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372 lines
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'use strict';
const Buffer = require('node:buffer').Buffer;
const Base = require('./Base');
const { GuildScheduledEvent } = require('./GuildScheduledEvent');
const IntegrationApplication = require('./IntegrationApplication');
const InviteStageInstance = require('./InviteStageInstance');
const { Error } = require('../errors');
const { ChannelTypes, Endpoints } = require('../util/Constants');
const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions');
// TODO: Convert `inviter` and `channel` in this class to a getter.
* Represents an invitation to a guild channel.
* @extends {Base}
class Invite extends Base {
constructor(client, data) {
_patch(data) {
const InviteGuild = require('./InviteGuild');
* The guild the invite is for including welcome screen data if present
* @type {?(Guild|InviteGuild)}
this.guild ??= null;
if (data.guild) {
this.guild = this.client.guilds.resolve(data.guild.id) ?? new InviteGuild(this.client, data.guild);
if ('code' in data) {
* The code for this invite
* @type {string}
this.code = data.code;
if ('approximate_presence_count' in data) {
* The approximate number of online members of the guild this invite is for
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link Client#fetchInvite}.</info>
* @type {?number}
this.presenceCount = data.approximate_presence_count;
} else {
this.presenceCount ??= null;
if ('approximate_member_count' in data) {
* The approximate total number of members of the guild this invite is for
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link Client#fetchInvite}.</info>
* @type {?number}
this.memberCount = data.approximate_member_count;
} else {
this.memberCount ??= null;
if ('temporary' in data) {
* Whether or not this invite only grants temporary membership
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link GuildInviteManager#fetch}
* or created through {@link GuildInviteManager#create}.</info>
* @type {?boolean}
this.temporary = data.temporary ?? null;
} else {
this.temporary ??= null;
if ('max_age' in data) {
* The maximum age of the invite, in seconds, 0 if never expires
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link GuildInviteManager#fetch}
* or created through {@link GuildInviteManager#create}.</info>
* @type {?number}
this.maxAge = data.max_age;
} else {
this.maxAge ??= null;
if ('uses' in data) {
* How many times this invite has been used
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link GuildInviteManager#fetch}
* or created through {@link GuildInviteManager#create}.</info>
* @type {?number}
this.uses = data.uses;
} else {
this.uses ??= null;
if ('max_uses' in data) {
* The maximum uses of this invite
* <info>This is only available when the invite was fetched through {@link GuildInviteManager#fetch}
* or created through {@link GuildInviteManager#create}.</info>
* @type {?number}
this.maxUses = data.max_uses;
} else {
this.maxUses ??= null;
if ('inviter_id' in data) {
* The user's id who created this invite
* @type {?Snowflake}
this.inviterId = data.inviter_id;
this.inviter = this.client.users.resolve(data.inviter_id);
} else {
this.inviterId ??= null;
if ('inviter' in data) {
* The user who created this invite
* @type {?User}
this.inviter ??= this.client.users._add(data.inviter);
this.inviterId = data.inviter.id;
} else {
this.inviter ??= null;
if ('target_user' in data) {
* The user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite
* @type {?User}
this.targetUser = this.client.users._add(data.target_user);
} else {
this.targetUser ??= null;
if ('target_application' in data) {
* The embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite
* @type {?IntegrationApplication}
this.targetApplication = new IntegrationApplication(this.client, data.target_application);
} else {
this.targetApplication ??= null;
* The type of the invite target:
* * 1: STREAM
* @typedef {number} TargetType
* @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/invite#invite-object-invite-target-types}
if ('target_type' in data) {
* The target type
* @type {?TargetType}
this.targetType = data.target_type;
} else {
this.targetType ??= null;
if ('channel_id' in data) {
* The channel's id this invite is for
* @type {Snowflake}
this.channelId = data.channel_id;
this.channel = this.client.channels.cache.get(data.channel_id);
if ('channel' in data && data.channel) {
* The channel this invite is for
* @type {Channel}
this.channel ??= this.client.channels._add(data.channel, this.guild, { cache: false });
this.channelId ??= data.channel.id;
if ('created_at' in data) {
* The timestamp this invite was created at
* @type {?number}
this.createdTimestamp = new Date(data.created_at).getTime();
} else {
this.createdTimestamp ??= null;
if ('expires_at' in data) {
this._expiresTimestamp = data.expires_at && Date.parse(data.expires_at);
} else {
this._expiresTimestamp ??= null;
if ('stage_instance' in data) {
* The stage instance data if there is a public {@link StageInstance} in the stage channel this invite is for
* @type {?InviteStageInstance}
this.stageInstance = new InviteStageInstance(this.client, data.stage_instance, this.channel.id, this.guild.id);
} else {
this.stageInstance ??= null;
if ('guild_scheduled_event' in data) {
* The guild scheduled event data if there is a {@link GuildScheduledEvent} in the channel this invite is for
* @type {?GuildScheduledEvent}
this.guildScheduledEvent = new GuildScheduledEvent(this.client, data.guild_scheduled_event);
} else {
this.guildScheduledEvent ??= null;
* The time the invite was created at
* @type {?Date}
* @readonly
get createdAt() {
return this.createdTimestamp ? new Date(this.createdTimestamp) : null;
* Whether the invite is deletable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get deletable() {
const guild = this.guild;
if (!guild || !this.client.guilds.cache.has(guild.id)) return false;
if (!guild.me) throw new Error('GUILD_UNCACHED_ME');
return (
this.channel.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_CHANNELS, false) ||
* The timestamp the invite will expire at
* @type {?number}
* @readonly
get expiresTimestamp() {
return (
this._expiresTimestamp ??
(this.createdTimestamp && this.maxAge ? this.createdTimestamp + this.maxAge * 1_000 : null)
* The time the invite will expire at
* @type {?Date}
* @readonly
get expiresAt() {
const { expiresTimestamp } = this;
return expiresTimestamp ? new Date(expiresTimestamp) : null;
* The URL to the invite
* @type {string}
* @readonly
get url() {
return Endpoints.invite(this.client.options.http.invite, this.code);
* Deletes this invite.
* @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting this invite
* @returns {Promise<Invite>}
async delete(reason) {
await this.client.api.invites[this.code].delete({ reason });
return this;
* When concatenated with a string, this automatically concatenates the invite's URL instead of the object.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // Logs: Invite: https://discord.gg/A1b2C3
* console.log(`Invite: ${invite}`);
toString() {
return this.url;
toJSON() {
return super.toJSON({
url: true,
expiresTimestamp: true,
presenceCount: false,
memberCount: false,
uses: false,
channel: 'channelId',
inviter: 'inviterId',
guild: 'guildId',
valueOf() {
return this.code;
* Join this Guild using this invite.
* @param {boolean} autoVerify Whether to automatically verify member
* @param {string} [captcha] The captcha key to add
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @example
* await client.fetchInvite('code').then(async invite => {
* await invite.acceptInvite();
* });
async acceptInvite(autoVerify = true, captcha = null) {
if (!this.guild) throw new Error('INVITE_NO_GUILD');
const dataHeader = {
location: 'Join Guild',
location_guild_id: this.guild?.id,
location_channel_id: this.channelId,
location_channel_type: ChannelTypes[this.channel?.type] ?? 0,
await this.client.api.invites(this.code).post({
data: captcha
? {
captcha_key: captcha,
: {},
// Goodjob discord :) Bypass Phone Verification (not captcha .-.)
headers: {
'X-Context-Properties': Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(dataHeader), 'utf8').toString('base64'),
if (autoVerify) {
const getForm = await this.client.api
['member-verification'].get({ query: { with_guild: false, invite_code: this.code } })
.catch(() => {});
if (!getForm) return undefined;
const form = Object.assign(getForm.form_fields[0], { response: true });
// Respond to the form
// https://discord.com/api/v9/guilds/:id/requests/@me
await this.client.api.guilds(this.guild.id).requests['@me'].put({ data: { form_fields: [form] } });
return undefined;
* Regular expression that globally matches Discord invite links
* @type {RegExp}
Invite.INVITES_PATTERN = /discord(?:(?:app)?\.com\/invite|\.gg(?:\/invite)?)\/([\w-]{2,255})/gi;
module.exports = Invite;