[FL-3091] SubGhz: add protocol Alutech at-4n (#2352)
* GubGhz: add protocol Alutech at-4n * SubGhz: fix syntax * SubGhz: fix subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_hash_data * SubGhz: add unit test alutech at-4n * SubGhz: add name key Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <alleteam@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
#define KEYSTORE_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/keeloq_mfcodes")
#define CAME_ATOMO_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/came_atomo")
#define NICE_FLOR_S_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/nice_flor_s")
#define ALUTECH_AT_4N_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/alutech_at_4n")
#define TEST_RANDOM_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("unit_tests/subghz/test_random_raw.sub")
#define TEST_TIMEOUT 10000
static SubGhzEnvironment* environment_handler;
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ static void subghz_test_init(void) {
environment_handler, CAME_ATOMO_DIR_NAME);
environment_handler, NICE_FLOR_S_DIR_NAME);
environment_handler, ALUTECH_AT_4N_DIR_NAME);
environment_handler, (void*)&subghz_protocol_registry);
@ -619,6 +622,14 @@ MU_TEST(subghz_decoder_dooya_test) {
"Test decoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_DOOYA_NAME " error\r\n");
MU_TEST(subghz_decoder_alutech_at_4n_test) {
"Test decoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_ALUTECH_AT_4N_NAME " error\r\n");
//test encoders
MU_TEST(subghz_encoder_princeton_test) {
@ -817,6 +828,7 @@ MU_TEST_SUITE(subghz) {
@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ SubGhz* subghz_alloc() {
subghz->txrx->environment = subghz_environment_alloc();
subghz->txrx->environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/came_atomo"));
subghz->txrx->environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/alutech_at_4n"));
subghz->txrx->environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/nice_flor_s"));
@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ void subghz_cli_command_rx(Cli* cli, FuriString* args, void* context) {
subghz_environment_load_keystore(environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/keeloq_mfcodes_user"));
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/came_atomo"));
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/alutech_at_4n"));
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/nice_flor_s"));
subghz_environment_set_protocol_registry(environment, (void*)&subghz_protocol_registry);
@ -452,6 +454,8 @@ void subghz_cli_command_decode_raw(Cli* cli, FuriString* args, void* context) {
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/came_atomo"));
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/alutech_at_4n"));
environment, EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/nice_flor_s"));
subghz_environment_set_protocol_registry(environment, (void*)&subghz_protocol_registry);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Filetype: Flipper SubGhz Keystore RAW File
Version: 0
Encryption: 1
IV: 88 64 A6 A6 44 47 67 8A D6 32 36 F6 B9 06 57 31
Encrypt_data: RAW
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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RAW_Data: -452 783 -462 811 -446 411 -874 383 -852 403 -852 777 -450 411 -838 805 -452 397 -858 805 -484 387 -872 803 -442 805 -448 383 -846 797 -484 777 -474 381 -846 831 -430 807 -482 387 -852 817 -418 805 -452 823 -430 385 -878 377 -876 411 -846 391 -884 811 -444 805 -420 415 -846 399 -852 807 -452 805 -444 803 -450 803 -454 807 -452 397 -850 395 -862 385 -844 427 -840 809 -456 379 -876 407 -880 383 -846 819 -432 387 -872 375 -854 413 -846 387 -886 779 -476 803 -450 801 -444 415 -846 793 -438 415 -846 417 -822 407 -852 417 -852 817 -444 409 -16426 443 -358 431 -388 409 -386 447 -350 449 -382 419 -386 419 -386 417 -386 419 -388 453 -354 453 -356 445 -4018 813 -416 839 -420 817 -418 451 -816 835 -444 809 -450 811 -440 803 -444 407 -830 419 -844 419 -836 805 -420 835 -444 803 -446 409 -868 421 -814 431 -822 807 -452 397 -828 819 -452 415 -856 787 -454 419 -848 837 -410 839 -416 395 -866 787 -450 811 -454 407 -850 805 -454 805 -470 381 -850 833 -418 805 -438 809 -448 397 -860 421 -810 431 -856 381 -888 791 -424 841 -422 415 -820 437 -818 813 -450 813 -454 803 -446 817 -448 829 -410 451 -816 403 -818 413 -850 409 -846 811 -448 415 -834 413 -884 399 -822 815 -452 381 -852 407 -846 415 -846 385 -866 807 -456 809 -446 835 -412 407 -834 815 -450 415 -822 405 -848 419 -844 427 -852 809 -442 407 -16420 425 -422 335 -486 309 -486 309 -522 307 -492 337 -454 351 -466 329 -498 327 -468 323 -472 355 -442 355 -4120 757 -456 773 -478 781 -458 381 -874 771 -482 801 -470 777 -482 805 -450 399 -826 415 -846 387 -866 805 -420 813 -446 831 -458 417 -846 401 -852 381 -840 835 -420 415 -846 795 -440 413 -842 835 -450 407 -860 811 -418 815 -424 413 -842 807 -454 823 -428 411 -842 801 -454 807 -488 401 -822 805 -448 803 -446 803 -426 447 -844 397 -856 381 -870 411 -870 777 -452 829 -432 385 -840 419 -848 797 -438 809 -450 815 -448 833 -440 803 -452 411 -820 415 -848 409 -844 411 -846 779 -462 409 -848 409 -864 421 -844 793 -438 385 -846 419 -850 399 -838 415 -872 777 -478 803 -448 799 -442 417 -848 799 -438 415 -842 409 -826 417 -844 427 -854 807 -452 409 -16402 461 -352 421 -386 421 -386 419 -388 453 -354 453 -354 447 -378 409 -386 439 -376 421 -410 385 -414 415 -4024 831 -418 809 -438 807 -444 409 -838 809 -456 821 -432 841 -414 255 -87638 131 -66 97 -296 97 -264 131 -196 65 -132 231 -632 197 -664 131
RAW_Data: -500 395 -132 461 -132 689 -98 2685 -100 997 -1508 99 -2186 231 -166 231 -134 133 -932 65 -268 99 -132 65 -200 97 -68 163 -234 65 -68 99 -930 331 -98 763 -100 2025 -418 353 -446 385 -414 385 -416 387 -448 355 -442 383 -412 397 -424 405 -388 409 -418 379 -418 415 -4014 443 -814 413 -822 817 -454 801 -436 409 -842 409 -866 415 -838 441 -836 811 -432 387 -842 419 -846 793 -440 807 -448 837 -446 803 -448 835 -420 807 -448 383 -868 379 -850 409 -866 387 -844 825 -468 381 -884 793 -426 415 -842 427 -818 817 -440 407 -830 419 -844 429 -852 387 -872 409 -826 811 -450 813 -418 837 -412 409 -864 417 -844 397 -852 809 -454 805 -448 409 -840 809 -420 813 -458 409 -844 407 -860 385 -878 793 -470 809 -420 817 -416 417 -850 403 -852 381 -852 827 -428 447 -844 401 -854 813 -424 421 -840 419 -812 823 -438 415 -846 409 -844 415 -846 389 -868 809 -458 803 -416 409 -866 813 -418 417 -854 397 -862 419 -842 401 -854 415 -16404 435 -376 409 -410 407 -384 439 -384 409 -410 417 -368 421 -410 407 -378 447 -376 415 -378 447 -380 407 -4022 421 -844 423 -822 821 -418 807 -454 429 -820 421 -836 439 -854 421 -810 821 -436 385 -840 441 -822 813 -448 811 -452 803 -444 835 -444 801 -446 801 -426 447 -808 423 -834 413 -852 407 -840 819 -452 389 -856 813 -444 409 -848 415 -812 809 -458 409 -848 411 -842 415 -844 421 -834 415 -834 835 -418 819 -418 807 -456 393 -856 393 -866 421 -846 799 -474 809 -420 421 -836 811 -420 813 -458 407 -850 413 -842 415 -846 819 -428 835 -416 835 -412 407 -832 421 -842 423 -822 813 -446 407 -864 419 -846 799 -440 413 -850 419 -816 797 -442 413 -850 409 -844 417 -846 423 -834 841 -428 805 -414 435 -822 813 -450 413 -822 437 -818 421 -844 429 -854 411 -16406 427 -418 309 -522 307 -488 303 -520 289 -530 295 -500 323 -470 325 -504 321 -476 321 -476 355 -444 357 -4080 355 -906 339 -882 771 -476 777 -486 381 -874 383 -884 375 -884 387 -852 819 -418 417 -846 399 -854 809 -418 815 -446 837 -420 839 -454 801 -436 807 -452 399 -826 417 -844 391 -852 423 -838 809 -452 431 -852 811 -414 409 -836 417 -844 821 -432 385 -876 385 -850 409 -848 415 -854 421 -840 817 -420 815 -424 817 -448 409 -848 413 -844 389 -854 815 -446 829 -426 413 -842 819 -434 809 -446 409 -838 419 -846 401 -852 811 -456 811 -444 803 -418 417 -848 403 -850 381 -864 805 -450 395 -866 419 -848 801 -474 381 -848 411
RAW_Data: -842 807 -446 381 -872 377 -866 421 -846 401 -854 813 -458 779 -446 407 -832 811 -450 415 -856 399 -856 385 -876 399 -854 411 -16398 435 -392 395 -400 421 -412 385 -412 417 -384 415 -386 415 -418 385 -420 385 -420 417 -390 417 -388 419 -4020 421 -838 421 -812 819 -434 809 -448 397 -864 421 -844 401 -850 413 -858 789 -426 413 -844 419 -836 807 -424 843 -410 829 -442 835 -446 801 -454 809 -420 417 -832 411 -848 249 -88020 133 -896 231 -466 67 -1062 131 -728 163 -98 621 -98 1051 -100 680933 -452 269 -522 273 -554 273 -558 239 -558 271 -490 337 -488 321 -498 295 -500 325 -470 323 -474 353 -4082 757 -492 375 -880 357 -872 777 -486 773 -480 807 -450 805 -444 805 -476 407 -812 413 -834 411 -848 407 -828 813 -450 811 -458 803 -448 835 -446 791 -424 447 -808 427 -818 423 -840 419 -848 401 -854 811 -458 809 -446 801 -416 439 -826 415 -848 813 -430 809 -450 395 -866 419 -846 403 -850 413 -820 407 -848 415 -846 781 -460 805 -446 803 -474 803 -448 835 -420 805 -454 389 -836 409 -842 407 -866 419 -842 399 -854 809 -456 809 -446 409 -840 385 -844 819 -434 809 -450 395 -860 811 -452 393 -886 779 -446 409 -830 419 -842 423 -818 423 -838 419 -844 799 -472 809 -454 385 -844 807 -454 391 -854 395 -860 385 -844 429 -852 809 -454 385 -874 409 -16402 427 -368 455 -358 433 -380 443 -378 415 -378 447 -380 411 -384 409 -406 421 -408 387 -412 415 -386 415 -4026 831 -398 441 -810 417 -832 837 -418 833 -444 803 -446 833 -448 801 -424 449 -810 427 -820 423 -838 419 -812 825 -438 841 -416 845 -446 825 -418 809 -422 419 -822 433 -822 419 -844 425 -820 421 -840 841 -458 797 -436 809 -414 435 -822 419 -844 819 -432 809 -448 395 -864 421 -846 407 -850 411 -808 433 -824 419 -844 819 -432 809 -446 823 -416 837 -454 807 -440 809 -414 435 -828 417 -844 425 -828 415 -848 419 -818 839 -446 807 -422 411 -844 419 -846 795 -438 807 -450 395 -866 811 -454 391 -854 845 -412 407 -832 421 -842 419 -832 411 -824 435 -820 815 -450 811 -460 409 -850 799 -454 407 -824 413 -848 411 -842 415 -844 815 -432 415 -848 405 -16400 441 -432 327 -492 301 -516 307 -484 309 -520 307 -492 339 -454 337 -490 331 -464 327 -500 325 -472 325 -4110 763 -480 373 -852 385 -878 759 -482 775 -474 813 -458 781 -482 789 -454 415 -846 397 -820 411 -840 405 -852 809 -450 811 -458 809 -450 817 -448 803 -426 411 -844 391 -854 393 -866 419 -848 399 -854 811
RAW_Data: -454 811 -444 803 -418 417 -846 403 -850 809 -452 805 -444 411 -840 419 -846 407 -850 415 -836 385 -842 419 -850 797 -438 807 -452 817 -446 801 -486 813 -444 775 -450 409 -838 419 -810 431 -854 379 -848 405 -884 809 -450 817 -430 385 -874 375 -856 811 -446 809 -422 421 -836 835 -452 419 -848 783 -460 409 -814 407 -856 415 -846 383 -870 381 -848 819 -450 811 -472 383 -850 803 -454 415 -838 399 -854 379 -850 407 -848 811 -448 415 -872 387 -16400 451 -374 445 -374 415 -378 415 -412 411 -384 405 -422 409 -410 387 -410 417 -382 417 -384 415 -420 383 -4030 827 -428 411 -842 425 -820 817 -418 833 -426 845 -452 815 -428 837 -416 409 -842 421 -810 431 -820 421 -89106 265 -662 99 -532 131 -598 97 -668 65 -300 761 -198 231 -132 265 -100 233 -100 197
@ -2569,12 +2569,14 @@ Function,+,subghz_block_generic_get_preset_name,void,"const char*, FuriString*"
Function,+,subghz_block_generic_serialize,_Bool,"SubGhzBlockGeneric*, FlipperFormat*, SubGhzRadioPreset*"
Function,+,subghz_environment_get_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name,const char*,SubGhzEnvironment*
Function,+,subghz_environment_get_came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name,const char*,SubGhzEnvironment*
Function,+,subghz_environment_get_nice_flor_s_rainbow_table_file_name,const char*,SubGhzEnvironment*
Function,+,subghz_environment_get_protocol_name_registry,const char*,"SubGhzEnvironment*, size_t"
Function,+,subghz_environment_load_keystore,_Bool,"SubGhzEnvironment*, const char*"
Function,+,subghz_environment_set_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name,void,"SubGhzEnvironment*, const char*"
Function,+,subghz_environment_set_came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name,void,"SubGhzEnvironment*, const char*"
Function,+,subghz_environment_set_nice_flor_s_rainbow_table_file_name,void,"SubGhzEnvironment*, const char*"
Function,+,subghz_environment_set_protocol_registry,void,"SubGhzEnvironment*, void*"
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ struct SubGhzEnvironment {
const SubGhzProtocolRegistry* protocol_registry;
const char* came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name;
const char* nice_flor_s_rainbow_table_file_name;
const char* alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name;
SubGhzEnvironment* subghz_environment_alloc() {
@ -57,6 +58,21 @@ const char*
return instance->came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name;
void subghz_environment_set_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name(
SubGhzEnvironment* instance,
const char* filename) {
instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name = filename;
const char*
subghz_environment_get_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name(SubGhzEnvironment* instance) {
return instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name;
void subghz_environment_set_nice_flor_s_rainbow_table_file_name(
SubGhzEnvironment* instance,
const char* filename) {
@ -52,6 +52,23 @@ void subghz_environment_set_came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name(
const char* subghz_environment_get_came_atomo_rainbow_table_file_name(SubGhzEnvironment* instance);
* Set filename to work with Alutech at-4n.
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
* @param filename Full path to the file
void subghz_environment_set_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name(
SubGhzEnvironment* instance,
const char* filename);
* Get filename to work with Alutech at-4n.
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
* @return Full path to the file
const char*
subghz_environment_get_alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name(SubGhzEnvironment* instance);
* Set filename to work with Nice Flor-S.
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
#include "alutech_at_4n.h"
#include "../blocks/const.h"
#include "../blocks/decoder.h"
#include "../blocks/encoder.h"
#include "../blocks/generic.h"
#include "../blocks/math.h"
#define TAG "SubGhzProtocoAlutech_at_4n"
static const SubGhzBlockConst subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const = {
.te_short = 400,
.te_long = 800,
.te_delta = 140,
.min_count_bit_for_found = 72,
struct SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderBase base;
SubGhzBlockDecoder decoder;
SubGhzBlockGeneric generic;
uint64_t data;
uint32_t crc;
uint16_t header_count;
const char* alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name;
struct SubGhzProtocolEncoderAlutech_at_4n {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderBase base;
SubGhzProtocolBlockEncoder encoder;
SubGhzBlockGeneric generic;
typedef enum {
Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset = 0,
} Alutech_at_4nDecoderStep;
const SubGhzProtocolDecoder subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decoder = {
.alloc = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_alloc,
.free = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_free,
.feed = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_feed,
.reset = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_reset,
.get_hash_data = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_hash_data,
.serialize = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_serialize,
.deserialize = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_deserialize,
.get_string = subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_string,
const SubGhzProtocolEncoder subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_encoder = {
.alloc = NULL,
.free = NULL,
.deserialize = NULL,
.stop = NULL,
.yield = NULL,
const SubGhzProtocol subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n = {
.type = SubGhzProtocolTypeDynamic,
.flag = SubGhzProtocolFlag_433 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_AM | SubGhzProtocolFlag_Decodable,
.decoder = &subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decoder,
.encoder = &subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_encoder,
* Read bytes from rainbow table
* @param file_name Full path to rainbow table the file
* @param number_alutech_at_4n_magic_data number in the array
* @return alutech_at_4n_magic_data
static uint32_t subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(
const char* file_name,
uint8_t number_alutech_at_4n_magic_data) {
if(!strcmp(file_name, "")) return SUBGHZ_NO_ALUTECH_AT_4N_RAINBOW_TABLE;
uint8_t buffer[sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
uint32_t address = number_alutech_at_4n_magic_data * sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t alutech_at_4n_magic_data = 0;
if(subghz_keystore_raw_get_data(file_name, address, buffer, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t); i++) {
alutech_at_4n_magic_data = (alutech_at_4n_magic_data << 8) | buffer[i];
} else {
alutech_at_4n_magic_data = SUBGHZ_NO_ALUTECH_AT_4N_RAINBOW_TABLE;
return alutech_at_4n_magic_data;
static uint8_t subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_crc(uint64_t data) {
uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)&data;
uint8_t crc = 0xff;
for(uint8_t y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
crc = crc ^ p[y];
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if((crc & 0x80) != 0) {
crc <<= 1;
crc ^= 0x31;
} else {
crc <<= 1;
return crc;
static uint8_t subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decrypt_data_crc(uint8_t data) {
uint8_t crc = data;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if((crc & 0x80) != 0) {
crc <<= 1;
crc ^= 0x31;
} else {
crc <<= 1;
return ~crc;
static uint64_t subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decrypt(uint64_t data, const char* file_name) {
uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)&data;
uint32_t data1 = p[0] << 24 | p[1] << 16 | p[2] << 8 | p[3];
uint32_t data2 = p[4] << 24 | p[5] << 16 | p[6] << 8 | p[7];
uint32_t data3 = 0;
uint32_t magic_data[] = {
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 0),
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 1),
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 2),
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 3),
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 4),
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 5)};
uint32_t i = magic_data[0];
do {
data2 = data2 -
((magic_data[1] + (data1 << 4)) ^ ((magic_data[2] + (data1 >> 5)) ^ (data1 + i)));
data3 = data2 + i;
i += magic_data[3];
data1 =
data1 - ((magic_data[4] + (data2 << 4)) ^ ((magic_data[5] + (data2 >> 5)) ^ data3));
} while(i != 0);
p[0] = (uint8_t)(data1 >> 24);
p[1] = (uint8_t)(data1 >> 16);
p[3] = (uint8_t)data1;
p[4] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 24);
p[5] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 16);
p[2] = (uint8_t)(data1 >> 8);
p[6] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 8);
p[7] = (uint8_t)data2;
return data;
// static uint64_t subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_encrypt(uint64_t data, const char* file_name) {
// uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)&data;
// uint32_t data1 = 0;
// uint32_t data2 = p[0] << 24 | p[1] << 16 | p[2] << 8 | p[3];
// uint32_t data3 = p[4] << 24 | p[5] << 16 | p[6] << 8 | p[7];
// uint32_t magic_data[] = {
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 6),
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 4),
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 5),
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 1),
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 2),
// subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_get_magic_data_in_file(file_name, 0)};
// do {
// data1 = data1 + magic_data[0];
// data2 = data2 + ((magic_data[1] + (data3 << 4)) ^
// ((magic_data[2] + (data3 >> 5)) ^ (data1 + data3)));
// data3 = data3 + ((magic_data[3] + (data2 << 4)) ^
// ((magic_data[4] + (data2 >> 5)) ^ (data1 + data2)));
// } while(data1 != magic_data[5]);
// p[0] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 24);
// p[1] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 16);
// p[3] = (uint8_t)data2;
// p[4] = (uint8_t)(data3 >> 24);
// p[5] = (uint8_t)(data3 >> 16);
// p[2] = (uint8_t)(data2 >> 8);
// p[6] = (uint8_t)(data3 >> 8);
// p[7] = (uint8_t)data3;
// return data;
// }
void* subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance =
instance->base.protocol = &subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n;
instance->generic.protocol_name = instance->base.protocol->name;
instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name =
if(instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name) {
TAG, "Loading rainbow table from %s", instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name);
return instance;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_free(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name = NULL;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_reset(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t duration) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
switch(instance->decoder.parser_step) {
case Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset:
if((level) && DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta) {
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepCheckPreambula;
case Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepCheckPreambula:
if((!level) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta)) {
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
if((instance->header_count > 2) &&
(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short * 10) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta * 10)) {
// Found header
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepSaveDuration;
instance->decoder.decode_data = 0;
instance->data = 0;
instance->decoder.decode_count_bit = 0;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
instance->header_count = 0;
case Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepSaveDuration:
if(level) {
instance->decoder.te_last = duration;
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepCheckDuration;
case Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepCheckDuration:
if(!level) {
if(duration >= ((uint32_t)subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short * 2 +
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta)) {
//add last bit
instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1);
} else if(
instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta * 2) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0);
// Found end TX
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit ==
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
if(instance->generic.data != instance->data) {
instance->generic.data = instance->data;
instance->generic.data_count_bit = instance->decoder.decode_count_bit;
instance->crc = instance->decoder.decode_data;
instance->base.callback(&instance->base, instance->base.context);
instance->decoder.decode_data = 0;
instance->data = 0;
instance->decoder.decode_count_bit = 0;
instance->header_count = 0;
} else if(
instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta) &&
(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta * 2)) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1);
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit == 64) {
instance->data = instance->decoder.decode_data;
instance->decoder.decode_data = 0;
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else if(
instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta * 2) &&
(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.te_delta)) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0);
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit == 64) {
instance->data = instance->decoder.decode_data;
instance->decoder.decode_data = 0;
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
instance->header_count = 0;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = Alutech_at_4nDecoderStepReset;
instance->header_count = 0;
* Analysis of received data
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzBlockGeneric* instance
* @param file_name Full path to rainbow table the file
static void subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_remote_controller(
SubGhzBlockGeneric* instance,
uint8_t crc,
const char* file_name) {
* Message format 72bit LSB first
* data crc
* For analysis, you need to turn the package MSB
* in decoded messages format
* crc1 serial cnt key
* crc1 is calculated from the lower part of cnt
* key 1=0xff, 2=0x11, 3=0x22, 4=0x33, 5=0x44
bool status = false;
uint64_t data = subghz_protocol_blocks_reverse_key(instance->data, 64);
crc = subghz_protocol_blocks_reverse_key(crc, 8);
if(crc == subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_crc(data)) {
data = subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decrypt(data, file_name);
status = true;
if(status && ((uint8_t)(data >> 56) ==
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decrypt_data_crc((uint8_t)((data >> 8) & 0xFF)))) {
instance->btn = (uint8_t)data & 0xFF;
instance->cnt = (uint16_t)(data >> 8) & 0xFFFF;
instance->serial = (uint32_t)(data >> 24) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
if(!status) {
instance->btn = 0;
instance->cnt = 0;
instance->serial = 0;
uint8_t subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_hash_data(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
return (uint8_t)instance->crc;
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_serialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format,
SubGhzRadioPreset* preset) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
bool res = subghz_block_generic_serialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format, preset);
if(res && !flipper_format_write_uint32(flipper_format, "CRC", &instance->crc, 1)) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Unable to add CRC");
res = false;
return res;
return subghz_block_generic_serialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format, preset);
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_deserialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
bool ret = false;
do {
if(!subghz_block_generic_deserialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format)) {
if(instance->generic.data_count_bit !=
subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Wrong number of bits in key");
if(!flipper_format_rewind(flipper_format)) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Rewind error");
if(!flipper_format_read_uint32(flipper_format, "CRC", (uint32_t*)&instance->crc, 1)) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Missing CRC");
ret = true;
} while(false);
return ret;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_string(void* context, FuriString* output) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* instance = context;
&instance->generic, instance->crc, instance->alutech_at_4n_rainbow_table_file_name);
uint32_t code_found_hi = instance->generic.data >> 32;
uint32_t code_found_lo = instance->generic.data & 0x00000000ffffffff;
"%s %d\r\n"
"Sn:0x%08lX Btn:0x%01X\r\n"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include "base.h"
#define SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_ALUTECH_AT_4N_NAME "Alutech at-4n"
typedef struct SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n;
typedef struct SubGhzProtocolEncoderAlutech_at_4n SubGhzProtocolEncoderAlutech_at_4n;
extern const SubGhzProtocolDecoder subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_decoder;
extern const SubGhzProtocolEncoder subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n_encoder;
extern const SubGhzProtocol subghz_protocol_alutech_at_4n;
* Allocate SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n.
* @param environment Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
* @return SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n* pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
void* subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment);
* Free SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_free(void* context);
* Reset decoder SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_reset(void* context);
* Parse a raw sequence of levels and durations received from the air.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
* @param level Signal level true-high false-low
* @param duration Duration of this level in, us
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t duration);
* Getting the hash sum of the last randomly received parcel.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
* @return hash Hash sum
uint8_t subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_hash_data(void* context);
* Serialize data SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
* @param flipper_format Pointer to a FlipperFormat instance
* @param preset The modulation on which the signal was received, SubGhzRadioPreset
* @return true On success
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_serialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format,
SubGhzRadioPreset* preset);
* Deserialize data SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
* @param flipper_format Pointer to a FlipperFormat instance
* @return true On success
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_deserialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format);
* Getting a textual representation of the received data.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderAlutech_at_4n instance
* @param output Resulting text
void subghz_protocol_decoder_alutech_at_4n_get_string(void* context, FuriString* output);
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void subghz_protocol_decoder_came_atomo_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t
* Read bytes from rainbow table
* @param file_name Full path to rainbow table the file
* @param number_atomo_magic_xor Сell number in the array
* @param number_atomo_magic_xor number in the array
* @return atomo_magic_xor
static uint64_t subghz_protocol_came_atomo_get_magic_xor_in_file(
@ -390,11 +390,14 @@ void subghz_protocol_decoder_keeloq_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t dur
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.te_delta)) {
// Found end TX
instance->decoder.parser_step = KeeloqDecoderStepReset;
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit >=
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
if((instance->decoder.decode_count_bit >=
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.min_count_bit_for_found) &&
(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit <=
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.min_count_bit_for_found + 2)) {
if(instance->generic.data != instance->decoder.decode_data) {
instance->generic.data = instance->decoder.decode_data;
instance->generic.data_count_bit = instance->decoder.decode_count_bit;
instance->generic.data_count_bit =
instance->base.callback(&instance->base, instance->base.context);
@ -411,6 +414,8 @@ void subghz_protocol_decoder_keeloq_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t dur
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit <
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1);
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = KeeloqDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else if(
@ -421,6 +426,8 @@ void subghz_protocol_decoder_keeloq_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t dur
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit <
subghz_protocol_keeloq_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0);
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = KeeloqDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else {
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const SubGhzProtocol* subghz_protocol_registry_items[] = {
const SubGhzProtocolRegistry subghz_protocol_registry = {
@ -40,5 +40,6 @@
#include "smc5326.h"
#include "holtek_ht12x.h"
#include "dooya.h"
#include "alutech_at_4n.h"
extern const SubGhzProtocolRegistry subghz_protocol_registry;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user