2022-04-16 19:01:05 +07:00

314 lines
9.2 KiB

'use strict';
const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');
const BaseMessageComponent = require('./BaseMessageComponent');
const MessageEmbed = require('./MessageEmbed');
const WebEmbed = require('./WebEmbed');
const { RangeError } = require('../errors');
const DataResolver = require('../util/DataResolver');
const MessageFlags = require('../util/MessageFlags');
const Util = require('../util/Util');
* Represents a message to be sent to the API.
class MessagePayload {
* @param {MessageTarget} target The target for this message to be sent to
* @param {MessageOptions|WebhookMessageOptions} options Options passed in from send
constructor(target, options) {
* The target for this message to be sent to
* @type {MessageTarget}
this.target = target;
* Options passed in from send
* @type {MessageOptions|WebhookMessageOptions}
this.options = options;
* Data sendable to the API
* @type {?APIMessage}
this.data = null;
* @typedef {Object} MessageFile
* @property {Buffer|string|Stream} attachment The original attachment that generated this file
* @property {string} name The name of this file
* @property {Buffer|Stream} file The file to be sent to the API
* Files sendable to the API
* @type {?MessageFile[]}
this.files = null;
* Whether or not the target is a {@link Webhook} or a {@link WebhookClient}
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get isWebhook() {
const Webhook = require('./Webhook');
const WebhookClient = require('../client/WebhookClient');
return this.target instanceof Webhook || this.target instanceof WebhookClient;
* Whether or not the target is a {@link User}
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get isUser() {
const User = require('./User');
const { GuildMember } = require('./GuildMember');
return this.target instanceof User || this.target instanceof GuildMember;
* Whether or not the target is a {@link Message}
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get isMessage() {
const { Message } = require('./Message');
return this.target instanceof Message;
* Whether or not the target is a {@link MessageManager}
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get isMessageManager() {
const MessageManager = require('../managers/MessageManager');
return this.target instanceof MessageManager;
* Whether or not the target is an {@link Interaction} or an {@link InteractionWebhook}
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
get isInteraction() {
const Interaction = require('./Interaction');
const InteractionWebhook = require('./InteractionWebhook');
return this.target instanceof Interaction || this.target instanceof InteractionWebhook;
* Makes the content of this message.
* @returns {?string}
makeContent() {
let content;
if (this.options.content === null) {
content = '';
} else if (typeof this.options.content !== 'undefined') {
content = Util.verifyString(this.options.content, RangeError, 'MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE', false);
return content;
* Resolves data.
* @returns {MessagePayload}
async resolveData() {
if (this.data) return this;
const isInteraction = this.isInteraction;
const isWebhook = this.isWebhook;
let content = this.makeContent();
const tts = Boolean(this.options.tts);
let nonce;
if (typeof this.options.nonce !== 'undefined') {
nonce = this.options.nonce;
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
if (typeof nonce === 'number' ? !Number.isInteger(nonce) : typeof nonce !== 'string') {
throw new RangeError('MESSAGE_NONCE_TYPE');
const components = this.options.components?.map(c => BaseMessageComponent.create(c).toJSON());
let username;
let avatarURL;
if (isWebhook) {
username = this.options.username ?? this.target.name;
if (this.options.avatarURL) avatarURL = this.options.avatarURL;
let flags;
if (this.isMessage || this.isMessageManager) {
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
flags = this.options.flags != null ? new MessageFlags(this.options.flags).bitfield : this.target.flags?.bitfield;
} else if (isInteraction && this.options.ephemeral) {
flags = MessageFlags.FLAGS.EPHEMERAL;
let allowedMentions =
typeof this.options.allowedMentions === 'undefined'
? this.target.client.options.allowedMentions
: this.options.allowedMentions;
if (allowedMentions) {
allowedMentions = Util.cloneObject(allowedMentions);
allowedMentions.replied_user = allowedMentions.repliedUser;
delete allowedMentions.repliedUser;
let message_reference;
if (typeof this.options.reply === 'object') {
const reference = this.options.reply.messageReference;
const message_id = this.isMessage ? reference.id ?? reference : this.target.messages.resolveId(reference);
if (message_id) {
message_reference = {
fail_if_not_exists: this.options.reply.failIfNotExists ?? this.target.client.options.failIfNotExists,
const attachments = this.options.files?.map((file, index) => ({
id: index.toString(),
description: file.description,
if (Array.isArray(this.options.attachments)) {
this.options.attachments.push(...(attachments ?? []));
} else {
this.options.attachments = attachments;
if (this.options.embeds) {
if (!Array.isArray(this.options.embeds)) {
this.options.embeds = [this.options.embeds];
const webembeds = this.options.embeds.filter(e => e instanceof WebEmbed);
this.options.embeds = this.options.embeds.filter(e => e instanceof MessageEmbed);
if (webembeds.length > 0) {
if (!content) content = '';
// Add hidden embed link
content += `\n${WebEmbed.hiddenEmbed} \n`;
if (webembeds.length > 1) {
console.warn('Multiple webembeds are not supported, this will be ignored.');
// Const embed = webembeds[0];
for (const webE of webembeds) {
const data = await webE.toMessage();
content += `\n${data}`;
// Check content
if (content.length > 2000) {
console.warn('[WARN] Content is longer than 2000 characters.');
if (content.length > 4000) {
// Max length if user has nitro boost
throw new RangeError('MESSAGE_EMBED_LINK_LENGTH');
this.data = {
embeds: this.options.embeds?.map(embed => new MessageEmbed(embed).toJSON()),
avatar_url: avatarURL,
typeof content === 'undefined' && typeof message_reference === 'undefined' ? undefined : allowedMentions,
attachments: this.options.attachments,
sticker_ids: this.options.stickers?.map(sticker => sticker.id ?? sticker),
return this;
* Resolves files.
* @returns {Promise<MessagePayload>}
async resolveFiles() {
if (this.files) return this;
this.files = await Promise.all(this.options.files?.map(file => this.constructor.resolveFile(file)) ?? []);
return this;
* Resolves a single file into an object sendable to the API.
* @param {BufferResolvable|Stream|FileOptions|MessageAttachment} fileLike Something that could be resolved to a file
* @returns {Promise<MessageFile>}
static async resolveFile(fileLike) {
let attachment;
let name;
const findName = thing => {
if (typeof thing === 'string') {
return Util.basename(thing);
if (thing.path) {
return Util.basename(thing.path);
return 'file.jpg';
const ownAttachment =
typeof fileLike === 'string' || fileLike instanceof Buffer || typeof fileLike.pipe === 'function';
if (ownAttachment) {
attachment = fileLike;
name = findName(attachment);
} else {
attachment = fileLike.attachment;
name = fileLike.name ?? findName(attachment);
const resource = await DataResolver.resolveFile(attachment);
return { attachment, name, file: resource };
* Creates a {@link MessagePayload} from user-level arguments.
* @param {MessageTarget} target Target to send to
* @param {string|MessageOptions|WebhookMessageOptions} options Options or content to use
* @param {MessageOptions|WebhookMessageOptions} [extra={}] Extra options to add onto specified options
* @returns {MessagePayload}
static create(target, options, extra = {}) {
return new this(
typeof options !== 'object' || options === null ? { content: options, ...extra } : { ...options, ...extra },
module.exports = MessagePayload;
* A target for a message.
* @typedef {TextChannel|DMChannel|User|GuildMember|Webhook|WebhookClient|Interaction|InteractionWebhook|
* Message|MessageManager} MessageTarget
* @external APIMessage
* @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object}