#include "subghz_read_raw.h" #include "../subghz_i.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE 100 #define TAG "SubghzReadRAW" struct SubghzReadRAW { View* view; SubghzReadRAWCallback callback; void* context; }; typedef struct { string_t frequency_str; string_t preset_str; string_t sample_write; string_t file_name; uint8_t* rssi_history; bool rssi_history_end; uint8_t ind_write; uint8_t ind_sin; SubghzReadRAWStatus satus; } SubghzReadRAWModel; void subghz_read_raw_set_callback( SubghzReadRAW* subghz_read_raw, SubghzReadRAWCallback callback, void* context) { furi_assert(subghz_read_raw); furi_assert(callback); subghz_read_raw->callback = callback; subghz_read_raw->context = context; } void subghz_read_raw_add_data_statusbar( SubghzReadRAW* instance, const char* frequency_str, const char* preset_str) { furi_assert(instance); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { string_set(model->frequency_str, frequency_str); string_set(model->preset_str, preset_str); return true; }); } void subghz_read_raw_add_data_rssi(SubghzReadRAW* instance, float rssi) { furi_assert(instance); uint8_t u_rssi = 0; if(rssi < -90) { u_rssi = 0; } else { u_rssi = (uint8_t)((rssi + 90) / 2.7); } //if(u_rssi > 34) u_rssi = 34; with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { model->rssi_history[model->ind_write++] = u_rssi; if(model->ind_write > SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE) { model->rssi_history_end = true; model->ind_write = 0; } return true; }); } void subghz_read_raw_update_sample_write(SubghzReadRAW* instance, size_t sample) { furi_assert(instance); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { string_printf(model->sample_write, "%d spl.", sample); return false; }); } void subghz_read_raw_stop_send(SubghzReadRAW* instance) { furi_assert(instance); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { switch(model->satus) { case SubghzReadRAWStatusTXRepeat: case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTXRepeat: instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWSendStart, instance->context); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusTX: model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX: model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE; break; default: FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "unknown status"); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; break; } return true; }); } void subghz_read_raw_update_sin(SubghzReadRAW* instance) { furi_assert(instance); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->ind_sin++ > 62) { model->ind_sin = 0; } return true; }); } static int8_t subghz_read_raw_tab_sin(uint8_t x) { const uint8_t tab_sin[64] = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 127, 127, 127}; int8_t r = tab_sin[((x & 0x40) ? -x - 1 : x) & 0x3f]; if(x & 0x80) return -r; return r; } void subghz_read_raw_draw_sin(Canvas* canvas, SubghzReadRAWModel* model) { #define SUBGHZ_RAW_SIN_AMPLITUDE 11 for(int i = 113; i > 0; i--) { canvas_draw_line( canvas, i, 32 - subghz_read_raw_tab_sin(i + model->ind_sin * 16) / SUBGHZ_RAW_SIN_AMPLITUDE, i + 1, 32 + subghz_read_raw_tab_sin((i + model->ind_sin * 16 + 1) * 2) / SUBGHZ_RAW_SIN_AMPLITUDE); canvas_draw_line( canvas, i + 1, 32 - subghz_read_raw_tab_sin((i + model->ind_sin * 16)) / SUBGHZ_RAW_SIN_AMPLITUDE, i + 2, 32 + subghz_read_raw_tab_sin((i + model->ind_sin * 16 + 1) * 2) / SUBGHZ_RAW_SIN_AMPLITUDE); } } void subghz_read_raw_draw_scale(Canvas* canvas, SubghzReadRAWModel* model) { #define SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE 14 #define SUBGHZ_RAW_END_SCALE 115 if(model->rssi_history_end == false) { for(int i = SUBGHZ_RAW_END_SCALE; i > 0; i -= 15) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, i, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 4); canvas_draw_line(canvas, i - 5, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i - 5, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 2); canvas_draw_line( canvas, i - 10, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i - 10, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 2); } } else { for(int i = SUBGHZ_RAW_END_SCALE - model->ind_write % 15; i > -15; i -= 15) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, i, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 4); if(SUBGHZ_RAW_END_SCALE > i + 5) canvas_draw_line( canvas, i + 5, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i + 5, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 2); if(SUBGHZ_RAW_END_SCALE > i + 10) canvas_draw_line( canvas, i + 10, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE, i + 10, SUBGHZ_RAW_TOP_SCALE + 2); } } } void subghz_read_raw_draw_rssi(Canvas* canvas, SubghzReadRAWModel* model) { int ind = 0; int base = 0; if(model->rssi_history_end == false) { for(int i = model->ind_write; i >= 0; i--) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, i, 47, i, 47 - model->rssi_history[i]); } if(model->ind_write > 3) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, model->ind_write, 47, model->ind_write, 13); canvas_draw_line(canvas, model->ind_write - 2, 12, model->ind_write + 2, 12); canvas_draw_line(canvas, model->ind_write - 1, 13, model->ind_write + 1, 13); } } else { base = SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE - model->ind_write; for(int i = SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE; i >= 0; i--) { ind = i - base; if(ind < 0) ind += SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE; canvas_draw_line(canvas, i, 47, i, 47 - model->rssi_history[ind]); } canvas_draw_line( canvas, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE, 47, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE, 13); canvas_draw_line( canvas, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE - 2, 12, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE + 2, 12); canvas_draw_line( canvas, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE - 1, 13, SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE + 1, 13); } } void subghz_read_raw_draw(Canvas* canvas, SubghzReadRAWModel* model) { uint8_t graphics_mode = 1; canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 5, 8, string_get_cstr(model->frequency_str)); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 40, 8, string_get_cstr(model->preset_str)); canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, 126, 0, AlignRight, AlignTop, string_get_cstr(model->sample_write)); canvas_draw_line(canvas, 0, 14, 115, 14); canvas_draw_line(canvas, 0, 48, 115, 48); canvas_draw_line(canvas, 115, 14, 115, 48); switch(model->satus) { case SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE: elements_button_left(canvas, "Erase"); elements_button_center(canvas, "Send"); elements_button_right(canvas, "Save"); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE: elements_button_left(canvas, "New"); elements_button_center(canvas, "Send"); elements_button_right(canvas, "More"); elements_text_box( canvas, 4, 12, 110, 44, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, string_get_cstr(model->file_name)); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusTX: case SubghzReadRAWStatusTXRepeat: case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX: case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTXRepeat: graphics_mode = 0; elements_button_center(canvas, "Send"); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusStart: elements_button_left(canvas, "Config"); elements_button_center(canvas, "REC"); break; default: elements_button_center(canvas, "Stop"); break; } if(graphics_mode == 0) { subghz_read_raw_draw_sin(canvas, model); } else { subghz_read_raw_draw_rssi(canvas, model); subghz_read_raw_draw_scale(canvas, model); canvas_set_font_direction(canvas, CanvasDirectionBottomToTop); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 126, 40, "RSSI"); canvas_set_font_direction(canvas, CanvasDirectionLeftToRight); } } bool subghz_read_raw_input(InputEvent* event, void* context) { furi_assert(context); SubghzReadRAW* instance = context; if((event->key == InputKeyOk) && (event->type == InputTypeLong || event->type == InputTypeRepeat)) { //we check that if we hold the transfer button, //further check of events is not needed, we exit return false; } else if(event->key == InputKeyOk && event->type == InputTypePress) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { uint8_t ret = false; switch(model->satus) { case SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE: // Start TX instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWSendStart, instance->context); instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWVibro, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusTXRepeat; ret = true; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusTX: // Start TXRepeat model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusTXRepeat; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE: // Start Load Key TX instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWSendStart, instance->context); instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWVibro, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTXRepeat; ret = true; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX: // Start Load Key TXRepeat model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTXRepeat; break; default: break; } return ret; }); } else if(event->key == InputKeyOk && event->type == InputTypeRelease) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusTXRepeat) { // Stop repeat TX model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusTX; } else if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTXRepeat) { // Stop repeat TX model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX; } return false; }); } else if(event->key == InputKeyBack && event->type == InputTypeShort) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { switch(model->satus) { case SubghzReadRAWStatusREC: //Stop REC instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWIDLE, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX: //Stop TxRx instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWTXRXStop, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusTX: //Stop TxRx instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWTXRXStop, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE: //Exit instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWBack, instance->context); break; default: //Exit instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWBack, instance->context); break; } return true; }); } else if(event->key == InputKeyLeft && event->type == InputTypeShort) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusStart) { //Config instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWConfig, instance->context); } else if( (model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE) || (model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE)) { //Erase model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusStart; model->rssi_history_end = false; model->ind_write = 0; string_set(model->sample_write, "0 spl."); string_reset(model->file_name); instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWErase, instance->context); } return true; }); } else if(event->key == InputKeyRight && event->type == InputTypeShort) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE) { //Save instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWSave, instance->context); } else if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE) { //More instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWMore, instance->context); } return true; }); } else if(event->key == InputKeyOk && event->type == InputTypeShort) { with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusStart) { //Record instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWREC, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusREC; model->ind_write = 0; model->rssi_history_end = false; } else if(model->satus == SubghzReadRAWStatusREC) { //Stop instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWIDLE, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; } return true; }); } return true; } void subghz_read_raw_set_status( SubghzReadRAW* instance, SubghzReadRAWStatus satus, const char* file_name) { furi_assert(instance); switch(satus) { case SubghzReadRAWStatusStart: with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusStart; model->rssi_history_end = false; model->ind_write = 0; string_reset(model->file_name); string_set(model->sample_write, "0 spl."); return true; }); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE: with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE; return true; }); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyTX: with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE; model->rssi_history_end = false; model->ind_write = 0; string_set(model->file_name, file_name); string_set(model->sample_write, "RAW"); return true; }); break; case SubghzReadRAWStatusSaveKey: with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE; if(!model->ind_write) { string_set(model->file_name, file_name); string_set(model->sample_write, "RAW"); } else { string_reset(model->file_name); } return true; }); break; default: FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "unknown status"); break; } } void subghz_read_raw_enter(void* context) { furi_assert(context); //SubghzReadRAW* instance = context; } void subghz_read_raw_exit(void* context) { furi_assert(context); SubghzReadRAW* instance = context; with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { if(model->satus != SubghzReadRAWStatusIDLE && model->satus != SubghzReadRAWStatusStart && model->satus != SubghzReadRAWStatusLoadKeyIDLE) { instance->callback(SubghzCustomEventViewReadRAWIDLE, instance->context); model->satus = SubghzReadRAWStatusStart; } return true; }); } SubghzReadRAW* subghz_read_raw_alloc() { SubghzReadRAW* instance = furi_alloc(sizeof(SubghzReadRAW)); // View allocation and configuration instance->view = view_alloc(); view_allocate_model(instance->view, ViewModelTypeLocking, sizeof(SubghzReadRAWModel)); view_set_context(instance->view, instance); view_set_draw_callback(instance->view, (ViewDrawCallback)subghz_read_raw_draw); view_set_input_callback(instance->view, subghz_read_raw_input); view_set_enter_callback(instance->view, subghz_read_raw_enter); view_set_exit_callback(instance->view, subghz_read_raw_exit); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { string_init(model->frequency_str); string_init(model->preset_str); string_init(model->sample_write); string_init(model->file_name); model->rssi_history = furi_alloc(SUBGHZ_READ_RAW_RSSI_HISTORY_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); return true; }); return instance; } void subghz_read_raw_free(SubghzReadRAW* instance) { furi_assert(instance); with_view_model( instance->view, (SubghzReadRAWModel * model) { string_clear(model->frequency_str); string_clear(model->preset_str); string_clear(model->sample_write); string_clear(model->file_name); free(model->rssi_history); return true; }); view_free(instance->view); free(instance); } View* subghz_read_raw_get_view(SubghzReadRAW* instance) { furi_assert(instance); return instance->view; }