'use strict'; const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection'); const Team = require('./Team'); const Application = require('./interfaces/Application'); const ApplicationCommandManager = require('../managers/ApplicationCommandManager'); const ApplicationFlags = require('../util/ApplicationFlags'); const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions'); /** * @typedef {Object} ClientApplicationInstallParams * @property {InviteScope[]} scopes The scopes to add the application to the server with * @property {Readonly} permissions The permissions this bot will request upon joining */ /** * Represents a Client OAuth2 Application. * @extends {Application} */ class ClientApplication extends Application { constructor(client, data, user) { super(client, data); /** * The application command manager for this application * @type {ApplicationCommandManager} */ this.commands = new ApplicationCommandManager(this.client, undefined, user); } _patch(data) { super._patch(data); /** * The tags this application has (max of 5) * @type {string[]} */ this.tags = data.tags ?? []; if ('install_params' in data) { /** * Settings for this application's default in-app authorization * @type {?ClientApplicationInstallParams} */ this.installParams = { scopes: data.install_params.scopes, permissions: new Permissions(data.install_params.permissions).freeze(), }; } else { this.installParams ??= null; } if ('custom_install_url' in data) { /** * This application's custom installation URL * @type {?string} */ this.customInstallURL = data.custom_install_url; } else { this.customInstallURL = null; } if ('flags' in data) { /** * The flags this application has * @type {ApplicationFlags} */ this.flags = new ApplicationFlags(data.flags).freeze(); } if ('cover_image' in data) { /** * The hash of the application's cover image * @type {?string} */ this.cover = data.cover_image; } else { this.cover ??= null; } if ('rpc_origins' in data) { /** * The application's RPC origins, if enabled * @type {string[]} */ this.rpcOrigins = data.rpc_origins; } else { this.rpcOrigins ??= []; } if ('bot_require_code_grant' in data) { /** * If this application's bot requires a code grant when using the OAuth2 flow * @type {?boolean} */ this.botRequireCodeGrant = data.bot_require_code_grant; } else { this.botRequireCodeGrant ??= null; } if ('bot_public' in data) { /** * If this application's bot is public * @type {?boolean} */ this.botPublic = data.bot_public; } else { this.botPublic ??= null; } if ('popular_application_command_ids' in data) { /** * List of popular command * @type {?Collection} */ this.popularCommands = new Collection(); data.popular_application_command_ids.forEach(id => { this.popularCommands.set(id, this.commands?.cache?.get(id)); }); } /** * The owner of this OAuth application * @type {?(User|Team)} */ this.owner = data.team ? new Team(this.client, data.team) : data.owner ? this.client.users._add(data.owner) : this.owner ?? null; } /** * Whether this application is partial * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get partial() { return !this.name; } /** * Obtains this application from Discord. * @returns {Promise} */ async fetch() { const app = await this.client.api.oauth2.authorize.get({ query: { client_id: this.id, scope: 'bot applications.commands', }, }); const user = this.client.users._add(app.bot); user._partial = false; this._patch(app.application); return this; } } module.exports = ClientApplication;