 * @file elements.h
 * GUI: Elements API
 * Canvas helpers and UI building blocks.

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <m-string.h>
#include "canvas.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


/** Draw progress bar.
 * @param   canvas      Canvas instance
 * @param   x           progress bar position on X axis
 * @param   y           progress bar position on Y axis
 * @param   width       progress bar width
 * @param   progress    progress in unnamed metric
 * @param   total       total amount in unnamed metric
void elements_progress_bar(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    uint8_t width,
    uint8_t progress,
    uint8_t total);

/** Draw scrollbar on canvas at specific position.
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   x       scrollbar position on X axis
 * @param   y       scrollbar position on Y axis
 * @param   height  scrollbar height
 * @param   pos     current element
 * @param   total   total elements
void elements_scrollbar_pos(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    uint8_t height,
    uint16_t pos,
    uint16_t total);

/** Draw scrollbar on canvas.
 * @note    width 3px, height equal to canvas height
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   pos     current element of total elements
 * @param   total   total elements
void elements_scrollbar(Canvas* canvas, uint16_t pos, uint16_t total);

/** Draw rounded frame
 * @param   canvas          Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y            top left corner coordinates
 * @param   width, height   frame width and height
void elements_frame(Canvas* canvas, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);

/** Draw button in left corner
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   str     button text
void elements_button_left(Canvas* canvas, const char* str);

/** Draw button in right corner
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   str     button text
void elements_button_right(Canvas* canvas, const char* str);

/** Draw button in center
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   str     button text
void elements_button_center(Canvas* canvas, const char* str);

/** Draw aligned multiline text
 * @param   canvas                  Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y                    coordinates based on align param
 * @param   horizontal, vertical    aligment of multiline text
 * @param   text                    string (possible multiline)
void elements_multiline_text_aligned(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    Align horizontal,
    Align vertical,
    const char* text);

/** Draw multiline text
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y    top left corner coordinates
 * @param   text    string (possible multiline)
void elements_multiline_text(Canvas* canvas, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char* text);

/** Draw framed multiline text
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y    top left corner coordinates
 * @param   text    string (possible multiline)
void elements_multiline_text_framed(Canvas* canvas, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char* text);

/** Draw slightly rounded frame
 * @param   canvas          Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y            top left corner coordinates
 * @param   width, height   size of frame
void elements_slightly_rounded_frame(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    uint8_t width,
    uint8_t height);

/** Draw slightly rounded box
 * @param   canvas          Canvas instance
 * @param   x, y            top left corner coordinates
 * @param   width, height   size of box
void elements_slightly_rounded_box(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    uint8_t width,
    uint8_t height);

/** Draw bubble frame for text
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   x       left x coordinates
 * @param   y       top y coordinate
 * @param   width   bubble width
 * @param   height  bubble height
void elements_bubble(Canvas* canvas, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);

/** Trim string buffer to fit width in pixels
 * @param   canvas  Canvas instance
 * @param   string  string to trim
 * @param   width   max width
void elements_string_fit_width(Canvas* canvas, string_t string, uint8_t width);

/** Draw text box element
 * @param       canvas      Canvas instance
 * @param       x           x coordinate
 * @param       y           y coordinate
 * @param       width       width to fit text
 * @param       height      height to fit text
 * @param       horizontal  Align instance
 * @param       vertical    Align instance
 * @param[in]   text        Formatted text. The following formats are available:
 *                          "\e#Bold text\e#" - bold font is used
 *                          "\e*Monospaced text\e*" - monospaced font is used
 *                          "\e#Inversed text\e#" - white text on black background
void elements_text_box(
    Canvas* canvas,
    uint8_t x,
    uint8_t y,
    uint8_t width,
    uint8_t height,
    Align horizontal,
    Align vertical,
    const char* text);

#ifdef __cplusplus