addVersion("@discordjs/voice"); addVersion("prism-media"); report.push(""); report.push("Opus Libraries"); addVersion("@discordjs/opus"); addVersion("opusscript"); report.push(""); report.push("Encryption Libraries"); addVersion("sodium-native"); addVersion("sodium"); addVersion("libsodium-wrappers"); addVersion("tweetnacl"); report.push(""); report.push("FFmpeg"); try { const info = import_prism_media3.default.FFmpeg.getInfo(); report.push(`- version: ${info.version}`); report.push(`- libopus: ${info.output.includes("--enable-libopus") ? "yes" : "no"}`); } catch { report.push("- not found"); } return ["-".repeat(50), ...report, "-".repeat(50)].join("\n"); } __name(generateDependencyReport, "generateDependencyReport"); // src/util/entersState.ts var import_node_events8 = require("events"); // src/util/abortAfter.ts function abortAfter(delay) { const ac = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), delay); ac.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => clearTimeout(timeout)); return [ac, ac.signal]; } __name(abortAfter, "abortAfter"); // src/util/entersState.ts async function entersState(target, status, timeoutOrSignal) { if (target.state.status !== status) { const [ac, signal] = typeof timeoutOrSignal === "number" ? abortAfter(timeoutOrSignal) : [void 0, timeoutOrSignal]; try { await (0, import_node_events8.once)(target, status, { signal }); } finally { ac?.abort(); } } return target; } __name(entersState, "entersState"); // src/util/demuxProbe.ts var import_node_buffer6 = require("buffer"); var import_node_process = __toESM(require("process")); var import_node_stream3 = require("stream"); var import_prism_media4 = __toESM(require("prism-media")); function validateDiscordOpusHead(opusHead) { const channels = opusHead.readUInt8(9); const sampleRate = opusHead.readUInt32LE(12); return channels === 2 && sampleRate === 48e3; } __name(validateDiscordOpusHead, "validateDiscordOpusHead"); async function demuxProbe(stream, probeSize = 1024, validator = validateDiscordOpusHead) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { if (stream.readableObjectMode) { reject(new Error("Cannot probe a readable stream in object mode")); return; } if (stream.readableEnded) { reject(new Error("Cannot probe a stream that has ended")); return; } let readBuffer = import_node_buffer6.Buffer.alloc(0); let resolved; const finish = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((type) => { stream.off("data", onData); stream.off("close", onClose); stream.off("end", onClose); stream.pause(); resolved = type; if (stream.readableEnded) { resolve2({ stream: import_node_stream3.Readable.from(readBuffer), type }); } else { if (readBuffer.length > 0) { stream.push(readBuffer); } resolve2({ stream, type }); } }, "finish"); const foundHead = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((type) => (head) => { if (validator(head)) { finish(type); } }, "foundHead"); const webm = new import_prism_media4.default.opus.WebmDemuxer(); webm.once("error", noop); webm.on("head", foundHead("webm/opus" /* WebmOpus */)); const ogg = new import_prism_media4.default.opus.OggDemuxer(); ogg.once("error", noop); ogg.on("head", foundHead("ogg/opus" /* OggOpus */)); const onClose = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { if (!resolved) { finish("arbitrary" /* Arbitrary */); } }, "onClose"); const onData = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((buffer) => { readBuffer = import_node_buffer6.Buffer.concat([readBuffer, buffer]); webm.write(buffer); ogg.write(buffer); if (readBuffer.length >= probeSize) { stream.off("data", onData); stream.pause(); import_node_process.default.nextTick(onClose); } }, "onData"); stream.once("error", reject); stream.on("data", onData); stream.once("close", onClose); stream.once("end", onClose); }); } __name(demuxProbe, "demuxProbe"); // src/index.ts var version2 = "0.14.0"; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { AudioPlayer, AudioPlayerError, AudioPlayerStatus, AudioReceiveStream, AudioResource, EndBehaviorType, NoSubscriberBehavior, PlayerSubscription, SSRCMap, SpeakingMap, StreamType, VoiceConnection, VoiceConnectionDisconnectReason, VoiceConnectionStatus, VoiceReceiver, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, createDefaultAudioReceiveStreamOptions, demuxProbe, entersState, generateDependencyReport, getGroups, getVoiceConnection, getVoiceConnections, joinVoiceChannel, validateDiscordOpusHead, version }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map