import SCons from SCons.Subst import quote_spaces import re import os import random import string WINPATHSEP_RE = re.compile(r"\\([^\"'\\]|$)") def tempfile_arg_esc_func(arg): arg = quote_spaces(arg) if SCons.Platform.platform_default() != "win32": return arg # GCC requires double Windows slashes, let's use UNIX separator return WINPATHSEP_RE.sub(r"/\1", arg) def wrap_tempfile(env, command): env[command] = '${TEMPFILE("' + env[command] + '","$' + command + 'STR")}' def link_dir(target_path, source_path, is_windows): # print(f"link_dir: {target_path} -> {source_path}") if os.path.lexists(target_path) or os.path.exists(target_path): os.unlink(target_path) if is_windows: # Crete junction import _winapi if not os.path.isdir(source_path): raise Exception(f"Source directory {source_path} is not a directory") if not os.path.exists(target_path): _winapi.CreateJunction(source_path, target_path) else: os.symlink(source_path, target_path) def single_quote(arg_list): return " ".join(f"'{arg}'" if " " in arg else str(arg) for arg in arg_list) def link_elf_dir_as_latest(env, elf_node): elf_dir = elf_node.Dir(".") latest_dir = env.Dir("#build/latest") print(f"Setting {elf_dir} as latest built dir (./build/latest/)") return link_dir(latest_dir.abspath, elf_dir.abspath, env["PLATFORM"] == "win32") def should_gen_cdb_and_link_dir(env, requested_targets): explicitly_building_updater = False # Hacky way to check if updater-related targets were requested for build_target in requested_targets: if "updater" in str(build_target): explicitly_building_updater = True is_updater = not env["IS_BASE_FIRMWARE"] # If updater is explicitly requested, link to the latest updater # Otherwise, link to firmware return (is_updater and explicitly_building_updater) or ( not is_updater and not explicitly_building_updater )