#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef void(*BleGlueKeyStorageChangedCallback)(uint8_t* change_addr_start, uint16_t size, void* context);

/** Initialize start core2 and initialize transport */
void ble_glue_init();

/** Start Core2 Radio stack
 * @return     true on success
bool ble_glue_start();

/** Is core2 alive and at least FUS is running
 * @return     true if core2 is alive
bool ble_glue_is_alive();

/** Is core2 radio stack present and ready
 * @return     true if present and ready
bool ble_glue_is_radio_stack_ready();

/** Set callback for NVM in RAM changes
 * @param[in]  callback  The callback to call on NVM change
 * @param      context   The context for callback
void ble_glue_set_key_storage_changed_callback(BleGlueKeyStorageChangedCallback callback, void* context);

#ifdef __cplusplus