March 7th 305ccaac90 v2.2.0
Discord.js v13.8.0
2022-06-06 11:21:36 +07:00

395 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
const EventEmitter = require('node:events');
const { setImmediate } = require('node:timers');
const { setTimeout: sleep } = require('node:timers/promises');
const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection');
const { RPCErrorCodes } = require('discord-api-types/v9');
const WebSocketShard = require('./WebSocketShard');
const PacketHandlers = require('./handlers');
const { Error } = require('../../errors');
const { Events, ShardEvents, Status, WSCodes, WSEvents } = require('../../util/Constants');
const BeforeReadyWhitelist = [
const UNRECOVERABLE_CLOSE_CODES = Object.keys(WSCodes).slice(2).map(Number);
* The WebSocket manager for this client.
* <info>This class forwards raw dispatch events,
* read more about it here {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway}</info>
* @extends EventEmitter
class WebSocketManager extends EventEmitter {
constructor(client) {
* The client that instantiated this WebSocketManager
* @type {Client}
* @readonly
* @name WebSocketManager#client
Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client });
* The gateway this manager uses
* @type {?string}
this.gateway = null;
* The amount of shards this manager handles
* @private
* @type {number}
this.totalShards = this.client.options.shards.length;
* A collection of all shards this manager handles
* @type {Collection<number, WebSocketShard>}
this.shards = new Collection();
* An array of shards to be connected or that need to reconnect
* @type {Set<WebSocketShard>}
* @private
* @name WebSocketManager#shardQueue
Object.defineProperty(this, 'shardQueue', { value: new Set(), writable: true });
* An array of queued events before this WebSocketManager became ready
* @type {Object[]}
* @private
* @name WebSocketManager#packetQueue
Object.defineProperty(this, 'packetQueue', { value: [] });
* The current status of this WebSocketManager
* @type {Status}
this.status = Status.IDLE;
* If this manager was destroyed. It will prevent shards from reconnecting
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.destroyed = false;
* If this manager is currently reconnecting one or multiple shards
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.reconnecting = false;
* The average ping of all WebSocketShards
* @type {number}
* @readonly
get ping() {
const sum = this.shards.reduce((a, b) => a + b.ping, 0);
return sum / this.shards.size;
* Emits a debug message.
* @param {string} message The debug message
* @param {?WebSocketShard} [shard] The shard that emitted this message, if any
* @private
debug(message, shard) {
this.client.emit(Events.DEBUG, `[WS => ${shard ? `Shard ${shard.id}` : 'Manager'}] ${message}`);
* Connects this manager to the gateway.
* @private
async connect() {
const invalidToken = new Error(WSCodes[4004]);
const {
url: gatewayURL,
shards: recommendedShards,
session_start_limit: sessionStartLimit,
} = await this.client.api.gateway.bot.get().catch(error => {
throw error.httpStatus === 401 ? invalidToken : error;
const { total, remaining } = sessionStartLimit;
this.debug(`Fetched Gateway Information
URL: ${gatewayURL}
Recommended Shards: ${recommendedShards}`);
this.debug(`Session Limit Information
Total: ${total}
Remaining: ${remaining}`);
this.gateway = `${gatewayURL}/`;
let { shards } = this.client.options;
if (shards === 'auto') {
this.debug(`Using the recommended shard count provided by Discord: ${recommendedShards}`);
this.totalShards = this.client.options.shardCount = recommendedShards;
shards = this.client.options.shards = Array.from({ length: recommendedShards }, (_, i) => i);
this.totalShards = shards.length;
this.debug(`Spawning shards: ${shards.join(', ')}`);
this.shardQueue = new Set(shards.map(id => new WebSocketShard(this, id)));
return this.createShards();
* Handles the creation of a shard.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
* @private
async createShards() {
// If we don't have any shards to handle, return
if (!this.shardQueue.size) return false;
const [shard] = this.shardQueue;
if (!shard.eventsAttached) {
shard.on(ShardEvents.ALL_READY, unavailableGuilds => {
* Emitted when a shard turns ready.
* @event Client#shardReady
* @param {number} id The shard id that turned ready
* @param {?Set<Snowflake>} unavailableGuilds Set of unavailable guild ids, if any
this.client.emit(Events.SHARD_READY, shard.id, unavailableGuilds);
if (!this.shardQueue.size) this.reconnecting = false;
shard.on(ShardEvents.CLOSE, event => {
if (event.code === 1_000 ? this.destroyed : UNRECOVERABLE_CLOSE_CODES.includes(event.code)) {
* Emitted when a shard's WebSocket disconnects and will no longer reconnect.
* @event Client#shardDisconnect
* @param {CloseEvent} event The WebSocket close event
* @param {number} id The shard id that disconnected
this.client.emit(Events.SHARD_DISCONNECT, event, shard.id);
this.debug(WSCodes[event.code], shard);
if (UNRESUMABLE_CLOSE_CODES.includes(event.code)) {
// These event codes cannot be resumed
shard.sessionId = null;
* Emitted when a shard is attempting to reconnect or re-identify.
* @event Client#shardReconnecting
* @param {number} id The shard id that is attempting to reconnect
this.client.emit(Events.SHARD_RECONNECTING, shard.id);
if (shard.sessionId) this.debug(`Session id is present, attempting an immediate reconnect...`, shard);
shard.on(ShardEvents.INVALID_SESSION, () => {
this.client.emit(Events.SHARD_RECONNECTING, shard.id);
shard.on(ShardEvents.DESTROYED, () => {
this.debug('Shard was destroyed but no WebSocket connection was present! Reconnecting...', shard);
this.client.emit(Events.SHARD_RECONNECTING, shard.id);
shard.eventsAttached = true;
this.shards.set(shard.id, shard);
try {
await shard.connect();
} catch (error) {
if (error?.code && UNRECOVERABLE_CLOSE_CODES.includes(error.code)) {
throw new Error(WSCodes[error.code]);
// Undefined if session is invalid, error event for regular closes
} else if (!error || error.code) {
this.debug('Failed to connect to the gateway, requeueing...', shard);
} else {
throw error;
// If we have more shards, add a 5s delay
if (this.shardQueue.size) {
this.debug(`Shard Queue Size: ${this.shardQueue.size}; continuing in 5 seconds...`);
await sleep(5_000);
return this.createShards();
return true;
* Handles reconnects for this manager.
* @private
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async reconnect() {
if (this.reconnecting || this.status !== Status.READY) return false;
this.reconnecting = true;
try {
await this.createShards();
} catch (error) {
this.debug(`Couldn't reconnect or fetch information about the gateway. ${error}`);
if (error.httpStatus !== 401) {
this.debug('Possible network error occurred. Retrying in 5s...');
await sleep(5_000);
this.reconnecting = false;
return this.reconnect();
// If we get an error at this point, it means we cannot reconnect anymore
if (this.client.listenerCount(Events.INVALIDATED)) {
* Emitted when the client's session becomes invalidated.
* You are expected to handle closing the process gracefully and preventing a boot loop
* if you are listening to this event.
* @event Client#invalidated
// Destroy just the shards. This means you have to handle the cleanup yourself
} else {
} finally {
this.reconnecting = false;
return true;
* Broadcasts a packet to every shard this manager handles.
* @param {Object} packet The packet to send
* @private
broadcast(packet) {
for (const shard of this.shards.values()) shard.send(packet);
* Destroys this manager and all its shards.
* @private
destroy() {
if (this.destroyed) return;
this.debug(`Manager was destroyed. Called by:\n${new Error('MANAGER_DESTROYED').stack}`);
this.destroyed = true;
for (const shard of this.shards.values()) shard.destroy({ closeCode: 1_000, reset: true, emit: false, log: false });
* Processes a packet and queues it if this WebSocketManager is not ready.
* @param {Object} [packet] The packet to be handled
* @param {WebSocketShard} [shard] The shard that will handle this packet
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
handlePacket(packet, shard) {
if (packet && this.status !== Status.READY) {
if (!BeforeReadyWhitelist.includes(packet.t)) {
this.packetQueue.push({ packet, shard });
return false;
if (this.packetQueue.length) {
const item = this.packetQueue.shift();
setImmediate(() => {
this.handlePacket(item.packet, item.shard);
if (packet && PacketHandlers[packet.t]) {
PacketHandlers[packet.t](this.client, packet, shard);
} else if (packet) {
/* Debug mode */
// console.log(`Unhandled packet: ${packet.t}`, packet);
* Emitted whenever a packet isn't handled.
* @event Client#unhandledPacket
* @param {Object} packet The packet (t: Event name, d: Data)
* @param {Number} shard The shard that received the packet (Auto = 0)
this.client.emit(Events.UNHANDLED_PACKET, packet, shard);
return true;
* Checks whether the client is ready to be marked as ready.
* @private
checkShardsReady() {
if (this.status === Status.READY) return;
if (this.shards.size !== this.totalShards || this.shards.some(s => s.status !== Status.READY)) {
* Causes the client to be marked as ready and emits the ready event.
* @private
triggerClientReady() {
this.status = Status.READY;
this.client.readyAt = new Date();
* Emitted when the client becomes ready to start working.
* @event Client#ready
* @param {Client} client The client
this.client.emit(Events.CLIENT_READY, this.client);
module.exports = WebSocketManager;