'use strict'; const process = require('node:process'); const { RangeError } = require('../errors'); const Util = require('../util/Util'); let deprecationEmittedForSetAuthor = false; let deprecationEmittedForSetFooter = false; let deprecationEmittedForAddField = false; // TODO: Remove the deprecated code for `setAuthor()`, `setFooter()` and `addField()`. /** * Represents an embed in a message (image/video preview, rich embed, etc.) */ class MessageEmbed { /** * A `Partial` object is a representation of any existing object. * This object contains between 0 and all of the original objects parameters. * This is true regardless of whether the parameters are optional in the base object. * @typedef {Object} Partial */ /** * Represents the possible options for a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedOptions * @property {string} [title] The title of this embed * @property {string} [description] The description of this embed * @property {string} [url] The URL of this embed * @property {Date|number} [timestamp] The timestamp of this embed * @property {ColorResolvable} [color] The color of this embed * @property {EmbedFieldData[]} [fields] The fields of this embed * @property {Partial} [author] The author of this embed * @property {Partial} [thumbnail] The thumbnail of this embed * @property {Partial} [image] The image of this embed * @property {Partial} [video] The video of this embed * @property {Partial} [footer] The footer of this embed */ // eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc /** * @param {MessageEmbed|MessageEmbedOptions|APIEmbed} [data={}] MessageEmbed to clone or raw embed data */ constructor(data = {}, skipValidation = false) { this.setup(data, skipValidation); } setup(data, skipValidation) { /** * The type of this embed, either: * * `rich` - a generic embed rendered from embed attributes * * `image` - an image embed * * `video` - a video embed * * `gifv` - an animated gif image embed rendered as a video embed * * `article` - an article embed * * `link` - a link embed * @type {string} * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-types} * @deprecated */ this.type = data.type ?? 'rich'; /** * The title of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.title = data.title ?? null; /** * The description of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.description = data.description ?? null; /** * The URL of this embed * @type {?string} */ this.url = data.url ?? null; /** * The color of this embed * @type {?number} */ this.color = 'color' in data ? Util.resolveColor(data.color) : null; /** * The timestamp of this embed * @type {?number} */ this.timestamp = 'timestamp' in data ? new Date(data.timestamp).getTime() : null; /** * Represents a field of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} EmbedField * @property {string} name The name of this field * @property {string} value The value of this field * @property {boolean} inline If this field will be displayed inline */ /** * The fields of this embed * @type {EmbedField[]} */ this.fields = []; if (data.fields) { this.fields = skipValidation ? data.fields.map(Util.cloneObject) : this.constructor.normalizeFields(data.fields); } /** * Represents the thumbnail of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedThumbnail * @property {string} url URL for this thumbnail * @property {string} proxyURL ProxyURL for this thumbnail * @property {number} height Height of this thumbnail * @property {number} width Width of this thumbnail */ /** * The thumbnail of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?MessageEmbedThumbnail} */ this.thumbnail = data.thumbnail ? { url: data.thumbnail.url, proxyURL: data.thumbnail.proxyURL ?? data.thumbnail.proxy_url, height: data.thumbnail.height, width: data.thumbnail.width, } : null; /** * Represents the image of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedImage * @property {string} url URL for this image * @property {string} proxyURL ProxyURL for this image * @property {number} height Height of this image * @property {number} width Width of this image */ /** * The image of this embed, if there is one * @type {?MessageEmbedImage} */ this.image = data.image ? { url: data.image.url, proxyURL: data.image.proxyURL ?? data.image.proxy_url, height: data.image.height, width: data.image.width, } : null; /** * Represents the video of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedVideo * @property {string} url URL of this video * @property {string} proxyURL ProxyURL for this video * @property {number} height Height of this video * @property {number} width Width of this video */ /** * The video of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?MessageEmbedVideo} * @readonly */ this.video = data.video ? { url: data.video.url, proxyURL: data.video.proxyURL ?? data.video.proxy_url, height: data.video.height, width: data.video.width, } : null; /** * Represents the author field of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedAuthor * @property {string} name The name of this author * @property {string} url URL of this author * @property {string} iconURL URL of the icon for this author * @property {string} proxyIconURL Proxied URL of the icon for this author */ /** * The author of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?MessageEmbedAuthor} */ this.author = data.author ? { name: data.author.name, url: data.author.url, iconURL: data.author.iconURL ?? data.author.icon_url, proxyIconURL: data.author.proxyIconURL ?? data.author.proxy_icon_url, } : null; /** * Represents the provider of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedProvider * @property {string} name The name of this provider * @property {string} url URL of this provider */ /** * The provider of this embed (if there is one) * @type {?MessageEmbedProvider} */ this.provider = data.provider ? { name: data.provider.name, url: data.provider.url, } : null; /** * Represents the footer field of a MessageEmbed * @typedef {Object} MessageEmbedFooter * @property {string} text The text of this footer * @property {string} iconURL URL of the icon for this footer * @property {string} proxyIconURL Proxied URL of the icon for this footer */ /** * The footer of this embed * @type {?MessageEmbedFooter} */ this.footer = data.footer ? { text: data.footer.text, iconURL: data.footer.iconURL ?? data.footer.icon_url, proxyIconURL: data.footer.proxyIconURL ?? data.footer.proxy_icon_url, } : null; } /** * The date displayed on this embed * @type {?Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return this.timestamp ? new Date(this.timestamp) : null; } /** * The hexadecimal version of the embed color, with a leading hash * @type {?string} * @readonly */ get hexColor() { return this.color ? `#${this.color.toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}` : null; } /** * The accumulated length for the embed title, description, fields, footer text, and author name * @type {number} * @readonly */ get length() { return ( (this.title?.length ?? 0) + (this.description?.length ?? 0) + (this.fields.length >= 1 ? this.fields.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr.name.length + curr.value.length, 0) : 0) + (this.footer?.text.length ?? 0) + (this.author?.name.length ?? 0) ); } /** * Checks if this embed is equal to another one by comparing every single one of their properties. * @param {MessageEmbed|APIEmbed} embed The embed to compare with * @returns {boolean} */ equals(embed) { return ( this.type === embed.type && this.author?.name === embed.author?.name && this.author?.url === embed.author?.url && this.author?.iconURL === (embed.author?.iconURL ?? embed.author?.icon_url) && this.color === embed.color && this.title === embed.title && this.description === embed.description && this.url === embed.url && this.timestamp === embed.timestamp && this.fields.length === embed.fields.length && this.fields.every((field, i) => this._fieldEquals(field, embed.fields[i])) && this.footer?.text === embed.footer?.text && this.footer?.iconURL === (embed.footer?.iconURL ?? embed.footer?.icon_url) && this.image?.url === embed.image?.url && this.thumbnail?.url === embed.thumbnail?.url && this.video?.url === embed.video?.url && this.provider?.name === embed.provider?.name && this.provider?.url === embed.provider?.url ); } /** * Compares two given embed fields to see if they are equal * @param {EmbedFieldData} field The first field to compare * @param {EmbedFieldData} other The second field to compare * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _fieldEquals(field, other) { return field.name === other.name && field.value === other.value && field.inline === other.inline; } /** * Adds a field to the embed (max 25). * @param {string} name The name of this field * @param {string} value The value of this field * @param {boolean} [inline=false] If this field will be displayed inline * @returns {MessageEmbed} * @deprecated This method is a wrapper for {@link MessageEmbed#addFields}. Use that instead. */ addField(name, value, inline) { if (!deprecationEmittedForAddField) { process.emitWarning( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len 'MessageEmbed#addField is deprecated and will be removed in the next major update. Use MessageEmbed#addFields instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', ); deprecationEmittedForAddField = true; } return this.addFields({ name, value, inline }); } /** * Adds fields to the embed (max 25). * @param {...EmbedFieldData|EmbedFieldData[]} fields The fields to add * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ addFields(...fields) { this.fields.push(...this.constructor.normalizeFields(fields)); return this; } /** * Removes, replaces, and inserts fields in the embed (max 25). * @param {number} index The index to start at * @param {number} deleteCount The number of fields to remove * @param {...EmbedFieldData|EmbedFieldData[]} [fields] The replacing field objects * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ spliceFields(index, deleteCount, ...fields) { this.fields.splice(index, deleteCount, ...this.constructor.normalizeFields(...fields)); return this; } /** * Sets the embed's fields (max 25). * @param {...EmbedFieldData|EmbedFieldData[]} fields The fields to set * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setFields(...fields) { this.spliceFields(0, this.fields.length, fields); return this; } /** * The options to provide for setting an author for a {@link MessageEmbed}. * @typedef {Object} EmbedAuthorData * @property {string} name The name of this author. * @property {string} [url] The URL of this author. * @property {string} [iconURL] The icon URL of this author. */ /** * Sets the author of this embed. * @param {string|EmbedAuthorData|null} options The options to provide for the author. * Provide `null` to remove the author data. * @param {string} [deprecatedIconURL] The icon URL of this author. * This parameter is **deprecated**. Use the `options` parameter instead. * @param {string} [deprecatedURL] The URL of this author. * This parameter is **deprecated**. Use the `options` parameter instead. * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setAuthor(options, deprecatedIconURL, deprecatedURL) { if (options === null) { this.author = {}; return this; } if (typeof options === 'string') { if (!deprecationEmittedForSetAuthor) { process.emitWarning( 'Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setAuthor is deprecated. Pass a sole object instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', ); deprecationEmittedForSetAuthor = true; } options = { name: options, url: deprecatedURL, iconURL: deprecatedIconURL }; } const { name, url, iconURL } = options; this.author = { name: Util.verifyString(name, RangeError, 'EMBED_AUTHOR_NAME'), url, iconURL }; return this; } /** * Sets the color of this embed. * @param {ColorResolvable} color The color of the embed * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setColor(color) { this.color = Util.resolveColor(color); return this; } /** * Sets the description of this embed. * @param {string} description The description * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setDescription(description) { this.description = Util.verifyString(description, RangeError, 'EMBED_DESCRIPTION'); return this; } /** * The options to provide for setting a footer for a {@link MessageEmbed}. * @typedef {Object} EmbedFooterData * @property {string} text The text of the footer. * @property {string} [iconURL] The icon URL of the footer. */ /** * Sets the footer of this embed. * @param {string|EmbedFooterData|null} options The options to provide for the footer. * Provide `null` to remove the footer data. * @param {string} [deprecatedIconURL] The icon URL of this footer. * This parameter is **deprecated**. Use the `options` parameter instead. * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setFooter(options, deprecatedIconURL) { if (options === null) { this.footer = undefined; return this; } if (typeof options === 'string') { if (!deprecationEmittedForSetFooter) { process.emitWarning( 'Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setFooter is deprecated. Pass a sole object instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', ); deprecationEmittedForSetFooter = true; } options = { text: options, iconURL: deprecatedIconURL }; } const { text, iconURL } = options; this.footer = { text: Util.verifyString(text, RangeError, 'EMBED_FOOTER_TEXT'), iconURL }; return this; } /** * Sets the image of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL of the image * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setImage(url) { this.image = { url }; return this; } /** * Sets the thumbnail of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL of the thumbnail * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setThumbnail(url) { this.thumbnail = { url }; return this; } /** * Sets the timestamp of this embed. * @param {Date|number|null} [timestamp=Date.now()] The timestamp or date. * If `null` then the timestamp will be unset (i.e. when editing an existing {@link MessageEmbed}) * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setTimestamp(timestamp = Date.now()) { if (timestamp instanceof Date) timestamp = timestamp.getTime(); this.timestamp = timestamp; return this; } /** * Sets the title of this embed. * @param {string} title The title * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setTitle(title) { this.title = Util.verifyString(title, RangeError, 'EMBED_TITLE'); return this; } /** * Sets the URL of this embed. * @param {string} url The URL * @returns {MessageEmbed} */ setURL(url) { this.url = url; return this; } /** * Transforms the embed to a plain object. * @returns {APIEmbed} The raw data of this embed */ toJSON() { return { title: this.title, type: 'rich', description: this.description, url: this.url, timestamp: this.timestamp && new Date(this.timestamp), color: this.color, fields: this.fields, thumbnail: this.thumbnail, image: this.image, author: this.author && { name: this.author.name, url: this.author.url, icon_url: this.author.iconURL, }, footer: this.footer && { text: this.footer.text, icon_url: this.footer.iconURL, }, }; } /** * Normalizes field input and verifies strings. * @param {string} name The name of the field * @param {string} value The value of the field * @param {boolean} [inline=false] Set the field to display inline * @returns {EmbedField} */ static normalizeField(name, value, inline = false) { return { name: Util.verifyString(name, RangeError, 'EMBED_FIELD_NAME', false), value: Util.verifyString(value, RangeError, 'EMBED_FIELD_VALUE', false), inline, }; } /** * @typedef {Object} EmbedFieldData * @property {string} name The name of this field * @property {string} value The value of this field * @property {boolean} [inline] If this field will be displayed inline */ /** * Normalizes field input and resolves strings. * @param {...EmbedFieldData|EmbedFieldData[]} fields Fields to normalize * @returns {EmbedField[]} */ static normalizeFields(...fields) { return fields .flat(2) .map(field => this.normalizeField(field.name, field.value, typeof field.inline === 'boolean' ? field.inline : false), ); } } module.exports = MessageEmbed; /** * @external APIEmbed * @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object} */