[vi] cảm giác đau khổ
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'use strict';
const { Channel } = require('./Channel');
const PermissionOverwrites = require('./PermissionOverwrites');
const { Error } = require('../errors');
const PermissionOverwriteManager = require('../managers/PermissionOverwriteManager');
const { ChannelTypes, VoiceBasedChannelTypes } = require('../util/Constants');
const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions');
const Util = require('../util/Util');
* Represents a guild channel from any of the following:
* - {@link TextChannel}
* - {@link VoiceChannel}
* - {@link CategoryChannel}
* - {@link NewsChannel}
* - {@link StoreChannel}
* - {@link StageChannel}
* @extends {Channel}
* @abstract
class GuildChannel extends Channel {
constructor(guild, data, client, immediatePatch = true) {
super(guild?.client ?? client, data, false);
* The guild the channel is in
* @type {Guild}
this.guild = guild;
* The id of the guild the channel is in
* @type {Snowflake}
this.guildId = guild?.id ?? data.guild_id;
this.parentId = this.parentId ?? null;
* A manager of permission overwrites that belong to this channel
* @type {PermissionOverwriteManager}
this.permissionOverwrites = new PermissionOverwriteManager(this);
if (data && immediatePatch) this._patch(data);
_patch(data) {
if ('name' in data) {
* The name of the guild channel
* @type {string}
this.name = data.name;
if ('position' in data) {
* The raw position of the channel from Discord
* @type {number}
this.rawPosition = data.position;
if ('guild_id' in data) {
this.guildId = data.guild_id;
if ('parent_id' in data) {
* The id of the category parent of this channel
* @type {?Snowflake}
this.parentId = data.parent_id;
if ('permission_overwrites' in data) {
for (const overwrite of data.permission_overwrites) {
_clone() {
const clone = super._clone();
clone.permissionOverwrites = new PermissionOverwriteManager(clone, this.permissionOverwrites.cache.values());
return clone;
* The category parent of this channel
* @type {?CategoryChannel}
* @readonly
get parent() {
return this.guild.channels.resolve(this.parentId);
* If the permissionOverwrites match the parent channel, null if no parent
* @type {?boolean}
* @readonly
get permissionsLocked() {
if (!this.parent) return null;
// Get all overwrites
const overwriteIds = new Set([
// Compare all overwrites
return [...overwriteIds].every(key => {
const channelVal = this.permissionOverwrites.cache.get(key);
const parentVal = this.parent.permissionOverwrites.cache.get(key);
// Handle empty overwrite
if (
(!channelVal &&
parentVal.deny.bitfield === Permissions.defaultBit &&
parentVal.allow.bitfield === Permissions.defaultBit) ||
(!parentVal &&
channelVal.deny.bitfield === Permissions.defaultBit &&
channelVal.allow.bitfield === Permissions.defaultBit)
) {
return true;
// Compare overwrites
return (
typeof channelVal !== 'undefined' &&
typeof parentVal !== 'undefined' &&
channelVal.deny.bitfield === parentVal.deny.bitfield &&
channelVal.allow.bitfield === parentVal.allow.bitfield
* The position of the channel
* @type {number}
* @readonly
get position() {
const sorted = this.guild._sortedChannels(this);
return [...sorted.values()].indexOf(sorted.get(this.id));
* Gets the overall set of permissions for a member or role in this channel, taking into account channel overwrites.
* @param {GuildMemberResolvable|RoleResolvable} memberOrRole The member or role to obtain the overall permissions for
* @param {boolean} [checkAdmin=true] Whether having `ADMINISTRATOR` will return all permissions
* @returns {?Readonly<Permissions>}
permissionsFor(memberOrRole, checkAdmin = true) {
const member = this.guild.members.resolve(memberOrRole);
if (member) return this.memberPermissions(member, checkAdmin);
const role = this.guild.roles.resolve(memberOrRole);
return role && this.rolePermissions(role, checkAdmin);
overwritesFor(member, verified = false, roles = null) {
if (!verified) member = this.guild.members.resolve(member);
if (!member) return [];
roles ??= member.roles.cache;
const roleOverwrites = [];
let memberOverwrites;
let everyoneOverwrites;
for (const overwrite of this.permissionOverwrites.cache.values()) {
if (overwrite.id === this.guild.id) {
everyoneOverwrites = overwrite;
} else if (roles.has(overwrite.id)) {
} else if (overwrite.id === member.id) {
memberOverwrites = overwrite;
return {
everyone: everyoneOverwrites,
roles: roleOverwrites,
member: memberOverwrites,
* Gets the overall set of permissions for a member in this channel, taking into account channel overwrites.
* @param {GuildMember} member The member to obtain the overall permissions for
* @param {boolean} checkAdmin=true Whether having `ADMINISTRATOR` will return all permissions
* @returns {Readonly<Permissions>}
* @private
memberPermissions(member, checkAdmin) {
if (checkAdmin && member.id === this.guild.ownerId) return new Permissions(Permissions.ALL).freeze();
const roles = member.roles.cache;
const permissions = new Permissions(roles.map(role => role.permissions));
if (checkAdmin && permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR)) {
return new Permissions(Permissions.ALL).freeze();
const overwrites = this.overwritesFor(member, true, roles);
return permissions
.remove(overwrites.everyone?.deny ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.add(overwrites.everyone?.allow ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.remove(overwrites.roles.length > 0 ? overwrites.roles.map(role => role.deny) : Permissions.defaultBit)
.add(overwrites.roles.length > 0 ? overwrites.roles.map(role => role.allow) : Permissions.defaultBit)
.remove(overwrites.member?.deny ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.add(overwrites.member?.allow ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
* Gets the overall set of permissions for a role in this channel, taking into account channel overwrites.
* @param {Role} role The role to obtain the overall permissions for
* @param {boolean} checkAdmin Whether having `ADMINISTRATOR` will return all permissions
* @returns {Readonly<Permissions>}
* @private
rolePermissions(role, checkAdmin) {
if (checkAdmin && role.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR)) {
return new Permissions(Permissions.ALL).freeze();
const everyoneOverwrites = this.permissionOverwrites.cache.get(this.guild.id);
const roleOverwrites = this.permissionOverwrites.cache.get(role.id);
return role.permissions
.remove(everyoneOverwrites?.deny ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.add(everyoneOverwrites?.allow ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.remove(roleOverwrites?.deny ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
.add(roleOverwrites?.allow ?? Permissions.defaultBit)
* Locks in the permission overwrites from the parent channel.
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
lockPermissions() {
if (!this.parent) return Promise.reject(new Error('GUILD_CHANNEL_ORPHAN'));
const permissionOverwrites = this.parent.permissionOverwrites.cache.map(overwrite => overwrite.toJSON());
return this.edit({ permissionOverwrites });
* A collection of cached members of this channel, mapped by their ids.
* Members that can view this channel, if the channel is text-based.
* Members in the channel, if the channel is voice-based.
* @type {Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>}
* @readonly
get members() {
return this.guild.members.cache.filter(m => this.permissionsFor(m).has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL, false));
* The data for a guild channel.
* @typedef {Object} ChannelData
* @property {string} [name] The name of the channel
* @property {ChannelType} [type] The type of the channel (only conversion between text and news is supported)
* @property {number} [position] The position of the channel
* @property {string} [topic] The topic of the text channel
* @property {boolean} [nsfw] Whether the channel is NSFW
* @property {number} [bitrate] The bitrate of the voice channel
* @property {number} [userLimit] The user limit of the voice channel
* @property {?CategoryChannelResolvable} [parent] The parent of the channel
* @property {boolean} [lockPermissions]
* Lock the permissions of the channel to what the parent's permissions are
* @property {OverwriteResolvable[]|Collection<Snowflake, OverwriteResolvable>} [permissionOverwrites]
* Permission overwrites for the channel
* @property {number} [rateLimitPerUser] The rate limit per user (slowmode) for the channel in seconds
* @property {ThreadAutoArchiveDuration} [defaultAutoArchiveDuration]
* The default auto archive duration for all new threads in this channel
* @property {?string} [rtcRegion] The RTC region of the channel
* Edits the channel.
* @param {ChannelData} data The new data for the channel
* @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing this channel
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
* @example
* // Edit a channel
* channel.edit({ name: 'new-channel' })
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error);
async edit(data, reason) {
data.parent &&= this.client.channels.resolveId(data.parent);
if (typeof data.position !== 'undefined') {
const updatedChannels = await Util.setPosition(
guild_id: this.guild.id,
channels: updatedChannels,
let permission_overwrites;
if (data.permissionOverwrites) {
permission_overwrites = data.permissionOverwrites.map(o => PermissionOverwrites.resolve(o, this.guild));
if (data.lockPermissions) {
if (data.parent) {
const newParent = this.guild.channels.resolve(data.parent);
if (newParent?.type === 'GUILD_CATEGORY') {
permission_overwrites = newParent.permissionOverwrites.cache.map(o =>
PermissionOverwrites.resolve(o, this.guild),
} else if (this.parent) {
permission_overwrites = this.parent.permissionOverwrites.cache.map(o =>
PermissionOverwrites.resolve(o, this.guild),
const newData = await this.client.api.channels(this.id).patch({
data: {
name: (data.name ?? this.name).trim(),
type: ChannelTypes[data.type],
topic: data.topic,
nsfw: data.nsfw,
bitrate: data.bitrate ?? this.bitrate,
user_limit: data.userLimit ?? this.userLimit,
rtc_region: data.rtcRegion ?? this.rtcRegion,
parent_id: data.parent,
lock_permissions: data.lockPermissions,
rate_limit_per_user: data.rateLimitPerUser,
default_auto_archive_duration: data.defaultAutoArchiveDuration,
return this.client.actions.ChannelUpdate.handle(newData).updated;
* Sets a new name for the guild channel.
* @param {string} name The new name for the guild channel
* @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild channel's name
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
* @example
* // Set a new channel name
* channel.setName('not_general')
* .then(newChannel => console.log(`Channel's new name is ${newChannel.name}`))
* .catch(console.error);
setName(name, reason) {
return this.edit({ name }, reason);
* Options used to set the parent of a channel.
* @typedef {Object} SetParentOptions
* @property {boolean} [lockPermissions=true] Whether to lock the permissions to what the parent's permissions are
* @property {string} [reason] The reason for modifying the parent of the channel
* Sets the parent of this channel.
* @param {?CategoryChannelResolvable} channel The category channel to set as the parent
* @param {SetParentOptions} [options={}] The options for setting the parent
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
* @example
* // Add a parent to a channel
* message.channel.setParent('355908108431917066', { lockPermissions: false })
* .then(channel => console.log(`New parent of ${message.channel.name}: ${channel.name}`))
* .catch(console.error);
setParent(channel, { lockPermissions = true, reason } = {}) {
return this.edit(
parent: channel ?? null,
* Options used to set the position of a channel.
* @typedef {Object} SetChannelPositionOptions
* @property {boolean} [relative=false] Whether or not to change the position relative to its current value
* @property {string} [reason] The reason for changing the position
* Sets a new position for the guild channel.
* @param {number} position The new position for the guild channel
* @param {SetChannelPositionOptions} [options] Options for setting position
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
* @example
* // Set a new channel position
* channel.setPosition(2)
* .then(newChannel => console.log(`Channel's new position is ${newChannel.position}`))
* .catch(console.error);
async setPosition(position, { relative, reason } = {}) {
const updatedChannels = await Util.setPosition(
guild_id: this.guild.id,
channels: updatedChannels,
return this;
* Data that can be resolved to an Application. This can be:
* * An Application
* * An Activity with associated Application
* * A Snowflake
* @typedef {Application|Snowflake} ApplicationResolvable
* Options used to clone a guild channel.
* @typedef {GuildChannelCreateOptions} GuildChannelCloneOptions
* @property {string} [name=this.name] Name of the new channel
* Clones this channel.
* @param {GuildChannelCloneOptions} [options] The options for cloning this channel
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
clone(options = {}) {
return this.guild.channels.create(options.name ?? this.name, {
permissionOverwrites: this.permissionOverwrites.cache,
topic: this.topic,
type: this.type,
nsfw: this.nsfw,
parent: this.parent,
bitrate: this.bitrate,
userLimit: this.userLimit,
rateLimitPerUser: this.rateLimitPerUser,
position: this.rawPosition,
reason: null,
* Checks if this channel has the same type, topic, position, name, overwrites, and id as another channel.
* In most cases, a simple `channel.id === channel2.id` will do, and is much faster too.
* @param {GuildChannel} channel Channel to compare with
* @returns {boolean}
equals(channel) {
let equal =
channel &&
this.id === channel.id &&
this.type === channel.type &&
this.topic === channel.topic &&
this.position === channel.position &&
this.name === channel.name;
if (equal) {
if (this.permissionOverwrites && channel.permissionOverwrites) {
equal = this.permissionOverwrites.cache.equals(channel.permissionOverwrites.cache);
} else {
equal = !this.permissionOverwrites && !channel.permissionOverwrites;
return equal;
* Whether the channel is deletable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get deletable() {
return this.manageable && this.guild.rulesChannelId !== this.id && this.guild.publicUpdatesChannelId !== this.id;
* Whether the channel is manageable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get manageable() {
if (this.client.user.id === this.guild.ownerId) return true;
const permissions = this.permissionsFor(this.client.user);
if (!permissions) return false;
// This flag allows managing even if timed out
if (permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR, false)) return true;
if (this.guild.me.communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp > Date.now()) return false;
const bitfield = VoiceBasedChannelTypes.includes(this.type)
return permissions.has(bitfield, false);
* Whether the channel is viewable by the client user
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get viewable() {
if (this.client.user.id === this.guild.ownerId) return true;
const permissions = this.permissionsFor(this.client.user);
if (!permissions) return false;
return permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL, false);
* Deletes this channel.
* @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting this channel
* @returns {Promise<GuildChannel>}
* @example
* // Delete the channel
* channel.delete('making room for new channels')
* .then(console.log)
* .catch(console.error);
async delete(reason) {
await this.client.api.channels(this.id).delete({ reason });
return this;
module.exports = GuildChannel;