 * @file log.h
 * Furi Logging system
#pragma once

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum {
    FuriLogLevelDefault = 0,
    FuriLogLevelNone = 1,
    FuriLogLevelError = 2,
    FuriLogLevelWarn = 3,
    FuriLogLevelInfo = 4,
    FuriLogLevelDebug = 5,
    FuriLogLevelTrace = 6,
} FuriLogLevel;

#define _FURI_LOG_CLR(clr) "\033[0;" clr "m"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_RESET "\033[0m"

#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_BLACK "30"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_RED "31"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_GREEN "32"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_BROWN "33"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_BLUE "34"
#define _FURI_LOG_CLR_PURPLE "35"


typedef void (*FuriLogPuts)(const char* data);
typedef uint32_t (*FuriLogTimestamp)(void);

/** Initialize logging */
void furi_log_init();

/** Print log record
 * @param level 
 * @param tag 
 * @param format 
 * @param ... 
void furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevel level, const char* tag, const char* format, ...)
    _ATTRIBUTE((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)));

/** Print log record
 * @param level 
 * @param format 
 * @param ... 
void furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevel level, const char* format, ...)
    _ATTRIBUTE((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));

/** Set log level
 * @param[in]  level  The level
void furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevel level);

/** Get log level
 * @return     The furi log level.
FuriLogLevel furi_log_get_level();

/** Set log output callback
 * @param[in]  puts  The puts callback
void furi_log_set_puts(FuriLogPuts puts);

/** Set timestamp callback
 * @param[in]  timestamp  The timestamp callback
void furi_log_set_timestamp(FuriLogTimestamp timestamp);

/** Log methods
 * @param      tag     The application tag
 * @param      format  The format
 * @param      ...     VA Args
#define FURI_LOG_E(tag, format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevelError, tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_W(tag, format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevelWarn, tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_I(tag, format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevelInfo, tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_D(tag, format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevelDebug, tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_T(tag, format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_format(FuriLogLevelTrace, tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

/** Log methods
 * @param      format  The raw format 
 * @param      ...     VA Args
#define FURI_LOG_RAW_E(format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevelError, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_RAW_W(format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevelWarn, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_RAW_I(format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevelInfo, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_RAW_D(format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevelDebug, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FURI_LOG_RAW_T(format, ...) \
    furi_log_print_raw_format(FuriLogLevelTrace, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#ifdef __cplusplus